All You Need Is Love (19 page)

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Authors: Janet Nissenson

Tags: #Adult, #Contemporary, #Romance

BOOK: All You Need Is Love
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Alexis was glowing with happiness as she walked inside the owners’ suite where Nathan had spent last night – alone. Given its size, elegant furnishings, and expansive private patio, it had made perfect sense for Nathan and his groomsmen to dress in here. It also provided the ideal backdrop for photos.

His mother pressed a light kiss to his cheek. “How handsome you look, darling,” she told him proudly, and then grinned at her husband and other sons. “You
look wonderful. Oh, this is going to make such a lovely family portrait.”

Alexis looked like a beam of sunshine in her frothy yellow dress, and stood proudly in the midst of her four men as the photographer snapped shot after shot. And then it was time for them to make their way to the garden chapel where the wedding ceremony would be held. Guests would be arriving soon, and Jared and Greg needed to be in place before then.

Alexis linked arms with Nathan as they walked through the ultra-luxe hotel lobby that led to the outside gardens.

“This is such a beautiful hotel,” she gushed. “I couldn’t have imagined a more perfect setting for your wedding, darling.”

Nathan grinned. “Apparently Julia has dreamed of getting married here since she was a little girl. Madelyn brought her and Lauren here for the first time when they were around seven for some sort of holiday party. She’s just lucky the owner of this place is such a good client – and friend. Otherwise, she would have had to pick a different location or wait two years for an open date.”

“Well, as usual, she has wonderful taste,” declared Alexis. “And so detail oriented. Everyone loves the gift bags she left in our rooms.”

Nathan winced. “Sore subject, Mom. Those gift bags almost pushed Julia over the edge last month. She was so hell bent on having everything perfect that she worked herself into a frenzy.”

“Poor thing. I tried to tell you that six months wasn’t nearly enough time to plan a wedding of this scale,” Alexis scolded.

He grinned. “I couldn’t wait any longer. After we, uh, were, well, apart for so many months I didn’t want to waste even one more week not being married to Julia.”

She patted him on the arm. “I know, dear. And you’re a very lucky boy that you finally did the right thing by that beautiful girl. When I learned what had happened in New York, I was furious. And so disappointed in you, Nathan.”

Nathan scowled. “Yeah, remind me to find a way to repay Jared for tattling on me to Mom and Dad.”

“Now, Nathan, you know he didn’t mean to tell me – it just sort of slipped out one evening. Though I’ll never, ever understand how you could have chosen that awful Cameron over an angel like Julia.” Alexis shook her head in bewilderment.

“Let’s not mention that particular name again, Mom,” chastised Nathan. “And especially not today, okay?”

Alexis looked flustered. “Oh, how insensitive of me, darling. I’m so sorry. Sometimes my mouth works faster than my brain. We’ll never mention that name again. I promise.”

He gave his mother’s hand a gentle squeeze. “It’s okay. And you’re right – I’m not sure what the hell I was thinking of. I should have chained Julia to my side the first time I saw her.”

“Well, of course you should have, you silly boy. But the important thing is that it all worked out in the end. You know,” she confessed, lowering her voice, “I never like to play favorites, but Julia is definitely mine over Brooke or Emma. But don’t ever tell your brothers that!”

“Yeah,” agreed Nathan sarcastically. “Especially Jared since he obviously can’t keep his big mouth shut.”

“You chose well,” Alexis told him gently. “I adored Julia from the very first time we met, and now it’s as though she’s my own daughter. Though, of course,” she added with a quick grin, “I certainly wouldn’t object to a granddaughter or two one of these days.”

He laughed heartily and enfolded his mother in an affectionate hug. “I’ll pass along your wishes to my bride, Mom. Though don’t expect anymore grandchildren just yet. I want Julia all to myself for awhile.”


“Let me have one more look at my beautiful girls now before I have to take my seat. Especially since it will likely be some time before I see Lauren in a dress again.”

Julia and Lauren both grinned at their mother but stood obediently still as Natalie gave them a final onceover.

“Perfect, the pair of you,” declared Natalie. “Lauren, despite the grief you gave your poor sister about this dress, I must say you picked a winner. You look stunning, darling. Just stunning.”

Lauren squeezed her mother’s hand. “Thanks, Mom. Though I’ll tell both of you now – as soon as I’m able these shoes are coming off and I’m heading for the nearest bathroom to wash off this makeup.”

The mint green floral print bridesmaid’s dress could have been made for Lauren. The V-neck style, with a dark green grosgrain belt and long, floating chiffon skirt suited her petite, curvy body, and the vivid colors suited her creamy complexion, huge emerald eyes, and thick, tawny curls to perfection. Strappy high heeled sandals of a metallic bronze complemented the dress, and Lauren had even consented to having her toenails painted the same pale pink shade as her fingernail polish and lip gloss. A thin gold chain with a dainty emerald and diamond pendant – Julia’s bridesmaid gift to her and Angela – was her only jewelry.

Natalie touched her cheek softly. “Don’t rush it, darling. Let me and your aunt enjoy this for a little while, hmm?”

Lauren grinned. “Well, maybe I can stand it for a few hours. But if I start getting a blister these sandals are definitely coming off!”

“It’s a deal.”

Natalie turned to her other daughter next, the one who rarely if ever wore anything
a dress and heels. It was no surprise at all to see what a breathtakingly beautiful bride Julia made. Natalie could only sigh with pleasure.

“I can’t find the words, my darling. You look like a dream, Julia, just a dream.”

Julia had known from the moment she’d seen this particular wedding gown that it could have been designed just for her. The gorgeous ivory tulle ball gown had a sleeveless Alencon lace bodice accented with ivory moiré ribbon. The rather demure sweetheart neckline was offset by the daring, deep V-cut of the back. It was romantic and feminine and alluring all at the same time. Sky high Jimmy Choo sandals of ivory and white satin coordinated perfectly with the dreamy gown. She’d chosen to leave her hair down – mostly due to Nathan’s request – and the fat, glossy curls tumbled more than halfway down her back. Her expertly applied makeup was soft and exquisitely feminine, all pretty pastels that lent further to the dreamlike quality of her appearance. The only jewelry she wore was a dainty pair of pearl and diamond drop earrings – an early wedding present from Nathan.

Even Lauren was uncharacteristically serious as she inspected her twin, and there was a sheen of tears in her eyes as she hugged Julia fiercely. “Mom’s right – you look like a dream, baby sis. Way, way prettier than any Barbie doll could ever hope to be.”

Julia laughed. “Thanks. I think both of us will do. And let’s not forget Angie. Where is she anyway?”

Lauren frowned. “She was just here. You know, call me crazy – which I know you frequently do – but remember that guy she was talking to at your bachelorette party last weekend?”

Julia nodded. “The one who reminded you of the devil?”

“Yup, that’s the guy. I could swear I saw someone who looks just like him here in the hotel a few minutes ago when I was walking through the lobby. Hell of a coincidence, wouldn’t you say?”

“Too much of one. You think he’s stalking her or something?”

Lauren’s mouth tightened. “I don’t know. But if it is him and he dares to try anything - ”

“Then I’m sure Angela is very capable of speaking up for herself,” interjected Natalie. “So don’t plan on attacking the man, darling. Especially not during your sister’s wedding. Ah, here’s Angela now.”

The McKinnon sisters looked up as their tall, raven-haired friend hurried inside the small room adjacent to the wedding chapel where they had been making some final touch ups to their hair and makeup before the start of the ceremony. Angela was very obviously flustered, her cheeks flushed and her eyes bright as she struggled visibly to regain her composure.

Lauren frowned. “Where the hell have you been? And what’s up anyway?”

Angela shook her head as she checked her reflection in the mirror. “Not a thing. Is that my bouquet?”

Natalie handed her the beautiful arrangement of pale pink roses and light green hydrangeas. “Here you are, dear. And, uh, your lip gloss is a bit smudged.”

Angela hastily reached for the tube of pale pink gloss that had been left within easy reach on a low table. “Thanks. I must have mussed it up when I got a drink of water.”

Lauren shook her head. “Yeah, like any of us are going to believe
story. I saw him, Angie. That same guy from the night of Julia’s party. What the hell is he doing here?”

Angela opened her mouth to protest but Natalie held up a hand to ward her off.

“This isn’t the time or place for that, Lauren,” she stated firmly. “If Angela wants to talk about this man you think you saw, you can do it later. And not during your sister’s wedding.”

Angela gave Lauren a smug look. “She’s right, Lauren. Today is Julia’s day. Besides, there’s nothing to discuss. You must be seeing things.”

“I’m beginning to see a lot of things,” grumbled Lauren. “And if I happen to see that guy again I’ll just go up and introduce myself and ask him my questions.”

Before Angela could offer up a retort, Robert strolled briskly inside the room, a smile on his handsome face.

“They’re ready for us, my girls. Natalie, my love, you’re up first.”

Natalie gave each of the girls one last kiss on the cheek, including Angela, whom she’d always welcomed into her home and treated like her own child. The shimmer of tears in her eyes was unmistakable.

“How beautiful you all look,” she murmured, her voice catching a little. “And how proud I am of all three of you. I wish I could paint the group of you just the way you look right now.”

Robert gave her a brief peck on the lips. “Shush, now, darlin’. You’re going to make all of them cry. Even Lauren. And then they’d have to re-do their makeup and delay the wedding. So, off with you now. We’ll be along in a moment.”

Julia grinned as her mother left the room, and moments later she could hear the strains of
Pachelbel’s Canon in D
being played by the string quartet out in the garden. She took her father’s proffered arm as he ushered her outside.

Angela and Lauren each gave her one more hug, with Lauren whispering fiercely, “For God’s sake, don’t break your ankle in those stupid shoes or trip on that train. I told you it was way too long.”

And then it was time for her bridesmaid and maid of honor to take their walk up the white carpeted aisle to the front of the chapel – where Julia knew Nathan, his brothers and the minister awaited.

Nervous little butterflies began to flutter in her tummy as the moment approached for her to begin the processional. She took a deep breath and gripped Robert’s arm a little tighter.

Her father patted her hand reassuringly. “All right there, my love? You’re not nervous, are you?”

Julia smiled. “Maybe a little bit. Just don’t let me trip, Daddy, that’s all I ask.”

Robert guffawed. “Don’t let your sister put crazy thoughts in your head, hmm? And don’t forget – I’ve seen you break into a jog wearing heels that high and in a tight skirt to boot. You just hang onto me, darlin’, and I’ll get you to your man safe and sound. Ah, it’s time.”

The string quartet had smoothly segued into
Here Comes the Bride
, providing Julia’s cue to begin the leisurely walk up the aisle. Clutching her father’s arm, she let him guide her past the rows of smiling faces, barely hearing the “oohs” and “ahhs” of admiration as she glided along. From the corner of her eye she spied too many familiar faces to count – Travis, Anton, Courtney, Sam; her former boss Gerard; Ian and Tessa. As she drew ever closer to the front of the chapel, she offered up a beaming smile to Aunt Maddy and her uncle Mal, and then to Nathan’s parents and grandmother.

And then she met and held the gaze of her beloved – the gorgeous, sexy man who was going to be her husband in just a few more minutes – and the rest of the chapel, the rest of the world – ceased to exist.

Nathan’s light blue eyes were glittering fiercely as they locked with her own wide-eyed stare, and the corners of his mouth began to lift up into a smile. As it always did when she saw him, her heart gave a little pitter-patter and she instantly forgot the nervous butterflies in her tummy. She handed her bouquet to Lauren before turning to her father. Robert’s eyes, so like her own, grew a bit misty as he lifted her veil and pressed a kiss to her cheek. Then, without a word, he took her hand and placed it in Nathan’s outstretched palm before taking his seat.

Julia thought faintly that it was a very good thing she and Nathan had ultimately decided against writing their own vows. She’d toyed with the idea more than once, but had eventually discarded it when Nathan hadn’t seemed all that thrilled at the prospect, and when Lauren had very outspokenly declared such things “were pretentious and dorky as hell.” And now, as the minister began the ceremony, Julia realized she would have been far too dazed – and dazzled – to remember them anyway.

But when it came time to repeat the more traditional vows the minister recited, her voice was clear and steady, with no hesitation whatsoever. By contrast, Nathan’s voice was husky and a little shaky. Julia smiled at him encouragingly, squeezing his hands a little tighter, and gazing up into his eyes adoringly.

They exchanged their rings, and Julia felt like her heart would burst with all the love and happiness humming through her body at this moment. She was very nearly oblivious to the presence of anyone else in the garden, so intensely focused on Nathan that they could have been the only two people in the world at this particular time.

And then the minister was pronouncing them husband and wife, smiling down at the visibly impatient groom.

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