Alone (16 page)

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Authors: Sean-Paul Thomas

Tags: #Suspense, #Sci fi, #Mystery

BOOK: Alone
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'I need to tell you something.' She said with a distressed look in her eyes.

'Okay... So tell me.'

Haley glanced away trying to find the right words.

'It's about a feeling that's coming back to me... about my past.'

'Well that's good... isn't it?'

'I don't know. But it doesn't feel good this feeling you know. It doesn't feel good at all Jason.'

Some tears formed in Haley's eyes as Jason pulled her close towards him, holding her tightly in his arms for a long moment.

'I feel so scared Jason.' Whispered Haley. Jason wiped away the tears from her eyes.

'Hey... It's all right, it's okay. There's no need to be scared okay. What you're feeling, this nervous feeling inside. It's just a bit of apprehension that's all. A little bit of anxiousness about moving on with your life. I mean you've lost your memory, your identity, everything you hold dear in your life and you're about to embark upon a hopefully exciting new adventure with an ex womanising gangster henchman. Whom more than likely, in your normal rational state of mind, you wouldn't even trust him as far as you could throw the bastard.'

Haley smiled as Jason ran his fingers deeply through her hair, which felt so good to her, calming her down some.

'But it's okay. I'm nervous too. But I'm also happy and excited about what the future might bring for us you know.'

Haley, wiping away her tears, quickly gathered her thoughts and composure, she knew Jason was right.

'You're right, you are so absolutely right. Let's just go. Let's just get the hell away from here, right now.'

'That's my girl.' Beamed Jason back at her and without even a second thought he started the car and drove away from the cottage without looking back. Not even a glance through the rear view mirror.


Five minutes into their drive along the lonely highland road heading back towards the coast, both Jason and Haley bathed in a relaxed and calm breeze of silence. Both basking in their new, happy and excited thoughts and visions of a brand new future together. Jason turned to Haley and smiled out affectionately. Haley smiled back at him and Jason turned his attention back to the road and continued to drive.

Up ahead Jason suddenly noticed the old and abandoned farmhouse which he of course drove past on the way up to the cottage almost a week ago now with its immense and dramatic cliff top views and stunning sea backdrop. Haley focussed her attention on the farmhouse too, glancing at the old house with a strange familiarity as they drove past. Haley then flinched harshly in her seat and seemed, out of nothing, very drawn to the old farmhouse, turning her body fully around to stare hard at the decaying old building as they drove by.

'Haley! You okay? What's wrong?'

Haley though seemed to be in some kind of bizarre trance and ignored Jason.

'Haley! What's wrong?'

'I... I don't know.' She finally answered. It's just... That house.'

'What about that house?'

Haley was silent again and took a few deep breaths before finally speaking out.

'I don't know how but, I think I know that place Jason. ...I think I know it.'

'Are you sure? I mean you think maybe you stayed there one time or passed it by even.'

'I don't know... I really don't know.'

Jason pulled the car over to an abrupt screeching halt on the side of the road as Haley settled back down into her seat, massaging her head and running her fingers through her hair nervously. More and more hazy thoughts and foggy images of a forgotten past raced through her mind. Images filled with glimpses and flashes of the farm house, as if the house was somehow attracting her and calling out to her to return.

'So you think you recognise that place in some way yeah?'

'I think so. I mean I don't have any active memories right now, but yeah I feel strangely drawn to it if that makes any sense.'

Haley began rubbing her head again this time with more force and fury, frantically trying to make herself remember something, anything. She pulled firmly at her hair until Jason eventually stopped her from doing so anymore, pulling her hands away from her head and rubbing them gently together trying to calm her.

'Do you want me to drive back to the house and Check it out?'

Haley glanced at the road ahead. She seemed to be caught up in two minds. The road ahead. Her new and exciting future life with Jason just down the road directly ahead of them... Or she could go to the old farmhouse now where maybe some clue or some glimpse into her past life could be found.

'Haley!' Said Jason breaking her train of thought. 'Haley!' He called out once again this time raising his voice.

'I don't know Jason. I just don't know. Maybe we should just drive, just keep on driving far, far away from here, far away.' Said Haley with only three words running through her mind now. 'The road ahead. The road ahead. The road ahead.'.

Jason slammed his foot down on the accelerator and spun the car around one hundred and eighty degrees and sped off back towards the old farmhouse.

'What are you doing?' Cried Haley still surprised at Jason's spontaneous decision.

'If it will put your mind at rest. If it will leave you without any regrets in life Haley, then I think we should at least check it out.'

Once again Haley was silent.


Jason drove at a crawling speed into the narrow dirt track leading up to the front of the farmhouse, eventually stopping the car a dozen yards away from the large and old shabby front door. Jason turned off the engine as both he and Haley stared out at the old and seemingly abandoned house. Haley though seemed to be back in some kind of trance, her eyes were opened wide, as she studied the old farmhouse exterior up and down as if recognising something familiar about the worn and peeling mouldy wood and Broken down windows covering the top floor and the boarded up windows covering the ground floor.

'Looks completely deserted.' Said Jason finally. He glanced over at the right hand side of the house as if suddenly remembering something. 'You know when I drove past here last week there was a modern looking grey car parked right around the side there.'

Haley though wasn't listening to Jason anymore and continued to stare out at the farmhouse in her trance like state.

'No farm vehicles, no noise, no lights, no animals... some farm hey.' Said Jason.

All of a sudden Haley got out of the car.

'Haley!' Jason shouted after her.

Haley slammed the door shut while Jason hurriedly stepped out of the drivers side after her.

'Haley!' Jason continued to shout after her. Haley turned to face Jason, eyes glazing and staring hard right into him for a few eerie seconds. Her gaze reminded him of the very same chilling stare she gave to him that night standing outside the bathroom doorway in her sleepwalking trance. Haley then broke her stare and turned away, walking up to the large front door.

'Haley!' Jason called after her again. This time his tone of voice was more restrained. Haley blatantly ignored him as she studied the whole entire area of the large wooden oak door, feeling a strange familiarity washing over her. Jason shook his head in a quiet frustration and walked up beside her. Haley ran her hand up and down the left-hand side of the doorframe.

'What is it? You remember something?' Said Jason.

'I think... I think I know this place Jason. It feels... It feels so familiar to me now.'

'Maybe we should just knock and see who's in yeah.'

Haley was quiet.

'Do you want me to knock upon the door Haley?'

Haley remained silent, deep, deep in thought and seemingly stuck in two minds.

'I don't... I don't know.' Haley finally spoke. She then glanced all around her and turned her attention back to Jason again, silently looking for his help. Jason stepped up to the door and began to knock loud and hard, but it only took the force of the third knock to open the doorway just a touch. It was not locked. Without moving an inch Jason glanced through the dark wide gap in the open doorway, but because of the boarded up windows all around the ground floor, the house was in complete darkness.

'I guess that'll be an open invitation to come in then. Still want to go inside?'

Once again Haley was silent.

'If we're going inside for a wander then let me get my torch first okay.'

Jason went to the boot of his car and took out a large flashlight. He then returned to the front door beside Haley and entered into the old farmhouse shining his torch around the entire front hallway which seemed to be empty and completely stripped of any furnishings, even wallpaper upon the murky grim bare walls.

'I don't think anybody's home to tell you the truth... And hasn't been for a very long time.'

Haley followed Jason into the hallway.

'Do you recognise this place yet?' Asked Jason shining his torch up the steep wooden stair case to the next dark floor above.

'I don't know... I think... I think... maybe a little, I just don't know.'

Haley looked curiously up at the staircase, then towards the doorway which led into the large farmhouse living room. It was here that she focused all of her concentration now. Jason saw this and quickly led the way into the dimly lit old living room. At the far end of this room Jason could barely make out an old couch, a dining room table and some old chairs in the corner and when he shone his torch light upon the walls he could just about make out half a dozen or so paintings of various mountainous and forest landscapes. As Haley entered into the room she was overcome with a great surge of panic and fear and shook vigorously all over her body as her breathing began to get heavier and deeper. Jason quickly turned his attention away from the paintings and towards the panicking Haley.

'Haley! Are you all right?' Said Jason freaking out at the state she was getting herself into and rushed over to comfort her.

'I don't like this Jason.' Said Haley nervously and leaning forward, wincing out in pain. 'I don't know what's happening to me. I can't explain it.' Haley held her head in great discomfort.

'My head...! My head is pounding Jason... Pounding like crazy.'

Jason glanced over at one of the old chairs in the far corner of the room.

'Lets get you seated over here and I'll have a look around for the kitchen. See if I can find some running water and get you a glass.'

Jason guided Haley through the dark living room with his torch and towards one of the old chairs and seated her down. As Haley sat she shivered more and more violently.

'I'm feeling so hot now Jason. Really hot.'

Jason put his hand over Haley's forehead which was burning up like a hot stove.

'I don't know what's going on with you Haley but you're burning up badly. Maybe we should just get you to a hospital now okay.'

'NO...' Haley yelled out in anger. She then took in a deep breath to calm herself. 'No hospitals.'

Jason glanced over at the entrance to another room just opposite to where he had seated Haley.

'Wait there one minute okay.' Said Jason as he hurried to the entrance of the next room, a dark and dusty old kitchen. Frantically he checked every single one of the old cupboards finally finding a bunch of raggedy tea towels. He took one. He tried the water tap which was surprisingly running just fine and held the tea towel underneath the cold running water, wetting it before rushing back into the living room where Haley was slouched over in her chair, looking exhausted and with her hands covering her temples. Suddenly she began to rock back and fourth.

'My head hurts so much Jason...' She moaned, almost sobbing with the intensity of the pain. 'It hurts so, so much.'

Jason rushed back to Haley and knelt down in front of her, putting the towel quickly against her burning forehead.

'Jesus Christ Haley! You're fucking burning up badly. We need to get you to a fucking hospital now. COME ON!'

Jason frantically tugged at Haley, but she had become almost like a led weight underneath his firm grip and would not budge.

'Haley.' Jason pleaded with her, fearing that her life was now at stake. 'Come on baby! We have to get you out of here. We need to get you to a hospital PLEASE!'

'NO!' Cried Haley in terrible pain. 'I can't... I can't even move Jason. I can't move.'

'Then I'll fucking well carry you.' Jason pushed his arms underneath and around Haley's lower back to support her, but Haley leaned back in her chair seemingly pain free all of a sudden.

'Please!' Said an exhausted Haley. 'I'm just... I just feel so tired. Something's happening to me. I can't stop it... I just can't... I can't...'

'I know something's happening Haley. That's why we need to get you to a hospital RIGHT FUCKING NOW!'

'No Jason.' Replied Haley more calm. 'You don't understand. You can't help me. A hospital can't help me. No one can help me! I can't fight this anymore.' Haley's tone of voice turned into a ghostly whisper. 'I don't even know what I'm fighting...'

Jason got down onto his knees.

'Haley!' Said Jason, his tone desperately seeking some answers. 'What are you talking about? You're becoming almost delusional. Tell me what's wrong? Tell me what I can do to help you? What do you want me to do? Because all I can think about is getting you to a hospital. Even if it means dragging you the fuck out of here kicking and screaming.'

Haley turned to Jason who was still on his knees. She glanced deeply and warmly into his eyes with great love and affection, just like she had done so the night before. Their last night at the cottage together when Jason had finally opened up to her, opened up his aching soul and confided in her all of his pent up emotional pain, sufferings and dark secrets. And then they had danced together. Danced slowly and intimately in front of the car headlights and then their soft lips had met for that first kiss. That first perfect kiss which seemed like a lifetime ago now. She looked at him with those same eyes. That same look of soulfulness.

'I'm so, so sorry Jason.'

Jason half heartedly smiled and stroked at Haley's face and hair.

'What are you apologising for. You don't have anything to be sorry about baby.'

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