Along Came a Spider (38 page)

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Authors: Kate Serine

Tags: #QuarkXPress, #ebook, #epub

BOOK: Along Came a Spider
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“Yep. Had to go meet with a Realtor.”
My stomach plummeted at warp speed. So he was leaving town. If I’d needed any better proof than his putting his house up for sale, I didn’t know what it would be. I swallowed, but my mouth was too dry for it to do any good. “Take me there.”
I barely paused long enough to slam the car door behind me before I raced up the steps to Nicky’s front door. “Nicky!” I called, throwing open the door, stumbling over Sasha, who had rushed to greet me. I quickly righted myself and ran into the kitchen, my heart pounding with increasing fear that I had already missed him. “Nicky!”
Not finding him there, I ran to his study, the sitting room, then upstairs to the bedrooms, calling out for him and getting no response. Finally convinced that he wasn’t there, I slowly made my way down the stairs, not bothering to wipe away the tears on my cheeks.
Just as I made the bottom step, the front door opened, letting in a blast of cold air. My head snapped up and I gasped when I saw Nicky standing there. With a strangled little sob, I rushed to him, throwing my arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.
“Hello, doll,” he murmured against my hair.
As reluctant as I was to leave his embrace, I abruptly released him and put him at arms’ length. “You can’t go,” I told him in a rush. “You just can’t. At least, not without me. Not this time.”
I grimaced, waving my hands to stop his words. “No, please—don’t interrupt. I need to say this.” I took a deep breath and let the words come tumbling out. “You asked me once to come with you and I spent over a hundred years regretting that I told you no. I’m not making that mistake again.”
“Trish, just listen—”
“You were trying to tell me something in the car that night of the crash,” I interrupted, clutching the lapels of his jacket, “and you
didn’t get the chance. But I know what you were leading up to.”
His brows shot up. “You do?”
I nodded. “And the answer is yes. Yes, I’ll go with you. I don’t care where we go, just as long as we’re together.”
Nicky’s lips curved into a grin. “Yeah?”
I nodded. “I love you, Nicky. And I want to spend the rest of my life loving you.”
“Well, thank God for that!” he said, heaving a relieved sigh.
“’Cause I was a little worried how you’d react when I gave you this.”
He reached inside his pocket and withdrew a tiny blue box with Rumpelstiltskin’s logo on the top. My eyes went wide and a thrill of timid joy shot through me. I swallowed hard, not willing to believe it was what I thought it might be and yet daring to hope just a little. . . .
I lifted my eyes to his. “Is that . . . ?”
His crooked grin grew as he flipped open the lid of the box to reveal a stunning emerald set in an intricately woven white gold band. “I know it’s too soon,” he was saying, suddenly a little shy. “And you don’t have to answer me right away, but—”
I didn’t even let him get out the rest of the words. I took his face in my hands and kissed him over and over until his arms came around me and there was only one kiss. And when Nicky pulled back he was grinning.
“So, even though you had the wrong question, is your answer still yes?” he asked, knowing damned well it was.
But I just laughed, so giddy I couldn’t keep my joy from bubbling up, and nodded.
He cursed under his breath and ran a hand through his hair. “I’m actually nervous as hell,” he admitted with a chuckle.
Confirming his words, his own fingers trembled a little as he took the ring out of the box and slid it onto my finger. It fit perfectly, as I knew it would. Nicky smoothed his thumb over my hand, then raised it to his lips, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “You know, all those years ago in Make Believe when I was nothin’ but a two-bit thug, scraping to get by, I never thought I’d be so lucky to find a woman liked you. And I sure as hell never dared to dream you’d love me, too.”
I pulled him into my arms, closing my eyes as he buried his face in my neck, and letting the warmth of his love envelop me. “I have a feeling that from now on, neither of us will be afraid to dream.”


I wish I could say that once things were over with Dracula, the concerns about Tale revolutionists ended. And I’d like to tell you that Al’s standing up to the Agency ended their efforts to impose their will upon the Tales. But if anything, it added a whole new dimension to our struggles in the Here and Now. Turns out, the adventures for Nicky and me, for Nate and Red, for Lavender and Seth, were far from over.
And there were others—Gideon, Al Addin, Alex McCain, and Tales you’ve yet to meet—who would end up making all the difference in our struggles to maintain autonomy and to help our kind thrive in our adopted world. The years ahead of us were going to be tough, that was for certain, but—
Well, that, my friends, is a story for another day and for another Tale to tell.
But as far as this story goes . . . well, what can I say? Nicky and I stayed in Chicago after all, rebuilding Nicky’s business empire to what it once was and continuing to serve our Tale brethren any way we could. And Nicky turned out to be just as loving and devoted a husband and father as I knew he would be. It’s been several years now since we joined our hearts, our souls. The home we’ve created together is filled with love and laughter. And each day I think I couldn’t possibly love him more than I do, but then the very next day I discover just how much I’d underestimated the depth of my feelings for the man at my side.
And, so, my friends, I’m happy to report that in true fairytale fashion, we lived—and loved—happily ever after.

Table of Contents



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven


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