Alpha, Delta (3 page)

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Authors: RJ Scott

BOOK: Alpha, Delta
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Crouching over Niall, with his fingers pressing against Niall, he paused. “Are you sure?” he asked.

Niall didn’t say a word. He simply grabbed a pillow and pushed it under his ass, lifting himself, then held onto to the metal framework at the top of the bed. He didn’t want to turn over. If he was going to break all the rules and have some muscled cop fuck him into tomorrow then he wanted the visuals to go with it. Finn groaned and kissed him, a single finger breaching Niall, the burn of it a discomfort that edged away. For the longest time they played. Finn kissing a path from Niall’s lips to his throat then from one nipple to another, all the time pressing his fingers inside and adding lube.

“Now,” Niall said a little desperately. He didn’t know what he was asking for. Finn’s lips were so close to his cock, but the fingers in his ass were making him want to screw down on them and he was torn.

“If I suck you, will you come?” Finn asked raggedly and breathing heavy.

Niall whimpered. “Yes, I don’t want…need you inside…please…fuck me…”

There was time for blowjobs later. There
to be time for blowjobs later.

Finn sat back on his heels and used more lube on his sheathed cock. He shuffled forward, his muscled thighs lifting Niall that little bit higher and guiding himself to Niall’s loosened hole. Then he pressed and slowly he moved inside. Niall inhaled sharply. He would never get over this first intrusion, the feeling that this wasn’t going to work. Then abruptly that stopped, he relaxed and he tilted his hips and inch-by-inch Finn was inside, until finally he stopped and hunched over to steal a heated kiss.

They kissed until Niall couldn’t breathe and he realised Finn was moving, slowly, powerfully, he was pushing Niall to feel. Finn gripped the headboard hard, the slide of pillows under his ass and head meaning he couldn’t control his movement. No, the control was all Finn’s. With every push, Finn talked. He praised Niall, thanked him, his voice increasingly ragged as he was getting closer.

“Touch yourself,” Finn said. Niall didn’t argue, circling his cock. He set a counter rhythm that made sense in his head, pushing down onto Finn then up into the circle of his hand. Above him Finn tensed, staring down at Niall, his lips parted. Then he was coming, great pushes into Niall’s body and the sight of this big man tensed and hard, his face contorted in pleasure, was enough to have Niall coming hard over his belly. He closed his eyes at the last minute, savoured every ripple of orgasm as it hit him.

Finn collapsed against him, taking care to rest just to one side. Then, as he softened, he eased himself out and dealt with the condom. Niall didn’t want to move but someone had to deal with the trail of wet on him. He grabbed the tissues by the bed and wiped himself down.

What happened next?
Was Finn going to take his twenty or so remaining condoms, his lube and his tight body and go back to his own room. Or would they cuddle? Or maybe some more kissing?

What actually happened next was not on Niall’s list of scenarios. Finn reached for the plate of food and set it on the bed before sitting cross-legged, unashamedly nude, his softened dick still an impressive size against the dark curls there.

“Want food?” he asked.

Finn scooted to sit in a similar position. Something about the decadence of this, of a one-night fuck, of sharing what they had just shared, had him not caring he was naked with a near stranger. Super-Confident Niall was running this show. Of course, it wouldn’t be long before Introverted Niall took control, but he’d work with what he had now.

They picked at grapes and cheese and biscuits and shared the bottle of water. Neither spoke much until Finn opened his mouth and said something that was an unexpected to Niall as sitting naked was.

“We have to do this again.”

Chapter Three

“You seeing Finn this weekend?” Ewan asked.

“Hmm?” Niall entered the last row of data and saved the spreadsheet. That was the last of the preliminary workups on the Forseti platform and he had the buzz of achievement. Numbers were not his thing. Pipes and oil and steel and the mechanics of decommissioning, that is what he was good at.

“Tall, dark, cop, gruff English accent, all around bad guy, three months of monkey sex.”

“He’s the good guy,” Niall chose to comment on that one point on a yawn. He pushed himself back and away from the desk and stretched tall, his fingers just scraping the low ceilings. “And no, he’s on training manoeuvres this weekend up in Urskar.”

“It’s been a few months you’ve been seeing him now. You getting kinda serious?”

Niall huffed a laugh. Finn was the farthest from serious that a man could get. He was all fuck and leave. Yes, they talked, yes, they sometimes shared the same bed, but Finn wasn’t all hearts and flowers. He was a Delta and that meant he was on call in the hairiest of situations in Norway. Terrorist threats, hostage negotiation, riot. All the big bads that no one expected in a beautiful, peaceful country like Norway. But it was the oil at the end of the day, the platforms in the Norwegian sea, the proximity to the UK, all of this created a volatile mix that Finn was in the middle of.

They’d only managed five hook-ups in three months. Niall knew this because he counted. Seven days was all they’d enjoyed, but hell, those seven days had been more than enough to keep Finn’s orgasm tally at a healthy level. A combination of alpha male who loved to be in charge, with Niall’s capacity for apparently being able to push all of Finn’s buttons and made their sex explosive. Added to that they talked about a lot of things from engineering to being a cop in London. Niall had fallen in love and he hated the feeling that he wasting his heart on someone who could never care.

“I’m out of here,” Ewan said. He picked up his laptop bag and the files from his desk. What very few people knew was that Ewan held the same degrees as Niall, that he was just as much of an expert as Niall was. Ewan was just happy being the one in the background. Not that Niall really enjoyed all the talks he had to give, or the conventions he needed to attend, but he was, after all, the big brother and he’d taken his responsibility well enough. “I’ll pick up the bags and meet you at the helipad.”

“Yeah, okay. But, Ewan, is Mel really okay with you coming to Forseti with me?”

“You already asked that twice today.”

Niall shrugged. “I’m just making sure.”

“She said, and I quote, ‘It’s a boy and if he takes after his father he’ll be late and I’m having a baby, not dying’, so I think we’re okay.”

Ewan left with a small wave and Niall closed everything down before turning off the lights and locking the door of their shared office. He had about an hour to collect his luggage from his apartment then it was his least favourite thing about working on the oil platforms. Actually getting to them.

The Super Puma was on the helipad, rotors unmoving, the pilot talking to his co-pilot with a clipboard in his hand. There were six passengers. Niall was there before Ewan, who arrived five minutes later, still talking to Mel on his cell phone and gesticulating wildly.

Niall crossed to his brother and caught him just outside the white ring of the landing area. “What’s wrong?” He’d never seen his brother as upset as he looked at this moment.

“They’ve taken her in, I told her she looked all puffy and she just cried and I didn’t mention it again, but her blood pressure is climbing and they’re saying it could be the start of pre-eclampsia.”

Niall laid a hand on Ewan’s shoulder. This was a three-week stay on an oil platform in the middle of the Norwegian Sea. This wasn’t a quick five-minute drive from home to hospital. Quickly, he assumed big brother mode.

“You stay here with Mel. I can handle this one.”

Ewan blinked, his mouth open. He was going to argue but Niall said nothing and waited. He could see all the decisions going on in Ewan’s head. The work Niall and he were doing on Forseti and the scheduling for decommissioning was something that with two would take three weeks, but with one would take longer.

“I could come out when Mel’s been seen,” Ewan said finally.

“There is nothing more important than Niall Jr.,” Niall said with a reassuring smile.

“We’re not calling him Niall.”

The brothers exchanged a hug and grins and Ewan stood on the pad until the Puma wheeled up and away, and both his brother and the station were ever-decreasing dots in the blur of rain.

Sitting as comfortably as he could between the others on the copter, Niall took a moment to look around. The other four passengers were all in the standard black jackets of security and would be relieving the other team looking after the platform. Forseti itself had run pretty much dry two years before and the decision to decommission instead of move led to all the oil workers, except for a skeleton crew of six, being moved off.

Now it was Niall’s turn to go in and make decisions. And these would be the men he would be spending the new few weeks with. They were all big men, and he realised they all had the same look about them as Finn did. Determined, sure of themselves.

That just made him miss Finn. Which was stupid. They were fuck buddies, nothing more serious, and the fact Finn disappeared like a thief in the night after most of their hook-ups just underlined that.

He couldn’t talk to his companions; the blades were thunderous in the spare metal interior. He was more interested in what was out the window anyway. Rain and more rain. The wind didn’t appear to buffet the helicopter but it was enough to cause great blasts of rain against one or other of the windows. He wriggled a little to get comfortable and pulled out his cell phone, selecting a play list and hoping to hell it was loud enough to drown the noise.

They landed in wind and rain, a dramatic moment when the helicopter had to hover away from the platform for a few seconds, but not enough to worry Niall. He’d had worse crossings.

The leaving security team exchanged nods as they climbed into the Puma and suddenly it was just Niall, the new security team and a rather agitated man in a thick slicker waving them over to the sheltered area. The security guys went their separate ways and the guy in the slicker grabbed Niall by the hand and shook it hard.

“Welcome,” he shouted over the noise of the driving rain on the steel. “Let’s get inside.”

Niall followed him in, never happier than to be inside from the cold and rain, slipping off his bulky coat and shaking the other man’s hand.

“Jeff Fjelstad, Chief” he said. His words were heavily accented Norwegian but Niall smiled at the tone of it. He’d worked for NorsDev for six years now and loved splitting his time between Edinburgh and Oslo. He spoke more than enough Norwegian to carry on a decent conversation at work if needed but the NorsDev way was English as a common denominator.

“Niall Faulkner.”

“Welcome to Forseti, Mr Faulkner.”

“Niall. Call me Niall.”

“I’ll show you to your accommodation then we have the initial planning meeting set up in the media room. Is that okay with you?”

Niall and Jeff made small talk about the state of the oil industry, about NorsDev, about the Forseti platform itself, but nothing that took too much thought because Niall was already in engineering mode. Decommissioning a platform wasn’t just a numbers exercise, and it wasn’t about dismantling the steel structure. It started a long way before that and could take up to two years to complete. From dismantling staff accommodation to ecological impact on a wider scale, this is what Niall was here for as team leader. This platform would be his home on and off for the next six months at least. A week here, a week there, and how much time did that leave to meet up with Finn? Not much at all.

At least he got a private room. Well, two rooms actually, given Ewan was supposed to be here. The door between the two rooms opened up and that was the first thing Niall did just to get more space. The office was another door off of his room and he opened it to have a look inside. A good, well-lit space with three flatscreens, plenty of wall area, and storage. This would be one of the last places to go before the main structural work, and this was where he would be doing all his planning.

He slipped on his glasses and took a moment to stand at the window, the northern gales smashing into the rig, the rain so hard it sheeted down and Niall couldn’t make out individual raindrops. Because of this he could actually see the structure ahead of him, part of the platform and views of the heaving sea beyond. Behind him, out of sight, were the machines and pipes, the steel and concrete, the electrics and the decisions he had to make, but outside of this window was the very thing his job sent him to protect. Mother Nature in all her finest anger.

He stopped in the small bathroom and washed his face; his cold skin was prickly with the heat of the water and he stared at his reflection for a moment. He often wondered what people thought of him. He wore glasses, was an engineer with all kinds of letters after his name, a nerd, but he was respected. Just, sometimes, being so small and skinny he was perhaps not seen as able to handle the sea or the oil or, hell, anything.

Except for Finn. Finn thought Niall could handle anything he gave him. Just the thought made Niall smile. He removed his inner jacket and instead pulled on a thick cable knit sweater. Tomorrow was soon enough to go traipsing around the exterior; today was all about meeting the skeleton crew, talking to security, and learning who his team were.

He sent off a quick email to Ewan asking after Mel, even though he couldn’t tell when it would go. Communications would be secure and connected from the drilling deck or the media room when he finally got there. At least he’d made some effort at checking in and he’d send something else as soon as he set foot in the communications area, or as he knew it, comms.

With a last look around the two rooms, he made sure Ewan’s door was locked, then his own before he stepped outside. Then, shoulders back, he made his way up in the direction where he recalled the media room was placed. He got lost a couple of times but finally made his way to the same deck as the media room at least.

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