Alpha Doms Box Set: 9 Delicious Stories + 10 Sexy Heroes = 19 Reasons to Indulge (38 page)

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Authors: Christin Lovell

Tags: #werewolf, #werewolves, #menage, #erotic romance, #gay erotica, #bbw, #mm, #mf, #plus size heroine

BOOK: Alpha Doms Box Set: 9 Delicious Stories + 10 Sexy Heroes = 19 Reasons to Indulge
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A growl echoed around me, sending gentle,
erotic vibrations through me.

I looked up at him. His expression was
intense, concentrated, focused…on me.

Damn, he was sexy.

Our gazes locked. Our breaths aligned, our
chests expanding in harmony.

One heartbeat.

Two heartbeats.


We leapt towards each other, hands flying,
grabbing, yanking, and pulling frantically. Dear mother of all
things holy it felt incredible to let go! Why the hell didn’t I do
this before? I’d hindered my experience by putting
self-preservation ignorantly above pleasure. There was no way to
hide fat. Clothes didn’t make one appear fifty pounds lighter. Men
knew what they were climbing into bed with, but I still feared
they’d be surprised, or worse, disgusted, and run.

I was so stupid to hold back.

Poor Jayce. I was about to make up for lost
time with him.

I nibbled and sucked on his lips. I dragged
my nails across his toned flesh, scraping every delicious ridge. It
was a struggle to not let my touch slip with his frenzied
movements. He tore at our clothes and had us naked in seconds.

The first time my naked body pressed flush
to his, I swore angels sung. He felt so good. Tingles shot through
me. My nipples pebbled impossibly hard, aroused by the mere brush
of his smooth, stone flesh. My arms snaked around his waist,
holding him to me as our tongues tangled.

His hands worked over my excess stuffing in
a fury. I loved the way he tried to pull me ever closer. The both
of us smashed together simply wasn’t enough. I had an insatiable
hunger for him. I needed him in me more than I needed air.

I squealed when he lifted me effortlessly
into his arms. I clung to him, yet, impressively, I wasn’t
self-conscious. There was no sign of strain on his part. His hands
were confident; his strides were steady.

He chuckled against my lips as he blindly
carried us into the closest shower. I heard the shower turn on and
felt the heat surround us.

He pressed my back to the cold tile of the
shower wall. One hand supported me, the other tweaked a desperate,
pert nipple, sending pleasure whooshing through me.

I moaned, leaning my head back as warmth
swaddled my womb.

His mouth closed over my neck; his tongue
marked a trail down to the very nipple he’d just overwhelmed with

My hips were quickly rocking into him as he
sucked at my aching bud, his expert mouth and talented hand working
in unison to reduce me to a puddle of sparking nerves. My breaths
were rapid, sharp intakes of humid air that barely kept me

My nails dug into his biceps and shoulders.
I found myself arching deeper into him. I didn’t give a shit about
the rolls of fat, the dimples and other imperfections marring my
body in that moment. I only cared about experiencing all of Jayce
and his erotic skills.

He pulled away, his breathing labored, just
as harsh as my own. His gaze penetrated me. His nostrils flared as
he snarled. “I want you so fuckin’ bad, baby.” I saw the thump of
his veins, pumping a million routes along his flesh. That’s when I
realized that he’d been holding back for me. What felt desperate
and rushed wasn’t even close.

I grabbed his face between my hands. My
pussy wept for him. For once my heart, body and mind were in
agreement. They all wanted him. “Make me feel good, Jayce. Fuck me,
please.” I wrapped my legs tighter around his waist, encouraging
him. I wanted this; I wanted him. And for the first time I wasn’t
second-guessing myself.

Chapter Five


Her plea tied my heart in knots. She was
begging me for what I already wanted. She was everything I wanted.
She made me want everything and more with her.

I wanted to love her thoroughly. I wanted
her to scream my name in ecstasy every night. I would worship her
body by night and protect her by day. I wanted a ring on her finger
and a bite on her shoulder. I wanted her stomach further swelled by
my child inside her. I wanted to experience all life had to offer
with her. Instinctively, I knew she would change my life. She was
going to turn my world upside down, and, yet, I wouldn’t have it
any other way. I-

It wasn’t possible. It couldn’t be possible.

She bowed into me, a pleading look on her
face; kind, yet anxious eyes bore into me. Her hair was a mess of
loose hairs that had escaped her bun and were now plastered to her
skin from the humidity of the shower. Her cheeks were round cherubs
I knew would always be soft against my morning stubble. Her body
was a lush wonderland of curves that had no beginning or end. Even
the unknown regarding her past, who she possibly was beyond her gym
membership form, didn’t change anything. Somehow, I loved this
stranger; I loved this beautiful woman in my arms. She was my mate;
she met every touch and challenged me for more. She

I aligned my cock at her hot entrance. I
locked our gazes. “Don’t close your eyes. Never close your eyes, do
you understand me?”

She nodded her head frantically in

I surged into her. Pleasure assaulted my
groin. Our mouths fell open, groans escaping us. She felt
unbelievable. Her walls squished my cock in a damn good way. And
yet, with the new layer of connection, I was still desperate for so
much more. I was beginning to realize nature’s devious plan;
somehow, she would ensure I never got enough of Anna.

I slid my arms behind Anna, my hands
stretching to cradle her head. She would need the protection. She’d
asked me for a hard, rough fuck, and damn if I could stop myself
from giving it to her.

Chapter Six


No man had ever filled me the way Jayce did.
A delectable sense of fullness calmed me and equally incited my
craving for more.

He kissed me hard, holding still, giving me
time to adjust to him. “Hold on tight, baby.” He pulled back,
concern crinkling his brows. “Stop me if it hurts, okay?”

Tears sprung from
Of all the flipping times…
Luckily they stayed in the basins of my eyes,
blurring my vision but not impairing it.

I couldn’t help it though. No man had ever
taken care of me. My dad walked out before I was born, and none of
the guys I connected with ever stopped to care about me. Men I’d
had relationships with for extended periods hadn’t bothered to be
bothered, but this gorgeous man was. I knew then there would be no
saving my heart. Jayce already had a solid grasp on it from afar,
but experiencing his genuine- I couldn’t even put it in words. I’d
never met a more amazing person. He made me want to be all he was.
He made me want to give all he gave to me and more. He made me want
to love him. He made me care… just by being himself, simply by
caring for a overstuffed stranger like me.

I kissed him. I didn’t trust myself to reply
to him. I didn’t trust myself not to actually cry. I didn’t want to
cry. I wanted to love and be loved. I wanted to have crazy, frantic
shower sex; I wanted to get caught up in the moment rather than my
mindless wonderment.

I cried out, my thoughts vanishing as he
plunged into me, sending pleasure sweeping through me.

Adrenaline shot through my veins as erotic
electricity awakened my nerves with blissful sensations. There was
nothing gentle or easy about his stride. He quickly built a rhythm
that made it impossible to keep my lips smashed to his, so I gave
up, breaking away to watch him fuck me.

He rammed against my cervix with every
stroke. I found myself getting lost in the pleasure assaulting me,
slowly being buried beneath the mounting pressure.

I didn’t recognize my own voice as he pumped
in and out of me, seeming to crack open the pleasure pot in my
core. My heels dug into him; my nails damn near pierced his flesh.
I slammed my hips against his groin every time the head of his dick
kissed my womb, needing more, desperately seeking more.

Obediently, I kept my eyes open, locked on
his. The way he cradled me against him, protecting me even as he
manhandled me, demolished the walls I’d built around myself.

Every upward surge had the plains of his
chest rubbing against the swells of mine, delightful friction
assaulting my nipples, leaving me crying for more.

The shower fogged the room. I couldn’t see
beyond Jayce. I couldn’t concentrate on anything but him. He
surrounded me; he overwhelmed me. Pleasure devoured me; even as my
muscles stiffened, even as my womb compressed, even as intense
pressure deadened my nerves in intervals, the pleasure was still

He growled. “Let go.” He sped up, drilling
into me, sending my heading pounding into the soft cushions of his

I couldn’t hold out any longer. I couldn’t
protect my heart any longer. Jayce did something to me. Jayce
cracked me open. I couldn’t hide from him, and, astoundingly, I
didn’t want to hide from him. I wanted him to know all of me. I
wanted him to love all of me the way I-

My tears returned, silently spilling over
this time. What was he doing to me? How was he doing this to

He slowed to an intimate pace that only
further weakened me. He placed a soft kiss on my lips. “Let go,
baby.” His voice was so soft; it swaddled me with…love. There was
no other word for it.

I looked at him. He didn’t hide anything
from me. He gave what he demanded in return.

Let go, Anna. I promise
I’ll catch you.”

And I knew he would. I’d never felt safe
with anyone, but I felt safe with him. My own mother hadn’t cared
about me, but he did. I knew it; I felt it. He felt right. He felt

Let go.” His eyes implored

Okay.” My voice cracked. I
didn’t care though. He saw more of me, more of my soul in that
moment than anyone ever had, and he wasn’t running. He wasn’t
abandoning me like the rest. He wasn’t like the others, and that
made me love him all the more.

A guttural moan escaped me as he drove into
me. Fresh, an overpowering, fresh swell of pleasure drowned me,
drowned my senses in him.

I couldn’t follow his rhythm. I couldn’t
keep up. He’d let go, just as he’d asked me to do. His grunts mixed
with my moans; our erratic breaths mingled. He nuzzled my neck as I
bounced blissfully, uncontrollably into him repeatedly. There was
no way to be more thoroughly and swiftly fucked.

My entire body condensed, crushed upon
itself. A splinter of pain overtook me before pleasure surged
through me. Undulations of erotic pleasure consumed me, swept me
away. I couldn’t hear, I couldn’t see; all I could do was feel.

I felt every powerful thrust of his cock
inside me. I felt every contraction in my core. I felt every zap of
pleasure congregating at my nerve endings.

My muscles flexed and coiled in rhythm as
waves of beautiful, fluttering sensations wracked my body, forced
my body to surrender to its own sensual command. Amidst my haze,
something stung, but I couldn’t pinpoint what or where. I was
caught up in him; I was lost in the feel of letting go for the
first time in my life.

Breathing was a forced event as my body
bowed to the feelings possessing it. I was helpless to stop the
tingling, the pleasure, the sheer bliss killing my senses.

Slowly, the numbness subsided. I became
aware of Jayce kissing my upper body. In the background, I heard
the crashing of water against the tile floor from the showerhead.
My heart beat wildly; my pulse echoed in my ears, barring me from
hearing anything else. As my vision cleared, as the fog lost its
density, Jayce came into view. I couldn’t stop the smile that split
my face. I hugged him tightly to me. I’d never been so happy. I’d
never felt so free.

Until now, I’d always thought love bound
you. Now I knew. Love didn’t hold you hostage to its whims; it set
you free. And damn if I didn’t love this beautiful stranger.

Chapter Seven


It’d never felt so good to let go. I’d never
felt comfortable enough to let go with another woman. In truth, I’d
never cared if the woman got there with me. Her happiness wasn’t my

But it was different with Anna. She was
different, more than just my mate.

I kissed the bite mark I’d inflicted upon
her. She winced, but didn’t say anything. She was brave, another
thing to love about her.

I drew back to peer at her. A smile lit up
her face. Her eyes glittered with some untouchable emotion. My
heart melted as her laughter filled the oversized shower stall. She
bit her bottom lip, trying to contain her smile. She quickly gave
up. “Um, we just had sex…in the shower…at a gym.”

I couldn’t stop the grin
that lifted my lips. Her smile was infectious. Her happiness
brought me insurmountable happiness. “Correction. We had sex in the
shower at

She rolled her eyes, never losing her glow.
“Of course. That makes all the difference in the world.”

I laughed. Her humor was perfect. Everything
about her was perfect for me. I loved her body. I loved the feel of
her against me, in my arms. I loved her quiet strength. I loved the
way she carried herself. I loved her laugh. I loved the way her
laugh made me feel. I loved her.

I’d never believed the legends. They’d
claimed that you always fell in love with your mate before you ever
claimed him or her. Damn if I didn’t feel foolish for doubting the
power of love, for indignantly excluding myself from the power it
wielded. I knew now.

I swallowed hard as the thought froze me. I
knew what I’d just done, but Anna didn’t.

Her features fell; her smile slid into a
wistful curl of her lips. Her brows furrowed as she studied me. She
stroked her fingers through my hair in a calming motion. Little did
she realize how calming that was for a wolf. “What’s wrong?” She
gave nothing away; her exterior remained gentle and kind.

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