Alpha Male Incorporated Under Your Protection (23 page)

BOOK: Alpha Male Incorporated Under Your Protection
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Jax tried to think of a way to tell Sahara then decided the truth would be the best way for him to go. “The sleep of the dead means my body will start to get weak, my blood pressure with drop along with my heart rate until I go into a coma and within a week I’ll be dead.”

“What do you mean you will be dead?” Sahara gasped. “I didn’t think vampires could die from a lack of mate.”

“I’m not talking about other vampires. I’m telling you about my family.” Jax watched in silence at the display of emotions that played over Sahara’s face ranging from disbelief to finally shock. He sighed. “Look, it’s a long story, but basically my family had a curse placed on it far back before anyone can remember. Basically, each man in our family must find the woman who is his one true mate, and turn her by his four hundredth birthday. If not, he dies—for good.”

“When will you be four hundred years old?”

“Next week on Valentine’s Day,” Jax answered.

“What!” Sahara gasped. “Why did you tell me this before now? Didn’t you think I had a right to know about this?”

Enough with all of the questions already; he was done answering them. He had more important things he would rather be doing with Sahara tonight.

“No more questions,” Jax whispered as he reached for Sahara. “I know of a better way for us to work off some of this tension between us.” He wanted to get lost in every minute he had with Sahara for as long as he could.


Chapter Forty-Three



“Jax, I really want you

Jax pressed his finger against Sahara’s mouth cutting off the rest of her sentence. “No more talking. I don’t want to discuss the sleep of the dead or anything else. What I want to do is spend the rest of the night making love to you.”

Sahara lifted his hand off her mouth. “No, Jax. You aren’t going to get all sexy and demanding on me tonight. Keep all your vampire aura to yourself. We aren’t done talking about the sleep of the dead.”

“So, you think I’m sexy?” Jax asked as he brushed his lips along the side of Sahara’s jaw line.

“You know I do.” She moaned softly as she placed her hands on his chest. “All you have to do is stand in the middle of a room and sex appeal pours from you making every woman within twenty feet want you in her bed.”

“I guess it’s a good thing the only woman I want in my bed forever is you.” Jax slipped his hand underneath Sahara’s shirt and ran it down the length of her smooth back.

Sahara wiggled her body against his and her movements sent a jolt to his already hardening cock.

“You aren’t playing fair,” she whimpered as her hands tightened on his shirt and her nails scratched his skin through the thin cotton.

“Nothing is fair when someone is in love, so it’s worse for me because I’m crazy in love with you.”

Tilting her head back, Sahara’s eyes stared into his before a huge grin spread across her face making her dark eyes sparkle.

“You sure do have a way with words. I’m thrilled they’re for me and no one else.”

“Baby, you only get one love in a lifetime and you’re that for me. I’ll love you even if you decide not to let me turn you after or before my birthday on Valentine’s Day next week.”

He lowered his head and nuzzled the side of her neck grazing her sensitive skin with his fangs sending electric pulses throughout his body until he couldn’t think straight.

Picking Sahara up, Jax carried her over to the bed and quickly stripped her out of the tiny outfit that barely covered her luscious body.

“What are you...” Her words were cut off when he lowered his head and traced the seam of her mouth his tongue.

Jax continued to kiss Sahara until all of the protest left her body and she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him tighter against her. He couldn’t get enough of hers. Those were the words that popped into his head as the taste of Sahara worked its way into his blood and even deeper, into his heart.

Trailing kisses down her neck, he made his way across the top of her breasts stopping at the harp birthmark on display so beautifully there for him and only him. Reaching his hand out, he trailed the tip of his fingers and traced over the birthmark. Sahara moaned at the light caress arching her body into his.

Jax loved how Sahara’s body was in such harmony with him. The connection he shared with her provided him with a tremendous desire to give her all of the love and affection he had buried deep inside of him.

He had never been a man who experienced much romantic love because he spent most of his existence protecting people from danger and harm. But now that he had found Sahara, he wanted to be ruled by all of the loves there were in the world: nurturing, friendship and of course the best of them all romantic.

She was his everything. Their communication was an expression of hands-on love mixed with the physical and, without a doubt, sensual.

Jax stood and swiftly shed his clothes until he was as naked as the woman waiting for him. He rejoined Sahara on the bed pulling her hands above her head holding them trapped within one of his larger ones.

“Do you know how much I want you?” he asked, tracing the lines and contours of Sahara’s body with his fingers. “Once I got my sights on you I hope you realize you had no chance of escaping, from us.”

“Why would I want to escape from what we have with each other?” Sahara questioned.

“Sweetheart, you don’t know how good your words sound to my ears.” Jax spread Sahara’s thighs further and pushed all the way into her until he was buried to the hilt.

Sahara arched her back and tugged at her hands as low mewling sounds came from the back of her throat driving his need to brand her as his forever up to another level.

“Jax, you feel so hot and thick. I can’t get enough of you inside of me.”

Jax stared down at the blissful pleased face of Sahara. Her bedroom brown eyes were slightly closed and her kissable plump lips were parted. He felt his cock swell and grow another inch knowing he was the man doing this to her.

“Am I hurting you?” He craved all the pleasure he could get from Sahara, but not at the expense of hurting her.

She gave a short nod pressing her hips up to his. With a low groan, Jax grabbed Sahara’s hips and began to thrust in and out of her at a slow leisurely pace.

The wetness of Sahara’s body slid over his cock sucking at him shooting tiny sparks of heat from the tip of hard-on all the way through his body until it settled low in his gut.

Jax grunted and then clenched his teeth when Sahara’s soft fingers glided through his damp hair, over his shoulders and then down his back stopping right above his hips.

“Fuck!” He shouted out the curse when she wrapped her legs around him pulling his cock even further into her body.

Being like this with Sahara was more powerful than all of his experiences combined. Nothing in the world was ever going to compare to this...

He dragged in and out of her and with each movement Jax lost more and more of himself to the woman beneath him. His body began to burn from the need to taste her and his nostrils flared as her natural scent surrounded them.

Jax bent his head, ran his tongue over the side of Sahara’s neck then sank his fangs in her neck drawing the sweetness of her blood into his mouth. He fed off her for a few minutes before he withdrew his incisors.

“Delicious,” he whispered against her skin.

“Jax,” Sahara cried out as her orgasm ripped through her body.

With sure and powerful thrusts Jax continued to rock into Sahara. He was trying to hold on because he didn’t want the sensations to end but eventually he lost the battle. Throwing his head back, the strands of his blond hair brushed his shoulders as Jax roared his release and his seed emptied into Sahara’s welcoming heat.


Chapter Forty-Four



Jax curled his body against the back of Sahara’s and wrapped his arms around her waist. Tonight had been a rollercoaster ride for him, but it ended on a high note. Sahara was in his arms, but he was still pissed with himself for not keeping her stalker away from her at The Kitty Kat Club.

“Jax,” Sahara’s soft voice whispered breaking into his thoughts.

“Yes, what is it sweetheart?”

“Tell me about Colleen. Who was she to you? Did you love her?”

Hearing Colleen’s name coming from Sahara’s mouth momentarily shocked Jax speechless. Why was Sahara asking about her?

He repositioned their bodies so Sahara was facing him. “Why are you asking about Colleen all of a sudden?”

“I remember you talking about her once. It seemed like you loved her a lot. Is she the reason you became a bodyguard?”

The thought of talking about a past lover with his mate made Jax feel a bit uncomfortable. Colleen was in his past and he would like for her to stay there.

“I don’t think I should talk about Colleen with you,” he said.

“Please, I already know she meant something special to you.” Sahara placed her hand in the middle of his chest over his heart. “Tell me about her. I want to know.”

Jax covered Sahara’s hand with his and took a deep breath allowing thoughts of Colleen’s smiling face to fix in his head again. “No, Colleen wasn’t the reason I became a bodyguard. I had already been one for several years before I met her. The first time I laid eyes on Colleen she was coming out of her art gallery and something about her drew me instantly.

“I mean she had this presence that would make anyone stop and take notice. We were together for close to a year before she was murdered and it was all my fault because the guy who did it wanted to make me pay.”

“What are you talking about? How was Colleen’s death your fault?” Sahara questioned.

“A guy I helped put away for stalking his wife got out of prison and traced me down. He saw me with Colleen and waited for the perfect opportunity for her to be alone in her art gallery. He went inside and killed her in her office. He was caught a couple of days later and confessed to the police I was the reason he killed Colleen.”

“Oh my God!” Sahara gasped. “Jax, that’s horrible but you have to realize her death wasn’t on your shoulders.”

“I know,” he sighed. “But it took me a while to realize it wasn’t.”

“Was she a vampire like you?”

“No, Colleen was human and much as I wanted to turn her I couldn’t. Now I see why I couldn’t do it. She wasn’t the love of my life. You are.”

Sitting up on the bed, Sahara held the sheet against her breasts and looked down at him with a serious expression on her face.

“Jax, I want you to turn me. I want to be with you forever,” she said, staring into his eyes. “I don’t want you to suffer the sleep of the dead. I love you.”

“No, I won’t do it!” Jax flung the sheet off his body and got out of the bed.

“Wait! Why not?” Sahara demanded behind him still on the bed. “Isn’t this what you’ve been wanting for, for weeks now?”

Spinning back around, Jax rushed back to the bed. He wrapped his hand around Sahara’s upper arm tugging her to him. “I don’t want or need your pity. Don’t ask for this because of what happened years ago to Colleen. I want you to be with me out of love or nothing else.”

“Jax, I do love you. Didn’t you hear the words to my song tonight?” Sahara asked.

“You may think you do here,” Jax countered tapping his finger against Sahara’s head. “But, I need it to be true in here.” He moved his finger and placed his hand over her heart. “Until you feel the love for me in your heart, I will never be able to escape the sleep of the dead. It doesn’t matter if I change you or not.”

“Jax,” Sahara said. “Listen to me. I do love you with everything I have in my heart.”

Jax shook his head. “I wish I could believe you, but I can’t.”

Taking his hand off her chest, Jax snatched up his clothing off the floor and stormed into the bathroom to get dressed wondering how did his night had turned from something so good into something so bad.


Chapter Forty-Five



Valentine’s Day


“When I got dragged to the party by my friends;

I thought it was just going to be another one of those nights.

You know the kind I’m talking about.

When you have to wear the typical

Short dress and high heels to show off what you got.


So, I just swallowed down my pride and did what I had to do for my music.

Little did I know how my night would be forever changed when you walked

Through the doors and then sauntered into the crowd room.

My God, all I could think about was how I only wanted and desired

Seven minutes of alone time with you.


It only took seven minute for me to realize

How I felt as soon as you walked through the doors.

Seven minutes for me to know I wanted to make

You mine for the rest of our lives.


Seven minutes to know all of the people I have

Dated in my past prepared me for only you

And this one special moment.


Seven minute wouldn’t pass without me getting up

Enough nerve to walk across the crowded room

And ask you to dance.

So, all I need is seven minutes of your time.


After I got you alone. I couldn’t get over

How the sound of your voice and the direct

Contact of your eyes mesmerize me

Almost as if you were hypnotizing me with them.


Could you really read my most intimate thoughts about you?

The way all I could think about the ways I might put you into my life?

Or would it only be wishful thinking on my part?

Because baby all I cave from you at this moment was.


It only took seven minute for me to realize how

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