Alpha Mine (The Alpha Council Chronicles) (17 page)

Read Alpha Mine (The Alpha Council Chronicles) Online

Authors: Brenda Sparks

Tags: #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Suspense

BOOK: Alpha Mine (The Alpha Council Chronicles)
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Stephan padded silently out of the room behind Marcus. Making his way down the hall to his room, his thoughts turned from the violence of his past to the soft, docile woman who was his present.

Once in his suite, he reverently disrobed Kat, his only intention to make her comfortable as they slept. After silently removing his own clothes, he slipped into the bed beside her. He laid one arm across her stomach enjoying the gentle lift with each breath. He closed his eyes, allowing her warmth to surround him as he drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 20

Kat’s eyes fluttered as she emerged from her dream state. She’d been dreaming about Stephan making love to her in a cave. It had been a sensuous fantasy, in vivid life-like Technicolor.

As the sleepy haze cleared from her mind, slowly she realized she was not recalling a dream but instead a beautiful reality. She and Stephan had made love and it had been the most amazing experience of her life. Never before had she experienced anything with such intensity and feeling.

Stephan said it was his blood, but she knew better. They experienced a real connection between them, like two halves of the same whole coming together. The earth moved, her heart beat in time with his. Perhaps the blood enhanced the experience, but their connection was none the less real.

She turned her head and gazed at the chiseled features on the face lying beside her. Kat stirred slightly, wiggling her toes, testing her body.

Stephan’s eyes snapped open and locked with hers immediately. He seemed instantly ready for action, no sleepy fog for him. His sensual smile exposed his straight white teeth and extended canines, which Kat found sexy.

“Good evening, Kitten,” he said, his deep voice sending a bullet of desire shooting through her body straight to her core.

“Good evening,” she replied back dreamily, more breath than voice.

“I believe we were planning on doing a little experiment this evening. Weren’t we?”

A shiver of anticipation traveled through her. Kat smiled coyly, lowered her eyes, and did her best southern accent. “Why my good sir, whatever are you talking about?”

“If my memory is correct, and it always is, I believe you were going to convince me that I am just as—what was the word you used—
tonight as I was last night.” Stephan propped himself up on one elbow and trailed one of his long fingers down the valley between her breasts.

Kat ran her tongue over her suddenly dry lips, moistening them, the motion tracked by his eyes. “Oh. Well I guess the least I could do—in the name of science—would be to find out if sex with you is just as amazing tonight without your blood affecting me.” She smiled at him as he bent to capture her lips.

“Ah, the sacrifices we all must make in the name of science,” he whispered just before his lips descended on hers in a hot and hungry kiss.

He slid his hand through the valley between her breasts, blazing a fiery trail down her stomach to the juncture between her legs. She parted her thighs slightly allowing his fingers to find her dewy with need. He drew tiny circles over her swollen nub, and a moan escaped her lips, vibrating against his own as they kissed.

Stephan drew back to watch the expression of ecstasy on her face. Her eyes closed, her top teeth biting into her lower lip as he continued his sinuous ministrations.

Small mewling sounds escaped her throat as Stephan gently slid two fingers in and out of her sex while his thumb continued to circle her sensitive pearl. Pressure within boiled up hard and fast. She thrust her hips shamelessly against his hand in wild abandonment, demanding release. A release he happily gave. Calling out his name, she fell over the edge.

Kat lay panting, looking at Stephan as he blanketed her body with his own. With a skilled thrust, he entered her, causing her to arch against him, her breasts meeting his chest. Kat snaked her arms around his neck. She threaded her fingers in his hair and brought his head down to lock their lips in a deep kiss.

Stephan slowly built the pressure between them as he increased the speed of his thrusting hips. He slipped his hand beneath her bottom, raising it so he could penetrate her deeper. With one long, hard stroke he rammed fully into her. The invasion caused her to stiffen slightly from the feeling of him filling her so, but when he began to piston in and out of her, her body relaxed, adjusted to accommodate his girth.

Katrina ran her hands down his back, holding onto his solid form to keep herself secured to this plane as he sent her body soaring higher. Her hands tightened over his muscles that flexed with each sure stroke.

She matched him stroke for stroke. Her nails bit deliciously into his buttocks, spurring him on. His hips pistoned faster into her moist heat.

Stephan bent his head and captured her lips to once again savor the sweet taste before he suckled at her breasts, pulling on her pink taut nipples. They puckered, thrusting out as he swirled his tongue over them. He took his time, making sure each had equally lavish attention.

He kissed a trail up her body, running his tongue over her neck. Teeth grazed ever so lightly over the sensitive skin, making her writhe beneath him.

She felt him nip at her flesh. His body started to quake under the pads of her fingers as they traced the taught muscles on his back. The sound of her beating heart filled her ears. It pounded in her chest, pushing her breasts against his body. He moaned against her neck, the sound almost animalistic.

Sensing a change in her lover, Kat stilled beneath him. She felt the slight sting of his teeth against her neck. It both excited and terrified her, the two emotions warring within her. She knew she was safe with Stephan, but her phobia was still strong from her attack. No one had bitten her since the night of the attack. Could she allow such a thing now? Would the sensation of Stephan’s teeth sinking into her flesh be any different from the way those other fangs felt?

Her fear surrounded them, breaking the moment in a way nothing else could have. Stephan’s mouth closed against her skin. He murmured a string of vicious oaths and groaned against her neck, burying his face in the spot where her neck and shoulder met.

Stephan pushed himself up on his forearms, rising above her to look at her with sad eyes. “I can smell your fear. I’d never hurt you, Kitten,” he said softly.

“I know. I trust you,” she whispered, believing she truly felt that way. She knew in her heart she could trust the man with her. She just wasn’t ready to have him bite her. And really, how unreasonable was that? There were plenty of people who didn’t want their lovers to bite. She wasn’t into that BDSM stuff.

She looked at him, letting her trust show in her eyes. It was enough to ease the features on his face. He allowed her to pull him toward her when she encircled his neck with her arms. Kat wrapped her legs around his back as her mouth wrapped around his tongue.

She was the first to move, rocking her hips, joining them fully once more. Stephan kissed away the last of her trepidation, building her lust into a burning inferno that consumed her body with a scorching heat.

Fingers clenched in her hair, holding her still while he took her mouth, kissing her soundly until she felt him jerk. Swell inside her. He quickened their pace and brought Kat her release once more, this time her inner muscles milked his own release while she called out his name. He threw back his head and let out a triumphant cry. Together they tumbled into ecstasy.

Kat cradled Stephan in her arms, hugging him to her bosom. The rich, musky scent that was a combination of sandalwood and sex surrounded her, and she found herself smiling, happier now than at any other time in her life. She felt wanted, loved…cherished.

“I love you,” she breathed, forgetting Stephan had preternatural hearing.

“I love you too, Kitten.” Stephan rose on his forearms to look down on her. A smile came to his face. “I have an idea. It’s early yet, and you have some time before work. Let’s go over to the Florencia hotel. I want to ride the gondolas with you. After the ride, we could get something to eat.”

“I’d love that!” Her face lit up in anticipation.

“But first I have to know,” he said, looking down at her.

A confused look furrowed her brows. “Know what?” she asked.

“How was the experiment?” Stephan asked separating their bodies so they could dress and get ready for their date.

Amazing. Stupendous.

“So, so,” Katrina replied, fighting to keep the smile from her face.

Stephan froze. The look of concern and shock on his face forced the laughter from her lips. His face softened, then he pounced, pinning her to the bed for a punishing tickle.


Nicholai rang the bell and waited for the door to open. He fumbled with the listening devices hidden in the pockets of his brown slacks. His contact at VES offered not one but two of the small round devices to Nicholai, and he readily accepted both.

The guard who’d been introduced to him as Trace opened the door wide and motioned him inside. “Please come in, Mr. Peterhof.”

“I have come to see Andrea. Is she in?”

“Yes. Have a seat in the living room. I’ll get Mrs. Lucio for you.” The guard motioned for Nicholai to enter the room with a grand sweep of his arm. After watching Nicholai sit down on the couch, Trace turned on his heels, leaving the room to fetch the mistress of the house.

Moments later Andrea walked through the room wearing a dark purple pants suit. Nicholai didn’t know much about fashion, but he was sure the outfit was designer and very expensive.

“Good evening, Nicholai,” she greeted as he stood to kiss the back of her hand. “It is a pleasure to see you again.” Her toothy smile was blinding. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”

“I promised you some autographs, I believe. I had the chance to acquire them.” He handed her two eight by ten photographs of his dancers, each of which had been signed by the pictured performer.

Andrea’s eyes raked the photos. “Oh,” she squealed in delight. “I love them! Thank you so much, Nicholai.” Andrea turned her gaze back to him. Her assessing stare said she appreciated what she saw.

The warrior scanned the room, trying to determine where to put the listening device. Deciding most owners did not have many conversations in their formal living room, he needed an excuse to move throughout the rest of the house. Nicholai turned toward his hostess. “Excuse me, I need to use the facilities.”

“Of course. Go down the hall, it’s the third door on the right.”

“Thank you, Andrea.” He slipped her a sensual smile and made his way out of the living room. He heard an audible sigh escape her lips, sensed her admiring gaze on his back as his strides ate up the floor.

Nicholai stood in the small bathroom leaning on his hands as they rested on the granite vanity. He stared vacantly at his reflection in the mirror and tried to decide where would be the best place in the house to put the listening device. They were small enough to go anywhere, so he wondered just where the couple would most likely talk about a subject like a hunt club. He had considered the hallway, but thought better of it when he realized any conversations there would be brief as people used it to walk from one place to another. He considered the living room again, but decided it was too formal, not a place the couple was likely to spend much time.

Nicholai decided to place one device upstairs and one downstairs to allow for the best coverage. After a number of considerations, he finally determined one should go in the kitchen. He imagined long conversations would take place at the kitchen table over a meal.

He raked his hand down his face. One down, now where to place the other one. He tried to imagine where he would want to talk with a heartmate, if he had one. An image of himself lying in bed talking at length with a lover came to mind, so he decided the master bedroom would be the second place.

Now, he just had to figure out how to get into those rooms. He washed his hands, as if he had used the facilities and opened the door, stopping short when he almost collided with Andrea.

Nicholai flashed her his sexiest smile, the one that made most women melt in his arms. He looked down at the mistress of the house. She gazed back at him with passion sparkling in her eyes and smiled, offering him a drink.

“You read my mind, I’d love a drink.”

“How about some coffee?”

“That would be perfect,” he purred. “Can I help you get it?”

“No, you go back to the living room. I’ll take care of it.”

He watched her saunter down the hallway, then he turned and followed her rather than doing as she had instructed.

Andrea was preparing the coffee maker, pouring water into the top, when Nicholai came up behind her on silent feet. “I can help with that,” he offered, causing her to jump.

“No, no you go sit down. I’ll just be a minute. I’ve got this.”

“Do not be silly. You are with child. The least I can do is help make some coffee.” He moved closer and took the ground gourmet coffee from her hands, purposely sliding his own hand over the top of hers as he grabbed it.

Andrea turned her back and made her way to the kitchen table, giving him the opportunity he needed. He quickly reached into his pocket, withdrew one of the tiny devices, and slipped it under the counter.

His fingers fumbled with the device, turned it over and stuck it against the underside of the counter. He risked a glance over his shoulder to assure his hostess was oblivious to his devious behavior.

A groan of frustration nearly escape his throat. Before he could set the device, Andrea turned around. He quickly leaned against the countertop, effectively hiding the hand with the bug.

“Where do you keep your coffee cups?” he asked, hoping to distract her so he could set the bug.

“In the cabinet to the right of your head.”

He reached with his free hand to take two mugs from the cabinet while his other hand firmly pushed the bug into place.

Hoping the device would stick, he slowly withdrew his hand, carefully lifting one finger away from the counter at a time. Relief flooded him when the device did indeed stay put rather than falling into his waiting hand. The sound of the coffee pot gurgling brought his attention to the counter. The aroma of the Columbian brew filled the kitchen.

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