Alpha Scent (Amber Woods Shifters) (8 page)

BOOK: Alpha Scent (Amber Woods Shifters)
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You are injured Brianna

No shit Sherlock, I’m also thirsty, tired and hungry and you know I don’t do them in any order so let’s get back.

Ok well keep a gentle pace, I’m right behind you

Brianna noticed the way Luke kept shifting his eyes to Anna, the protective energy was subtle but there. Oh dear lord here we go she thought as she ambled after everyone. She felt safe for the first time in as many years, the enforcers kept to her side nudging her when she slowed. They had all scented her blood, but right now she did not give a damn, she just needed a hot bath, some meat and a nice warm bed.


Marcus had received regular information from his enforcers, two hours had gone past and the crescent moon was just beginning to filter through the trees. He had paced the floor of the pack house many times, dragging his hand through his hair.


Yes Tristan?

We are backtracking now, Brianna has picked up a trail and has disappeared to the west, Luke is keeping in contact with her,
she thinks she has found Anna

Thank fuck for that, the moment you find her I want both women brought back safe.

Yes my alpha.

Checking on the pack females and making sure the pups were in bed, he strode to the kitchen, grabbing a cold beer from the fr
idge. The frothy ice cold liquid went down in no time at all, his thirst immense. Or was it his thirst for his sassy mate, who dared to defy him at every turn? Shaking his head, he let out a frustrated sigh before heading out to wait for their return.

Heading back now alpha, we will need the pack healer.

Who is injured?

Anna has a broken ankle and some minor cuts and bruises
and  possibly our alpha female is hurt but It was hard to distinguish, I think she is masking her scent

What? Are you sure?

I don’t know alpha but we will be back in five minutes.

sent a quick mental link to his pack healer. Michael worked as a doctor by day in the shifter hospital but he was also pack healer for when his services were needed. He had been mated to Lucy for over ten years now and they had 2 adorable children.

Michael I need you out by the pack house now

On my way Alpha

There were days when Marcus wished his family just called him by his name instead of his hierarchal title, in relaxed mode they did, but recently with all the disappearances, t
he pack had increased its archaic manners. Seeing the wolves return had him releasing the breath he had been holding. Anna was limping but alive, Brianna was pacing beside Luke. He could not see anything obvious out of place but his senses remained on high alert. He needed to check her over, make sure she was ok. He noticed that his mate nodded to Luke before disappearing around the back of the guest house. The pack were very open about their naked forms and shifting in front of each other, male and female. As his mate he would usually expect no different, but this was Brianna and the very thought of any of his wolves seeing her beautiful body had his wolf bearing its teeth in warning. Connor stepped up beside him.

“Everyone is accounted for Marcus, Anna is at the pack house waiting for Michael and when she is fully rested I will question her to see what happened”

“Good, make sure the enforcers eat and rest as well. I want a full report in an hour, in the meeting room”

“No problems Alpha”

Rhett walked over from the retreating enforcers. Marcus had always been impressed by his tactics, his loyalty and his experience. He remembered when he first joined the pack ten years ago, the guy had been a lone wolf for twenty years, his previous pack had infighting after their alpha was killed by a rival pack, nobody challenged the position other than Rhett, but the pack did not feel he could lead so had turned their backs. He had walked away choosing a different lifestyle. Marcus always believed everyone deserved just one chance, after that if you screw it up, you fuckin lose, simple as that. Ten years later he never regretted that chance.

“Marcus, can I have a word?”

Marcus looked to the guest house, all he wanted to do was go to Brianna, his wolf was restless without her near him, besides he needed to thank her for her help. But he was also alpha and that meant sucking up your responsibilities sometimes.

“Of course Rhett, what is it?”

“How well do you trust the wolves from Lunar Security?”

The question startled him, he was sure his head enforcer had just challenged his motives to hire in outside help. The
anger flowed out of him and Rhett took one step back, bowing his head in submission.

“What the hell does that mean Rhett?”
he snarled.

“I mean no disrespect alpha, it is just that Luke and Brianna had a whole very private communication going on whilst we were searching, it made the enforcers nervous, unsure”

“Spit it out Rhett, what the fuck are you taking about?”

“They are outsiders, if they are linked in a very intimate way, it could put the pack at risk if we don’t know their tactics”

Marcus noticed the way the enforcer emphasised the word
and his wolf bristled at the notion.

“Let me tell you this Rhett. I made the decision to bring in the best security team in the country so we could help find our missing women, something you don’t seem to have achieved yet.  Luke is warrior breed and Brianna is the best tracker there is, from what I understand they have worked together for over two years now, so they will have their methods when working and those have paid off due to the high success rate they have”

“Does that not bother you that they work so close together?”

Marcus snapped and grabbed Rhett by the throat, eyes melting to dark amber.

“Whatever it is your trying to do Rhett, you stop this crap now. You are my head enforcer for a reason, to deal with pack security, not to play fucking cupid, if I ever hearing you question my decision again I will have you brought before the pack for punishment. Now go do your job and manage your team, and we will hear no more about it”

Releasing his throat, the enforcer, kept his head bowed.

“I am sorry my alpha I meant no disrespect”

Marcus watched him walk away. It had been many years since he had done something like that, his wolf wanted action, something was off kilter. Sighing
, he turned to the guest house soothing his wolf by promising to be with their mate soon. Taking the steps two at a time he knocked and entered.


As soon as Brianna had shifted she had fallen to her knees, as a sharp pain went through her side. Dressing as quick as she could she stumbled in through the back door of the guest house. Lizzy was at the kitchen table on her laptop. Her eyes widened as she took in Brianna.

“What the hell
Bri? Are you ok? Did you find Anna?”

“Yes, she is over at the pack house getting some rest, which is exactly what I am going to do now, I’m exhausted,
where are my things?”

She knew her breathing was shallow, and the puncture wound was bleeding, on the run back she had tried to mask her scent the best she could.

“Down the hall, last door on the right, en-suite room so at least we don’t have to share with Luke!”

stood up and walked over to her friend. Close up she could see she was in pain.

“Great, a hot shower and bed sounds like a plan”

“Brianna, don’t take this the wrong way but you look like shit, maybe you should get the pack healer to take a look at you?”

“No! I’m just tired, really L
izzy can you let it go, if you really want to help you can make me a huge plate of bacon and eggs, washed down with a cold beer”

was quiet for a few moments. Brianna was so independent and she knew when to push and when to step back, right now her feet were walking to the kitchen.

“Ok, the fridge is well stocked, I’ll see what I can do honey”

Brianna only nodded, she was trying to save her breath for more important things than talking, like breathing. Once inside her room she headed straight for the bathroom, not appreciating the high quality build or huge tub. Turning the jets to full power she rested her hands against the sink. Her eyes tracked to the mirror above which was quickly fogging up. Yep she really did look like shit. Pulling her grimy top off, she turned to see the damage. She looked like a fuckin barber pole, half her body was white and the other red, blood was coagulating around the puncture site. At least her body was healing. Trying if she could to breathe a sigh of relief she stripped the rest of her clothes off, throwing the stained material on the ground.

The shower was heaven, all her aching muscles softening up in the heat.
Reaching for the shampoo above her, the room spun. Hands automatically planted against the tiles to stop the dizziness.
What the hell is wrong? My body is healing.
Her wolf was whining which confused the heck out of her. Just to be sure she checked the site again, a faint red scar remained. Shaking her head, she finished washing, dried and dressed in yoga pants and vest top, comfort clothing. Dizziness washed over her again, carefully she sat on the bed. Maybe she was just hungry, it had been a long drive. A knock at the door pulled her from her thoughts.

Bri, can I come in?” Luke asked.

“No, Luke I’m tired and need to rest, I’ll speak to you later”

“Don’t be a bloody fool Brianna, I know you are injured, let me come in”

“Luke it’s fine I’m healing” Her voice was quieter, she just could not seem to get enough air in to her lungs.

Brianna heard Luke’s footsteps echo down the hall, then the sound of another male.

Right on cue another knock at the door.

“Brianna, it’s Marcus can I come in?”

His voice was so smooth and calming
, she almost forgot she was feeling like crap. Steadying her breathing, she put as much effort as she could to sound well and like her usual self.

“What is it with you men wanting to be in here, can a girl just not sleep,
I’ll see you in the morning”

Her door opened, presenting her with Marcus, any other time he would quite literally take her breath away, but something
else had already done that. She blinked and he was kneeling before her.
How the hell did he do that?
His hand cupped her face.

“Brianna, where are you hurt?”

Was he being tender? Now that was a surprise, a whole different side of the dominant alpha before.

Nowhere now, I’m healed” she whispered.

Wow, he really did smell good, it was sending her quite literally into a spin, or was it? She was really confused, things were not adding up. As soon as Marcus had entered the house he could hear Luke arguing with Brianna
. He met him halfway down the hall, Luke was genuinely concerned for her, but her stubbornness was winning. As an alpha he could break down her masking scent and underneath that he could smell fear and pain. His wolf was restless, needing to protect their mate. Entering her room, his heart nearly stopped, she was pale and breathless, the fierce need to protect and take away her pain was so intense, a completely new emotion and one he welcomed with open arms.

“Don’t lie to me baby, what happened?”

Brianna tried to speak but her sentences were getting shorter, no matter how hard she tried her lungs were striving for oxygen. Raising her top she pointed to the scar so freshly made.

“Puncture wound” she gasped.

“Luke!” He yelled.

Everything seemed to be happening so fast her brain could not keep up, feeling the dominant energy and demands had her wolf panicking. Her eyes darted to the door as her friend came in the room.

“Tell me what to do Marcus”

“Get Michael in here now, I don’t care if he is busy you find him and get him here”

Luke raced out the room. Her panicking had her breathing faster and rapidly. Marcus placed both his hands on the side of her face, sending every part of his alpha strength to her. Brianna could only stare into those green eyes.

“That’s it Baby, focus on me, I won’t let anything happen to you, try to relax”

Where the fuck was that healer?

Brianna tried to speak but he shook his head, keeping his gaze on her. Running footsteps in the hall
were heavy, every impact sending pain in her head. Wincing, she closed her eyes briefly. She could hear voices, but she was just so tired, why the hell wont they stop talking, she really needed to rest. Marcus was so relieved as soon as he saw Michael.

“What happened Marcus?”

“She has a puncture wound to the side, which has healed but she is struggling to breathe”

Brianna felt bereft when those warm safe hands dropped from her face
, she wanted them back, her wolf howled in mourning. All too suddenly she scented another male, his hands were on her side. Panicking she lashed out at the unknown scent. Before the familiar scent she craved was back beside her.

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