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Authors: Jussi Adler-Olsen

Alphabet House (49 page)

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Appendix II

SS rank comparison to British Army rank

SS Rank
British Rank
Lance Corporal
Platoon Sergeant Major
Company Sergeant Major
Battalion Sergeant Major
Regimental Sergeant Major
2nd Lieutenant
Lieutenant Colonel
Major General
Lieutenant General

Anatomie des SS-Staates, Band 1-2
. DTV, 1967, Munich.

Eugen Kogon: SS-
. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1981, Oslo.

Janusz Piekalkiewicz:
Den Anden Verdenskrig 1-11
. Peter Asschenfeldts Bogklub, 1986, Copenhagen.

Interview 02-978003 with officers, Danish Air Force library.

Goebbels’ Diaries
. Notes: Louis P. Lochner. Branner, 1948, Copenhagen.

. Gunnar Hansen, ed. Samleren, 1972, Copenhagen.

Verdensdramaet i Karikaturer, 1939-1945
. Commodore, 1945, Copenhagen.

Klinisk Ordbog
. Høst & Søn, 1951, Copenhagen.

Intern Medicin
. Faber, Holst, Petrén. Gyldendal, 1934, Copenhagen.

Året fortalt i Billeder
, various yearbooks. Carlsen if, Copenhagen.

Politikens Aarbog/Politikens HHH
, various yearbooks. Politiken, Copenhagen.

Karna Bruun: Interviews dealing with her work as nurse in German hospitals during World War II.

Erik Strømgren:
. Munksgaard, 1979, Copenhagen.

John B. Nielsen:
Psykiatrisk ordbog
. Høst & Søn, 1975, Copenhagen.

Harly Foged:
. Bogan, 1985, Farum.

Hans Rumpf:
The Bombing of Germany
. Fr. Müller Ltd., 1961, London.

Rolf Valentin:
Die Krankenbataillone
. Droste Verlag, 1981, Düsseldorf.

F.M. Richardson:
Fighting Spirit
. Leo Cooper, 1978, London.

Franz Kurowski:
Der Luftkrieg über Deutschl
. Econ, 1977, Vienna.

Lipmann Kessel:
Surgeon at Arms
. Leo Cooper, 1958/1976, London.

Medical Services in War
. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1968, London.

Otto Peter Schweling:
Die deutsche Militärjustiz in der Zeit des National Sozialismus
. N.G. Elwert Verlag, 1978, Marburg.

Ferdinand Sauerbruch:
En kirurgs Liv
. Jespersen & Pio, 1952.

G. Baron: Schools &
Progress in England
. Pergamon Press, 1968.

Charles Messenger:
Bomber Harris and The Strategic Bombing Offensive, 1939–1945.
Arms and Armour Press, 1984.

Harold J. Wright:
Pathfinder Squadron
. William Kimber & Co., 1987.

Michael F. Jerram:
Super Profile: P51 Mustang
. Winchmore, 1984.

Alfred Granger:
Aerodata Int. no. 3: P-51D Mustang
. VAP, 1978.

Seventh US Army in France and Germany 1944–45, Vol.2
. Graef, 1946.

Folkets Almanak 1940, 1942–1945
. N.C. Roms Forlagsforretning.

Henry Olsen, head psychiatrist: conversations regarding psychiatric reaction patterns.

Merian 7.xxxix/C 4701E:
Freiburg im Br.;
Walter Jens:
Freiburg im Krieg;
E. L. Hess:
Die Leiche ist noch Munter
. Der Taubergiessen.???

Travel guides for London, Wales, Canterbury, Freiburg.

Study trip to Freiburg, spring 1989, with the support of Det Treschowske Fideikommis.

Karl Bierring:
Lærebog i systematisk anatomi
. Store Nordiske Videnskabsboghandel, 1946, Copenhagen.

Thomas Schnabel/Gerd R. Ueberschär:
Endlich Frieden! Das Kriegsende im Freiburg

Interviews with military librarians in Freiburg about battles on the Rhine.

Hans Schadek:
Das Freiburger Münster und der 27. November 1944, heft 6.
Stadtarchivs Freiburg i. Br. Freiburg, November 1984.

Rainer Mennel:
Die Operation in Elsass-Lothringen im Herbst und Winter 1944/45. Militärgeschichtliches Beiheft zur Europäischen Wehrkunde, heft 2
. Verlag E.S. Mittler und Sohn, April 1989, Herford und Bonn.

Rolf-Dieter Müller/Gerd R. Ueberschär, Wolfram Wette:
Wer zurück weicht wird erschossen! Kriegsalltag und Kriegsende in Südwest-Deutschland 1944/45.
Dreisam Verlag GmbH, 1985.

William L. Shirer:
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
. Simon & Schuster, 1960.

V. Feist:
Waffen-SS in Action
. (Det kongelige Garnisonsbibliotek) 1973.

Soldiers of Destruction
. (Det kongelige Garnisonsbibliotek) 1977.

G. Reitlinger:
The SS-alibi of a Nation
. (Det kongelige Ganisonsbibliotek) 1956.

C.B. MacDonald:
The Siegfried Line Campaign
(VI F). (Det kongelige Garnisonsbibliotek) 1963.

C.B. MacDonald:
The Last Offensive
(VI H). (Det kongelige Garnisonsbibliotek) 1973.

Soldiers and Destruction, The SS Death’s Head Division, 1933–1945
; chapter:
The Führer’s Firemen
. Princeton University Press, 1990.

Norman Harms:
in Action, Combat Troops No. 3
; chapter:
Backgrounds to the
and Waffen
SS. Squardron/Signal Publications.

Correspondence with Oberarchivrat Dr Ecker, Stadtarchiv, Freiburg.

Biographical note

Jussi Adler-Olsen (born 2nd August 1950) is a Danish author, publisher, editor and entrepreneur. Born in Copenhagen, he was the youngest of four children. His father was the successful sexologist and psychiatrist Henry Olsen, and he spent his childhood with his family in doctors’ official residences at several mental hospitals across Denmark. In his late teens, he played in a couple of pop groups as lead guitarist. After finishing school he went on to study medicine, sociology and film making. Over the course of his career Adler-Olsen has worked in a number of different sectors of media. He made his debut as a non-fiction writer in 1984 and in 1997 he turned his hand to fiction. His novels have been sold in more than forty languages. His name has appeared frequently at the top of the bestseller lists in many countries, including on the
New York Times
paperback bestseller list.


Published by Hesperus Nova
Hesperus Press Limited
28 Mortimer Street, London W1W 7RD


First published by Hesperus Press, 2014
This ebook edition first published, 2014


First published in Danish © 1997
This edition © JP/Politikens Hus, Copenhagen 2014


English language translation © Steve Schein, 2013


Typeset by Sarah Newitt
Cover design by Dan Mogford


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