Already Freakn' Mated (8 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: Already Freakn' Mated
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Chapter Ten

Late Sunday afternoon, the doorbell rang, but Chris didn’t pay it any attention. Despite the packed living room and family room, it seemed more people had arrived, his mother’s fault for being such a good cook. Who could blame so many of his family, friends and neighbors for showing up? No sane person could resist the mouthwatering smells coming from the kitchen – and the slap on his hand was well worth the taste.

The glimpse he’d gotten of the pumpkin pie, with whipped cream on top, made him want to do battle so he wouldn’t have to share. He restrained himself though from rescuing the pie. The last time he did that – trying to sneak off with it to the woods with a single fork – the pie got destroyed when his brothers caught him. ‘
No, not my precious,
’ he’d cried as it soared in the air and hit the floor upside down. Pissed, his mother had him and his brothers doing slave chores for weeks afterward. Years later, he still mourned the loss of the pie no one got to taste.

Over the din of the crowd, he could hear his mother speaking with the new arrivals, her enthusiastic greeting carrying. Years of practice with so many boys left her with an ability to have herself heard that most army sergeants would envy. However, as he and his brothers well knew, it wasn’t her loud tone they needed to fear, but the quiet one.

Something tickled his senses, a prickling awareness dancing across his skin. Suddenly awake, his wolf raised a shaggy head in Chris’s mind, ears perked with interest. Chris didn’t need to turn around to know his mother did exactly what she threatened. She’d invited his mate. And – he took another whiff to be sure – her damned husband.

Angling around, he positioned himself by the bookcase, making it hard for them to spot him, but giving him a perfect view of Jack and Jill – without their buckets. Curious glances were sent the Asian couple’s way, and a couple of admiring ones from his single male cousins, and his brother Stu. Jill looked too damned cute in her clinging silk blouse and form fitting slacks. It didn’t please him or his wolf at all to see the interest she attracted.

The growled thought almost left his lips. Acting on his possessive impulse though wouldn’t go over well. But he couldn’t let his brother’s slobbering look go unpunished. He made a mental note to do something evil to Stu later.

A soft touch on his arm had him peering down, way down. Gina, his favorite female cousin, and the shortest at a ridiculously small five foot nothing, stood at his side. A hoyden in her youth, she grew up to look like every man’s wet dream until she opened her mouth and turned into a foul mouthed, raspy voiced trucker. God, the trouble they’d gotten into as kids.

“What’s got you looking like a dog who just got his nuts chopped and is looking to kill the man responsible?” she asked, in her usual delicate fashion.

“What’s got you looking like a cheap penny whore in need of some quick cash?” he retorted, pointing to her skin tight, strapless ruby red top, and micro mini.

She snapped her gum and grinned. “Like it? The big man down at the precinct has me working the downtown strip. We’ve got a john who’s been preying on the women coming out of the clubs. I volunteered myself as bait.”

“You’ll use any excuse to wear your everyday out clothes instead of a uniform.” Chris shook his head.

“Can you blame me? Those damned things are uncomfortable. Not to mention they make my ass look fat.”

“Maybe if you stayed away from the obligatory doughnuts…” He expected the punch to his arm.

“Jerk. Just for that, I’m going to give you some parking tickets.”

Chris grinned at her threat, knowing she wouldn’t – he hoped. “What are you doing here? Doesn’t your mom usually make you eat at your grandma’s?” he asked, an eye on Jill, who under the firm hand of his mother, met his family, whether she wanted to or not. Her husband – his usual pissy expression in place – followed along behind.

“Grandma’s on a cruise so ma’s gone to Florida early this year because she’s planning to make it to Christmas dinner for once.”

“I thought she hated celebrating Christmas.” Chris returned his focus to his cousin, his attention diverted for a moment at the news. Keeping his aunt Carolyn away from family functions was something everyone strived for. A wonderful woman, most of the time, when she got around his mother, who happened to be her older sister, sparks flew, and sometimes hair. Sibling rivalry at its most violent. They almost made him and his brothers look tame.

“Oh, she still hates Christmas. Says she can’t stand all the fakeness of the holidays. But your brother Stu, who I swear I’m going to shave bald one day, said what a shame she couldn’t come since your mom makes the best cranberry sauce ever.”

“Uh-oh.” How like Stu to throw a gauntlet at their aunt for his entertainment. Awesome. He’d have to make sure to get some popcorn for the main event. Oh, and save the sugar pie from the battle. His second favorite dessert, after pumpkin pie.

“Yeah, uh-oh. So now my mother is determined to stay and prove she makes the best cranberry sauce in the family.”

A snort escaped Chris. “So in other words, I shouldn’t buy my mother anything fragile or likely to stain this Christmas. Gift card it is.”

“I heard that,” his mother hollered.

“Love you, ma,” he yelled back. Not that anyone really noticed with the usual family gathering cacophony going on. Correction. Two people did. One, with a lilt to her lips met his gaze and inclined her head in greeting. The other, peered from his mother to Chris, then tightened his lips as understanding dawned. It seemed his mother hadn’t quite explained exactly whose house Jack was coming to.

God love his mother. Chris knew he could count on her to help him win his mate. Now, how to get Jill alone? In other words, away from the old ball and chain.

“You’ve got smoke coming out of your ears,” Gina retorted.

“Do not.”

“You’re right you don’t, but your face is all squinched up like you’re thinking too hard, which in turn means you’re up to no good. I want in. Spill.”

“Can you keep a secret?”

Gina smirked and flicked the room and its occupants a glance.

He frowned. Duh. If he spoke, even in a hushed whisper, everyone here would hear what he had to say, including a husband he preferred to remain oblivious. Inclining his head, he indicated she should follow him. Slinking out of the crowded house – a skill wolves excelled at, along with howling at the moon and chasing pesky squirrels – they headed out to the backyard, Gina’s curiosity evident. Chris didn’t speak, though, until they’d entered the woods and he was sure they were alone. Even then, he kept his voice low.

“Promise you won’t say a word.”

“Seriously? What are we in, like grade school? Afraid our moms are going to catch us?” Gina rolled her eyes.

“It’s not my mom I’m worried about. Swear or I won’t tell you.”

“Loser.” Disparaging insult or not, she spit in her hand and held it out.

Chris made a moue of distaste. “Gross.”

“What? You didn’t have a problem with it when we were kids.”

“Yeah, back then I also wore the same underwear for three days. A simple ‘I promise’ would suffice.”

“Oh fine then. I, Gina, hottest wolf around and best cousin ever, promise not to tell a freakn’ soul about the secret you’re about to impart.”

“Or else you have to dress like a Mormon for a month.”

“That’s just cruel!” she exclaimed.

“Then don’t break the vow.”

“I swear, but this better be good, or I will lock you in a cell with a hairy, horny inmate,” she growled.

Slightly disturbing as promises went, but satisfied his cousin would keep her lips sealed, he leaned in and said in a low tone. “I’m pretty sure I’ve met my mate.”

Eyes wide, Gina gaped at him. “No freakn’ way. You’re screwing with me.”

“Nope. God’s honest truth.”

“Holy cow. And here I thought Stu was going to go down next.”

“Why my brother? He’s a pig.”

She grinned. “Exactly. I’m looking forward to seeing him fall and turn into a respectable family man so I can make fun of him.”

A snicker turned into a laugh. “You and me both.”

“So, who is the lucky, or should I say, cursed girl?”

“Are you implying I won’t make good mate material?” he huffed, only slightly offended. Gina, after all, was privy to some of his antics when it came to girls. Heck, she’d played the part of jealous girlfriend more than once when he needed to rid himself of a cling-on.

“Well, you do have a nice set of teeth and hair. No signs of balding. Yet.”

“Ha. You are so funny short stuff. Still shopping in the little girls section at Wal-Mart?”

“Do you still watch cartoons in the morning while eating Fruit Loops?”

“It’s Captain Crunch now, and Sportsnet, thank you very much.”

“Oh, yeah, that will just totally make your potential mate fall over herself to snag you.”

“I’m really starting to dislike you,” he grumbled as Gina pointed out some of his habits.

“Poor Chris. Are we feeling unloved? I’m sure she’ll look past your less than endearing qualities. At least you have a decent job, which I guess counts for something.”

“Gee. Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

“Anytime. But seriously, Captain Crunch aside, who’s the lady? Do I know her?”

“Did you see that Asian girl inside?”

“Yeah. She’s the one hanging with the hot dude who looks like he’s getting his testicles squeezed in a vise, right?”

A chuckle escaped him. “That’s the one. Well, I’m pretty sure she’s meant to be mine, problem is, she’s kind of married to the dude.”

“She’s married?” Gina cackled. “Ha. Ha. Ha. And to think you made fun of Mitchell because he had to share his woman with another man.”

A scowl creased Chris’s countenance. “Who says I’m sharing? I said they were married, it doesn’t mean they’re truly mated. Or that I plan to share her.”

“So what are you going to do? Kidnap her and run away? Kill the guy?”

“I would, but ma won’t let me.” At her shocked look, he snickered. “Just kidding. I don’t suppose you could arrest him and throw his ass in jail? Maybe forget he’s there for a while?”

“If I could, I would have done that with my cheating ex. I had to settle for having him rectally searched when the boys downtown pulled him in for a drug charge.”

Chris winced. “Ouch. That’s cold. And I don’t think I could ask you to do that, even to win my mate.”

“So what is your plan then?”

“I thought it might be a good idea to get to know Jill first, have her fall for me and decide on her own to divorce the guy. But, I’m having a bit of a problem with that plan because her husband is always around.”

“Gee, could it have to do with the fact they’re married?” Sarcasm thick, Gina rolled her eyes for added emphasis.

Annoyed at the reminder, and Gina’s evident lack of sympathy, he scowled. “You know what. Forget we talked.”

“What do you mean forget? This is way too juicy, Christopher Phineas. I want to know what you intend to do next.”

“Well I had planned on getting her alone to get to know her.” And kiss. “But I’m not sure how.”

“You need a diversion.” Nodding sagely, Gina adjusted her boobs in her top, plumping them up until they threatened so spill out. “Got it, partner. Good thing I’m already dressed for the part.”

Unease gripped him at the anticipation on her face. “What are you planning to do?”

“Oh please. I have yet to meet a man who can resist these babies when I’ve got them in their face.”

“You’re going to seduce him?”

“Hey, this is a family function. Give me a little credit. I’m just going to reroute the blood in dude’s brain for a little bit while you slip away with his wife and smear her with your version of charm.”

A grimace twisted his lips. “You make it sound so tawdry.”

“Isn’t it?”

Hmmm. She did have a point. “You don’t mind?”

“Mind? I deal with dirty John’s all day long. Trying to seduce a husband sounds like fun.”

“You don’t have to go that far.”

Blinking her eyes, Gina smiled slowly, a smile that would send most normal men running for cover. Jack didn’t stand a chance. “Oh, but I do. Because then you’ll owe me a favor.”

“G-i-n-a.” Chris stretched out her name.

Her smile widened. “Nothing too awful, just a custom organizer in my closet.”

“How big is it?”

“Put it this way, my three bedroom condo is going down to two.”

Chris groaned.

“Do we have a deal? I distract the hubby, you give me shelf and hanger heaven.”

“What if I need you for more than one time?”

“How long we talking about?”

“Maybe a couple of weekends as my assistant at their house?”

“You making my new closet with real wood?”

Sigh. “Yes.”

“Deal, partner.” And yes, she did spit in her palm again and made him shake it. Nasty wench. God he loved her like another sister though. Even better, he now had backup in his quest to win his mate. Hopefully it wouldn’t backfire.


Jiao couldn’t help but note the cute female leaving the room with Chris – her cat didn’t like it at all. It was her worst fear come true. Chris had a girlfriend, or someone he liked enough to bring to a family function.
So much for thinking he felt the
same connection
, she thought somewhat morosely. She hoped none of her dejection showed but had to wonder when Meredith said, “Oh dear, you’ve just missed Chris and his cousin, Gina.”

“Cousin?” Well that eased her mind, but did the woman sense her interest in Chris? God, she hoped not. What would she think of Jiao, who was supposedly married, chasing after her son?

“Yes. They’re the same age and have been best friends since they were in diapers. I’ll introduce her to you later if you’d like.”

“Okay.” What else could Jiao say? She’d already met a ton of family members and people. She doubted she’d remember even a quarter of their names by morning.

“Oh dear. If you’ll excuse me for a moment, I hear the door again.” Off Meredith went leaving Jiao with an uncomfortable appearing Sheng.

“Why didn’t you mention she was the handyman’s mother?” her brother hissed in her ear.

She shrugged in reply lest their conversation become common knowledge. Already she wondered if her decision to come was a bad one given the attention they kept drawing. It seemed Sheng’s paranoia was contagious. “I’m thirsty. Let’s go find a drink.”

Not waiting to see if her brother followed, Jiao weaved her way through the crowd, most of the bodies towering over her more petite frame. They sure bred them big around here, and clumsy. A man stumbled into her, and she might have fallen if a pair of strong hands – replete with a tingle – hadn’t caught her. She didn’t need to look up to know Chris held her.

“Thanks,” she muttered, trying to pull free before Sheng saw.

However, Chris didn’t immediately let go, leaving one hand on her waist and guiding her through the crowd, his large body clearing the way.

“Where are we going?” she asked, peering anxiously over her shoulder, expecting to see a glowering Sheng at their heels. To her surprise, her brother, usually glued to her side, was nowhere in sight.

“You looked kind of overwhelmed, so I thought I’d take us somewhere a little quieter.”

“But what about Sh—Jack?”

“He’s busy right now with my cousin Gina.”

Turning her head again, Jiao scanned the crowd until she spotted her brother’s stiff back. Then she bit her lip, just imagining his consternation when the voluptuous Gina draped an arm around him and whispered something in his ear. Coincidence or planned?
Did Chris just use his cousin as a distraction so he could spirit me elsewhere?

Eyeing Chris, who led her away from the crowd with purpose, she could honestly say she didn’t care. The simple touch of his fingers on her waist teased her, and rendered her hyper aware of him by her side. She ignored the looks they got. Forgot her brother. Under a spell of curiosity, she let him lead her somewhere private. Somewhere hopefully alone.

Opening a door to the kitchen, which immediately immersed her in heavenly smells, he then opened a second door and flicked on a switch. At his urging she headed down the stairs first.
Where are we going? His bedroom?
Oh how her pulse quickened at the thought. She got the destination wrong, though.

As they reached the bottom step, she noted a basement gym. And what a space. Momentarily entranced, she stepped away from Chris and eyed the professionally finished space. She ran her fingers over the padded walls. Noted the vinyl, cushioned floor. The hemp wrapped posts. The monkey bars going up the wall and across the ceiling. The pegs on the wall, and so much more.

“Did you build this?” she asked in wonder, now able to finally picture what her own basement gym might look like once done. Although, she also planned to add some plants to give it a more of a jungle feel.

“Yes, with a little help from my dad. Our original gym got wrecked. My brothers and I can get kind of unruly.”

Judging by the twinkle in his eyes, he understated. “How many brothers do you have?”

“Four and one pesky sister who’s worse than them all. What about you?”

“Me?” She bit her lip. What to admit? “One brother.”

“Older? Younger? Prettier?”

“Older and bossy,” she answered with a laugh.

“I’m familiar with the type,” he remarked dryly. “What about the rest of your family? Do they live nearby?”

The question killed her mirth. “I have no one else. Only my brother.”

“I’m sorry.” Softly spoken, she could hear the regret in the tone. “That must be hard. I can’t imagine not having a horde of family members. Although, it would probably be quieter.” They both peered at the ceiling as the muted thumps of the ongoing celebration managed to penetrate the soundproofed basement.

“I would love to have a big family.” She couldn’t hide the wistful tone. “But at least I have Sheng.” Too late, she realized she slipped with her brother’s name.
Oh shoot. He’s going to kill me.

But Chris had no idea she’d made a grave booboo. “I’d like to meet him sometime. Find out your deep dark childhood secrets.” He waggled his brows and grinned.

“Oh, I doubt they’d interest you.” Although, some of her upbringing would probably shock. Captured before her tenth birthday along with her brother and parents, she spent most of her teenage years training to entertain Kaleb’s guests.

“Somehow I don’t think anything about you is boring.” His words, mixed with his intense gaze, left her no wiggle room to misconstrue his meaning.

But she did her best. “So why rebuild the gym with you and your brothers all grown up? Who uses it?”

“We might be grown up, but some of us still live at home while we save up for a house. Me, my brothers, Stu and Kendrick, haven’t left the nest yet and use it quite often. Dad still comes down here sometimes too. Soon, it will also accommodate my niece and nephew, once they pass the slobbering stage into the walking one. Then, there’s kids of my own one day. Young shifters need a safe place to explore their animal side. What better than a jungle gym made for them? We’ve got climbing bars and a wall. Hemp covered poles and even some distressed wooden panels for them to rub their nails. And if you look in that bin over there, you’ll find knotted ropes and balls for playing. Pups can have a lot of energy, and with my sister popping out two at once, we got this place finished just in time.”

“Family is important to you?”

“Family is everything. We all stick together, no matter what.”

“That sounds great.” She envied him that. Once, she’d at least had her mother and father to count on, now, it was just her and Sheng against the world. Or against Kaleb, at any rate.

“Yeah, it’s great, until they stick their nose in your business,” he muttered darkly before grinning.

His frankness and love for his family just cranked her liking of him up another notch, however, it was his smile that sent heat shooting through her veins. She needed to turn the conversation to something less intimate. More boring. “Will my gym look like this when done?” she asked, turning to feign interest in the setup again.

“If you want. Or nicer. Anything you want, let me know. I’ll give it to you.”

She whirled at the sound of his voice behind her. He stood so close she needed to crane to look him in the face. Just a half step forward and she would have hit his chest. The small space separating them might as well have not existed seeing as how her entire body tingled. “Is this why you brought me down here? To show me an example of your work?” Did she wrongly assume he’d wanted to get her alone for another reason?

“Honestly? No. I have an ulterior motive. But first let me ask you something. Are you feeling an urge to sneeze?”

His question surprised her. “What? No. My cold is gone. My healing ability finally kicked in and got rid of it. Why?”

“I’d rather show you.”

With wide eyes, she gazed up at him as he encroached her space further. Mouth dry, tummy full of butterflies and her heart beating too loudly, she whispered. “Why did you bring me here?”

“So I could get you alone and do this.” A large hand cupped the back of her head and drew her closer, but he was still too tall. With a growl, his free arm wrapped around her waist and he lifted her smaller frame until her face was level with his. “Say something now if you want me to stop.”

As if. Lips clamped tight, she didn’t say a word. Wasn’t even sure she could have if she wanted to. She’d dreamt of this moment for days. She wanted this kiss more than she’d ever wanted anything.

Relief replaced the worry in his eyes as she gave him her silent assent, followed quickly by a smoldering gaze. Her eyes fluttered shut as he leaned in and kissed her, a firm embrace like nothing she’d imagined.

Good thing he held her, because she would have surely sunk to the ground in a boneless, melted – but very happy – puddle.


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