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Authors: L.A. Fiore

Always and Forever (38 page)

BOOK: Always and Forever
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"Which would explain why Derek appeared in the past because the future and, presumably his treasure, was no more," Gabriel completed her thought.

"Exactly! What's interesting is both Morgan and I are killed. Derek is the obvious link but he isn't smart enough to pull that off. I think, especially now that we know people can actually walk through time, that it's very possible whoever killed Morgan could have also killed me."


Quinn shrugged. "I don't know."


"Again, I don't know but I think it might be interesting to look a bit harder at Archer's father."


"Murder 101. The killer is usually someone close to the victim. He went to the trouble of covering up her death, and of everyone close to Morgan, Archer's dad was the only one with a motive."

Gabriel and Quinn arrived at Shane's pub just as the lunch menu was being written on the board.

They picked a table in the back of the place and while they waited for Shane to join them, Quinn asked, "Tell me about our wedding."

There was wistfulness in his expression when he replied, "We had the wedding at Whispering Winds near the river's edge. You were the most beautiful bride as you walked down the slopping hills of green towards me in your white gown. I see you, every time I close my eyes, I see you walking toward me looking only at me. You were clutching your bouquet of white roses so tightly and I could tell you were nervous but it was only love looking back at me. It was a small ceremony, only our very close friends and family, and after, we celebrated in the great hall where Nick spared no expense." A slight grin touched his lips as he thought of it. "We spent our wedding night in the rose room of Whispering Winds before leaving for our honeymoon in Tuscany."

"We lived at the estate, didn't we?"


"Gabriel, did we have children?"

His eyes grew bright. "We had just found out you were pregnant when you..."

He didn't finish, couldn't and Quinn felt her own tears.

"Oh my God, Gabriel."

His face was fierce when he cradled hers in his hands. "I won't lose you again."

At that moment Shane appeared. He knew he was interrupting something intense so he tried for lighthearted when he greeted them.

"Hello," he stopped next to Quinn and brought her hand to his lips then he turned to Gabriel and they hugged like long lost brothers.

"It's good to see you again, Shane. It's been an age."

"Likewise, but you're looking old my friend," Shane joked.

If Shane only knew that he was, in fact, older. Almost nine years older! Quinn marveled to herself.

Gabriel only laughed then replied, "You sure have a way with words."

"Join us, please." Quinn offered as she gestured to a chair.

"I would really like that, thanks."

"Broderick, Cabernet for the lady and two Guinness."

"You got it boss," Broderick eyed Quinn a moment before turning to fill the order.

"He's going to wonder about me since I was just asking about Gabriel last night and now here I am having lunch with him."

"Broderick's cool besides one look at you two together is explanation enough."

Quinn blushed which pulled a smile from Gabriel just before Broderick walked over.

"Found Gabriel I see," Broderick offered with a wink before he reached over and shook Gabriel's hand.

"Nice to see you, again."


"Call when you're ready to order," Broderick said before he moved back behind the bar.

Shane looked from Quinn to Gabriel and asked, "So tell me, how did you two meet?"

Later that night they returned to Quinn's hotel to have dinner in the room before getting to bed early. They were heading back to the Cotswolds in the morning. Gabriel stopped off at his car for his bag and as they entered her room he looked over at her.

"Would you mind if I used the shower?"

"Like you need to ask. I'll call room service when you're done."

He pressed a kiss on her lips before he disappeared into the bathroom.

Quinn kicked off her shoes and went to the little bar to pour herself a glass of wine. For Gabriel, she put on her game face but she was more than a little disturbed to learn that he was from the future and was sent back to save her. Talk about history repeating itself. Quinn understood that the entire situation was just whacked out, people didn't generally slip back into time to save their loved ones from harm, and yet she had been sent to Archer and Gabriel had been sent to her.

Whatever was happening was personal and, as far as Quinn was concerned, it wasn't about hidden treasure. Both in the past and the future she was murdered and, because Quinn didn't believe in coincidences, that was very significant. The question now was who stood to gain from her death both in the past and the future and what was it that Quinn had that made murder a reasonable means to an end? The answer was fairly obvious and he was currently taking a shower in her bathroom.

She pulled her head from that and thought about what Gabriel had told her, they were pregnant when she was murdered. How the hell did he survive that? Thank God he came back almost immediately since the thought of him suffering a loss like that, losing not just her but their child, to find himself alone again made her want to drop to her knees and sob. How did any of them survive such pain and loss? It was nearly unbearable to think that everyone she loved, Archer, Nickie, Gabriel suffered and ended up alone. They needed to figure it out and change fate.

She heard the shower turn on and thinking of his beautiful body under the spray she decided to surprise him and keep him from being alone now. She placed her glass down and quietly slipped into the bathroom. The glass door of the shower stall was steaming up but she could still see him as the water slid down the deep groove of his spine. His body was so perfect, like it was carved from marble by a master, and seeing him always meant wanting him so she removed her clothes and quietly slipped into the shower. She pressed herself up against his back and wrapped her arms around his waist allowing her fingers to trace the muscles of his abs. She felt as his entire body went still, felt as his heart pounded hard and erratic in his chest, and then in a blur of movement he turned and wrapped his strong arms around her pulling her up against his body so that her soft curves were pressed up against his hard lines. Right before his mouth lowered to hers, he whispered in a voice that had grown hoarse, "Took you long enough."

Quinn toweled dried her hair but couldn't help glancing in the mirror at Gabriel who stood behind her wearing only a towel wrapped loosely around his hips. He had another towel which he was using to dry his hair, causing it to spike up all around his handsome face.

She didn't want to think about it but watching him reminded her that this poor man finds her lying on the floor, dying. A pain speared her heart at the thought. To actually watch as he slipped away, to watch him die before her very eyes. No, if she had to witness that she would never survive it. He was so strong but the past had to stop repeating itself or it would destroy them.

Who was doing this and why? She was so lost in thought she didn't realize that he had come up behind her, didn't realize it until he slipped his hands around her waist and pulled her back against his hard chest.

"What are you thinking about?"

Her eyes met his in the mirror and the look of love burning there had her heart skipping a few beats. "Wondering why someone is constantly pulling us apart. We met before, you know that, and we were pulled apart. And when we meet centuries later someone tears us apart again. Why?"

His arms tightened around her. "I don't know but we will figure it out."

She turned then and wrapped her arms around him and pressed her face against his chest.

"I don't know how you came to be here or how I went back. I don't know how I was lucky enough to find you and not just in one lifetime, but I am so grateful."

He gently ran his knuckles along her jaw and whispered, "Always and forever." And then he kissed her.

Their passion was interrupted by the buzzing vibration of Quinn's cell phone. And while she didn't want their embrace to end, Quinn knew this phone call could hold the key to the answers they sought.

"Hi, Tessa, what's up?"

"Hey. I just sent those photos to you. It cost me dinner, a very memorable dinner, so I think I might just owe

Quinn laughed at that, confirmed she received the photos, thanked her friend then settled in with Gabriel to check out the pictures of Derek and Constance.

As soon as she saw the aged version of Derek's partner, recognition tickled her memories.

"I've seen her before. Where have I seen her?" Quinn asked mostly to herself but Gabriel reached for the phone and looked at the picture. He studied it for a few minutes then offered, "Looks like the woman who owns the Organic Grocery in the village near Whispering Winds."

"Oh my God, you're right! It is her. Well, no wonder the day I visited her store she acted so oddly. She was probably wondering or worrying if I would recognize her."

"Who is she?"

"Derek's partner."

Their age difference was great and Gabriel's look of disbelief was comical. "Seriously?"

"Yeah. Scarier yet, she's probably only in her early 30s."


Quinn put her phone on the table before climbing onto Gabriel's lap to straddle him. "We're going to need to speak with her."

His hands ran down her body before he gripped her night gown and worked it up over her head.

"Tomorrow is soon enough," he whispered before his lips molded to hers. She couldn't have agreed more.

Two days later, the bell chimed over the door as Quinn and Gabriel entered the grocery store and when the older woman appeared before them and offered her greeting, they were both momentarily speechless.

"So, you've figured it out then?" she asked.

"Not entirely," Quinn offered.

The woman walked to the door and flipped the lock before gesturing toward the back room.

"Come, we can talk back here."

They followed her into the back and watched as she prepared tea before she joined them at the little table.

BOOK: Always and Forever
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