Always Darkest (3 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Warner

BOOK: Always Darkest
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“I think I know what you a talking about.”
Willa said looking up towards the ceiling.
“I found one of them phones in my garden last year.
It doesn’t do anything and I don’t see how you could call anyone on it, but I’d be happy to show it to you.”

“You mean you don’t get reception out here?”
Tori asked wondering what in the world this old lady was talking about.

Willa ignored her question. “Where are you from Tori?”

“I am from Mercy,
Where am I?”

“Well you are in Black Rock and I think it is a long way from where you came from.”

“Black Rock?”
Tori asked.

“Yes, it is what we call this village. I have an idea, wait right here,” Willa said. Then she returned again with a box that she sat down on the table.
The box contained a cell phone, several lighters, a flashlight, three
many store catalogs and a gun.

She gestured to Tori, “These are some items that I have found in my yard.
You see things just kind of show up here.
They have been ever since I was a little girl. A lot more in the last fifty years or so, it just happens.
We are supposed to turn in most of the things to the mayor, but what the
mayor don’t
know don’t hurt him.”

Tori looked a little confused as she picked up the cell phone.
It was obviously not charged.
She picked up the flashlight and it wouldn’t come on either.

Willa continued, “There are several theories as to why and how these things show up.
Some people think there are space ships up in the sky above the when they dump their trash it lands here. Others think they are gifts from the Creator himself.
Me, I think they come from another land and I think you came from there too. Sip your tea dear, it’s getting cold.”

Tori stared at Willa like she was a crazy lady.
Oh sure she was in another planet, yup, just like
though the rabbit hole.
Well this lady was mad as a hatter and she needed to get out of there.

“Well, thank you so much for getting me cleaned up, I think I will be going now.”

“You don’t believe me,” Willa said with a sigh. “I can’t say I blame you.”

Tori got up from the table. “When I get back home I will wash the dress and bring it back to you.
Okay? Thank you so much.”
She was slowly walking towards the door.
Nice lady, crazy as hell, she thought as she walked through the door.

“Go left at the road to get into town.” Willa shouted.

Tori walked out the door and onto the porch.
Then she looked up at the sky and saw three suns. The largest was a brilliant bright yellow, and two smaller ones were a pale orange color.
She blinked and then looked up again, but they were still there.
This lady must have put something in her drink.
She charged back through the door to the cottage and found Willa still sitting at the kitchen table drinking her tea.

“What the hell did you put in my tea?
I just looked up and saw three suns. You poisoned me!”

“Sit down dear, yes there are three suns.
That’s how they have always been.
I am not in the business of poisoning people, at least not very often.”
Willa winked and got up to refresh Tori’s tea.

“I’m sorry you must be so scared.” Willa said in the same soothing voice she had used earlier.
“We’ll set this to rights. I have heard of a man at the castle who has committed his life to the study why these things show up here.
If anyone can help to explain what happened he will be able to dear.”

Chapter Four

Mom! Come quick!”
Noah yelled as he stormed through the back door.

Charity was at the sink washing the breakfast dishes but paused in her work to turn to her son. He was so excited he was practically vibrating.

“What is it?” She said as she dried and put away the last plate.

“There is a man sleeping by the south field! He looks like he’s been hurt! Come on!”
He said as he enthusiastically grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the door.
Noah practically dragged her running to the edge of the south field.


There sleeping by the edge of tall corn was a man with light red hair, wearing a white shirt spattered with blood and blue pants.
Charity could tell from his manner of dress that he was not from around here at all.

“Go get your brother and father!”

Charity stood there looking at the man with a bemused expression on her face.

Within minutes Noah
running back with Eli and Rayburn close on his heels.

Rayburn, the father, a man with muscles honed by years of farm work looked at the boy taking in his strange dress.
He had brought his hoe with him.
He rubbed his jaw considerably for a moment.
“Charity, boys, y’all back away, I’m going to wake him up and see what in the hell he is doing in our field.”

Charity and the boys did as they were told.
Rayburn approached the man and poked him in the shoulder with the tip of his hoe.
He still didn’t wake up, just kept snoring away.
He nudged him again a bit harder this time.

Justin woke with a start.
He looked up at Rayburn taking in the man’s considerable size and the hoe he was holding.

“Where are you from?” Rayburn asked.

Replied Justin.

Justin took a moment to rub the sleep from his eyes.
The last thing he remembered was going through the windshield.
He should be dead right now.

“Just what do you think you are doing being on my land without asking first?”
Rayburn standing there with his hoe propped up against his shoulder inspired enough fear in Justin to keep his mouth in check.
Matter of fact he was scared to death.
Maybe he was dead.

“I got into a car accident last night.”
Justin patted his body to make sure he still had everything.
He still felt pretty sore.
He stood up and felt just a little dizzy.

“Never heard of a car.
Never heard of no
neither, nor no
You are in Black Rock in the land of the Three Suns.”

Justin just looked at him.
Three Suns?
What are you talking about?”

Rayburn pointed to the sky and held up three fingers for emphasis like he thought Justin might be was a little slow.
“Three Suns,” he said slowly.

Justin followed his gaze.
There in the perfect blue sky were three suns. “Oh my god, there are three suns!”
Then he hit himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.

“Yep, there are.
My name is Rayburn Tillman. This is my wife Charity, and my boys Eli and Noah.”

“Nice to meet you,

said still a little dazed.

Rayburn turned to his wife. “Charity, you reckon this boy came from where ever that trash comes from?”

“That’s what I figure.”

“Me too.”

“You reckon old Thomas could send him back?”

“If anyone would be able to it’d be the old tinker.
Ray we better take him to Willa’s and
if she can fix up his wounds and then see about getting him to see old Thomas.”

“You are right.” Rayburn said agreeing with his wife.
He turned to Justin, “I’ll take you to see Willa, the local healer so that she can get you fixed, then we’ll see about getting you to Thomas.
Come on daylight is a wasting.”
Rayburn motioned to Justin and he followed him to the barn.

Chapter Five

Willa and Tori set about getting ready to go see old Thomas at the castle.
The castle was in the city of
, and was only about a four hour cart ride from Black Rock.
Willa packed a small bag for both her and Tori, including a couple of dresses she had worn in her younger days for Tori.
She also packed a lunch for them just in case the journey took longer than expected.

“We have to walk on over to the Tillman’s farm to borrow their cart.
I don’t have one of my own, but I have treated them and their boys more times than I can count.
In return they let me use their cart when I need to and give me what I can use from their farm.”
Willa said as they walked out the door into the bright morning.

Tori worried about the old woman walking very far at all.
She looked like she would have trouble making it out onto the porch, let alone all the way to a neighboring farm.
“How far is it to the farm?’
Tori asked trying not to sound worried.

“Not far, we should be there in ten minutes or so,” replied Willa smiling.

They hadn’t gone ten steps off the porch when a cart could be seen coming down the road.
When the cart pulled up a muscular man was driving and he smiled at Willa as he pulled up in front of her cottage.

“Howdy Willa,” said Rayburn.

“Well speak of the devil,” the old woman said smiling back.
“I was just headed to your place to borrow this very cart.
I had an unexpected guest in my geraniums this morning.”
She nodded in the direction of Tori.
“And we need to go and see Thomas.” Willa made quick introductions between the two.

Rayburn nodded at Tori, “ma’am.” The he looked at Willa again.
“Noah found a man in my corn field this morning and that is why I came to see you.
He looks awful beat up and I was hoping you could take a look at him.”
Rayburn climbed down out of the driver’s seat of the cart and led Willa around the back of the cart where Justin was sitting with his arms wrapped around his middle.

“Justin this is Willa.
She is going to take a look at you.”
Rayburn said.

“You look awful.”
Willa said to Justin, “Can you climb out of the cart or do I need to get up there to treat you?”

“I can get out.
I think I’m mostly just cut up pretty bad.”
Justin said as he gingerly made his way out of the cart and to the ground.

“Follow me.”
Willa began walking back to her cottage and everyone followed in silence.
Tori walked behind Justin, wondering if he came from Earth too.
He was certainly dressed like he was.

Willa went through the same process she did with Tori, laying out white towels on her floor.
“Now strip,” she commanded Justin.

Justin pulled off his t-shirt revealing his bloodied chest.
“Your britches too, don’t be shy.
You ain’t got any thing I ain’t seen before.
Now lie down there and I’ll be right back.
come help me get some water on the stove.”

When they were far enough out of ear shot Willa turned and whispered to Tori, “Is this the one that hurt you?”


“Darn it I was gonna make you some ear rings.”
Willa said giggling and pinching Tori on the arm.
“I guess I better get him cleaned up then. It looks like we are going to have company for our trip to Nathis though.”

Tori was
trying her best not to laugh at the crazy old lady.
She thought this all could just be the weirdest dream ever.

Willa blended the necessary herbs as the water heated up.
Then she went over to Justin and began to wash off his wounds with the warm water.
They weren’t that bad after the blood was washed away.
She put some poultice on them and bandaged him up.

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