Always (Family Justice Book 1) (51 page)

Read Always (Family Justice Book 1) Online

Authors: Suzanne Halliday

Tags: #Book !, #A Family Justice Novel

BOOK: Always (Family Justice Book 1)
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Stephanie was next. She never took her eyes off Drae and Victoria as she started. He was embarrassed and elated at the same time when she called them her son and daughter and went out of her way to heap praise upon him for the love and care he gave her daughter.

Drae had come to care quite deeply for Victoria’s mother. She’d been a hard-ass bitch at the beginning—not that his stupidity at the time hadn’t warranted her attitude. But she’d been nothing but concerned and supportive since she arrived.

She also said a bunch of sappy shit about their host, and how delighted she was that Alex had found the perfect life partner.

Round the table they went as Alex hacked away at the turkey.

An unexpected drop of sweat gathered at the back of his neck and slithered down the skin of his back. Drae could hear his own breathing as it echoed in his ears.
. He’d never felt this anxious when he was crouching behind a mud wall having assholes shoot off bullets over his head. Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration ‘cause he’d been scared shitless a dozen times during the war—but that didn’t mean his nerves weren’t approaching being off the charts.

Ria and Ben had their say. They were adorably old-fashioned about it preferring to speak as a couple, rhapsodizing about their son who recently accepted a prestigious medical residency at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore.

By the time Carmen began, followed by Gus—Drae was completely tied up inside his head. He had one shot to do this right.

Desi cried when it was her turn. They’d endured such a fucked-up childhood. For the longest time, she’d been the only thing that kept him from acting out in destructive ways when he’d been younger. Their bond was indestructible. Her words made it pretty clear how she felt about him as a brother and how proud she was of the man he was becoming. When she was finished, she threw herself into his arms and quietly sobbed into his neck. He felt Victoria’s tiny hand on his thigh and knew he was the luckiest motherfucker on the damn planet.

And then it was his turn. He swallowed and wiped away some errant tears. This was the moment, and it couldn’t be more perfect. Everyone was there. Even Victoria’s mother. They were gathered in a beautiful space with all them dressed to the eights—even his lovely wife in her pretty ankle-length dress. She looked positively angelic sitting by his side.

Stephanie had put her considerable pageant skills to good use and done her daughter’s hair. Drae had shook his head earlier when she washed, trimmed, and blew out Victoria’s mane of dark hair and transformed it into an alluring half up, half down creation complete with sparkly hair pins studded in crystals. She looked, well, she looked perfect, and it was now or fucking never.

Standing, he adjusted his tie, smoothed the front of his crisp white shirt, and for good measure, tugged on his cuffs with a half-lidded smirk directed at his smiling woman.

“I’m so glad we’re all here together.” He grabbed Victoria’s hand and squeezed, then looked pointedly at his sister and mother-in-law with a brief nod.

“When a certain, dirty-mouthed witch exploded into my life,” he drawled, “I found out what it was like to have my entire world-view totally thrown in the crapper.”

He sucked in some air and let the ripple of laughter make its way around the occupants of the table.

“I’ve learned that my shit does, in fact, stink and that no matter how many times I proclaim otherwise, I am most definitely not the king of the world.”

“Thank you for that, Tori,” Alex boomed with good humor as Cam pointed at Victoria and hooted, “Lady, you the man!”

Drae smirked at his brothers and quickly flashed them the finger for good measure.

“Anyway—all it took was this little tornado by my side. And I’ve never been happier or felt more excited than I do right now about the future.”

He let go of her hand and reached inside his suit jacket. “But we did this whole thing ass backwards, depriving my lovely lady of her rightful moments as a fiancée and bride.”

Dropping to one knee right in front of a very shocked looking Victoria, he cracked open the distinctive red Cartier’s box and plucked out the magnificent diamond engagement ring. Holding it in front of him like a supplicant pleading for life, he said in a clear, calm voice, “Victoria Bennett. I adore you, little one. Over the past few months, you’ve given me more than I had a right to dream about. I will love you
. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

He heard Lacey mutter, “Oh shit. Hand me a tissue,” and saw Stephanie shoot to her feet from the corner of his view, but his eyes never left the chocolate gaze of his one true love. She looked stunned. A little how he felt.

Victoria’s eyebrows bunched together in confusion, and she looked down at the ring he was holding out to her.

“Draegyn?” she murmured.

“This is happening, honey,” he answered her with a gentle smile.

“Oh, my God.” She held out a trembling hand for him to slip the ring onto. “I love you so much,” she sobbed as the sparkling diamond slid on perfectly.

He laughed at her reaction, took her shaking fingers in his and kissed her knuckles. “That’s it? That’s all you have to say? I mean, is that a
? Think I may have found what it takes to shut you up,” he teased her.

The love shining through her eyes nearly blew him away.

“Yes,” Victoria emphasized. “Yes, you arrogant know-it-all.” She paused and lifted her hand where the sparkling diamonds now rested. “With impeccable taste in jewelry—if you think you can handle this, I very much want to be your wife.”

A riot of laughter mingled with applause burst out in the dining room as Drae wrapped his pregnant elf in a loving embrace and tenderly kissed her to seal the deal.

“Well done,” he heard Alex voice proudly.

“About damn time, St. John,” Cam snarked.

Filled with overwhelming joy, Drae heaved a hearty laugh, with his arms still cradling Victoria, and looked around the room with a crooked smile. “Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet!”

Feeling rather full of himself, he kissed his woman on the tip of her nose and in a hushed whisper asked her, “You like?”

“Oh Draegyn—this ring!” Victoria exclaimed. “It’s too beautiful.”

“Good,” he said quickly, “now give it back to me.”

“What? Why?”

“Trust me, honey. We do things the right way from here on out.”

Looking like she was losing her best friend, Victoria pulled the ring from her finger and handed it to him. Drae kissed it for effect then slid it into his inner pocket.

Looking round at everyone again he said, “You’re all witnesses.” Then he positioned Victoria to his left and turned them both so they were in full view of their audience. Bringing out the red box, he cracked the lid again and showed her what remained on the white velvet—two shiny rings—hers, which was a band of diamonds, and his, a simple platinum circle.

He plucked the bigger ring from the cushion and pushed it onto Victoria’s thumb. “Hold onto that,” he instructed. “You’re going to be needing it.”

He put her ring on his pinky then winked at her and said, “So there’ll never be any doubt.”

With a last glance at Alex and Cam, he took Victoria’s hands in his and took a deep breath.

“Before our friends and those so special to us…I, Draegyn Henry St. John, take you, Victoria Caswell Bennett, for my wife. To share the good times and the hard times side by side. In sickness and in health, whether rich or poor, with my whole heart I vow to love you forevermore.”

He took the diamond band and slid it slowly onto her finger. She was his now for everyone to know and see.

“Just as this circle is without end, my love for you Victoria is eternal. My commitment to you will never fail. And so—with this ring, I thee wed.”

They stood silently, each of them staring at the enduring symbol he’d just given her. After a second, he reached into his suit pocket, retrieved the dazzling engagement ring and slid it on to take its proper place as guardian of her marriage band.

“Your turn,” he murmured.

“I, Victoria Caswell Bennett, take you, Draegyn Henry St. John, as my husband. On this day, I give you my heart and my sacred promise that I will walk with you, hand-in-hand, wherever our journey leads us. I promise to be your lover, companion, and friend. Your partner in parenthood, your ally in conflict, your greatest fan, and your toughest adversary. Your comrade in adventure, your consolation in disappointment, and your accomplice in mischief. Forever and always, in sickness, crappy pregnancy, and in good health, rich or poor, with my whole heart I vow to love you forevermore. And so, with this beautiful ring, I thee wed.”

When she pushed the platinum circle onto his ring finger, Drae experienced a surge of such incandescent happiness, he was sure he lit up from the inside.

“Time to kiss the bride,” he groaned before his mouth crashed onto hers. He didn’t so much as kiss her as devour. This.
. She. Was. His.

Somewhere in the swirl of emotions surrounding them, he heard Alex clear his throat and in a husky, emotional voice declare with authority and natural gravitas—“Ladies, gentlemen, and infants, I give you for the first time anywhere, when it matters the most, Mister and Missus Draegyn St. John.”

Two seconds later, they were rushed with hugs and kisses from all assembled until Draegyn deftly lifted Victoria into his arms and told them, “You’ll excuse us for a moment, won’t you? Go ahead and start serving before the food really does get cold! We’ll just be a minute.”

Hurrying from the room, Draegyn carried his very pregnant bride down a hallway till he reached a sitting room, let them in, and then kicked the door shut. Taking his prize to a loveseat, he sat down with his
upon his lap.

There wasn’t any reason for words. Not really. They’d just said what mattered the most, without rehearsal and months to find just the right words. He spoke from his heart and she had, too. The moment was perfect.

His certified handful of a wife was lying quietly on his chest, toying with the ring she’d placed on his finger. Hearing sniffling, he used his finger to tilt her chin up so he could see what was going on. Rivers of tears were pouring from her eyes.

“Does that make you happy, honey?”

She choked back a sob. “It’s just kind of unexpected, I guess. Never pictured you wanting to wear a wedding band.”

Honestly,” he admitted, “I never remember giving the idea any thought before. But when the jeweler asked about bands, right then I knew, wearing your ring was important. I could never ask you to do something I wasn’t willing to do myself.”

She giggled and patted her tummy. “Does that include carrying a baby?”

“Now, you know damn well—if I could, I would.” He held his hand up and admired the band on his ring finger.

“Must say, though that I’m fucking glad the thing fit. I wasn’t sure.”

The little vixen rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Didn’t you at least try it on?”

No, he hadn’t. “Actually, no.” He shrugged. “I wanted the first time I wore it to be when you put it on me. No way was it going on my finger unless you personally put it there.”

She looked at him strangely for a moment then snapped, “Nope. Take it off. You make it sound like I branded you or something. If you didn’t want to wear a ring, well…you shouldn’t have.”

He almost laughed. Oh dear Lord, this one was a piece of work.

“Are you trying to pick a fight with me within five minutes of saying our vows?”

Those eyebrows bumped again only this time she added a pout. She was so fucking adorable he could barely breathe.

“I dunno. Maybe,” she complained. “Look, it’s just that if you don’t want…”

Okay. He had to cut her off before she created some ridiculous scenario he couldn’t beat back.

“Wife!” he growled. She silenced immediately. “I did not say anything like that. I said that it meant something that you’d be the only one to put it on me. Understand?”


Okay? Was she kidding? And just like that, she was completely reasonable again.
. He could only shake his head. “So—you ready to go tie the old Thanksgiving feed bag on?”

She slid from his lap and stood up with a little shimmy stretch with her hand pressed into the small of her back. “Ooommmmph.”

The sound she made was somewhere between a grunt and a gasp. Instantly on high alert, Drae put an arm about her waist. “What’s the matter?”

“Um,” she shook her head from side to side, “nothing, really—but you know that dull ache I’ve had down low in the middle of my back?”

Of course, he knew. It was one of the things she’d been putting up with that made him feel like a dick.
Fuck, man
. What she’d had to go through to give them this child.

“Well, now it’s more of a dull tightening that’s like a girdle—side to side and back to front—instead of one spot.”

“Is it uncomfortable?” he asked as concern scuttled along his nerves.

She started heading for the door. “Not really. It’s just different than before, I mean. But I feel fine, and right now I’m hungry.”

“Well, come on then, Mrs. St. John,” he said as he held his arm out for her to slip her hand through. When her fingers curled around his bicep and he saw the brilliant diamonds of her wedding jewelry, he felt like king of the fucking universe.

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