Always (Family Justice Book 1) (8 page)

Read Always (Family Justice Book 1) Online

Authors: Suzanne Halliday

Tags: #Book !, #A Family Justice Novel

BOOK: Always (Family Justice Book 1)
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Alex’s bark of laughter filled her with joy. He liked hearing dirty talk from her, and she’d been working on ways to satisfy his need creatively. Blunt, straightforward cock talk she found a thousand times more seductive than screaming ‘fuck me.'

As soon as he was in position, she went to town. He was full of tension knots; his neck felt like a concrete block, and all kidding aside, his hips were out of whack. Meghan sighed as she worked her hands, prodding, pushing, and kneading his muscles. This time it wasn’t his old injuries causing the problems. It was everything going on in their world, all at once, slowly taking him down.

She spent a good deal of time at the base of his spine along his waist and just below, releasing the energy from his hips and upper thighs. The oil gave the things she was doing to his body a sensual edge. With his backside uncovered, she ran her hands, scoring her fingers into his flesh, from shoulders to ass with sure, firm strokes. Then she reversed course, pressing the heel of her hand into his skin, ending with her fingers sinking into his hair. The part where she rubbed his scalp and tugged on his hair was for her. Plain and simple—it turned her on.

When her hands needed a break, she tapped him on the shoulder and instructed him to turn on to his back whenever he was ready. She was so thorough at what she did that Alex was generally jelly by this time. Excited, aroused jelly for sure—but jelly none-the-less.

Flexing her hands while he slowly turned, she watched for signs of discomfort or pain and was glad to find none. He did so much for everyone else, just by being Alex. Seeing to his physical needs as well as his emotional, sexual, and intellectual ones gave Meghan a deep-seated contentment. This man was her everything.

Once again, she worked on him from skull to toes while he lay there totally compliant, uttering only the occasional groan or hiss. The afternoon heat had faded with the sunlight, but a fine sheen of sweat covered both of them. It went well with the oil and brought a hedonistic element to the proceedings. At some point, the flimsy t-shirt she wore came off. The satin and stretch lace corset she wore underneath clung from the heat and sweat.

When there was nothing else for her to do but focus her attention on his hips and groin, she quietly slipped out of her skirt. So all she had on was the pink corset and a pair of blush silk sheer panties. The kind that covered her flesh but afforded a seductive view of what lay beneath. They were so delicate and he tore them off her with such regularity that UPS might as well set up a fast drop zone at the Villa to handle the number of times he’d ordered a dozen more pairs.

She leaned down close to his head and murmured, “You good, baby?”

He let out a deep, satisfied moan.

, SHE WAS KILLING him. Honest to fucking God—what she did with those hands was a fuck-ton more than a simple massage. She reached so far inside him with her energy that he could sense her rearranging the bits and pieces of his soul. It was intense, healing, calming, and deeply, deeply energizing on a primal level. Maybe that was why they tended to fuck like animals after one of these sessions. The white-hot sexual power she unleashed with those clever fingers was hard to control. Even for him.

Keeping his eyes closed fed his other senses, making them more vibrant, better able to pick up small nuances like changes in temperature, scent, and position. He knew the minute she removed the stretchy little skirt she wore when the smell of her sweet body washed over him. The amber oil enhanced her natural scent and invaded his senses.

He felt her breath close to his face, heard her voice, husky and full of care, “You good, baby?”
Ah shit
. He fucking loved that she called him baby. Such a simple thing, really, but hearing her say it always rocked his world.

It just couldn’t even get any better than this so he released a rumbling moan to let her know that
—he was fucking good.

She put the fingers of one hand into his hair, spearing it back from his face while the other hand trailed steady fingers down the center of his chest from his Adam’s apple straight to his navel. He felt his skin quiver from the caress.

With her hands locked on his head, she held him the same way he did when he used her hair as leverage. It was sexy as fuck, not so much what she was doing as just the fact that she was.
Doing it
, that was. Every time she tried out a new way to control him, he had to smile. She was fucking adorable for thinking she’d ever win that game.

And it was a game—they both knew it. Yeah, he got to play master but only because she let him. Her willing compliance was so freely given that the exchange of power that resulted was in perfect harmony with who they were and what drove their passions.

He felt her fingers tighten against his scalp as she leaned in again. “I’m going to straighten those hips out now so you have to lie still. Understand?” He smiled. The question was actually a command.

“Let me know if it gets to be too much,” she purred as her nose made tiny figure eights against his cheek. The hand pressing on his navel eased up and she released his hair. He heard her breathe deeply a few times, heard the cap on the oil bottle open then felt warm hands spread the velvet liquid in several slow arcs from hip to hip. Both hands joined below his navel then swept out to his sides—once, twice, three times. The last time, she pressed her palms against his hipbones and applied even pressure. He felt his muscles tense then give up the battle and melt into relaxation as his hips unlocked. Heat rushed into his center and radiated into his legs.

Alex sighed and let the energies swirl freely. His cock felt heavy and swollen. He wanted her to touch him but knew better than to suggest such a thing.
He’d wait her out and see where she was taking them. The anticipation increased his arousal.

She’d been kneading and pressing along his waist and hips for a while when she suddenly moved to his feet. She grasped his ankles and started moving the bottoms of his feet together, knees out as she pushed his soles high as they would go. It was an unusual position—his hips open and fluid, knees pressed out. It felt odd, vulnerable, and he heard his breathing getting spotty.

His eyes opened. What in the hell was she up to? He was a big fucking guy and lying on his back with his soles together and knees spread had to be quite a sight, he was sure of that. Especially when the position made his dick stand up like the fucking Leaning Tower of Pisa. Slightly askew but big, long, and thick as fuck.

A soft breeze rustled the curtains and washed over his heated body. She was watching him intently as her hands rubbed the soft flesh on the inside of his thighs. Her tits pressed against the corset, providing his gaze with one hell of a stimulating view along with the sight of the auburn curls at the juncture of her thighs.

She grabbed for the oil, and he moaned quietly. Not only did the stuff smell good, but the way it helped her hands glide across his body and how it felt on his skin was nothing short of heavenly. This time, though, instead of pouring the oil into her hands, she dribbled it over his groin then anointed his pulsing dick with an ample squirt.

Feeling the sexy liquid roll down his length and drip onto his balls made Alex grunt and gasp.
Aw, fuck
. His cock was actually twitching and probably looked like it was dancing under the ribbons of oil raining down on it.

She fixed him with a ferocious look, her eyes bright, cheeks a pinkish, blushing rose color. “Do not move. I don’t care what you do with your hands, but your feet and legs stay as they are.” She didn’t bother to ask him if he understood. Didn’t need to cause,
oh hell yeah,
he understood. Her tone and the wicked gleam in her eyes made it perfectly fucking clear. Holy shit.

Standing to the side with his open thigh resting against her hip, she leered at him with obvious delight as she studied his cock. When she licked her lips, he was damn sure the thing really did look like it was auditioning for Battle of the Dancing Dicks.

Alex’s mind was working in slow motion, his eyelids half-closed and heavy with arousal. He loved her hands. They were feminine but strong—just like the lady. In the waning light, he noticed her nails were the same color as the corset a split second before he gasped when she gently reached to cup his balls with one hand while wrapping her fingers in a firm grip around the thick base of his cock. The oil, the way her fingers massaged and kneaded, her womanly scent hanging in the air—it all combined into one swirling, escalating firestorm of need.

Her hand started stroking. Slowly and firmly, at first. What her fingers were doing to his balls was making him crazy, and he briefly wondered if she’d been researching techniques. It wouldn’t surprise him. She Googled everything.

The oil made the stroking sound rather lewd and naughty. So did her mumbled, “M
s,” and occasional groans. When she repositioned her hand so the tips of her fingers could stroke the underside of his cock, his legs twitched. Oh, my fucking God.
Uh, Uh. Fuck.
He couldn’t think anymore. Her fingers were that good.

Her hand left his balls as she grabbed for the oil bottle and dribbled some more of the liquid velvet onto the fingers stroking his turgid staff.
Oh, my fuck
. He was having a hard time breathing and keeping still. She’d said he could do whatever he wanted with his hands so he seized her around the waist and pushed his fingers into the sheer silk, grabbing a handful of her glorious ass.

“Meghan,” he groaned. “Let me see your tits.” Tracing two fingers over the plumped up mounds trying to burst free from the corset, he had to dial back his desire to rip her clothes off. If only because he really enjoyed the simple pink corset and didn’t want to see it in tatters on the floor.

,” she answered with a sly smile. “You’ll have to undress the girls, baby. My hands are too oily. Besides, I’m busy trying to work this knot out. You really are awfully tense.”
Knot, my ass,
he thought. That knot was pure aroused male.

Her stroking fingers got tighter, moving faster. When her hand did a little twist and bump over the fat, swollen head of his cock, he gritted his teeth.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
He never should have showed her that stroke, but she’d begged him to demonstrate how he got himself off and next thing he knew, Alex was presenting a master class in tactile pleasure. Always ready and eager to expand her knowledge base, the teacher in Meghan studied hard, took notes, and apparently—if what she was doing to him at the moment was any indication—intended to ace the final in Hand Job 101.

His fingers were trembling as he struggled with the ties on the corset, but with a helpful shimmy or two from Meghan, the damn thing finally fell to the floor. Now her bountiful breasts were right there in front of his face—hard, pink nipples taunting him with need. He squeezed one of the perfect mounds and kneaded the soft flesh, groaning all the while.

She had about two seconds to decide where she wanted this interlude to go before he took the reins.

Rubbing the oil into the skin on his balls, underneath them and into the crack of his ass, Meghan also massaged the insanely sensitive spots on each of his legs where his thigh joined his torso. He was unable to stop the continuous low moans rumbling out of his chest. What in the hell was she trying to do to him?

Pretty soon, both of her hands were needed to tame his throbbing beast of a cock. As she pumped his hard flesh with random strokes and sent him flying with the occasional twist and bump at the end of each caress, he tugged on her panties—essentially shredding them in the process—and reached between her ass cheeks until his fingers found the hot creamy proof of her arousal. As her handling of his cock got firmer, he delved deeper until he had two hefty fingers buried in her dripping pussy.

He wanted to fuck her. Wanted to bury his desperate cock and hammer into her until both of them broke.

“Alex,” she groaned. “
I. Love. Your. Beautiful. Cock

“Oh Jesus, Meghan,” he growled.

“I love watching you touch yourself,” she added on a sigh.

He got serious about fingering her sweet hole. She loved his cock and liked watching him jerk off? Hearing her say those things was a serious turn on.

Her hands had his cock in a chokehold. A big glob of fluid leaked from the end of his dick. Her thumb immediately started swirling it around the bulbous head that looked like it was close to bursting.

“Shit, baby. That’s so fucking sexy. Can you do that again?” she begged. Could he? Fuck, man, he didn’t know. What in the hell was his name? His brain was so clogged with lust he couldn’t think straight. And what she was doing?
Oh, fuck
. Her hands.

“Ordinarily, I’m feeling rather greedy and want you to come inside me but this time—this time I want to see it. Watch your beautiful cock explode.”

She was stroking him with increasing fervor. His fingers fucked her wet pussy while she rocked her hips. Leaning forward, she rubbed his cock against her nipples transferring some of the fragrant oil to her tits. When she leaned, her ass canted slightly giving him fuller access. With no real thought about what he has doing, Alex pressed his thumb against her ass. She was so wet; there was ample lubrication, which he rubbed into the sensitive, tight spot.

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