Always Mine (The Barrington Billionaires, Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Always Mine (The Barrington Billionaires, Book 1)
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He brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it gently. She blushed, looked away, then back at him from beneath her lashes. “This is a bad idea.” She pulled her hand away from his.

“Is it?” he countered.

She looked so adorably flustered he was tempted to pull her into his arms and kiss her, but he didn’t. She needed time, and they had all weekend.

She blinked a few times quickly then said, “I don’t like you.”

He leaned over and whispered in her ear, “I think you do.”

The car slowed and pulled onto a private airfield, and the conversation was interrupted when the driver opened the back door. Asher offered his hand to Emily to help her out and enjoyed how her mouth rounded as she took in the size of his Boeing 757.

She looked from the aircraft, to him, and back. “Did you write your name on it because it’s so small you’re afraid to lose it?”

Emily didn’t look impressed, and Asher was irritated by her joke. “Size is a statement and one I’m proud of. Why wouldn’t I want the Barrington name on it?”

She gave him a bland smile. “I guess.”

He ushered her toward it with a hand on her lower back. “You hate it.”

She wrinkled her nose and said, “It just seems like a waste of money. Imagine what you could have done with the hundreds of thousands it cost—”

“Seventy-eight million.”

Emily stopped and looked up at him. “Are you joking?” She searched his expression and frowned. “That’s insane. You didn’t pay that much for this.”

He shrugged a shoulder and urged her up the steps. “When you see the inside you’ll understand why it’s worth it.”

They stepped inside the gray interior. Emily ran a hand over the glossy walnut trim of a cabinet they passed. She touched the leather of the L-shaped couch that faced a large flat-screen television. “I’m glad you showed me this.”

The attendant asked them if they’d like a glass of champagne and a platter of fruit and cheese. Asher answered yes and led Emily to a grouping of plush seats around a walnut table. Once they were settled side by side into their seats, he asked, “Why is that?”

Emily looked around the interior of the plane again before answering. “I won’t feel bad at all if you lose a little money when you relocate your facility.” She tapped her finger on a strip of gold piping on the material around the window. “I’ve never seen anything like this before. I mean, what is that, real gold?” He didn’t answer her, but she apparently saw the answer in his eyes. “Seriously? This plane wasn’t amazing enough without giving it bling?”

Asher wasn’t used to being a source of amusement to anyone. “Enough,” he said curtly.

Emily’s eyes filled with amusement. “Oh my God, did I hurt your feelings? I didn’t mean to. I’m sure there are many, many, many people who would love this.”

Asher laid a finger across Emily’s lips to halt her from saying more. The reprimand was more of a caress . . . and an excuse to touch her tempting mouth. “After takeoff, perhaps you’d like a tour of the other rooms. You might be more impressed with the bedroom and shower.”

Emily’s cheeks went bright red, and she stammered, “Don’t touch me.”

A grin tugged at Asher’s lips, and he dropped his hand. Emily was a delight. He leaned closer to her and challenged, “Do you always play it safe, Emily?”

The plane picked up speed and took off while Emily chose her next words. She met his eyes again and demanded, “What are you doing? I thought you wanted to see my museum.”

“I do,” Asher said. “But that’s not why I’m here, and you know it.” He took her soft chin within his fingers. “There is something between us that would be a shame not to explore. I cleared my schedule for two days. I know exactly how I want to spend that time, and you can pretend to be shocked, but I’ve seen the way you look at me.”

Emily jerked her chin away from his hand. “You don’t have any intention of changing your mind, do you? You’re here because you want to have sex with me.”

“I could lie and say you’re wrong, but I’d rather be honest. Look me in the eye and tell me you haven’t thought about what we’d be like together.”

Her slap took him completely by surprise. “You bastard.”

Adrenaline rushed through Asher as did his anger, but he let neither control him. He rubbed a hand over his cheek. “I didn’t expect you to have a temper.”

She folded her arms across her chest and glared at him. “I didn’t expect you to be a

A primal desire to tame her rose within him, and his anger dissolved as images of her writhing in ecstasy beneath him as he thrust deeply into her filled his head. He shifted in his seat as his cock came uncomfortably to a throbbing fullness. No woman had ever tangled him up the way Emily did. If someone had told him a week ago he’d be sitting with a raging hard-on next to a beautiful woman while she called him names, he wouldn’t have believed it. What would she say if he told her that her insults only heightened his desire for her?
I like her angry.
The thought made him chuckle.

Emily’s eyes narrowed, and her chest heaved with anger. “Don’t you dare laugh at me.”

He leaned forward and spoke softly into her ear. “I’m laughing at myself. You have no idea how badly I want to fuck you right now.” He glanced down at his crotch. Her eyes followed, and he enjoyed how they lingered on him before rising to bravely meet his gaze again. “I’ve been thinking of little else since you came into my office. I will have you. Maybe not on this flight. Maybe not tonight. But I always get what I want, and I want you, Emily. We both know you want me, too. Fight it all you want; the truth is in your eyes.”

The quick inhale of her breath was a tell that pleased him. She kept her arms firmly crossed in front of her. “I would slap you again, but I think you enjoyed it.”

“I wouldn’t try it a second time, but I do like what it says about you. Inside that good girl is a passionate woman I want to spend the weekend in bed with.”

Her cheeks were pink. Her breathing was labored. Asher thought she might turn her head and kiss him, but she didn’t. Instead she said, “I wouldn’t sleep with you if you were the last man on the planet and fucking you was the only way to insure the future of humanity. Land this plane and get me the hell off it. I don’t care if you do take me to court. I’ll find a way to beat you there.”


“I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” She turned her back on him and looked out the window.

Never in his adult life had anyone turned their back to him. Asher was both offended and excited by the challenge. He was a man who was used to having the upper hand, but Emily had him rethinking his strategy.

He could have forced her to look at him, but he wanted her to want to be with him. The attendant placed food and two flutes of champagne on the table in front of them. Emily kept her face averted. Asher said, “I won’t take it as a sign of anything if you eat.”

“I don’t want anything from you.”

Was she afraid?
He didn’t want that either. He tapped his fingers on his knee. As his hard-on subsided, clear thinking returned. “If my bluntness scared you—”

She turned back to him with eyes that were flashing with anger. “I’m not scared; I’m angry. I knew the first moment I met you that this was who you were, but I guess I’m not a good judge of character because I would have sworn I saw something else in you, too. I thought you actually cared when I told you about my family.”

Asher frowned and clarified, “I did care, and I still do, but I don’t base business decisions on how I feel about anyone or anything. It muddies the water. I understand your attachment to the property, but even a museum is a business. I can help you find a location that will ensure more traffic.”

Emily pressed her lips firmly together and blinked back tears. “Just stop talking.” She turned away again.

Asher sat beside her in silence. If she were waiting for an apology, she’d wait a long time. He hadn’t done anything wrong. In fact, of the two of them, she was the one who had ventured into a form of blackmail by going to his parents in an attempt to sway his decision. Instead of pouting, she should be grateful he was attracted enough to overlook her Machiavellian methods. Comfortable with how he’d handled the situation, Asher took out his phone and used the quiet time to answer emails.

They’d flown most of the way to New Hampshire without exchanging another word, and Emily had stayed rigidly turned away from him. She hadn’t accepted any food or beverage the attendant had offered. He’d expected her to turn and apologize for her mood, but she hadn’t. He put a hand on her shoulder and was surprised at the tension he felt there. It was then Asher decided to honor his promise to Emily. He still wanted her in his bed, and didn’t doubt the inevitability of that, but he could see how there was one issue that had to be addressed before that happened. “When we land, take me to see this museum of yours.”

She shrugged away from his touch. “I think we’re beyond pretending you’re interested in it.”

“Show me the damn building,” he growled beside her ear.

Chapter Five

mily suppressed a
shiver at the feel of Asher’s breath on her ear. She knew giving him the silent treatment on the way over had bordered on childishness, but she was angry. If they had been on the ground instead of thousands of feet in the air, she would have walked away from him hours ago.

She felt duped.
The second he said something that resembled what I wanted to hear, I let myself believe things would work out. Why? Because he’s gorgeous? Because when he says he wants me I get a little lightheaded and giddy? That’s what he wants and how he’ll win.

I have to be smarter than that.

The plane began to descend and circle a house with a long airstrip. Emily shook her head. She should have known they wouldn’t land at a major airport. As soon as the plane landed, she and Asher released their seat belts and stood. Emily took out her phone and turned to Asher. “What’s the address of where we are?”

“Why?” he asked, not sounding pleased by her question.

Emily held up her phone with her thumb poised above the screen. “So I can have a car pick me up. I’m not staying with you a moment longer than I have to.”

Asher plucked the phone out of her hand and tucked it into the front pocket of his slacks. “Then it makes sense to not make it too easy for you to leave.”

No, you didn’t just do that!
He was pretty pleased with himself; she could see it in his eyes. “Is that supposed to be funny?”

His gaze was steady and his tone authoritative. “I’ll give it back to you once you calm down.”

Emily’s temper, the one she previously would have denied having, rose within her again. “Calm down? What part of forcing me to stay here will do that? I’m leaving. You can’t keep me here against my will. There are laws against kidnapping, or do you feel that you’re above those, too?”

He smiled in reaction to her tirade. “I doubt many would consider stopping at my winter vacation home to provide you with refreshments a criminal act.” He placed his hand on her lower back and urged her toward the door of the plane.

Emily planted her feet and refused to budge. “As I said earlier, I don’t want anything from you. I’m not going inside your house. Give me my phone so I can call for a car.”

He turned and bent to issue his challenge. “Or what? What will you do if I don’t?”

Emily looked around quickly, noted the flight staff, then put her hands on her hips and said in what she hoped was a low and threatening tone, “I don’t want to cause a scene, but I will if I have to.”

Asher ran a hand slowly up the back of Emily’s neck beneath her hair. There was something both sexual and dominant in the act, and it sent a cascade of confusing sensations through Emily. She wanted to hate it, but a small part of her couldn’t deny being turned on by his touch. “Oh, Emily, when will you realize it’s not a good idea to threaten me? It usually brings a swift and unpleasant reaction from me.” He lowered his voice. “With you, however, it has a different effect. I’ll admit I’m enjoying our time together.”

She shoved his hand away. “I’m only here because you lied to me. You made me think this trip was about seeing my museum. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here.”

His eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared. “I don’t lie. I don’t have to. So let’s get one point crystal clear now. Sleeping with me will have no impact on the decision I’ll make about your land. I never mix business and pleasure. I am, however, willing to see your museum for the sole reason that the way you’ve described it piqued my curiosity. I took your phone because if you leave now, you’re walking away from your only chance to keep your property. It’s a very slim chance, but I’d hate to see you throw it away.”

Breathing heavily, Emily snapped, “So you’re doing me a favor? Is that how you see this?”

“Yes. You shouldn’t let the fact that you’ll end the weekend by saying yes to fucking me influence your business decisions.” The desire in his eyes removed all doubt that he might be joking.

“I can’t be the only woman who has ever hit you.”

Asher gave her a lusty look. “You are, and although I prefer pleasure over pain, it definitely put some ideas in my head.”

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