Amáne of Teravinea - The Chosen One (The Teravinea Series Book 1) (31 page)

BOOK: Amáne of Teravinea - The Chosen One (The Teravinea Series Book 1)
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... now on to book number two ...

Page 18 - “Be sincere of heart. Accept whatever befalls you, in great misfortune be patient; for in fire gold is refined.” Book of Sirach 2:4-5

Page 233 - “Hope, and hope does not disappoint.” Romans 5:5

Some of these names I’ve taken liberties with their spellings and full meanings. But most are not far from the original.

- Water - derived from Native American

- Protector - German; Drekinn - Dragon - Icelandic

- Brave and gallant - German. Formerly known as Koen (Brave - French) - Rider of the late Heulwen

- Sorrow/tear drop - Irish/Gaelic. Formerly known as Yaron (to sing or shout - Hebrew) - Rider of the late Volkan

- Violent Stream - Welsh. Formerly known as Vahe (strong - Armenian) - Rider of the late Bade

- Pure - Old Greek

- Dark man - Hungarian. Formerly known as Ruiter (rider - Afrikaan) - Rider of the late Unule

- Heroic - Scottish

- (Pronounced ESHAW) Fire - Hebrew

- Leader - German. Ansel’s father.

- Guardian. Formerly known as Kei (sand - African) - Rider of the late Okeanos

- Violet - Czechoslovakian

- White/Fair - Gaelic

BOOK: Amáne of Teravinea - The Chosen One (The Teravinea Series Book 1)
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