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Authors: Sky Croft

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“I can see what you mean,
Shale, but surely if the mystic knew that, she wouldn’t have stopped your
tribe from killing him.”

Shale frowned. “Mm. Good
point.” She shrugged. “Maybe she didn’t know which of us it was, you know
how vague their visions can be. Or maybe it was meant to happen, although
I can’t see why. The only good thing to come of it was that Kale finally
got together with Amber.” Shale raised a speculative brow to Blake.

“Maybe they were destined to
be together?”

Shale took hold of Blake’s
hand. “Like us.”

Blake smiled and nodded.
“It’s a nice way to think of it.”

Their lips met halfway, and
they melded together. As one.

Chapter Fifteen

Six Months Later

“IT CAN’T GO there.”

“Why not?” Amber said. “I
think it looks nice there.”

“Because I’ll trip over it
every time I get out of bed,” Kale said. “Are you trying to kill me?”

Amber paused, as if
seriously considering it. “That’s where yours is.”

“There’s enough room for

Amber lifted the chest that
was filled with her clothes, and turned to Kale expectantly. “Fine. Where
do you want it to go?”

Kale shrugged. “Wherever
you want.”

“You’ve said that three
times now,” Amber said. She put the chest down at the end of the bed.

“Not there.”

Amber exhaled loudly.
“Kale, I swear...” She stopped as Kale erupted into laughter. Amber
scowled, realising she was being teased. “Why you...” She threw herself
at Kale, and they fell onto the bed. “Four times I moved that chest,
Kale. Four times!”

Kale looked unrepentant. “I
would have made it five if I hadn’t laughed.”

Amber chuckled and slapped
her shoulder playfully. “Seriously, where do you want it to go?”

“Amber, from now on this is
your cabin, too.” Kale wrapped her arms around her. “Change or move
anything you want.”

Her smile became
mischievous. “Anything?”


“All right. Move onto the
center of the bed.”

Kale smirked, and with
Amber still on top of her, she moved them both. “How’s this?”

Amber grinned. “Much

“You do realise you can’t
finish unpacking from here?”

Amber left a trail of
kisses down Kale’s neck. “You’re right, I’d best get on with it.” She
went to roll off Kale, but found herself held firmly in position. Amber raised
her eyebrows questioningly.

“I changed my mind,” Kale
said. “The unpacking can wait.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” Amber
said, lightly drawing circles on Kale’s bare skin. “My clothes might get

Kale swallowed hard when
Amber’s hand worked its way beneath her top. “They’re in the chest...”
She inhaled sharply as Amber found a very sensitive spot. “They’
fine there.”

Amber didn’t relent. “If
you’re sure?”

“I’m sure,” Kale said. At
Amber’s giggle, she narrowed her eyes. “You’re such a tease.” Kale
smacked her behind.

“Yow!” Amber squealed. “You
started it.”

“Yes, and I should have
known better. You always win.”

Amber looked smug. “And
don’t you forget it.”

Kale flipped Amber onto her
back, and they grinned at each other before their mouths joined.

The kiss was filled with a
mixture of passion and tenderness, but most of all it was filled with

“I SEE YOU’VE been busy.”

Shale glanced over her
shoulder, then hammered the last nail into the wood. “Perfect timing,
Blake. I’ve just finished.” She put down her tools and stepped back to
examine her handiwork. “What do you think?”

“It looks nice.” Blake
admired the newly completed shelves. “You’ve done a good job.”

Shale grinned at her. “Only
the best for my queen.”

Blake gave her a droll
look. “The coronation ceremony isn’t for a week yet, Shale.”

Shale’s arms encircled her
waist. “I’m just getting you used to it.”

Blake linked her hands
behind Shale’s neck. “Do you think it will change much? When my mother
passes her throne onto me?”

“You’re already our queen,
Blake, Zayla told me as much. Many already look to you as our leader, and
they have for quite some time now. This coronation ceremony is just

Blake raised her eyebrows
in surprise. “And when did you and my mother have this little chat?”

“Today, actually.”

“Today?” Blake frowned.
“This morning, Mother told me she had something of the utmost importance
to attend to, but she wouldn’t tell me what it was. It’s not like her to
keep things from me. I’ve been worried about it all day.”

Shale looked uncomfortable.
“It’s nothing to worry about, Blake.”

Blake’s eyes widened. “Do
you know what it is?” When Shale didn’t deny it, Blake added, “What was
so important? It’s not her health, is it?”

Shale shook her head. “No,
it’s nothing like that.” She moved her hands onto Blake’s shoulders,
squeezing reassuringly. “Don’t worry yourself.”

“How can I not?” Blake
said. “It has to be something for you both to keep it from me.”

“It’s nothing bad, sweetheart.
I promise you that.” Shale moved away from Blake and sat on the bed. “I
asked Zayla to come here. I needed to discuss something with her, and
that’s what was so important. Please don’t ask me what...”

“What was it?”

“ was,” Shale finished.
She sighed. “I didn’t want to do it like this.”

Blake knelt in front of
her, placing her hands on Shale’s thighs. “Do what?”

“It was meant to be a
surprise,” Shale said good-naturedly. She pulled Blake up onto her lap,
smiling as their bodies enfolded around one another. “I wanted your
mother’s blessing before I asked you. That’s why she was here.” Shale
leaned back slightly, and produced an intricate ring, holding it up for
Blake to see. “I love you, Blake. More than I’ve ever loved anybody. More
than I ever thought possible. Will you do me the honor of becoming my

Blake threw her arms around
Shale and kissed her, long and sweet. “I will.”

They both grinned, kissed
again, and Shale slipped the ring onto Blake’s finger.


SAID, embracing Blake.

“That’s great.” Kale pulled
Shale to her for a hug. “You’ve got a good one there. Don’t mess it up,”
she teased.

Shale laughed and clapped her
on the back. “Thanks.”

They broke apart and
switched, Shale hugged Amber, and Blake went to embrace Kale.

Kale held out a hand,
stopping her. “You do know what you’re letting yourself in for?”

Blake nodded. “I love Shale.
Very much.”

Kale smiled and rolled her
eyes. “I know that. I mean with me, I’ll be your sister-in-law.”

Blake feigned a look of
horror. “By the gods, you’re right. I can’t possibly go through with it
now.” Shale and Amber chuckled beside her.

Kale grinned. “Don’t say I
didn’t warn you.” She opened her arms, and Blake moved into them.

“I’m sure I can manage,”
Blake said with certainty.

“I think that deserves a
toast,” Kale said, as she stepped back. She had barely finished speaking
when Shale placed a mug into her hands, drawing further laughter.

The twins looked at one
another, then to both Blake and Amber. They raised their mugs. “To

The End

About the Author

Sky was born and raised
in England. From a young age writing has been her greatest joy, and she likes
nothing more than to immerse herself in whatever story she is working on. She
also has a passion for the outdoors, and enjoys long walks at the beach or in
the countryside. Ideas for several more stories are rattling around inside her
head, all of which are just waiting to be written.

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