Amber: July: Mystic Zodiac, Book 7 (7 page)

BOOK: Amber: July: Mystic Zodiac, Book 7
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Chapter 9
July 4th – Saturday 1600

ndreas stood
out front of
Ecstasis D
waiting for Theo to show up. He’d texted his friend when he and Amber had gotten there. She went inside to get to work while he stood out front chatting to the bouncers, Leif and Gunnar.

He’d learned the three drunken shifters from the night before had been properly scolded and barred from the establishment until they apologized to Amber. A bit hard to do when she worked there and they couldn’t get in, but he didn’t mind them not being able to get close. He should find the punishment acceptable, but the wolf in him disagreed. He felt the bears should be barred for life, and not allowed around Amber—
. Flaying them would also work for the wolf. In public, of course. In front of their Den as witnesses.

Theo finally pulled up, windows down and music blaring. “Let’s go,” he shouted, leaning over to pop the door open.

Andreas climbed inside the truck and buckled up. Theo’s driving left a little to be desired in his opinion. The man had no regard for speed limits or road signs.

They spun around and headed to Theo’s cabin. They zipped past the turnoff to town and hooked a left at the next crossroad. Winding down the mountain, passing cabin after cabin, each one further away than the one before. Driving until the road dead-ended at a final cabin. The old world logs made an impressive two-story structure.

“I don’t know if I’d call this a cabin.” Andreas said, shaking his head.

“Eh. More of a mountain getaway I guess.” Theo hopped out of the truck, Andreas doing the same. “I took your stuff in earlier. You’ve got the room on the upper level. I took the one downstairs.”

Theo pushed open the door and stepped inside. He took a huge sniff and grunted. “Home sweet getaway.”

Andreas shut the door behind him. Theo ambled off into the kitchen. The huge open floor plan making it easy to see the entirety of the space.

“It’s nice.”

“Thanks,” Theo met him in the living room with a beer. He plopped down in front of the empty fireplace and kicked his feet up on the coffee table, while Andres took a seat on the overstuffed, larger than normal matching chair. “I bought it a couple months ago. Been up once or twice. This is the first long weekend here though.”

“So, I’m paying you well then.” Andreas tipped his beer back, guzzling half of it down. The alcohol wouldn’t affect him that much, faster metabolism and all.

“You and my Dad’s architecture firm. I stay pretty busy with both, and the pay is enough to keep me living a good life.”

“That’s good. Wouldn’t want your taste to have to suffer a lesser-paying job. And my business is pretty flush?”

Theo looked at him funny. “Of course. I’m an excellent CFO. Don’t you know how much you have sitting in the bank and how the business is doing?”

Andreas shrugged. He had a fairly good idea, and he’d lied to Amber about it. It didn’t sit well with him, but he didn’t like talking finances to anyone, especially about his worth. It was one of the first things that came out of someone’s mouth when they found out who he was and what he did for a living. They wanted to talk ad nauseam about it. How did it feel to be so rich? What did he do with all of his money? Would he mind floating them a loan? Except, it hadn’t bothered him like it usually did when she asked. She’d let the conversation drop when he’d been evasive about it all.

“I know. I just thought I’d ask you.”

“If you say so.” Theo tipped his beer back and drained it. He dropped his head onto the back of the couch and sighed in contentment.

Andreas finished his beer as well. He rolled it between his hands as thoughts started to swirl in his head. Amber. What the future might hold for them. The empty storefront that practically screamed
snatch me up.
“How much of a hit would the company take if I decided to start up something new?”

Theo’s head popped up. “Something new like what? A new company? A new venture? A new life?”

“A little bit of all of that.”

Theo leaned forward and put the empty bottle on the table before resting his forearms on his thighs. “Explain. Does this have to do with Amber?”

“Yes and no. She’s my mate, and I get the feeling she doesn’t want to move from here. She likes working at the bar. She has a nice home in Summerset with great neighbors. I want to be with her, and being here is the best option. She isn’t quite convinced we’re a match–yet.”

“She is a Siren. This generation isn’t like the old one. They wait longer and sometimes don’t even plan on settling down.”

Andreas turned his head toward Theo. “That’s pretty deep shit from a guy who has no intention of settling down either.”

“I never said I didn’t want to settle down. I just said I’m not in a hurry.”

“Huh. Okay. Anyway, Amber and I were in town today walking around, and there’s this empty space on Main Street. A closed up, and available, shop. Looked to be retail at some point. I heard those fucking whispers in my head telling me to stop and look. There’s something there, but I don’t know what it is yet.”

Theo nodded in understanding. Even though they came from different Packs, they had a connection. A common path they were both traveling. “There’s something in Summerset waiting for you. Interesting.”

Andreas could see thoughts flying through Theo’s head. His eyes were narrowed, and he was bobbing his head up and down like he was talking to the voice in his head. “I think there’s something here for me too. It isn’t Brit, but I don’t think I came across this place by accident.”

“Dídymo diadromés.”

Theo looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Twin paths.”

His friend nodded and smiled.

“You don’t mind having a roommate for a while, do you?” He had no intention of being hours away from his mate. Until he could get her to agree to him moving in, he would be sticking close. He would have to head back into the city to sort a few things out on Tuesday, but after that, his time would be spent in Summerset with Amber.

“Who’s going to run the company?”

“Nikos can be the man in the city. He runs most of it right now as it is. He’s been chomping at the bit to boss people around more.”

“Your little brother does seem to thrive on it.”

“I won’t need to stay here long. Once Amber agrees, I’ll move in with her.”

“You hope,” Theo chuckled. He knew as well as Andreas did that Sirens could be stubborn when they wanted to.

“Yes, I hope. I’ll haunt her every day until she agrees, and I can work on this new dream whispering in my ear.”

Theo hopped up from the couch. “How about a quick run to let that wolf loose? We can get cleaned up and head back to
Ecstasis D
I’m sure you want to get front row seating to be with your mate.”

Andreas grinned and clapped Theo on the shoulder. Theo grabbed the beer bottles and went to the kitchen while Andreas bounded up the stairs and chucked his shoes off in the room he found his stuff in. He stripped down and met Theo at the back door, not the least bit bothered by his nudity. Shifters generally didn’t have a problem with that.

Stepping out onto the patio, a warm afternoon breeze skated across Andreas’s body. The scent of heated earth and crisp green vegetation called the wolf within. Tipping his head back and shutting his eyes, he breathed deeply allowing the wolf free.

It pushed to the forefront and erupted from within. Bones snapped and reshaped, forcing him onto all fours. His snout burst from his face, his skull elongating, remodeling into that of a wolf. Deep brown, almost black fur sprouted from his skin, turning into a thick, shiny coat.

When the transformation was complete, Andreas shook himself like a dog. A wisp of freedom and getting back to his true form sending a rush through his animal’s body. He thrust his nose into the air and sniffed, catching the scent of deer, rabbits, and the stream yards from the cabin. Wilderness invaded his body, and the wolf howled long and loud.

Theo bumped into his side, snatching his attention. Andreas snapped at him, but all Theo did was yip and bound off the patio. Andreas shook his furry head and followed behind.

They raced through the woods chasing the scent of rabbit, but didn’t have any luck catching them. A few minutes of jumping in the stream resulted in them catching fish for a light snack.

The two hours spent as wolf flew by, and Andreas felt better than he had in months. Getting back to the cabin, Theo and Andreas showered, changed, and headed back to the bar feeling refreshed and hungry. Andreas for his mate. Theo for whatever woman he picked up for the evening.

Chapter 10
July 4th – Saturday 1830

mber knew
the minute Andreas stepped into the bar. The doors opened, and his hulking frame filled the doorway. A thrill at seeing Andreas skittered down her spine, setting her tattoo on fire vertebrae by vertebrae. She took a deep breath to clear the fog he continually put her under. His shaggy-haired friend, Theo, strolled in behind him like his second in command.

I wonder if they’re in a Pack together?
She may want to ask him about that.

They hadn’t gotten around to talking about his family or his Pack. They’d touched lightly on her life, after her rambling in the SUV the night before, and that was more than usual. A part of her was afraid if she did ask him, if she showed interest, that it would lead to talking about the mating bite and more. Another topic they skirted around.

There was no way she was ready for that. After one day together, she was more attached to the man than she’d ever been with anyone else, and that didn’t sit well with her. She’d hoped after they got to the bar and she went inside that the hunger for him would die down with a little separation. Out of sight, out of mind usually did the trick.

Unfortunately, her Siren was on board with everything Andreas kept intimating. That strange sexual bitch wasn’t interested in anyone else.

“Hey,” Brit came over and bumped her gently. She nodded with her head in the direction of the guys. “Looks like those two hunky wolves are back. I didn’t expect to see Theo again after I kicked him out of bed. What about you?”

Amber pretended to glance up, because Goddess knew she’d been keeping a covert eye on him after that first look, and watched Andreas prowl across the hardwood floor. People naturally got out of his way without so much as a nudge or word from him. A predatory smile curved his lips, sending an all over shudder through her body.

“I had an idea he would show up again.”

“Oh really?” Brit sounded intrigued. “And what time did your wolf leave you this morning?”

Amber felt the flush of embarrassment rush to her cheeks. She looked back down at the glasses in front of her. She was supposed to be filling up a tray of beers for one of the waitresses, yet that hadn’t happened yet. “When I got to work,” she murmured, grabbing up a glass and filling it.

Amber didn’t need to look at Brit to know the woman had a shit-eating grin on her face. “Well, I’ll be damned. The wolf took you down, didn’t he?”

More like went down and it was damn good.
“You have some customers at the other end. Might want to take care of them before Frost comes out here and flips.”

Brit laughed loudly and sauntered away. “Oh, Amber. You have it
for that man, and it’s only been one day.”

Amber ignored her co-worker and continued filling the beer order. Steph came around the end of the bar and grabbed the tray right after Amber set the last glass down.

“You have it bad for what man?” A low growl sounded next to her. One that sounded a lot like Andreas.

She looked over to where Steph had just been standing and found Andreas there. His eyes did that wolfie glow thing, and his nostrils flared. She was ridiculously turned on by the show of jealousy.

She wanted to say
who do you think
, but squelched the thought. That wasn’t something a woman who wanted to stay single and unattached would say.

“I see you’re back for more.”

“There was never any doubt. I told you I would be here. I’m not leaving you, Amber.”

“Well, you aren’t getting back there.” Frost’s deep voice came out of nowhere. “Customers stay on the other side of the bar.”

Andreas turned around slowly. She could see the tension running through his back, shoulders, and arms. His hands curled into fists and, for the first time in all the years she’d worked at the bar, she was afraid for her boss. A pissed off, territorial wolf was nothing to sneeze at. Not even if the man pissing off said wolf was a bear.

“I know where I belong,” Andreas said, a thread of steal coating his words.

The bar went quiet. Everyone could feel the energy of the two Alpha males squaring off.

Frost’s eyes narrowed. Amber saw the bear ripple beneath the surface. A soft silver shimmer flowed over his skin. It was the freakiest thing to see, in her opinion. It also scared the shit out of her; because she knew what Andreas did next would either mean a fight between the two animals or a hearty laugh and a handshake.

Amber inched up behind Andreas, unsure of the best way to approach him. She placed her hand on his back before leaning in. “Andreas,” she said on a whisper.

He curled an arm around her, anchoring her to his back. “I protect what’s mine,” he rumbled.

She wrapped her free arm around his waist. “But no one is threatening me.”

“He is.” The words were almost inhuman. She could feel his body vibrating with the power of his wolf, and could make a damn good guess that his wolf’s teeth were pushed through his gums. Also, if she could see his hand, there would be claws instead of nails.

An oppressive heat blasted over them. She sucked in a harsh breath. When her lungs had enough, she exhaled and suddenly the heat was gone. The tension drained from Andreas, and she could hear Frost chuckle.

“You two make a great pair.” There wasn’t the slightest remnant of Frost’s bear to be heard.

“I think so too.” Andreas’s arm loosened, and she finally got a peek at her boss.

Frost stood with his thick arms crossed over his chest. A half grin lifting one side of his face. Anyone looking at him now would never believe his bear had been ready to roll to the surface with one wrong move from Andreas.

“I still can’t let you behind the bar,” Frost said.

Amber wasn’t up for another showdown between the two men. She slapped her hand on the bar in front of two of her regulars. Their heads snapped in her direction. With a little of her own mystical skill, she dropped her voice a notch and infused the Siren into her words. “That’s fine. Pete and Dave were just moving, weren’t you?” She nodded her head and waited for them to agree. It didn’t take but a second for it to happen.

She smiled and looked back over at Frost. “There. Now Andreas and Theo can sit at the bar.”

Frost’s easy laugh had the patrons, who had probably been hoping for a fight, going on about their business. Theo plopped down in one of the stools and waggled his eyebrows. “Thanks, doll.”

Amber waited for Andreas to sit. Butterflies took flight in her stomach the longer he stood there facing Frost. There wasn’t much else she could do, other than freezing the
bar and trying to physically move him. He’d know she was doing it too. People were aware of what went on during a
and she didn’t think he would appreciate her interference.

Amber found her gaze going to Theo. If she could get his help, maybe they could stave off a war.

He chuckled under his breath and shook his head. He didn’t seem worried at all about the other two men. “It’s fine.”

She didn’t know why, but she believed him.

ndreas kept
his eyes on Frost, waiting to see what he would do next. It came as a slight surprise when the man came up behind him. Normally, no one could approach Andreas without him being aware of it. It told him how much his mind was elsewhere.

“You don’t plan on taking her away, do you?” the other man asked, eyeing him skeptically.

Andreas was shaking his head
before he could even form the word. “No.”

“Good. She’s one of my best, and I’d hate to lose her.”

“Is that all?” Andreas couldn’t help but wonder what kind of relationship they had. He could feel the bond between them, and it was more than friends but less than lovers. At least it was now.

“She’s a good friend as well. Nothing else.”

Yeah, that was what he felt coming from the big bear. He gave a quick nod before spinning around. Amber jerked in surprised. Those beautiful eyes of hers rounded briefly. He wrapped a hand around the nape of her neck and pulled her in for a hot, possessive kiss. Her lips were cool and wet against his. A result of her licking them and the air conditioning pumping through the place. He dipped into her mouth, tasting her. Needing to consume her passion. Feel her acceptance of him and that of his wolf.

He doubted she understood the scents and vibes she gave off. Her arousal was an aphrodisiac. Her need for him a drug. It fueled him as a man, and soothed him as a wolf.

Catcalls started to echo around them and as much as it pained him, he knew he needed to pull back. Turning around, he nodded to Frost and took a seat next to Theo.

A couple seconds ticked by before Amber shook her head and the pleasure, lust-filled glaze in her eyes slipped away. He caught the soft brightening of her cheeks right when she turned away.

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