Read Ambrosia's Story Online

Authors: Tammy Marie Rose

Tags: #fantasy, #orphan, #alcoholic, #abuse, #stepparent, #magic book, #step father, #stepfather, #alcoholic parent, #magic forest, #dead mother, #tammy marie rose

Ambrosia's Story (4 page)

BOOK: Ambrosia's Story
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“There are many crevices and caves along that
path down the mountain. They could be anywhere along the trail.
They would most likely find a place big enough as quickly as
possible and they must be hungry so they would want somewhere with
good hunting close by.”

“Let’s return to the village. We must inform
the others about this. Then we will discuss what we need to do
next. We must act quickly.”

They made the journey off the mountain in

As they returned to the village, they were
greeted by the sounds of laughter and joy. Mirabella felt such
sadness knowing she would soon shatter that joy.

As they entered the center of the village, it
did not take the others long to sense their fear and dread. They
began to gather around them.

“We have just returned from the Troll’s
Mountain,” Mirabella began.

“The rocks sealing the troll’s cave have been
disrupted and we believe that Nog and others now walk among us
again. We have no way of knowing how many of them may have

The looks upon the faces of those she loved
broke her heart. Their fear pulled at her heartstrings. There was
nothing she could say to ease their fears or to make them feel
safe. Fact was they were in grave danger. It was of utmost
importance, however, that they now band together, much as they had
two years ago and face this head on. Nog had a head start on them
and every minute that passed was to his advantage.

“I know that all of you are afraid. I am
afraid, but we do not have time to dwell on those fears. Nog has
had two years to plot his revenge and he could strike at any

“Tell us what we need to do Princess,” Bean
said stepping forward, always the bravest soul among them.

“We need to work together. The first thing we
need to do is try and locate where Nog is now hiding. Rom, I will
need to counsel with you and see if we can determine where he may
have sought out shelter. Bean and Raz you must pull together all
the gnomes and elves and seek out hiding places for the children.
We must stock the hiding spot with plenty of food and water. Ellie
I need you and Serena to send pixies and sprites to trees along our
boundaries to keep an eye out for the trolls.

No questions were asked as everyone quickly
went about their duties.

“Mirabella, how can I help?”

Mirabella looked up at Ambrosia whose eyes
were filled with kindness and concern. “The children will need you
Ambrosia. Would you mind watching over them while their families
prepare for Nog?”

“I can do that!”

Mirabella was so proud of her and her desire
to help them.

“They will be in good hands.”

Ambrosia beamed with pride.

“Rom and I need to talk now so would you
gather the children and keep them in the safety of the village
while they others search for a hiding spot.”

“I'll keep them safe I promise.”

“She is an amazing little girl,” Rom said as
he watched her go.

“When this is over she will need much of our
attention,” Mirabella said. “Her heart will need aid in healing.
For now, we need to concentrate on Nog.

Where do we start Rom?”

“I wish I knew Princess. Nog has been locked
up in that cave for two years. He will be hungry for revenge, but
his numbers cannot be that large so he has to think things through.
He will most likely find a place to hide with only one way in.
There are three or four different caves that I would choose. I will
make my way up the mountain and scout things out.

“Please be careful Rom, Nog will surely be
plotting revenge against you.”

“I will be fine.” Rom started off, but
stopped and spoke, “Mirabella If Nog discovers Ambrosia is living
among us he may go after her thinking he can use her to force us to
do as he commands.”

“I will make sure that someone is watching
over her at all times.”

Mirabella watched with a heavy heart as Rom
headed back toward Troll Mountain. She hoped beyond hope he would
discover where Nog was hiding and they could end all of this before
it started. As he disappeared into the trees, Mirabella returned to
the village.

In her mind, she relived the dreadful night
Nog had led the trolls into the village. As she re-entered the
village she stopped to watch her friends prepare to live that night
all over again.

* * * *

Rom was checking out the last of the large
caves. Quietly, he crept toward the entrance. The sound of a
snapping twig distracted him, but he did not react quickly

Before he could defend himself, two trolls
lunged at him pinning him to the ground.

“Rom the Trader!” a voice bellowed.

Above him, Nog stood smiling evilly. “I have
been expecting you. Tie him up outside the cave. It will not be
long before his so-called friends come looking for him.”

Nog laughed, his plan was falling into place.
Rom was predictable, though Nog still could not grasp why Rom would
continue to risk his life to protect Mirabella and her wood

Nog watched as they tied Rom up. Once Rom was
tightly tied up, Nog ordered the trolls to catch him some dinner.
“By morning your little friends will search for you and then it is
just a matter of time before I destroy them and take over the
forest. I will pluck the wings from your lovely Mirabella then make
her my bride.”

“You underestimate your enemy,” Rom said.

“No, it is you who underestimates me.” Nog
kicked Rom in the stomach before returning to the cave for a

As the sun began to set, Mirabella knew Rom
was in trouble. Going after him at night would be far too
dangerous. The trolls roamed at night and Nog knew every inch of
Troll Mountain, but they did not. They would have to wait for
morning. As darkness enveloped them, Mirabella knew it was going to
be a long sleepless night.



~ Chapter Five ~

When daylight broke Mirabella, Bean, Raz and
Jollah were ready to head up Troll Mountain. The three of them sat
upon Jollah's back.

Ambrosia watched them go, her heart filled
with fear for Rom and for them. As though sensing her need Majik
appeared at her side. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she buried
her face into his fur finding comfort in the warmth of him.

* * * *

As the friends drew closer to the mountain,
Mirabella could sense Rom's presence somewhere above them. “He is
alive,” she said with great relief.

With great caution, Jollah made his way up
the rest of the mountain. He took the hardest path because it
provided the most cover. They all knew that Nog would be expecting

“When we reach the top we will be out in the
open,” Bean said.

“I know my friend, but we have no other
choice, we must find Rom.”

Moments later, they arrived at the troll's
original cave. “Rom said the most likely caves would be along the

Jollah started down the path, which slowly
descended. Two caves later, they could see Rom tied up and laying
in front of a large opening in the mountain.

“They are using him as bait,” Raz said.

“It will be easier for us to hide on our
own,” Mirabella said as she flew to the ground. “Jollah, please
return to the brush while we see how close we can get.”

Mirabella told Bean and Raz to hide behind a
boulder. “I’m going to fly to the top of that tree,” she said
pointing. “I’ll have a look around and see what we are up

With Jollah safely hidden Bean and Raz
watched Mirabella go. She perched high above. Far below her Rom
twisted trying to free himself from the ropes that bound him. She
had to let him know that they were there to help him so she flew
high above and flapped her tiny wings as quickly as she could.

The motion sent fairy dust into the air and
it fell all around him like snow.

As the glittery dust fell onto his face, Rom
looked up and their eyes met. Rom nodded his head toward the cave
opening. Mirabella cautiously lowered herself. As she drew just a
few feet above Rom, she could clearly hear the sound of snoring
from inside the cave. Just a few feet more and she would be close
enough to Rom to use her magic to set him free.

As she drew just inches from his head,
Mirabella waved her tiny wand whispering words that Rom could not
here. A moment later, he was free.

Mirabella landed on his shoulder.

“Are you all right,” she whispered.

Rom nodded. “We need to go quickly and

Before the duo could move more than a few
steps from the cave, a net dropped on top of them knocking them
both to the ground.

“Foolish fairy,” Nog said. “Did you really
think that we would be sleeping knowing you would come for the
trader here? I am disappointed. I thought you would give me more of
a challenge.”

The two other trolls were tightening the net
as Nog gloated.

Rom tried to get free, but the more he
struggled the more entangled he became.

“Capture the fairy before she finds a way to
escape,” Nog ordered. One of the trolls went about straightening
out part of the net and began freeing Mirabella. Soon he held her
tightly in his sweaty hand.

Nog stepped into the cave and returned with a
tiny cage. He opened the door of the cage and the troll stuffed
Mirabella inside. Mirabella pulled on the wooden bars of the cage.
She was just about to use fairy magic to free herself when Nog
threw a white powder all over her. Mirabella collapsed.

Bean rose to his feet. “We have to help

Raz grabbed his friend’s shoulder and pulled
him back down. “There is nothing we can do. If we show ourselves
they will capture us too.”

The sound of Rom’s voiced stopped their
conversation. “What did you do to her?” he shouted at Nog.

“Just a little sleeping powder, I want the
Fairy Princess well rested for our wedding ceremony.”

* * * *

As Nog prepared to take a wife, his two
cohorts chased after a rabbit drooling with hunger.

Bean and Raz jumped on the chance to free
Rom. Raz pulled a small flint knife from his pocket. It took
several minutes, but together they were able to cut enough of the
net for Rom to squeeze through. As Rom was finally freed, Nog
stepped from the cave. In his right hand, Mirabella began to

Rom stepped from the cave just as Rom stepped
free from the net.

“Trader!” he screamed as he tackled him.

The two trolls rolled across the ground
wrestling each other. Seeing their opportunity Bean and Raz ran to
Mirabella. They struggled to open the cage as she began to shake
off the sleeping powder. Slowly she rose unsteadily to her

Nog and Rom were still engaged in the heat of
battle when Bean and Raz were finally able to free Mirabella.
Seeing her friend in combat Mirabella cried out his name,

As they rolled across the ground like
incensed tumbleweeds Mirabella’s scream echoed inside Rom’s head.
Moments later Rom landed a hard blow to Nog’s face. Nog screamed in
pain and released his grip just long enough for Rom to slip free
and get to his feet. He realized his blow was in the nick of time
for they were just a few feet from the cliffs edge. Thinking of his
friends he took his eyes off Nog for what was but a second, but it
was a second too long.

Nog had gotten to his feet as a stream of
blood fell from his nose. With a cry of rage, he tackled Rom. Rom
hit the ground hard with Nog on top of him. They rolled kicking up
a huge cloud of dust...

* * * *

“No! Rom!” Mirabella shouted as she watched
the two Trolls fall off the cliff's edge. She flew to the brink and
she could see Nog and Rom as they continued to fall toward the
rocks below. “No!” she sobbed.

Bean grabbed her up gently and pulled her
back from the edge. “Don’t watch, Princess,” he said as he held her
close to him. “I am sorry, but there is nothing we can do for him.”
A single tear rolled down his chubby cheek. He and Rom had become
close friends in the two years he had lived among them. He would
miss him greatly, but right now, he had to be strong for Mirabella.
She would need him now, for she loved Rom so.

For the second time in two years, Rom had
risked his life to protect hers. This time he had made the ultimate
sacrifice. Mirabella’s sobs filled Bean’s ears. He cradled her
gently to him, he wanted to say something, but realized no words
were adequate. So instead, he just held her and let her mourn.

After several minutes, her tears slowed, and
she leaned her head on Bean’s chest. “He died because of me.” Tears
still trailed from her deep green eyes and down her too pale

“No, Princess, he died for you.” Bean looked
down at her. Mirabella could see his tears threatening to over

“I thought that I could better his life,
instead I have taken it.” Mirabella had such a terrible ache in her

“Oh, Princess, you did better his life. You
freed him from the darkness. None of this is your fault. Rom would
not want you to feel this way. He sacrificed himself for what he
loved most in the”

* * * *

That night Mirabella fell into a deep sleep
brought on by the vast forlornness that weighed down her heart. She
dreamt of Rom. She heard him calling her name, reaching out from
somewhere far, far away. “I am here,” he called. “Do not forget me.
I am here.”

Mirabella sat up covered in sweat. “Rom is
alive!” she cried out into the dawning day. She rushed from her
mushroom in search of Bean.


Waking him from sleep Bean looked at
startled. “Don’t look at me like that Bean! He is alive he called
out to me. I can hear his heartbeat inside my head. It is faint,
but it is beating. We must search for him as soon as the sun greets
the day.”

“Mirabella we cannot cross beyond the
mountain’s edge. If Rom is alive, he has crossed into the human
world. There we have no powers. If we go there will be defenseless
even against the smallest of animals that call the forest

BOOK: Ambrosia's Story
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