Authors: Oksana Marafioti
1.  Marafioti, Oksana, 1974â  2.  RomaniesâUnited StatesâBiography.  3.  ImmigrantsâUnited StatesâBiography.  4.  Marafioti, Oksana, 1974â âChildhood and youth.  5.  RomaniesâSoviet UnionâBiography.  I.  Title.
DX127.M37 A3 2012
305.891'497073âdc23Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 2011047075
eISBN 9781429945264
To protect the privacy of certain individuals, the names and identifying characteristics of several people have been changed and composite characters have been created.