American Law (Law #2) (7 page)

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Authors: Camille Taylor

BOOK: American Law (Law #2)
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Elena shook her head and patted Dmitry’s back in sympathy.

“When you get me out of this mess, I’m fixing you up. Get you out of the dark ages.” Dmitry sat down and clicked on the Internet Explorer icon, adding, “I hope it’s not dial-up.”

The home page came up almost immediately and Dmitry let out a relieved breath before he started tapping away at the keyboard, his concentration fierce.

Lucas doubted Dmitry even realized he and Elena were still in the room. He glanced over at her and caught her gaze, then took her hand—just because he needed to touch her—and pulled her close, savoring the feel of her against him before leading her out of the room, leaving Dmitry to his work.









Chapter 13



James Fitzgibbon stood as Lucas entered his office, escorting a woman. The younger man had his hand placed possessively on her back. He moved from behind his desk to greet them both.

This must be Elena Ivanova
, he thought as he subtly gave her a once over.

She was beautiful, with sharp Slavic cheekbones and cool grey eyes. He could easily understand why Lucas had become so enamored of her. She stood several inches shorter than Lucas, her body generously curvy. She smiled as he approached, transforming her face from beautiful to breathtaking. Lucas was one lucky bastard.

“I am James Fitzgibbon, Agent Ivanova. I’ve been expecting you.”

Elena glanced at Lucas, surprise evident on her face. Lucas gave her a reassuring smile.

“Yes, I suppose you have,” she said, turning away from Lucas. “It’s great to finally meet you, SAC Fitzgibbon.” She held out her hand for him to shake, and he took her delicate fingers in his giant palm and marveled at the softness of her skin. Even after decades of marriage, he was still amazed at how delicate a woman was compared to a man—something he tended to forget when his lovely, sweet wife screamed at him for one of his many infractions. Elena had a very strong, firm handshake. He liked that.

“Please call me Jim, Elena. All my friends do, and I consider you a friend. After all, you did get my boy Lucas out of trouble. Now I’d like to repay the favor.”

Elena had stuck by Lucas the entire time he’d been in Moscow. She had even gone up against and defied her own agency to protect him, resulting in her being shot at and chased by her own people. He felt indebted to her for that. He also knew from Lucas that she was very good at her job, something else he admired. He loved a patriot who was dedicated to his or her work.

Agent Elena Ivanova was both. They’d get along just fine—as long as she didn’t break Lucas’s heart. Lucas was the closest thing to a son that he and his wife Maggie ever had, and both of them were extremely protective of their boy. So far, he’d never approved of any of the women Lucas had bothered to introduce. But all that changed the moment Elena Ivanova walked in. She was just the woman to keep Lucas in line and relatively under control—if such a thing was possible. She could love him like he deserved to be loved. Jim only hoped it worked out for the both of them.

Elena blushed. “It was nothing. I was glad to help. Once I got over cursing him for involving me, of course,” she added. “But it all worked out in the end and I don’t regret a moment of it—except maybe jumping out my second floor apartment window and the visit to the not-so-friendly neighborhood mob.”

The intimate glance she sent toward Lucas spoke of unfulfilled promises and heart-aching tenderness. He looked away, uncomfortable being privy to what should’ve been a private moment. If he’d had any doubts as to Elena’s feelings, they’d all been put to rest. She would have never made a good poker player; her thoughts were as clear as day to him.

“Lucas has never been one to toe the line,” he said.

Despite this, he couldn’t fault the results, and never once regretted the decision to make him a part of the team. Although he had caused more than one grey hair on his head, Lucas was a man with principals and nothing could sway him. It was what made him such a great agent and a man Jim was proud to know.

“Yes. I soon learned that,” Elena said, wry humor in her voice. “It was an interesting learning curve.”

“I can imagine.”

“It all worked out in the end.” She surreptitiously gave Lucas a glance, then looked back at Jim. She took an unsteady breath as she moved the conversation towards the reason she was here. “I understand you have quite the case on my brother. If you don’t mind, I would like to review the list of charges you have against him.”

Her manner was profession, her tone cool but he sensed the emotions beneath the surface. He didn’t envy her situation one bit. “Of course. This is current as of nine this morning. The DoD is continually adding to it. They’re after blood, I’m afraid.”

He pulled out two sheets of paper from the stack on his desk and handed them to her, watching as her eyes widened while she surveyed the charges. He didn’t blame her. Dmitry Ivanov was a wanted man. His hacking into the DoD had put him on every terrorist watch list in the United States, and he’d probably be added to an international list as well.

Should he be put on trial, the likelihood of him ever being released was small and if by some miracle that day ever came, there would be certain stipulations—such as he’d never be able to touch another computer for the rest of his life. For a man who lived and breathed technology, it would be a fate worse than death.

He eyed Lucas, who also read the list of charges over Elena’s shoulder. “You wouldn’t be stupid enough to harbor a criminal, now would you, Lucas?”

Both glanced up from the paper to meet his stare. He noted the blank expressions that showed no emotion; they could have been talking about the weather for all the feeling they revealed.

“Of course not,” Lucas said without hesitation.

Despite this, Jim knew he would find Dmitry Ivanov stashed away at Lucas’s residence, if he chose to search. He wouldn’t. Lucas was fiercely loyal to his friends and those he considered family, which meant he would do just about anything for Elena.

Someone knocked at the door, and a tall bulky man dressed in a smart blue suit entered. Jim made the introductions.

“Secretary Mann,” he said, greeting the Secretary of Defense. “Thank you for coming. This is Agent Lucas Gates of my team, and Agent Elena Ivanova. She’s with Russian Intelligence.”

Mann nodded in greeting, a barely perceived movement. Jim had never much liked the secretary, who he found to be arrogant and self-entitled. Two things he hated in a person.

“Tell us about Sundown,” he suggested politely, despite it not being a request. If they were to help Dmitry—and there was no question they would—they needed to understand the magnitude of what they were dealing with and the possible backlash. He never even bothered to ask if the Russian was guilty. He trusted Lucas’s judgment as much as his own, and if Lucas was positive of the man’s innocence that was enough for him.

Plus, he owed Elena for saving Lucas’s life.

Mann’s dark gaze looked about the room as if confirming the four of them were alone.

“I can guarantee we all have the suitable clearance, Secretary,” Jim assured him. “What you are about to say will not leave this room.”

He didn’t seem appeased, but continued regardless. “Sundown is the DoD’s new sixty billion dollar security protocol and implementation for the country. It includes everything from the locations of our nuclear weapons to the men qualified to release them. It also contains the President’s new Armageddon strategies, and the data back-up and storage locations.”

“Are you telling us that the entire country’s security is detailed in one complete file, downloadable from the DoD’s mainframe?” he asked, incredulous. “Whose brilliant idea was that?”

Mann shifted awkwardly, and Jim realized why Secretary Fuck-up was ready to hang Ivanov out to dry by naming him this year’s top terrorist. He was looking for a scapegoat.

“It was supposed to be secure. We hadn’t expected anyone to bypass the Pentagon’s firewalls,” Mann admitted somewhat contritely.

Got to love the bureaucrats. They were idiots, as far as he was concerned. It didn’t matter what level they were on. None of them had enough brain power to find their way out of a building with a map in their hands, and
were the people making the decisions for the country.

“Security is an illusion, Secretary Mann,” Elena said. “Surely, you know this. Just because you have four walls and a ceiling does not mean you don’t need locks.”

Mann fixed his glare on her. “You realize the international crisis we have on our hands, young lady?” he snapped, his tone condescending.

She appeared to grit her teeth, seeming angered by the chauvinistic put-down, and probably also for the assumption she might not know how to do her job. Mann was wrong on all accounts. She was extremely qualified, and had been trained for many situations the secretary probably hadn’t. When she answered, her words were carefully measured, her voice calm and devoid of any seething anger she obviously felt, if her face was any indication.

“You need to understand, Secretary Mann that I am not here on behalf on my country but as Dmitry Ivanov’s sister.”

Mann grunted. “You have your work cut out for you, then.”

Elena’s eyes darkened.

If looks could kill, we’d have a dead man.

“You have no unequivocal proof that my brother is guilty,” Elena retorted, “only circumstantial evidence.”

She had a backbone of pure steel, and he commended her for it. She was certainly an asset to her agency, and despite the fact that her brother’s life was on the line, she kept her cool through the entire proceeding. If Jim had been in her place, he would’ve decked the man by now, and it was clear by Lucas’s expression that he felt the same.

“I have more than enough for a conviction, I assure you,” Mann replied. “The fact that your brother is not standing here today speaks volumes. Dmitry Ivanov is a known hacker, his skills legendary. Do you wish to continue to argue your brother’s innocence to me? We both know he’s guilty, and when he’s found, he’ll be punished to the full extent of the law.”

Panic crept into Elena’s eyes. Jim’s gaze fell on her fingers as they twisted around the third finger on her left hand in an anxious gesture. It was almost as if she were winding a phantom ring and he realized that’s exactly what she was doing. Beside her, Lucas stilled, her movements catching his attention and his sharp mind most likely processing she no longer wore her wedding band, her pale finger devoid of a tan line. It had been some time since she’d removed the last visible link to her husband.

Lucas shot the secretary a death look at impugning Dmitry’s nature. Jim was fully aware how much Lucas admired and trusted the man. Any slight against Dmitry would also be against Lucas.

“You don’t know my brother,” Elena said. “He is a patriot. He would never willingly put anyone’s life in danger.”

Lucas placed his hand on Elena’s back, and her stiff body softened as she leaned into his touch.

“I understand you want to protect your brother. Unfortunately, that time has passed. If he turns himself in now, the U.S. Attorney will take that into consideration.”

“I will not send my brother to be unfairly accused.”

“You have twenty-four hours to recover Sundown. If you fail, or if we find him first, your brother will be arrested on treason and attempted terrorism,” Mann declared. “And you may be charged as an accessory.”

Lucas stiffened.

“And what will you be charged with? Unwittingly putting the security of the nation in jeopardy?” she snapped.

The secretary’s face turned red. “Now, see here Ms. Ivanova—”

“You address me as
Ivanova, Secretary Mann. Be sure to remember that. And I will not allow you to railroad my brother because of your foolish mistake.”

“Although I appreciate your position, the truth is that your brother hacked the Department of Defense. That sort of thing isn’t punishable by a mere slap on the hand. It’ll be best if he gives himself up. The charges will be more lenient. I suggest you try to persuade him.” Mann stalked out, slamming the door behind him.

Lucas stepped toward the window overlooking the parking lot, and stared out. Elena slumped into the visitor’s chair and crossed her legs as Jim perched himself on the edge of his desk.

“He’s screwed, isn’t he?” Elena asked, sounding dejected. He could see she was fighting tears. “Even though he acted under duress. There’s no way he can redeem himself.”

“So he

Elena gave him a look. “I never said he wasn’t.”

“Yes. I noticed that,” he replied wryly. She was a very smart woman. Lucas would need to watch out. She was sure to keep him on his toes.

“When Dmitry called me in Moscow, he told me what happened and how Ivan was murdered. He knew they planned to kill him, too, once he retrieved the file, so he ran.”

“Understandable. I take it you have him working on it now? If there’s anyone who can get him out of this, it’s Dmitry himself.”

“We have him looking into the man who hired him, under false pretenses I might add.”

He nodded. “Good. If you can find the man responsible, you can make your own case to take to the U.S. Attorney. I will be happy to provide support to your brother and back his character. Of course, I can’t guarantee he will not be charged.”

“Thank you for believing in him. You don’t even know my brother.”

“But I know you, and if he’s anything like you, Dmitry Ivanov must be very special.”

Elena appeared to relax. “Thank you,” she said, rising from her seat. She surprised him by wrapping her arms around his ever-expanding form, and kissing him on the cheek. “Please don’t do anything that could cost you your career,” she added.

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