American Mutant (6 page)

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Authors: Bernard Lee DeLeo

BOOK: American Mutant
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Chapter 8 Relationships and Danger

Connor put his suit coat back on, and went to have some lunch. Before he left the room, he made sure his name badge was on right. At the cafeteria, he picked out a salad, coffee, and a carton of milk. Ignoring the curious stares from his fellow diners, Connor took a seat away from the others.

Ten minutes later, he sensed someone walking towards him. Keeping his eyes on his tray as he sipped his coffee, he figured the person to be around five foot six inches tall, and one hundred and eighteen pounds. A form blocked a little of the light on the right side of his face, and a soft, husky voice spoke from behind him.

“Would you mind some company? I haven’t seen you around here before. Did you just transfer in?”

Connor looked up into a woman’s light blue eyes, made all the more striking by the long, dark hair framing her angular face. She was dressed in what Connor would call a daring business dress. Although dark blue, and modestly cut slightly above the knee, the dress incorporated a slit up to mid thigh on the right side. The neckline closed around her slender neck, but opened in peek-a-boo style around her bosom. She generated a confidence, devoid of hesitancy of any kind, as if she had never experienced a negative response of any kind in her life.

Connor put down his coffee cup, and stood up to face her. He smilingly looked into her piercing eyes with frank admiration, and took her tray from her. She released it to him. She sat down gracefully, and crossed her legs. Connor placed the tray in front of her, and sat down again.

She smiled back into his intense gaze, a little disconcerted for the first time in a long while. She extended her hand, and Connor grasped it firmly in his. The underlying current of raw power within Connor startled her for a moment.

“I’m Kathy Sorrenson.”

“Thomas Connor, and may I say without doubt, you are one fine looking woman.”

His voice startled her again for a third time. His eyes never wavered, nor did he release her hand. The tenor of his voice was magnetic. It soothed and compelled at the same time. Connor released her hand, and sat back as he picked up his coffee cup.

“I.I’m glad to meet you Thomas.”

“In answer to your questions Kathy, I always enjoy the company of a woman. I have been here for a while, but out of sight. My work kept me away from the main complex.”

“I work in administration, and I thought I knew everyone here. What kind of work do you do?”

“You probably have worked here long enough to know better than to ask that kind of question.”

“I have a top secret clearance,” she said quickly. “I didn’t mean for it to come out that way.”

“The question must remain unanswered Kathy,” Connor said, still smiling openly at her. “Even with a top secret clearance, you realize this joint works on a need to know basis.”

“I really just wanted to make conversation.” She took a bite of her sandwich, and washed it down with her diet soda. “How about letting me know where you live then, or what you do for recreation.”

Connor laughed, and took another sip of his coffee. “Why in the world would a beautiful young woman like you be interested in a grizzled old dog like me? You must have every man in this complex doing back-flips to get your attention. I am flattered, and thank you for your company. I live in the complex here for now. I hope to have my own place in another week.”

Kathy reached over, and put her hand over his. She felt the current flow again. “I saw you walk in here. You stand out in a crowd Thomas, but I think you know that. I.”

Dr. Blakely sat down on the other side of Connor, and made a bit more noise than necessary, as she placed her tray on the table in front of her. “I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”

“Actually Doctor,” Kathy said. “Thomas and I were having a private conversation.”

Connor looked around at Dr. Blakely as he withdrew his hand from under Kathy’s, and picked up his coffee cup. She watched him for any sign of displeasure at her appearance, but he merely winked at her. “Dr. Blakely, how nice of you to join us. We were discussing living arrangements and crowds. I take it you two know each other.”

“We have met,” Dr. Blakely replied.

“As I said Thomas,” Kathy added. “I know just about everyone around here.” She got up and picked up her tray. “I hope I will see you again soon Thomas.”

“Thanks for the company Kathy. Take care.”

Kathy smiled at Thomas, and then nodded towards Dr. Blakely, before turning towards the front of the cafeteria. Connor took another sip of coffee, as he pondered his continuing good fortune. He sensed, rather than knew the blow was coming towards him. Connor avoided the elbow streaking towards his ribcage, and still managed not to spill his coffee. He reached across his chest to grab hold of Dr. Blakely, just in time to keep her from falling off her chair when her blow missed. Connor questioned his initial smugness, as he steadied her.

“I am shocked Doctor at this unseemly display. I believe you were about to try and crack one of my ribs.”

“I couldn’t reach the place I wanted to take a crack at.” She looked up at him sullenly as he released her. “We have a date tonight Thomas, and here you are holding hands with that tramp from administration.”

Connor shook his head wonderingly. “She was holding my hand Karen, and she could not be much older than twenty-two. Uh oh.” Connor saw the rising tide of rage come over his companion.

“So,” Karen replied coldly. “I am a senior citizen now. Maybe I should use my walker tonight on our date, and when did it ever matter to you men about the youth of some floozy expressing interest in one of you?”

“Karen,” Connor replied reasonably, and somewhat amused, “did we fly off somewhere this morning, and get married? Ms. Sorrenson merely wanted some company, and because I am not dead, and since she certainly brightens up the room, I invited her to join me. I must admit though, your reaction does surprise me. Don’t you feel just a little silly?”

In answer to his question, she blushed before reaching up to his face, and gripping it gently in her hands. She leaned into him and kissed him. Connor felt the warmth and passion through her hands and lips. She gasped as he returned her kiss for a moment before gently pulling away.

Karen returned his inquiring gaze without looking away. “I don’t know why I reacted the way I did. I saw you two back here, and I almost dropped my tray. She’s stunning.”

Connor took her hand in his and moved his fingers over it slowly, caressing her palm and the back of her hand until she trembled. “Yes, so what?”

Karen closed her eyes as the pleasure of his touch made the sweat bead up on her upper lip. She opened her eyes again. “You can have anyone Thomas, and for a moment I thought that…you…I mean.”

“You thought I put the mojo on her, right,” Connor asked laughing.

“The thought did cross my mind. All I could think of was her coming right there in her chair, while you stared into her eyes.”

“It seems not everyone has to have a mind meld to develop an attraction for me.”

Karen tried to retain a serious look, but burst into laughter instead. “I guess I have not really appreciated the real you until now.”

“I am just a scarred up irresistible Don Juan, or in your case, the Marquis de Sade.”

Karen laughed again, and then soberly regarded Connor. “You would have hurt me Thomas. I felt it.”

“Yes, so what. You would have hurt me without a second thought yesterday.”

Karen nodded, “I admit it. I think I have aged a few years since then. You never have to worry about my betraying you again.”

“Even if I decided to see if Kathy really does like me?”

“You wouldn’t…I…oh hell, I don’t know. Why would you do that?”

“Do what, act like a normal human being? Hell hath no fury.” Connor began.

“Shut up you. You are twisting my words,” she laughed. “What could I do?”

“The question was what would you do if you could? The answer seems I would be toast,” Connor said.

“She would be using you,” Karen replied earnestly.

“And you would be.”

“You are impossible. I.”

“Would be using me,” Connor finished for her.

“I give up on this debate,” Karen sighed, “but I am not going to let you go. More happened to me, mentally and physically, in the last day and a half than in the last ten years. I will not just forget about it and go on. Have you ever considered I might be in love with you?”

“Have you ever considered I might be in love with you too,” Connor replied, “and if I were, would I have to kill every man who admires what I see in you?”

“No, but. “ Karen paused. He had her, and she knew it. Karen thought about the utter nonsense of the present conversation. She knew her IQ to be measurable in the 160 to 180 range, and this grunt from the twilight zone could turn her inside out.

“I see the wheels turning up there,” Connor said amicably, “but I believe you have come to the conclusion they have begun to spin without moving you anywhere.”

“Perhaps I should just strip naked at your command, and let you ravish me at will, without any thought to your intentions beyond that point. Would that be more equitable?”

“Works for me.”

The blood rushed into her face once again, but Connor had already started laughing at her apparent rage. “You think you are so funny,” She hissed through clenched teeth.

“Why yes Karen, I believe I am. You can work on me anytime my dear. I can take it as well as dish it out. You have surprised me a bit already, but you have taken the more traditional roll in this particular play.”

“The idiot little woman, who cannot control her emotions. A woman who must try to possess what she loves,” Karen offered.

Connor perked up when he heard her last line. “Karen, you’ve seen
Circle of Iron

“I researched all your little movie one liners you used when trying to bait Derek over your last few sessions. I was studying you, remember?” Karen asked playfully.

“You are the only other person I ever influenced into seeing it,” Connor said in delight. “It disappoints me to know you saw the movie, and still came in here, and acted as you did.” Connor shook his head sadly, “You have much to learn grasshopper.”

“That’s from
Kung Fu,
Circle of Iron,”
Karen replied smugly.

Connor shape shifted instantly into the blind old monk from the
Kung Fu
television series. Karen gasped in delight as the old monk shook his head in disgust. “Your arrogance defeats your intelligence grasshopper. You will never walk the rice paper with that attitude.”

Karen clapped her hands as Connor changed back. “If only you could take this show on the road, you could be rich.”

“I am rich. Through donations today, I am a millionaire many times over. We will eat at the absolute best place tonight. You will have to pick it out, as I have not had much experience in dining out. Remember, money is no object.”

“You still wish to go out to dinner with me, after my failure to heed my place in the force master,” Karen joked.

Connor laughed. “You are getting very good at this Karen. I have been pumping old Derek with this stuff for quite a while without one good zinger in return. Yes, I want to take you to dinner. You scared away my only other chance at a beautiful dinner companion. I was.”

Connor ducked the slap aimed at the side of his head. “Why you arrogant mime. That was a cheap shot.”

“You just called me an arrogant mime,” Connor protested. “Talk about cheap shots. I’ll have you know I do voices too. In case you were unaware of it, mimes are silent.”

“I think I touched a nerve finally. Your full name is Thomas Michael Connor.”


“So, I think I will call you Mike the Mime from now on.”

“Okay,” Thomas chuckled appreciatively. “Who am I doing now?” He mimicked her orgasm in his room perfectly, including the tremble and change in the tenor of her voice.”

Karen tried to get him to stop as she searched for anyone in the room looking their way. She reached across, trying to put her hand over his mouth. “You bastard, I thought you said mimes were silent. I have to get back to work. What should I wear?”

“I want to take you out right after work, so I will dress casually, and you can go as you are.”

“No way,” Karen stated. “You promised me the best. Get dressed in your suit, and you can go home with me while I dress for our date properly.”

“That would be entirely improper my dear,” Connor stated chastely. “We are both single. What would your neighbors think?”

“Probably that I am finally getting some.” She stood up, and touched his face, while balancing her tray. “I will come to your room at five, okay?”

“More than okay.”

Connor watched her walk away. He turned back to the table and finished his coffee. He smiled as he remembered her calling him Mike the Mime. His first impressions of her strength were proving correct. In only a day and a half, Dr. Blakely had recovered from their initial meeting completely, with full acceptance of his abilities. Connor stood up to return to his room, ready to acquire some money for a new grant to Harvard in the name of Derek’s daughter. Life was good for the moment.

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