America's Galactic Foreign Legion - Book 5: Insurgency (3 page)

Read America's Galactic Foreign Legion - Book 5: Insurgency Online

Authors: Walter Knight

Tags: #science fiction military war insurgency terrorism foreign legion humor

BOOK: America's Galactic Foreign Legion - Book 5: Insurgency
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As if on cue, Lieutenant Barker entered the
conference room and sat down. Phil Coen and the others immediately
rushed over to ask questions.

“Lieutenant Barker, we have been told that
you used superior tactics in burning downtown Window Rock, and
ultimately saved lives,” said Coen, thrusting out a microphone.
“Care to comment?”

“I would have burned the whole spider nest
down, but we ran out of fuel for the flamethrower,” replied
Lieutenant Barker. “Give me any excuse, and I’ll happily return to
Window Rock and finish the job. I’ll wipe them spiders out once and
for all.”

“Might such blatant and brutal action provoke
intervention from the Arthropodan Empire?” asked Coen. “I might
add, I find your comments dangerous, inflammatory, and

“What is the Empire going to do?” taunted
Lieutenant Barker. “Nuke us again? How many times have they done
that? We should have squashed those bugs a long time ago! New
Colorado does not need the Empire telling us how to run our

“Enough!” ordered General Kalipetsis. “This
is why we do not let junior officers talk to the press. Lieutenant
Barker is a junior officer fresh from his first combat. He is
excited and passionate, and bursting with the exuberance of youth
and inexperience. His comments do not reflect the policies or goals
of the Legion, or our political leadership. Don’t fault him too
much. It is to be expected that a junior officer would take a
small-picture view of recent events, especially after just risking
his life in a very volatile riot. I can assure you that the Legion
takes a larger view of the situation along the DMZ. The Legion
wants coexistence with the spiders, advocates respect for the
rights of Spider-American citizens, and wants only good relations
with the Arthropodan Empire.”

“Lieutenant Barker, isn’t it true you saw
action with the Militia, and that you have a questionable and
violent criminal history?” asked Coen. “And isn’t it true that the
Arthropodan Empire still holds warrants of arrest in your name and
other aliases for murder, terrorism, and crimes against the
civilization and the galaxy?”

“The Constitution does not allow inquiries
into a legionnaire’s past,” I interrupted. “Legion enlistment wipes
the slate clean. Besides, Imperial warrants aren’t any good south
of the DMZ, unless our governor signs extradition papers.”

“The slate is only wiped clean if there was
full disclosure on the Legion application forms,” corrected Coen.
“Did you disclose your aliases before being accepted to Officer’s
Candidate School? Is Barker even your real name?”

“This is your last warning,” I said. “There
will be no more questions about Lieutenant Barker’s past or
juvenile years.”

“The matter needs to be investigated,”
insisted Coen. “But, I will move on, for now. What about the Mayor
of Window Rock’s claim for damages? Who will pay for the millions
of dollars of damage to downtown Window Rock?”

“The claim is denied,” said General
Kalipetsis. “If the mayor can’t ensure responsible conduct from the
citizenry within his jurisdiction, then he must expect to incur
some damage when the Legion is called. Perhaps the mayor should
step down if he can’t do his job. Perhaps I should submit a bill to
the mayor for the destroyed Post Office and the Legion’s

The press conference ended on that note.
Groups of reporters hung around outside, scribbling and comparing
last-minute notes. The TV crews prepared to board their van. Phil
Coen noticed Private John Iwo Jima Wayne tossing a baseball to
Private Krueger. Coen approached the big spider legionnaire.

“Do you like baseball?” asked Coen.

Private Wayne ignored Coen. He tossed Krueger
another ball, this one a little bit harder. Krueger ripped off his
glove and threw it on to the ground, his hand in obvious pain.

“Private Wayne, I am interested to hear a
spider legionnaire’s perspective about the disturbance at Window
Rock,” said Coen. “Do you have an opinion?”

“Yes,” said Private Wayne. “I was there. It
was a riot, not a disturbance. Get your facts straight. They burned
down the Post Office and attacked legionnaires sent to keep the
peace. We put an end to it real fast.”

“But what about Lieutenant Barker’s comments
that he would like to return to Window Rock and burn the rest of
the town?” asked Coen. “Barker suggested killing all of the spider

“No one ever accused Lieutenant Barker of
being a nice person,” said Private Wayne. “He is a junkyard dragon.
Sometimes that is what you need out here on the Frontier.”

“But you are a spider,” argued Coen. “Doesn’t
talk of exterminating a spider population rub you the wrong

“I do not want to return to Window Rock,”
said Private Wayne. “Window Rock is a dangerous place. We can nuke
it, for all I care.”

“I think you are just being hard core to
please your Legion masters,” commented Coen. “You can’t really feel
that way.”

Private Wayne drew a large jagged combat
knife and took a swipe at Coen. Coen took a quick step back, but
not quick enough. Instinctively he put up his left hand for
protection, but the knife sliced off two fingers. Blood sprayed
everywhere as Coen flailed about. The cameraman ran for the van.
Legionnaires rushed to restrain Private Wayne. Someone grabbed one
of Coen’s fingers so it could be packed in ice and sewn back on.
Wayne stepped on the other finger, grinding it into the dirt.

Private Wayne spent the night in jail on
assault charges. In the morning, I released Private Wayne and
promoted him to back to corporal. Later, I told Coen I thought the
whole matter was just a cultural misunderstanding, and that he
needed to be more sensitive toward our spider legionnaires. I added
that the Legion is committed to diversity, and Coen should know
better than to harass and insult a spider legionnaire’s honor in
such a glib manner.


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Chapter 4

Corporal John Iwo Jima Wayne found baseball
almost as relaxing as riding his Harley motorcycle. Playing in the
First Division’s recreation league kept him active, and usually out
of trouble. Corporal Wayne put himself through a good workout at
the ballpark and was feeling calmer now. As Wayne finished batting
practice, however, Sergeant Toock interrupted what had been an
otherwise pleasant day. Now, Corporal Wayne instantly became
agitated. The mere sight of Sergeant Toock, a Formicidaen refugee,
rubbed Corporal Wayne the wrong way. He did not like this oversized
ant, or any of Toock’s species.

“You like baseball?” asked Sergeant Toock,

“Why do fools keep asking me stupid
questions?” asked Corporal Wayne.

“That is no way to talk to a Sergeant,”
replied Sergeant Toock. “But I am not here to pull rank or start an
argument. I want you to transfer permanently to Lieutenant Barker’s
company. Lieutenant Barker was impressed with you at Window Rock
and asked me to contact you. We need combat veterans to help lead
and train the new recruits.”

“No,” replied Corporal Wayne.

“Why?” asked Sergeant Toock. “Do you not like
Lieutenant Barker? I can understand your apprehension about his
past and the comments he made on TV yesterday, but I can assure you
Lieutenant Barker is a fair and competent commander who respects
diversity in his command.”

“I have no problem with Lieutenant Barker,”
advised Corporal Wayne. “Barker is an asshole, but at least he is
up front about it. I know where he is coming from. It is you I
dislike and do not trust.”

“Me?” asked Sergeant Toock, innocently. “A
fellow exoskeleton-cousin and brother-in-arms? Explain

“I am not your brother,” said Corporal Wayne,
about to lose his temper. “The human pestilence should have
exterminated you ants a long time ago.”

“The few of us who survived the Formicidaen
Empire Holocaust just want to fit in,” said Sergeant Toock. “Ants
and spiders are so much alike. It is sad to hear you feel that way.
I only want the best for our two species.”

“Ants eat or kill everything in their path.
Your ilk are a blight on the galaxy.”

“Is there anything I can do to change your
mind?” asked Sergeant Toock, still showing no visible signs of
being upset or angry. “You will be advanced in rank quickly, if you
join our unit.”

“I might consider a transfer if you died,”
said Corporal Wayne. “That way I would not have to tolerate your
smell or presence.”

“You want to see me die?” asked Sergeant
Toock. “Transfer to our company, and you may very well get your
wish. I promise our company will see combat often and soon.”

“How can you promise that? We are at

“It won’t last. You know Colonel Czerinski
dislikes Lieutenant Barker. What does Czerinski do when he dislikes

“He sends them out on shit details,” answered
Corporal Wayne. “Everyone knows that.”

“Exactly. When the shooting starts, we will
be sent first. Lieutenant Barker realizes this and keeps us
combat-ready. But we need experienced legionnaires like you to

“Okay, I will consider a request for
transfer,” said Corporal Wayne. “I thrive on combat. But that still
does not change my opinion of you.”

“Great!” said Sergeant Toock, slapping claws
with Wayne. “Welcome to G Company. Just so there is no
misunderstanding, I do not particularly like you spiders either. I
do not even like most humans. But the Legion is my life now. Follow
orders and do not mess with me, and you just might survive.”


* * * * *


A month later, I ordered Lieutenant Barker
and G Company to guard the grand opening of the new Window Rock
Post Office. I also sent a Legion band to assist with the

The Mayor of Window Rock gave a speech on the
steps of the Post Office. “I hope we can build a foundation for
peace as solid as the bricks and mortar of which this fine new post
office is built,” bellowed the mayor to a small crowd gathered out
front on the street. “From the ashes of our downtown, a new Window
Rock is being built, bigger and more impressive than before.”

“Politicians are nothing but old windbags, no
matter what species they are,” commented Lieutenant Barker to
Sergeant Toock. They sat comfortably down the street atop the
turret of an armored car, watching for trouble.

“Encouraging democracy among spiders is a
waste of time and effort,” added Sergeant Toock. “Their low IQ
requires authoritarian leaders to guide them. That’s just common

“I agree,” said Lieutenant Barker. “That’s
exactly why they have an Emperor. How about I appoint you Mayor of
Window Rock?”

“An ant mayor?” asked Sergeant Toock. “I
would be lynched, or they would send you a video of my slow and
painful death by beheading.”


* * * * *


Phil Coen of Channel Five World News Tonight
provided commentary for the grand opening of the Post Office. As
Coen listened to the mayor’s speech, a spider rushed forward from
the crowd and pointed a pistol at Coen’s head. The gun jammed. The
spider fumbled with the pistol, trying to force the slide back to
clear the round. Its human design made the attempt awkward. Private
Valdez, standing next to Coen, working crowd control, shot the
spider several times. The crowd scattered as errant rounds went
past or hit dirt. The mayor stopped his speech and ran down the

Dynamite charges hidden under the Post Office
steps exploded, killing several city council members and most of
the Legion musicians. Insurgent snipers atop the new Window Rock
Hotel fired at legionnaires below.

Sergeant Toock fired a 50 cal machine gun at
the hotel roof. Bullets pinged off his armored car. A blue Toyota
pickup truck sped around the corner on a direct course to ram
Toock’s armored car. Sergeant Toock swiveled the turret and fired
at the approaching truck, riddling the truck with bullets and
killing the driver. However, momentum carried the truck forward,
and it crashed into the armored car. Explosives in the truck
detonated, knocking the armored car on to its side. Fuel ignited.
Lieutenant Barker was knocked unconscious. Sergeant Toock lay
seriously injured.

A Legion jet flew low overhead, dropping
five-hundred-pound bombs on top of the Window Rock Hotel. Other
buildings were rocketed by helicopter gunships. Corporal Wayne ran
through the smoke and debris to the burning armored car, pulling
both Lieutenant Barker and Sergeant Toock out by their shirt

“I predicted you might see me die,” said
Sergeant Toock, looking up as Corporal Wayne dragged him away from
the fire. “But I did not think it would be so soon.”

“Too bad, but I think you will live,”
commented Corporal Wayne, dropping Sergeant Toock on the sidewalk.
“We should have nuked Window Rock a month ago.”

“My injuries are compartmentalized by my
exoskeleton,” advised Sergeant Toock, removing duct tape from his
first aid pouch. “Leave me. Get medical assistance for Lieutenant

Air strikes continued. G Company withdrew to
the edge of town, where it directed artillery at suspected
insurgent positions. By the end of the day, most of Window Rock lay
in ruins or was burning. A long column of refugees could be seen
heading north to the safety of the border and the Arthropodan


* * * * *


I checked the database for Lieutenant Valerie
Smith, United States Marine Corps. I found her. Valerie died at the
start of the Chinese American War. She was awarded the
Distinguished Service Medal posthumously for her heroic actions in
defense of our embassy in Beijing. I wired flowers to her
gravesite. The next day I received an email saying, “Thank you for
the flowers. Have we met?”

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