Read Amplify Online

Authors: Anne Mercier

Amplify (26 page)

BOOK: Amplify
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She calls out my name again, her back arching off the bed, and I lean in to suck her nipple as I pant out my release, each spurt of cum from my cock so long and hard, I groan with the spasms of her pussy around my dick. Does it get any better than this? If it does, I’m not sure I’d survive. Only her. Only Sera can bring me pleasure of these depths, pleasure that consumes my entire body, tensing and releasing as I come and come inside her.

I collapse on top of her, knowing I’m too heavy for her but unable to move.

"Holy shit, Fee."

"Yeah," she pants out. "Huh."

"What is it?"

"It’s no wonder I got pregnant. I mean really. For how hard you come and with as much cum as you release, seriously. I feel it every time."

I grunt. "It’s your fault," I murmur into her neck.

She snickers. "I’ll gladly take credit for that."

I nod. "I thought you might." She clenches and my cock starts to stir again.

"Careful," I warn.

She snorts. "Maybe it’s you who needs to be careful."

"Did you just challenge me?" I ask.

She stills. "Uh, no. I would never challenge you."

"It sounded like a challenge to me. Baby, I’ll gladly fuck you nonstop until you beg me to quit if that’s what you want. No need to challenge me, though that is way more fun."

She snorts. "Only because in a challenge I’d have to concede. I’ll just do that now and you can keep fucking me. That’s fair, right?" she asks.

I snort. "Seems fair and like a really great idea," I say, flexing my hips, letting her feel my cock as it hardens inside her.

"Do you think we’ll always want each other like this?" she asks.

"Yes. I will always want you, Sera. Every moment of every day of my life."

"Save the pretty words for the vows, baby."

I lift my head, still thrusting inside her, getting myself harder and harder as I do. "You don’t want my pretty words?"

"Oh, I want them. I love them. I just don’t want you to run out before the ceremony," she tells me, her hands cupping my cheeks.

"I’ll never run out of love words for you."

She snickers and I can’t help but grin. "What?"

"Imagine if all those people out there who know and fear you as bad ass Cage Nichols heard just how incredibly sweet you are in private."

"Only ever for you, Fee," I tell her seriously, meeting her gaze. "Only you get this part of me."

Her breath hitches and she nods. "How did I get so lucky?"

"I’m the lucky one. Nothing and no one will ever compare to you," I say, lifting her left hand to my lips, kissing her finger beside the ring I placed there. "And you’re going to be my wife." I shake my head in disbelief. "Finally."

She nods, tears sliding down her cheeks. We rock together in a slow rhythm this time, taking our time, feeling not only each other’s bodies coming together, but our emotions meshing and blending, becoming one.

And when her breath hitches and she whispers out my name as she starts to come, I let myself go, pouring all I am into her, giving her all of me as she gives me all of her.

"Always and forever... only you, Fee."

"Only ever you," she sighs as she drifts off to sleep.

—a day early—in preparation for the wedding. I don’t let Sera out of my bed until that night. She worries about what everyone’s going to think but I don’t give a fuck. Let them think what they want. Besides, they’re setting up for the wedding and she doesn’t need to see what I’ve planned.

Right now, I’m buried deep inside my woman and fucking her against the shower wall. Her legs wrapped around my waist, her back arched, her eyes closed, as she gets closer.

I pound into her, hard and fast, her tits bouncing. I suck one of her nipples into my mouth and slide a hand between her ass cheeks. She stiffens when I press my finger against her opening while I keep working her with my cock. When I push inside, she moans.

"Yeah, baby, there you go." Her pussy walls clench me tight and I fuck her harder, touching her so deeply inside while my finger fucks her ass. I whisper in her ear, "I’m going to take your ass, Fee. I’m going to fuck you there when we’re husband and wife. Every part of you will be mine."

"Oh God." Her head thrashes side to side.

"Come for me, Fee. Let me feel your pussy squeeze my cock."

That’s all it takes. She moans and comes, her breath hitching, her nails digging into my shoulders, clawing my back, and I slip out my finger, grip both her hips and hammer into her and when the first shot of cum streams from my cock, my knees go weak.

"Christ, it’s so good. Always so fucking good." Hot and hard I come, my breath stalling in my lungs, and with my last pump of cum inside her, I grunt. She’s going to kill me. She’s panting and every now and again I’ll feel her pussy spasm with aftershocks, that’s when her breath hitches a little. Hell yeah. I fucked her so good she’s still feeling it.

"Holy smokes," she whispers and I chuckle. I slowly slide her down my legs and I watch as my cum starts running down her leg.

"Fuck, Fee. That’s so hot."


"My cum slipping out of you."

She wrinkles her nose. "I’m sure it’s some guy thing that makes that hot. All it does for me is make things sticky and messy."

I grunt. I wonder if there’s a way to keep my cum inside her a while. All I can think of is to keep my dick inside her and that’s a hell of an idea if I do say so myself.

There’s a knock on the door and that squelches that idea. I sigh and she slumps against the shower wall.

"Reality," I murmur and she nods, pouting prettily. "Aww, Fee, just remember they’re here to help with the wedding."

She looks at me. "Are you sure? I mean, I’m me. I’m a mess, a total disaster, Cage. I can’t see that changing anytime soon. You need to really think about this."

I lift a brow. I want to laugh but I don’t. Does she really think I haven’t thought this through? That I know without a doubt I can’t live one single day without her?

"Don’t make me spank you again," I threaten and her eyes light up. I chuckle.

She blushes.

"It’s okay to like it, Fee. I love that you like it."

She nods.

"And yes, I’m sure. There’s nothing to think about, baby. Nothing. I want you as my wife. I love you so much I can’t breathe without you."

Her expression softens and she smiles. She throws her arms around me and hugs me tightly to her.

"Thank you."

"No, thank
, Fee."

Another knock. "Cage, dude, stop fucking your fiancée and open the door."

I close my eyes and chuckle as I shake my head.

"Only Xander."

Sera snickers.

"Wash up, Fee. I’ll get the door," I say and give her a quick kiss before stepping out of the shower. I dry off quickly and put on my robe.

Knock, knock, knock.

I pull the door open quickly and Xander’s eyes widen in shock.

"Dude, I’ve been out here for like twenty minutes," he says.

"I’m sorry, Xander. I was too busy fucking my fiancée to hear you at the door," I tell him with a smirk.

Kennedy steps up. "Dude." He holds up his fist and I just lift my brow. When he doesn’t relent I sigh and give in, touching my fist to his. "I knew you had it in you," Kennedy tells me as he steps past me into the bungalow.

"Hell yeah he does," Xander agrees.

"We are talking about Cage Nichols, after all," Jace mutters with a wink.

"Damn right. The man is a legend," Ethan announces and fist bumps with Ben.

"Pigs. Every one of them," Lucy says and I lean down to give her a hug when she pulls me to her.

"How’s the litter?" I ask and Jesse growls. I chuckle.

"Good, good. It’s getting harder and harder every day to see my toes," she says.

Sera steps out of the bathroom in her robe. "Sister of mine, you don’t need to see your toes—"

"Or your vag," Xander interrupts. Everyone looks at him. "What? The only one who needs to see your vag is Jesse. That’s all Jesse territory now."

"See what I’ve had to put up with without you?" Lucy asks Sera as they embrace and I close the door.

"What, only the seven of you? Where are the rest?" I ask with a smirk.

"Megs and Trace are off fuckin’ somewhere. I don’t know where the rest are," Xander tells us.

I turn just in time to see Lucy slap at Sera’s arm.

"Ow, what’s going on?" Sera asks with a laugh.

"You left, you idiot. You about done now?" Lucy asks with her arms crossed and one foot tapping.

"Oh, she’s done alright," I murmur, walking over to Sera. "Isn’t that right, Fee?" I slide a hand over her ass and she blushes.

"Uh, yep. All done now."

"Holy shit," Ben says. "Did you just see Sera blush? Cage, my man, you’re my hero."

I chuckle and Sera gives him the finger.

"And we’re back," Xander announces.

"Did you ever leave?" I tease.

"Admit it, Cage, dude. You’ve missed me."

I look at Xander and raise a brow. "I have?"

"Dude," Xander mutters. "You’re going to give me a complex."

"It might help with that ego problem of yours," Lucy teases.

"You wound me, Luce my goose."

She snickers. "You should be used to it by now, Xan my man."

"So," Jesse begins. "Wedding tomorrow."

I nod.

"What’s the rush? Think she’s going to take off again?" Jace teases and I slant a look over to him that shuts him up immediately.

"Not at all the reason. I just don’t see a better time for it with the tour starting again next week, Lucy and the babies, getting everyone in the same place at the same time. That, and I want her to have my name. She’s so far from being anything like a Manzini, I want to remove that false information."

"You’re getting a two-for," Xander says with a nod.

"Exactly," Sera says, slipping her arm around my waist.

"Serafina Nichols. I love how that sounds," Lucy says, as Jesse pulls her to sit on his lap in one of the chairs.

"Me too," I agree and Sera leans in closer.

"Damn," Kennedy mutters, shaking his head.

"What’s up?" Ethan asks him.

"Lucy, hot as hell actress turned kickass rocker, and Sera, smokin’ hot model turned badass rocker—and I didn’t get to fuck either one of them before they tied the knot," he says, sounding so sad that I chuckle.

"What the fuck!" Xander sits up. "Me neither."

"Hell," Ethan agrees.

"Son of a bitch," Ben says when he realizes he missed his chance. The urge to fuck Sera in front of him so he knows who she belongs to now is strong, but I tamp it down. If he didn’t have to see Sera naked, I just might do it.

"What are you thinking?" Sera asks.

I just shake my head.

"What is it?"

I lean down and whisper in her ear, "I was just thinking if they didn’t have to see you naked while I did it, I’d fuck you right in front of them so they knew just exactly who you belong to."

She gasps, her eyes brightening, and I lift a brow. My baby likes that idea.

"They already know."

I nod. "Maybe later," I whisper in her ear, "I’ll take you out to the edge of the populated area where anyone can happen upon us and fuck you there." Her heartbeat picks up. "Would you like that? For me to fuck you where anyone can find us and watch us?"

She bites her lip then nods her head. I nod back.


I take Sera by the hand, only giving her time to slip on her flip flops and we head down the path.

"I didn’t think you were serious," she murmurs.

"Fee. You know me."

She nods.

I stop walking and turn to her, running my fingertip down her cheek. "We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to."

"I do... it just feels so...

I chuckle. "That’s because it

She nods and wiggles her eyebrows. "Are you going to bend me over?" she asks and I get hard. Just like that.

"Do you want me to?"

"Yeah. I do. You get so deep that way, and when you reach around and grab my breasts and finger my clit, it drives me crazy."

BOOK: Amplify
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