Read Amplify Online

Authors: Anne Mercier

Amplify (5 page)

BOOK: Amplify
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"No," he says, following my gaze to the bathroom.

"You don’t know what you’re doing, Cage."

"I’ve got a pretty good idea," he says seriously.

I study him for a few more seconds, teetering between safe and dangerous. Who’s going to win? The naughty devil on my right shoulder or the good angel on the left?

The right.

"I know I shouldn’t but I can’t help myself," I say and launch myself at him, my legs wrapping around his waist as my lips land on his. He catches me, not even staggering a bit, then walks slowly backwards until he hits the bed and sits down.

My fingers thread through his hair and his tongue slides out against mine. I moan aloud and he cups my breasts through my thin t-shirt, my nipples instantly hardening.

I pull back, gasping for air.

"I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me, but I can’t—it’s just... I
," I tell him as he kisses along my neck.

He pulls back to meet my gaze.

"Then take."

I don’t hesitate, I can’t. I rub myself against his hardening erection and let out a long, frustrated groan. It’s not enough.

As if he senses it, Cage slips a hand between us, between my legs, and his fingers tease the edge of my panties. I whimper against his lips and he slides his finger underneath the barrier and over my slit, slowly working his way downward to where I’m hot and needy.

"You’re so wet, Fee." He circles my opening with a finger then slowly works it inside me, thrusting forward and withdrawing in small movements.

"Oh, God, that feels so good," I gasp, then bite his earlobe. He lets out a groan and shifts beneath me so he can add another finger to the first.

I moan into his neck and lick, then inhale his scent.

"God, Fee. You’re so close already."

"I know, I don’t know—it’s you."

"Me?" he asks with a chuckle.

"Your scent," I pant out.

"My scent?" I hear the grin in his voice but I don’t care. It feels so good. His fingers sliding in and out of me, getting me closer to where I need to go.

"Yeah, I don’t know what—it’s driving me crazy."

"Jesus," he says when I start moving against his hand.

"This shouldn’t happen—but I just, I need—"

"Fee," he says in a tone that has my eyes opening to meet his gaze. "Just take."

I reach up and cup my breasts, pinching my nipples through my bra and shirt.

"That’s so hot."

I start moving faster against his hand, not caring that this can’t be smart because I start to feel the tingles. He thrusts his fingers faster and harder, his thumb reaching up to circle my clit lightly.

"Oh yes, just like that," I whisper.

"Jesus, Fee," Cage moans when my pussy starts tightening around his fingers as the first twinges of my release begin.

Wave after wave of pleasure rush over me, each one stronger than the last, so strong I can’t hold myself up. I lean into Cage’s neck and bite down. He lets out a grunt when I finally stop coming.

He’s hard beneath me and how shitty would it be for me to leave him like that? I reach down between us and he stays my hand.

I lean back and meet his gaze. He lifts a brow and I shrug a shoulder.

"Fair is fair. I’d feel like an asshole if I left you hanging."

"I’ll be fine. You don’t have to—"

"Shut up," I say, cutting him off then dropping to my knees before him.


I ignore his warning I know I should heed, but my hormones have the best of me right now. I unzip his dress pants and reach inside to find him hard and silky and hot. Just as I remember.

The reminder of him inside me has me clenching my thighs together again.

I lean forward and lick the head of his penis, taking in the precum beaded there as I do. He hisses out a breath and his hands fist into the comforter beneath him. It won’t be long and those gorgeous, talented hands will be in my hair, tugging and pulling and turning me on even more than I already am. I’m not sure what it’s going to take to satisfy the lust coursing through my veins, but I need something—anything.

Leaning in further, I slide my lips over his cock and take him into my mouth. He lets out a pleasured groan and his fingers thread through my hair. I nearly grin, but I don’t. Memories of the consequences of last time slowly filter in but I turn them off. I need to forget what happened last time, enjoy the next little while, and then forget this as well. He doesn’t want me the way I want him. Sure, he wants to get me off and to get off, but I want more. I want forever.

I lick and suck his cock, working a fist at the base, jacking him off. He gets impatient and pulls me up by my waist. I let out a squeak of protest but then he leans back, lying on the bed, turns me around, and puts my pussy on his mouth.

"Holy God," I murmur aloud and Cage just grunts.

I lean forward and resume pleasuring him as he slides a tongue along my inner folds. When he flicks my clit, I twitch. My body is hypersensitive and so overwhelmingly aroused I know I’ll come if he does that again. Just that.

But he doesn’t. He slides a finger inside me, then another, pumping them slowly in and out of me as I suck his cock. When I squeeze the base just a bit tighter and hollow out my already aching cheeks, I’m rewarded with a burst of precum and a litany of curses from Cage.

Then he does it. He flicks his tongue against my clit again and I explode. He suckles me gently, somehow knowing too much pressure would be more pain than pleasure, fingering me slowly, drawing out every last bit of bliss he can.

He doesn’t stop there. Cage Nichols is a man who goes the extra mile, as he’s doing right now, still working my pussy, slowly arousing me again.

I reach down and cup his balls, toying with them gently.

"Oh yeah, just like that, Fee," he growls, when I suck him impossibly harder. The man is larger than average and he’s pretty great with his staying power—I wish he used those traits on me regularly. I let out a sigh around his cock and he groans again.

I work him faster when I note his breathing picking up and then he curves his fingers inside me, hitting that one spot guaranteed to push me over the edge.

"I want you to come for me, Fee. One more time. I need you to."

With his fingers and tongue doing what they’re doing, I don’t see that being a problem. I want him to come with me this time, though, so I focus on pleasuring him, hitting that one spot just below the crown of his penis that drives him crazy. When my tongue swipes over it a third time, his hips lift off the bed.

"Come Fee, I need you to come with me."

I take him deeper, not too deep so I gag—don’t want to go there just now. He sucks my clit hard and I burst into flames. I moan around his cock, sucking him faster, using my tongue and lips in the way I know he likes.

"God, yes. Just like that," he groans as he starts to come. The first burst of cum is thick and hot and I’m grateful he’s already at the back of my throat to make swallowing easier. Thrust after thrust he jets into my throat while he uses his tongue to lightly lick around my pussy, tasting my release as he gives me his.

Sweet baby Jesus the man is lethal. If I wasn’t already in love with him, I would have fallen right now while he continued his gentle suckling.

Then I hear the clearing of a throat.

"Holy shit!" I squeal and curl into a ball. Cage sits up, unperturbed by his state of undress and when I turn my head, I know why. Ugh.

There she stands, arms crossed, fury blazing in those dark devil eyes.

I get up off the bed, pulling my panties back on in a hurry.

"What the fuck, Carina? You know better than to just walk into my home," Cage bellows, straightening himself while I slip my shoes back on.

"You know, I could have done that for you," she purrs, as I near her standing in the doorway.

Livid, I walk up to her and pat her a little harder than necessary on the cheek while I tell her, "Not nearly as well."

I know we’re already late so I head to the door.

Is that why she’s here? In Cage’s house? Did she think we were already gone? And how the hell does she know his code?

"Oh, I’m sure—" she begins as I exit the room, heading to the bathroom down the hall to freshen up, but Cage cuts her off.

"Not nearly as well."

I smirk and I swear I hear the silent scream in her head.

out of Carina and I mentally did the Macarena—shut up. You still know that dance too. Admit it. Maybe I can get Xander to dance with me on the bus. Epic.

As we ride to the studio, I can tell Cage is worried I’m upset, so I lean into his side when he wraps an arm around me and I hold him tighter.

I hate throwing up. And if this nausea doesn’t let up, I’m going to do it again. I bury my face in Cage’s neck and breathe him in.

"You alright, Fee?" he asks.

I inhale again. God, he smells so good. "I think so."

"I’m glad you’re going to the doctor. I’m sure you’re dehydrated. You’ve barely kept water down the last couple of days."

"I know. They’ll fix me up," I reassure him and I hope it’s the truth.

"Good. And you better quit sniffing me like that. We don’t have time for a repeat," he tells me with a smirk.

I gasp and swat at his chest, blushing, no doubt. He chuckles and kisses my forehead.

"At least she waited until we finished," I tell Cage with a laugh.

"If the pope himself walked into that room, I wasn’t stopping." His eyes darken and my stomach goes all fluttery. Oh my.

I look away when the car turns. We’re already here. Nichols Records. The golden building. It’s beautiful, as is the man who owns it, working his way up from nothing to get it.

"Wow, we sure have a lot of people now."

Cage snorts. "Thanks to Lucy."

"True that. I wonder if she’s going to pick up any more along the way," I ponder.

"It’s Lucy. It’s a given. Just as long as she doesn’t steal any more of my employees."

"Ha. She got four of yours. You better keep on her heels," I tease.

"That’s the truth." Cage pulls me in for a quick kiss before stepping out of the car and holding his hand out for mine. Ever the gentleman is Cage Nichols.

"Sera!" Lucy squeals. She tries to run over to me but Xander stops her by grabbing her arms.

"Whoa, whoa, wide load. Slow down," he teases.

Oh my God. He’s toast. Lucy is going to kill him.

"Fuck you, Xander Mackenzie. I’ll give you a wide load with my knee in your balls. Let me go." She shrugs him off and punches his arm and he feigns pain. I know it doesn’t hurt because she’s punched me before. Grade schoolers hit harder than Lucy.

I hug my sister tightly and she squeezes.

"How are you doing, Luce?"

"Good. Getting fat."

"You’re beautiful," I tell her, pulling back to take in her appearance. She’s wearing a silky pink and white floral tank top along with white pants and sandals.

"I’m not. I’m gross. I’m getting huge and the farther I get into this pregnancy, the more I sweat. It’s nasty, Sera. Nasty," she tells me with a curl of her lip.

I snicker. "I can see that. It would help if you had some shorts on instead of the pants."

"Oh shit. Now you did it," Ethan says with a shake of his head.

"What? What did I do?" I ask.

"You have no idea, Sera. No idea. None. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada," Lucy growls.

"Whoa. What’s up?"

"Maternity clothes. Impossible. They are impossible to find here for short people."

"But that outfit is nice," I tell her truthfully. It’s feminine just like her.

Kennedy groans, Lucy snorts, and I grin.

"I only have this outfit because Spenser and the girls made it for me. Spenser, himself, is going to find me maternity clothes. When we went shopping I thought he was going to have a stroke," she tells me with a laugh.

"That bad, huh?" I ask.


"Where’s Jesse?"

"He’s inside. I think he went to look for Cage," Xander tells me.

"Why didn’t he just ask security if we were here yet?"

"Um, that’d be because my husband refuses to acknowledge any and all members of the security team. He says they’re invading his privacy so he’s just going to pretend they don’t exist," Lucy laughs.

"What? That’s silly. Especially since we need security right now," I tell her with a snicker.

"Speaking of security," Cage interrupts, sliding a hand around my waist, "why don’t we make our way inside."

We file into the building and Lucy lets out a huge sigh of relief, holding her arms out and walking with her legs spread apart. She looks ridiculous and I can’t help it. I snort.

"Shut up. Until you’re carrying the Kingston litter, you can’t even give me grief. About anything," she adds on.

Cage’s arm tightens a bit around me and I lean in closer.

We pass reception and head toward the elevators. The gold, silver, and black elevators. I look at Lucy and raise a brow. She looks at Xander and he looks at me. I wink.

"Honey?" I interrupt Cage speaking to one of his employees.

"Sera?" he smirks.

BOOK: Amplify
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