Amy “Red” Riding’s Hood (Adult fairy tale erotica) (11 page)

BOOK: Amy “Red” Riding’s Hood (Adult fairy tale erotica)
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strode up to Alice.

Alice said, “Wait!” She turned around on the rock so that her back was to
everyone and no one could see. “Okay.”

went to the other side of the rock. “It’s here,” Rabbit said pulling up Alice’s
dress. “Between her legs.” He pushed aside her panties and his face filled with
wonder. It must have been the first time he saw a woman there. He looked so
cute, Alice couldn’t resist stroking his blond hair.

felt Rabbit’s finger gently touch her. That finger was so ginger and delicate.
She looked behind her at the crowd of men around her. None of them were hard.
This wasn’t arousing to them? Rabbit seemed fascinated but that hardly meant
she excited him as much as she excited the hanged man.

licked his finger as if to test the taste. He then dipped it back into her.
That finger woke up every inch of her body. Her muscles tensed. He stroked
Alice’s inner walls seeking his prize. How long would he search until he
realized there was no prize to be found?

relaxed a little, and found the finger to be soothing.
Keep searching, you gorgeous man.

withdrew his finger. Alice sighed wanting more.

can’t find anything,” Rabbit said.

me try.” One of the men appeared from behind Rabbit.

Alice could protest – did she really want to? – the man slipped a
finger inside her, probing with a delicate touch. She leaned back on her hands
and let her head fall to the side to see the gorgeous muscle men surrounding
her. What if they
took turns
fingering her? Her heart pounded at the thought. Lord, his single finger was no
longer enough. She moved her hips up to meet his hand. Thankfully, he put in
another finger. The two fingers wiggled inside her. Alice let out a breath she
didn’t realize she had been holding in.

one observing man asked. He had the biggest biceps Alice had ever seen.

the fingerer said. He let his head get closer between her thighs. Alice could
feel his breaths tickle her. Did he like what he saw? He stroked the outer lips
now. Alice found herself thrusting her hips, seeking fingers.

she said. But felt uncomfortable requesting anything further.

on a second,” the man said. “There’s another hole here.”

felt a finger wiggle up her bottom. Whoa! Why did that feel good? But the
finger immediately came out.

dry,” the man said.

on,” the one with the bulging biceps said. “I have an idea.”

sucked on his thick finger, crouched down between Alice’s legs and said, “I’ll
place one finger here.”

felt a huge, wet finger enter her rear.

my thumb here.”

felt his thick thumb enter her pussy. That was a trick Alice had never even
tried on herself! The finger and thumb were attempting to touch each other,
pressing along her inner walls. Alice moaned and clenched around his fingers.

pulled out his digits and said, “Nothing.”

though, he lingered at her entrance, stroking the lips with his fingers. He
stuck one finger inside her. Then two. The huge man went on with three
substantial fingers. Alice felt herself open up to him, the fingers wiggling
mmm inside her. He pulled the fingers out and Alice sighed. She wanted more.
She looked at his soft face. He was holding his fingers, slick with her juices,
up to his nose. Then he tasted her on his fingers.

it!” Biceps cried. “That’s the prize!”

the other men asked. “What’s the prize?”

box holds an elixir!” Biceps declared and stuffed his tongue inside her,
tasting her, drinking her.

Alice said.

me taste,” another man said. He took over the job, coating her with strokes of
his tongue.

zinged through her body.
If this is what
oral sex was like, how could a cock be any better?
Alice moaned again. His
tongue penetrated deeper than the other man’s tongue had, but still she wanted
more. More fingers, more tongues, kisses, caresses.
Don’t just worship my wetness. Worship all of me!

were they making her juices so sacred? And then a thought made her laugh.

man tasting her stopped and asked, “What are you laughing about?”

were swimming in it,” Alice managed to say through her giggles.

man ignored her and returned to lapping up her juices.

Maybe this time
, Alice thought to herself, her eyes
Maybe this time I’ll orgasm

by one, each of the men stepped forward to taste Alice, lick her with their
tongues, snake them inside her and wipe her cleft with them, sucking, drinking,
slurping. She wriggled with delight.

I think it’ll happen
a little more.

suddenly there was only cool air against her pussy. The men must have decided
they were done getting their prizes. She felt exhausted, disappointed, and

muscles were tight. She still hadn’t learned what an orgasm felt like –
and she’d felt it was so close. Not only did she not have an orgasm, no one had
had an orgasm. So what was the point of this whole exercise? Where was the fun
in all of that?

cold chill washed over her as she realized the truth. Since no one had an
orgasm, she didn’t turn them on at all.

quickly sat up and shoved down her dress.
could I have been so stupid? To think I could actually be pretty enough to
excite these guys. To think they were actually interested in my body. They just
wanted their stupid prizes.

The hanged man? He probably never saw a
woman before he met me. I bet I wasn’t the most “beautifully big” woman he ever
saw. I bet I was the only woman he ever saw.

faced the truth.
It’s not that Carol’s
prettier than me. I’m not pretty at all.

on,” Rabbit said, lifting her by the arm. “We’re going to build a campfire.”

followed obediently. She wanted so much to just go to her room and lock herself
in, and these men were her best shot at helping her find a way back to her
normal size and return home. But her throat was too choked up to ask for help.
She’d have to wait until later when she felt up to asking. For now, they wanted
to boss her around and tell her where to go? That was fine with her. She didn’t
care anymore.

Chapter 6

let herself be led to a sandy clearing with a circle of rocks where a few of
the men were tossing ice cubes into the circle.

are you doing?” Alice asked.

a fire,” one of the men said, looking baffled by her question.

how do you expect to start a fire with all that ice in there?”

stepped forward shaking his head. “If you hold ice for too long it does what?”

looked at him.

asked again, “If you hold ice for too long it does what?”

Alice offered.


thought a bit. “Like fire?”


scowled. “Wait, so you think you can start a fire because of that old cliché
‘ice burns like fire?’ “

course!” Rabbit said.

sneered. “You are such a clown.”

the men smiled and pointed at Rabbit. “Ooooh!” They all said.

held up his hands in protest. “I didn’t say anything! I didn’t say anything!
She’s not all the world! She’s not all the world!”

men laughed at him anyway.

didn’t understand why, but felt tongue-tied to ask any questions.

gave Alice a stern look and placed a few twigs onto the pile of ice. The twigs
went up in flames.

Alice said.

laughing at Rabbit for some reason, several men picked up larger pieces of wood
and placed it on the burning twigs. Flames shot higher.

stared at the fire.

let’s read,” said Rabbit.

men sat down still chuckling at him, positioning themselves out of the way of
the smoke that floated to the pink sky.

had to find out how that fire started. She sat down next to Rabbit whose cock
lay upon the log between his legs, but he seemed preoccupied with all the men
chuckling at his expense.

are they laughing at you?” she asked.

you said you love me,” he replied.

I didn’t.”

yes you did. You scientifically stated you’re in love with me.”

I didn’t,” Alice insisted. “All I said was that you’re a clown.”

made a gesture with his hand as if to say, “See?”

must have seen Alice’s confusion in her face because he rolled his eyes and
explained, “You said I’m a clown. All the world loves a clown. You are all the
world to me. Ergo, you love me.”

looked with a blank face. She blinked, then expelled a gust of laughter.
Doubled over clutching her side, “Ow, ow!” The laughter brought pain.

the men jumped to her, as a group. One shouted, “Quick! Get a splint!” Another
clamped his hands on Alice’s side.

Alice shouted. “Back off!”

don’t want your side to split,” the man said clutching her waist.

Alice wriggled. “I’m fine! I’m fine!”

men studied her face.

are?” Rabbit asked.

now get off of me!”

men let her go and sat back down on the surrounding logs bare-assed.

splint, sir.” A man fully dressed in a tuxedo held out to Rabbit a piece of
wood and long leaves.

the man dressed and spoke like a servant, and bowed like one, too, he didn’t
look servant-y at all. He had a full lion’s mane of auburn hair and gorgeous
blue eyes that looked vaguely familiar.

looked up at him from his seated position with an annoyed expression. “We don’t
need it anymore. Go away!”

sir.” The servant bowed and then walked off.

was that all about?” Alice asked.

had side-splitting laughter,” Rabbit said. “You could have been hurt. Do you
know how many people every year die from laughter?”

kidding, right? That’s just a cliché,” Alice said.

why it’s science,” Rabbit said.


you get it? The physical laws of our land are governed by clichés. Why else do
you think reading is so dangerous?” Rabbit turned to everyone else and said
again, “Come! Let’s read!”

man with the grey ponytail stood up, ran to their village of huts and cottages,
and came back seconds later carrying a burned piece of paper covered with
plastic wrap. The other men rubbed their hands together and licked their lips
with anticipation.

thought you said reading’s dangerous,” Alice whispered to Rabbit.

is,” Rabbit replied. “That’s why when we found this scrap that survived the
book burning, our elder who is the only one among us who knows how to read,
risked his life to see if there were any life-threatening clichés on the page.
Fortunately, there weren’t any. So we know it’s okay to read. But don’t tell the
queen. She’ll cut off our heads!”

mean—” Alice dragged her finger across her neck making a cutting sound.

Rabbit said. “I mean—” He lifted up the tip of his penis and dragged a
finger across it making a cutting sound.


men chanted, “Story time! Story time! Story time!”

grey-haired elder delicately removed the plastic wrap.

nudged her. “Get ready. This is really arousing.”

the pony-tailed elder said and began to read. “ ‘Non-disclosure agreement. This
agreement, the ‘Agreement,’ is entered into on this blank day of blank by and
between blank, located at blank, the ‘Disclosing Party’, and blank with and
address at blank, the ‘Recipient’ or the ‘Receiving Party’.’ ”

gotta be kidding me.” Alice noticed the men were staring wide-eyed, their
breathing getting heavier. “This isn’t a story,” Alice said to Rabbit.

Rabbit said.

curious indeed! Was there some cliché about contract law that made law sexy in
this wondrous land? She couldn’t think of any such cliché.

sucked in a breath when she suddenly remembered she had something a hell of a
lot more exciting than contract law.

BOOK: Amy “Red” Riding’s Hood (Adult fairy tale erotica)
10.19Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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