An Act of Obsession (Acts of Honor Book 3) (6 page)

Read An Act of Obsession (Acts of Honor Book 3) Online

Authors: K.C. Lynn

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: An Act of Obsession (Acts of Honor Book 3)
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I shove him. “I have more money than you, dickhead. You just worry about feeding my sister and make sure she gets whatever she wants.”

“I always do.”

Damn straight he does, because I’d kick his ass if he didn’t.

“Promise we’ll do something soon?” Katelyn asks.

“Yeah, Kate. I promise.” Leaning in, I kiss her cheek and slip some money into her pocket, knowing she will refuse otherwise. Then I shake Nick’s hand, because most of the time I like him and it makes my sister happy.

As I leave the salon, stepping out onto the sidewalk, a small body crashes into me. “Whoa…” I grab hold of narrow shoulders while delicate hands fist my shirt. I instantly register who it is from the slender curves pressing against me—the same ones I’ve felt all week and have committed to memory.

Lia gasps. “I’m so sorry. I—” Her words fade when she looks up to see it’s me. “Kolan.”

The sound of my name falling past her lips has my dick turning hard.

I really need to get laid.

Before I have a chance to say anything, Katelyn comes dashing out of the salon. “Kolan, wait. I forgot to ask…” She trails off at the sight of Lia in my arms. “Oh, who’s your friend?”

Lia shoves against my chest. It’s then I get my first full look at her. She wears a pair of light denim jean shorts that show off her long, slender legs and a loose white tank top. Her golden brown hair is pulled up high on her head with small wisps lying gently by her face. A peach scarf is doubled up around her neck, her fingers fiddling with it nervously, and although the material is light, she must be dying with it on in this heat. However, no matter how out of place it looks in this weather, it does nothing to take away from how beautiful she is.

“I’m so sorry. I ran into him by accident,” she rushes to explain, pulling me from my thoughts. It’s obvious she thinks Katelyn is someone else to me.

This is a fucking mess.

“Katelyn, this is Lia. Lia, this is my sister, Katelyn,” I say, making sure to clear up any misunderstandings.

“Your sister?”

I confirm with a nod.

Something that looks a lot like relief flashes in her eyes.

“Are you the Lia working for Cooper?” Katelyn asks.

“Yes, I am.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” Kate extends her hand. “Kayla was mentioning you the other day, nothing but good things of course,” she clarifies.

“Thanks. It’s nice to meet you, too.”

Katelyn’s eyes shift back and forth between us, a knowing smile quirking her lips.

“You had something to say?” I remind her.

“Oh yeah, right. I meant to ask if you’re coming to the Barnyard for the charity event Anna is doing for the Men of Honor Center,” she says, talking about the largest honky-tonk bar in the state.

“Kate, this is me we’re talking about. What do you think?”

She rolls her eyes. “I know you’re not going to dance for god’s sake but none of the guys will be, and it’s for a good cause—one
support. So, I figured you might not be a recluse for one night and come have some fun.”

A giggle escapes Lia before she muffles it with her hand, her cheeks staining pink at the outburst.

“You can come, too,” Kate tells her. “A bunch of us girls are getting ready together. I’m the outfit coordinator.” She eyes Lia from head to toe. “I’m guessing you’re a size six?”

“Oh, thank you, but no,” she quickly declines. “Kayla and Anna actually invited me last week but um, I already have prior commitments.”

It’s obvious she’s lying.

“No problem. I’ll still get you the outfit just in case,” Katelyn pushes. “That way, if your plans change and you can come then you have something, if not then I’ll return it.”

Lia begins to protest again but Katelyn doesn’t give her the chance. She talks over her, moving right back to me. “I expect you to be there. It’s for a good cause. Okay? Good. Bye.” Giving me a brief hug, she disappears back into the salon before anyone can say more.

I bring my attention back to Lia, who looks like a deer caught in headlights. “She means well,” I tell her.

She smiles, her tense body relaxing. “She seems really nice.”

“She can be pushy but she’s usually pretty cool.”

Her eyes drop to her feet as she shuffles nervously. “Sorry about running into you,” she murmurs. “I was looking at the map and should have watched where I was going.”

“It’s fine.” Bending down, I pick up the pamphlet she dropped to see it’s a map of downtown. “Exploring?” I ask, handing it back to her.

She nods, her eyes remaining on the ground until I reach under her chin and tilt her face up to mine. Her lips part, making me want to lick between that small gap. Dropping my hand, I step back.

“Yeah. I didn’t have anything going on so I thought I’d venture out a bit and see what Charleston has to offer,” she explains. “What about you? Just visiting your sister?”

I nod. “This is her salon. Lucky for me, I have a hairdresser at my disposal when I need one.”

A smile lifts those pretty lips of hers. “I’m sure that comes in handy.” Clearing her throat, she looks around. “Well, it was nice running into you…literally.” She laughs nervously. “I guess I’ll see you Monday night.”

Panic strikes my chest when she begins to walk past me. “Lia.” Her name leaves my lips before I can stop it.

She turns around.

“Do you want some company?”

What the fuck am I doing?

If you want to help, gain her trust and keep her from running.

As Cooper’s words whisper in my mind, I try telling myself that’s why I’m offering, but I’m full of shit. I really just want to be around her.

Indecision battles in her timid eyes. I expect her to blow me off like she does everyone else but she ends up surprising me. “Yeah, actually, I would.”

So much sadness bleeds in those words that I’m glad I asked. With a nod, I fall in step next to her.

“Have you always lived here?” she asks as we head closer to the center of town.

“No. I grew up in Montana. I moved my sister and me to Columbia after she graduated. When she decided to open her salon here, I followed, because where she goes I go.”

“Is she your only sibling?”

“Yeah, it’s always just been the two of us.”

Until RoboCop showed up.

“No parents?”


My hard tone forces her to drop the subject. “Well, she’s very pretty.”

“Too fucking pretty for her own good,” I grunt, eliciting a giggle from her. “What about you? You mentioned a sister. Any other siblings you get in cat fights with?”

She smiles. “No, just Tess. We got along more often than not though. We were actually very close.” Her voice trails off on a whisper.


She keeps her eyes trained ahead. “Yeah, were.”

I begin to wonder if her family is dead and think about pushing the subject, but the last thing I want to do is cause this sad girl any more pain. So, I drop it…for now.

For the next hour, we keep things light while venturing around. We walk into a few shops for her to look around in and stop for a bite to eat on the harbor. We talk about the gym and the classes I run with the kids and some of the work I do with the vets at the Men of Honor Center. A place dedicated to housing homeless veterans, counseling them, and getting them back on their feet.

“Anna has told me a little about the Center. It sounds like a really great foundation she has started,” she says.

“Yeah, it is.” I have mad respect for any and all military, but Anna’s passion runs much deeper. Something I refrain from saying because I’m not sure if she knows Anna’s story and how she met Jaxson and the others.

Our easy moment is interrupted when I spot a reporter taking pictures of us from the beach. I quickly collect the check, wanting to get the fuck out of here before I’m hounded with inappropriate questions. The last thing I want is for Lia to be subjected to any of my bullshit. However, he ends up keeping his distance, satisfied with just pictures, and Lia is none the wiser.

The sun has started to set by the time we leave the restaurant and we decide to walk back along the beach to check out the row of shops set up. One of the booths she stops at sells jewelry; her attention riveted to a row of bracelets as her fingers stroke the soft stones.

“It’s coral from the ocean,” the lady explains. “Each color and shape holds meaning. Courage, love, kindness…”

“What does this one mean?” she asks, touching the light pink one that has captivated her.

“Strength,” the lady responds.

“How much?” she asks.


Disappointment flashes in her eyes but she tries to mask it with a small smile. “Thank you. They’re beautiful.”

When she begins to walk away, I grab her arm and look at the lady. “We’ll take it.”

“No!” Lia objects, but I stand in front of her, blocking her protest as I hand over the cash. “Kolan, I’m serious, stop right now.”

She tries moving around me but it’s too late. The lady hands me back my change and the small bracelet. “Enjoy it, honey. You have a nice man here.”

I don’t bother correcting her and offer my thanks before walking away, a sputtering Lia following close behind me. “I hope you enjoy wearing that,” she snaps, throwing around some sass that I’ve yet to see from her.

It’s amusing and only turns me on more, but everything she does seems to do that. As we approach the end of the beach, I come to a stop and hand her the bracelet.

She shakes her head, arms crossing over her chest. “Forget it. I’m serious. I’m not taking it.”

Reaching out, I pull her against me. Her sharp inhale penetrates the humid air, wide eyes locking with mine.

I lift her wrist and slip the bracelet on. “You’re going to wear this because I bought it for you. I don’t want you to pay me back,” I tell her, knowing full well it’s on the tip of her tongue. “I don’t even want a thank you. I just want you to wear it and look at it every time you need strength.”

“Kolan…” she protests softly, shaking her head.

“It’s just a bracelet, Lia.”

“It was expensive,” she argues.

“Not for me,” I tell her. “It’s a gift. Accept it.”

With a defeated sigh, her body relaxes against me. “Anyone ever tell you how bossy you are?”

“My sister does often.”

Her lips twitch with a smile. “Thank you,” she whispers, touching the bracelet. “I’ll treasure it forever.”

“You’re welcome.”

She makes no effort to back away, testing my precious restraint. Reluctantly, I release her before I end up doing something stupid, like steal that lush mouth of hers.

On our way back toward the salon, we pass a small, run-down dance studio where music explodes from, vibrating the sidewalk beneath our feet. The glass windows reveal a group of male teenagers. One kid makes eyes contact with me, recognition dawning in his eyes.

“Holy shit. It’s the Dark Warrior,” he bellows, cutting the music.


The door swings open a second later, scaring Lia. She quickly latches onto my arm, her nails digging into my hard flesh. My hand finds the small of her back, hoping to calm her.

“Yo, Slade,” the kid calls out, his friends crowding behind him as they try to look out the door.

“Hey, guys.” I greet them with a lift of my chin.

“Ah man, I knew it was you.” He chuckles, his eyes bright with excitement. “Will you come in and get a picture with us, maybe sign some stuff?”

“Yeah, sure.” I look down at Lia. “Come on, I won’t be long.” My hand remains on her back as we enter the small studio.

All the guys welcome me with a clap on my shoulder or a punch to the arm.

“Holy shit, I can’t believe the Dark Warrior is in our studio,” one says, handing me a group picture of them to sign.

“Man, that fight between you and Ferguson was badass,” another one says. “You knocked that mouthy fucker out.”

I grunt. “He does have a mouth on him, doesn’t he?”

“He does, almost as bad as Cortez.” My muscles coil at the mention of that asshole. “Speaking of him, whatcha think about the way he’s running his mouth to get you back in the ring? You gonna do it?”

“Nah, man. I’m retired,” I tell him, continuing to sign things as people pass them to me.

“Everyone knows you’d knock him out anyway.”

“Everyone but him,” I respond.

A bunch of them laugh, clapping me on the back.

“Hey, lady.” One of them addresses Lia, handing her his phone. “You mind snappin’ our picture?”

She takes it with a smile, looking more relaxed. “Of course.”

All the guys crowd around me, making a mean pose.

“Say cheese,” Lia says, making them all chuckle.

“Uh yeah, how about we just say
beat down
. Holds double meaning,” one suggests.

She rolls her eyes but a laugh escapes her. “Okay, say ‘beat down.’”

They all holler at once as she snaps a bunch of pictures then hands the kid back his phone.

“So, what do you guys have going on here?” I ask, gesturing around me. “Is this your studio?”

“Yeah, man. It’s not much but it’s ours. We’re pretty awesome, too. Tryin’ to get to nationals if we can raise enough money.”

“What kind of dancing do you do?” Lia asks, her interest piqued.

“Street dancing, hip-hop type stuff,” he explains hastily, before turning back to me. “Anyway, there’s this competition in—”

“LA,” Lia answers, interrupting him. She seems a little miffed by the way the kid just dismissed her, and I don’t blame her. “I used to dance, so I know all about the competition you’re talking about.”

The kid chuckles, grabbing at his pants that are falling off his ass. “Yeah well, we aren’t talking about ballerina stuff here, sweetheart.”

I tense. “Watch how you talk to her.”

“Hey, man, I mean no disrespect. I’m just trying to clarify we ain’t talkin’ about the same kind of dancing. We roll with the big boys,” he adds, winking at Lia.

It only seems to piss her off more. “I can do everything you can, if not better.”

“Ooooh.” A bunch of low calls are made as the kid rears back.

“You challenging me, little girl?”

I decide to let his ‘little girl’ comment slide since Lia is handling herself just fine.

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