An Alien To Love (15 page)

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Authors: Jessica E. Subject

Tags: #Five Hot 1Night Stand Stories

BOOK: An Alien To Love
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Scrolling through the tap-down menu, she located Earth. If her brothers could find happiness there, why couldn’t she? She deserved pleasure and joy as much as they did.

With a slight lift, the ship hovered above the ground. Gripping the handles of the chair, she braced for takeoff. Vibrations shook the cabin, as if a comet passed within the atmosphere. Her stomach churned.

The ship lunged forward, inertia shoving her back in her seat. She couldn’t move. But, at least, she was leaving Rebed.
I’m finally free!




“Stuttering Star snatchers!” Skylar pushed off the ground and stood, brushing at her tattered clothing. Her life on Earth wasn’t supposed to end before it started. If only she’d had time to prepare for a smoother landing.

Who was she kidding? The entry had been a total disaster, the vessel she’d traveled in smashed into millions of pieces, likely scattered across the desert, along with her few belongings. She had nothing left but the shredded clothes she clutched across her body. So much for luck. Thank goodness she’d had the chance to dematerialize from the ship before it crashed. Now, she needed to make her way to the Castillo Hotel and meet her date.

On her journey through space, she’d researched the company Danyka said had brought her and Skylar’s brothers together. With hope to find her own perfect match on Earth, she’d filled out the unending application for the 1Night Stand dating service, and studied endless videos and transcripts about her destination, reciting the language and practicing the gestures of the natives. As she’d passed Earth’s moon, she received Madame Evangeline’s transmitted details of her upcoming evening of pleasure. The Frenchwoman had scheduled everything to happen that night. No chance for Skylar to rest or get acclimated to her new surroundings. But her landing had ruined everything. Approaching a private airfield north of the city called Las Vegas, she’d cut the thrusters too early and sent the ship into a downward spiral.

With quick fingers, she’d programmed the coordinates of the Castillo Hotel into the transporter. At least that equipment was familiar. She’d avoided the crash, but landed in some dark alley instead of a building.

Gods help her if she showed up for her date wearing only scraps of material. Her blue hair and lips and pale face would already garner her unwanted attention. Why had she ever thought she would fit in there? But Madame Eve had promised her date would not run from her alien appearance.
We’ll see

She inched her way down the back street, toward the illuminated end. Heading farther into the shadowed area held no appeal in the unfamiliar landscape. Who knew what she’d encounter?

Glancing around the corner, she gasped. Flashing lights of every color imaginable adorned the exotic architecture. Some of the framework consisted of precise lines and angles, while others were so abstract, they had to be imported from another dimension. And yet, they all stood side by side like a proud, blended family.
Like I should have

She shook off the thought. Her stepbrothers had abandoned her so many star cycles before, arranging her place on the blasted planet Rebed, where orphaned females from across the universe were sold as trophy wives for wealthy space pirates. Meanwhile, Galan and Volan went gallivanting through space without her. And then, on her twenty-first birthday, they’d decided to visit, bringing along their new wife, a woman so sweet, Skylar wanted to know if everyone on Earth could be so kind.

But they’d scoffed at the idea of her visiting the Terran planet, thought it obscene she would use the 1Night Stand service for her first date, her first sexual encounter. And they’d refused to listen to her objections about the place they’d left her on, still believing it the best atmosphere for her to grow up in. She’d never had a chance to object, reveal the true purpose of the orphanage. Oh, she’d tried, but Za’lar, her keeper, had ushered her family away to their quarters for the evening before she’d had the chance to share everything, including her marriage contract. So, she’d done what she had to do. She’d sweet-talked Danyka into giving her Madame Eve’s contact information before the woman was escorted away, then hijacked her brothers’ ship. No way did she plan on being at the orphanage come morning. Ghorkle would be without a new bride.

And if Galan and Volan hadn’t left her there, they’d still have a vessel. She sighed, hating that she’d deceived the three of them.
But I’m free
. She no longer had to wait for the dreaded day she married Ghorkle, a fate worse than death. Would he search for her on Earth? No, he couldn’t touch her there. He’d never visit a planet whose inhabitants were not yet aware of life beyond their solar system. Or so she hoped.

Cringing, she remembered his tentacle sliding down her cheek, reaching under the too-short skirt she’d been forced to wear to please her betrothed. A sour taste burned her throat. She did not want him to take her virginity, never wanted to have sex with him at all. Her first time with a man would be on her terms.

“Hey, Tess!” A high-pitched voice caught her attention. “Did you see the meteor that was heading toward the airport? Wanna go look for meteorites or aliens?”

Or maybe not

With cautious steps, she slunk back into the darkness. The last thing she needed was someone to notice her half-nakedness, let alone her extraterrestrial appearance. Blue lips and hair were hardly common from the pictures she’d viewed of Earth’s inhabitants. Someone screaming
would turn her horrible night into a torturous nightmare. How would she travel the remaining distance without the natives staring? And if she arrived at the hotel safely, then what would she do? Even if she did fit in as a local, no one would go out with someone dressed in strips of cloth. With nothing to trade for goods there, her date was a bust. She never should have come, should have listened to her brothers. Maybe if she’d had the chance to tell them about Ghorkle, they would have taken her with them, gotten her out of the wedding.

Her belly knotted.
What am I going to do now?
She refused to return to Rebed. And unless she decided to contact her brothers, she’d remain stuck on the foreign planet. All alone. Hiding from the inhabitants.

She brought the pity party to an abrupt halt. She’d wanted this, and had to figure out her next move.

She studied the GPS on the wristband her brother had left on the ship. The flashing red dot showed her only a block away from her destination. Glancing down at her clothes, she sighed.
  Madame Evangeline. If anyone could help, the Frenchwoman could. If Skylar reached the Castillo, she might be able to contact her from there.

Peeking around the corner again, she eyed the swarm of Terrans, rather than the lights.

Gobbling gas stars!
People rushed to and fro, wearing much less than she did. Feathers swayed in headdresses of a multitude of colors, the plumes wrapping around their arms and legs as well. Many had blue hair like hers, or tresses in a variety of other bright hues. Maybe she wouldn’t stand out like a quasar in space.

Dashing into the crowd, Skylar kept her focus straight ahead, not daring to meet the gaze of anyone she passed. If she could avoid attracting attention from the locals, they wouldn’t know where she’d just arrived from. No one could know. Madame Eve had promised not to tell anyone her secret. She wanted one night of passion with a Terran, to understand why her brothers had traveled across the galaxy in the first place. To experience love, not the forced relationship she would have been part of if she’d remained on Rebed.

And then what? Danyka had agreed to travel through space with Galan and Volan, but Skylar didn’t have a way off the planet to take anyone with her. And what if her date didn’t like her?

This was such a
. Although she’d acted out of utter fear to escape, she hadn’t thought the scheme through.

Skylar glanced up at the flashing lights.
shone brightly above her. She’d reached her destination, yet, struggled to fight the urge to spin on her heels and run. The evening had already turned to rubbish. Her only option was to press the tracking beacon on Galan’s wristband and wait for him to rescue her.

  She would not retreat. She’d come there for the date, and she would have it. Afterward, she’d figure out where to go.

But right then, she needed to waltz into the hotel and find the man who would provide her first sexual experience.

“Excuse me, miss. Can I help you?”

She glanced to her right. A Terran dressed in black and gold stared at her. His raised, wiry gray eyebrows matched the hair on his head, and wrinkles lined the skin around his beady eyes. He represented yet another obstacle.

“I…I’m here for a….”
. She refused to tell anyone about her one-night stand. Just one more thing to make people give her a closer inspection. “I’m here to meet someone.”

He eyed her raggedy clothing. “Surely not dressed like that.”

Oh, gods, this is the end. Someone is bound to find out about my date and my origins
. “I had a little accident on my way here.”
Little? More like catastrophic
. But she wasn’t about to tell the man she’d crashed a spaceship.

He sized her up once more. “I’ll escort you to the front desk, and you can call up to the guest you are here to meet. But if I find out you haven’t told me the truth, you will be quickly returned to the street.”

She gulped. Did her date even know she was coming? She hadn’t been told anything about him. How could she call up to him when she didn’t know his name?

The man held the door open and waved her inside. When she slipped into the hotel, he fell in step beside her as if afraid she’d cause trouble if he strayed too far. “So, who are you here to meet?”

A sweat washed over her and her fingers numbed. Chewing her bottom lip, she shook her head. “I don’t know.” Tensing, she waited for him to throw her out, to send her back out into the street to fend for herself.


The voice came like a gift from the gods. A petite female with long blonde hair glided toward her, resembling the dolls the Terrans called Barbie. The woman’s eyes were softer than those of the man who’d escorted her in. “Please tell me you are Skylar.”

Skylar ran her hands down her arms. “Um, yes.”

The Terran pressed a hand to her chest. “Oh, thank goodness.” She glanced past Skylar. “Thank you for finding her, Preston. I’ll take her from here.”

He bowed then strolled back outside.

She smiled at Skylar. “Hi, I’m Leah Castillo. I’ve been worried sick since I learned of your accident.” She wrapped her arms around her and squeezed.

Skylar hugged her back, remembering the personal welcome Danyka had also given her, contact she preferred over the grope of a space pirate. “I didn’t think I would make it, but somehow I did.”

Leah’s grin widened, and she linked her arms with Skylar’s. “Madame Eve said you were resourceful. She didn’t have any doubts you’d make it here.” Leah guided her across the grand entryway. “She’s been in contact with your brothers and she wishes you a magical evening.”

Skylar released a heavy breath, filled with a sudden lightness. “Thank you. To you, and Madame Evangeline. After the…accident, I expected all of my plans to go up in flames.”

“Well, we’re glad you arrived in one piece. Now, let’s get you cleaned up for your date.” Leah led her down a corridor, and into a small room.

Another woman waited for them, her hair a bright pink and lips painted green.
And I thought I would stand out on this planet.

Leah led her to a black pedestal chair, gesturing toward it.

“Cherise, I’d like you to meet Skylar. She had a bit of a rough time getting here, and I’d appreciate if you can help her freshen up for her evening.”

Cherise nodded slowly and reached for a strand of Skylar’s hair, letting it run through her fingers. “I like her style already. This will be fun.”

Fun? What did the female have planned for her? Skylar needed only a change of clothes.

“Then I’ll leave her in your capable hands.” Leah touched her shoulder. “I’m sorry, Skylar, but I have a wedding to attend to. Cherise will ensure you meet Daran on time.”

“Daran?” Was that her date? She cringed at the familiar name. She’d once known a man named Daran, but it had been many star cycles since she’d seen him outside of her fantasies. Could he be one and the same? No, not on Earth. The Daran she’d known rarely flew anywhere due to his fear of heights. He’d never leave the atmosphere of their home planet, let alone travel to another galaxy.

But, who is the Daran I’m meeting?
  And what would he think when he finds out his love for the night is an alien?

Leah gasped. “Oh, I shouldn’t have told you. He may not even be your date. I just assumed….” She shook her head. “If he’s the man you’re meeting, you’re a lucky woman. He’s very sweet and kind.”

“Um-hmm,” Cherise said, her eyes brightening. “A big teddy bear. A hunky, sexy teddy bear that I would gladly lick chocolate off of if I didn’t already have my own Prince Charming.”

Leah chuckled. “I’ve really got to go. Enjoy your evening, Skylar.” She waved and left.

Skylar closed her eyes, taking a calming breath. This Daran, whoever he was, had received the approval of two women, so he couldn’t be too bad. She only hoped
approved of

Cherise tapped her hand on the back of a chair. “Come, sit down. First, I’ll work on your hair and makeup.” She poured a creamy white liquid on a cotton pad and brought it to Skylar’s lips.

With each scrub, Skylar winced. The color would not come off.

“Wow, this is really resistant makeup. I’m not able to remove any of it.”

“It’s, um, permanent.”

The woman dropped the pad. “Oh, I’m sorry. Did you really have your lips tattooed?”

Tattooed? She’d missed that term in her research of Earth. “Sure.” Hopefully that explanation worked. Thank the gods she didn’t have blue skin like her stepbrothers.

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