An Ex to Grind in Deadwood (Deadwood Humorous Mystery Book 5) Paperback – September 4, 2014 (46 page)

BOOK: An Ex to Grind in Deadwood (Deadwood Humorous Mystery Book 5) Paperback – September 4, 2014
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“Of course I jest. I lose control every morning when I’m trying to get my kids ready for school. Do you have any idea how many times I have to tell them to get their dang shoes on before they do it?” I captured his hand, squeezing it. “I don’t mean to poke fun, but if you’re going to be involved with me and my kids, you’re periodically going to experience a total loss of control. But try to take comfort in the fact that you’ll always be more self-disciplined than me.”

“Okay.” A hint of a smile played on his lips. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

“Not really.” I pulled up my sleeve. There were no red marks or signs of bruising on my wrist. “He made me want to jump on his back and go ape-shit on his head, though.”

“That would make a great circus act.” He pushed open his door. “Come on, you probably need some food.”

I always needed food. I stepped out of the car, coming around the front to where he was waiting for me at his workbench. “How did you know Rex was in there with me? Did you see him walk by your office window?”

“I heard noises through the wall.” He hung a wrench on the pegboard over the bench. “Some yelling, a few thuds. It was enough commotion that I thought you and Ray were finally duking it out.” He tucked a pair of pliers into a tall tool chest. “I came over to make sure you were okay. When I saw Rex manhandling you, I sort of snapped.”

I leaned my hip against the workbench. “You moved so damned fast. I bet Rex didn’t even know what hit him.”

He rested his palms on the bench. “I remember looking in the door and seeing his hands on you. Next thing I knew I had him against the wall.” He turned to me. “I can’t remember anything in between except this roaring sound in my head.”

I could tell by his taut expression that he wasn’t thrilled about the whole thing. “I’m sorry, Doc.”

“For what?”

“This mess with Rex is my fault.”

“You aren’t responsible for his actions, Violet.” He reached over and cupped my jaw, rubbing his thumb down my cheek. “Or for my reaction when someone threatens you.”

I sighed, feeling guilty for his conflict even though he'd let me off the hook. “I probably could’ve handled things better today, done less yelling maybe, but he pissed me off.”

He lowered his hand, catching mine and lacing our fingers together. “What happened?”

“I wouldn’t give him want he wanted so he played dirty, using the kids against me.”

“What did he want this time?”

“A family.”


I explained what Rex was after and why, nodding in agreement when Doc let out a drum roll of expletives. “I couldn’t have said it better myself.”

“It’s no wonder you want to remove his kidneys.”

I chuckled. “It sure sounded good at the time.”

“You certainly surprised me with that one, and your ex, too, going by his slack-jawed expression.” Doc slipped his hand around the nape of my neck, pulling me toward him. “Have I told you lately how crazy you make me, woman?”

“You mean like Patsy Cline’s version of crazy?”

His mouth tasted mine, tender with my lips. “I’m still working that out.” He swooped in for seconds, this time seeking a response.

I closed my eyes, trying to block out the madness of the last twenty-four hours and just enjoy being kissed.

Doc’s lips left mine too soon. “I need to make you lunch.”

I’d rather have him for lunch. I glanced over his shoulder and noticed a familiar picture hanging on the wall next to the light switch. I leaned to the side. “What’s that?”

Doc walked over and stroked his fingers down the poster of me in my Interstate 90 billboard stance with my blood red lips, teased hair, and kohl-circled eyes. “It’s my babe calendar for the garage, minus the calendar.”

“How did you get that?” I joined him in front of it.

“I pulled off the side of the road and took a picture, cropped it, and blew it up.”

I pointed at my tousled hair. “I look ridiculous.”

“Not ridiculous.” He stared at the poster, his head cocked to the side. “A little wild maybe with the way they have your hair, but ‘wild’ on you is sexy. That silk dress really shows off my favorite curves, and those red lips remind me of how you taste when you’re wearing that cherry flavored lip gloss.” Doc stepped back, leaning against the front fender of his car. “I thought about hanging it on the ceiling over my bed, but then I’d never get any sleep.”

I took off my blazer and hung it from a nail over the poster, covering half of it. “There, that’s better.”

Doc captured my hand and tugged me toward him. “Don’t cover up my favorite poster.”

“Can’t we get you another one?” I placed my hands on his chest. “Maybe one of those motivational posters with a kitten or puppy on it?”

“I like my hot babe. She motivates me in all sorts of ways.”

“Oh, yeah?” I pressed my hips into his. “Like how?”

“Let’s go inside and I’ll show you.”



I pressed again, feeling a response. “Show me here.”

He palmed my hips, arranging me against him more to his liking. “In the garage?”

I nodded, reaching for the button on his khakis. I didn’t want Harvey barging in on us. In Doc’s garage, we were safe, hidden from the world for a moment. “Unless you’re worried about getting your car a little messy.”

He raised one eyebrow as I pulled down his zipper. “You know I have a perfectly soft bed?”

“Yes, I’m familiar with your bed.” I slipped my hand inside the front of his pants. “And your shower. They’re both nice,” I squeezed him through his briefs, “and big.”

He sucked a breath in between his teeth. “I’m glad you’re happy with them.”

“I’m over the moon with the whole package.” My fingers found the waistband of his briefs. “Would you like me to show you how happy I am?”

He remained silent, his gaze locked onto mine as I slid my hand inside his waistband and felt my way south. His eyes darkened as I stroked. Watching the passion flare in his eyes and feeling the evidence of his lust for me had me licking my lips in anticipation.

“You do understand what’s going to happen next, don’t you?” His voice sounded taut.

“We’re going to play doctor, Doc?” I ran the heel of my palm down him, chuckling under my breath. “Is this a thermometer in your pants or are you just happy to see me?”

“I’m always happy to see you, Boots.” He pulled my hand out of his pants and spun me around so my butt was against the fender. Then he lifted me onto the hood, his lips taking mine in a hungry rush. I gave back as good as I got, wrapping my legs around him and locking my ankles behind his back. I hauled him closer, wanting him to make me forget about everything but his body possessing mine.

He caressed my breasts through my knit shirt, hefting the weight of them, teasing around the peaks until I couldn’t stand it and stripped off my shirt for him.

“Nice necklace,” he whispered as he lowered his mouth, arousing me through my pink satin bra. I gasped his name, holding him against me. He stepped back way too soon, his face flushed as he ogled me. His desire gave me a new confidence. I unclasped my bra, slipped it off, and tossed it on the hood behind me.

“Now what are you going to do?” I taunted, trailing my fingers over my skin, the flesh damp from his tantalizing tongue, cool to the touch.

“Damn,” his breath came in short huffs. “You are …” he raked his fingers through his hair, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he stared. “Damn.”

“You already said that.” I rubbed my boot up and down his thigh. “You want to see something, Doc?”

He glanced up at me. “I want to see everything.”

I grabbed a handful of my skirt and teased it up over my knees. When his focus shifted downward, I slowly ran my other hand up, up, up. Tracing my inner thigh, I led his gaze, doing my best to tempt him into touching me and more.

His hands hovered over my thighs, fingers flexing. “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?” he rasped.

“I know what I’m trying to do to you.” I inched my skirt higher. “And I know what I want you to do to me.”

His hands landed on my legs, his palms burning hot. “What do you want me to do?”

I placed my hands over his and guided him north, to my throbbing center. “Touch me.”

His thumbs skimmed over the inner hemline of my underwear, tempting. “Like this?”

I writhed, my body ready for him last week. “More.”

“Not until you lie back.”

I hesitated. “I don’t want to scratch your hood.”

“Violet, it’s just a car. Lie back and let me play, too.”

I did as told, resting on my elbows so I could watch him. “What are you going to do?”

He pushed my skirt the rest of the way up and stared down at my underwear. “Watch and see.” He bent over and skimmed his lips along my stomach above the waistline of my panties. It tickled my nether regions and then some, making my breath hitch.

“Do that again,” I ordered.

He obeyed, adding a brush of his fingertips to the mix.

I moaned, lying flat on the hood. The heat of the engine warmed my bare back while Doc worked his magic on me, his touch searing me from the waist down.

It didn’t take long for him to have me thrashing, begging for more. He took me close to the edge and then pulled back, amplifying my need to feel him inside of me.

Threading my fingers through his hair, I lifted his head so he could meet my eyes. “I’m ready.”

“I noticed.”

“Let’s make this a two player game.”

“Are you going to start talking sports to me again?” He hooked his fingers in my underwear and tugged them down. “These need to go.”

“Wait.” I sat up. “Do you like them? I bought them just for you.”

“I’ll write an ode to them later. Right now, they’re in my way.” He threw my panties over his shoulder and locked onto my hips, pulling me toward the edge.

“I’ve never had sex on a car before.” I grabbed his shirt and lifted it. He knocked my hands away and took it off for me. It went the way of my underwear. “Have you?”

“Sure, I do it all of the time.” He chuckled when I slapped his shoulder. He ran his hands up my legs, starting at the heels of my boots and ending at my waist. “No, Boots, I haven’t. But I’m happy to give it a try. Wrap your legs around me.”

I obeyed, leaning in to kiss his ear.

He pulled slightly away, eyeing me. “You’re not going to bite that ear again, are you?”

“Trust me, you big baby.” I pulled him back to me and brushed my lips over his ear, being extra tender with it. “See,” I whispered, “was that so bad?”

He turned and kissed me hard, dominating me until I submitted with a sigh-filled moan. I rubbed against him, creating a delicious friction that made my body hum. “What are you waiting for?” I asked. “Written instructions?”

“Your skirt is in the way,” he said, tugging on the cotton material that had somehow wrapped around me.

“Here,” I said yanking it out of the way. “Is that good?”

“It’ll be great in a moment,” he said, fitting against me.

I bit my lower lip in anticipation, grinning at him. “Are you going to show me how hard you can hit the boards?”

“You’re hopeless, Violet,” he said and then drove into me, pulling me tight.

He was right. I was hopeless. I was positively gaga in love with him. I captured his mouth, wanting to taste him as he took me. His hands caressed and rubbed as he pushed me higher and higher with each stroke.

“Doc,” I panted, gripping his shoulders, arching into him. “Right. There. Don’t. Stop.”

“Like this?”

I didn’t have a chance to answer. Pleasure steamrolled over me. I cried out his name several times, and then trembled for another round of ripples. When I came back down, I kissed him, lavishing his mouth the way I knew from experience would light his fire with a
. Then I dug my boot heels into him.

Groaning, he thrust into me a few more times before he seized up, his muscles straining. Then he buried his face in my neck, heating my skin with his exhale.

I stroked his bare shoulders, wishing we could hide out in here for a week. My butt bone ground into the hood, placing its vote for Doc’s bed instead. I squirmed and he stepped back, adjusting himself while I pulled my skirt down, fastened my bra, looked around for my shirt, and pretended I wasn’t a shameless, wanton woman when it came to his touch.

“Violet.” He zipped his pants, looking toward the workbench.

“Yes?” I followed his gaze. My underwear had landed on the counter.

“I really like those panties.”

I laughed, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a slow kiss, a finale of sorts. “Are you going to fix me something to eat or not?”

His lips curved, his gaze warm and heart-melting. “I’d peel grapes for you if you’d like on one condition.”

“Name it.” I touched the necklace from Aunt Zoe. “But if you’re going to request that I join you in the shower, I get to choose the soap I use to wash your back.” The cinnamon flavored was my favorite.

“I like it better when you hand wash my front. But first, what did …” He looked down at my necklace I was still fiddling with and stopped. “Where did you get that necklace?”

“Aunt Zoe gave it to me after I told her about last night’s séance. Why?”

He frowned at me. “It has symbols from the book on it.”

“What book?”

“That book about Kyrkozz that you gave to her.”

Chapter Twenty-Four

“We need to tell Cooper how Ms. Wolff died,” Doc said a half an hour later while I sat at his kitchen counter eating the chicken breast and salad he’d set down in front of me.

I’d told him my version of the séance while he stood at the stove, cooking our lunch. From waking up on the wrong side of the mirror in Ms. Wolff’s bedroom to how I reached into the darkness with my mind and grabbed onto Freesia’s hand to return to the present. The shrunken heads weren’t news to him, since he’d been on the scene, too, viewing the events through the greaser’s eyes. We’d both agreed that based on what Ms. Wolff’s body looked like when Harvey and I found it, she had suffered the same fate as the other three in the past—a beheading via a freaky-ass, medieval looking ax. Or “scythe” as the albino had called it.

But just because we knew the where and when answers to the murder equation, and now we agreed on the
part, that didn’t mean I concurred on the Cooper incorporation.

BOOK: An Ex to Grind in Deadwood (Deadwood Humorous Mystery Book 5) Paperback – September 4, 2014
7.42Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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