An Honest Ghost (15 page)

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Authors: Rick Whitaker

Tags: #Fiction, #General

BOOK: An Honest Ghost
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Joe said, “I’m: Peter Cameron Someday This Pain 34

Then he was: Sylvia Townsend Warner Summer Will Show


He wanted to: Bruce Duffy The World As I Found It 421

He believed that: Andrzej Walicki A History of Russian

Thought 23

“All you’ve got: Hart Crane Library of America: omplete

Poems and Selected Letters 334

In other words: John Cage Musicage 61

You have to: Karl Ove Knausgaard My Struggle: Book One


I will not: David Levithan The Full Spectrum 108

Humility is a: E.M. Forster Aspects of the Novel 117

Our twentieth century: Robert Thurman Inner Revolution


The aim of: Harold Bloom Ruin the Sacred Truths 178

One last point: Gilbert Highet Poets in a Landscape 20

The future has: Diane Williams It Was Like My Trying to

Have a Tender-Hearted Nature 91

Everyone today will: W. H. Auden Forewords and Afterwords 279

What a strange: David Leavitt The Indian Clerk 141

He dismissed bourgeois: Andrzej Walicki History of

Russian Thought 80

Among the strongest: Edward Mendelson Later Auden 314

Everywhere, between the: Ronald Firbank Three More

Novels 46

“The main thing: Ken Kesey Sometimes a Great Notion 177

I was stirred: Benjamin Sonnenberg Lost Property 135

Fortunately, I am: Anita Brookner Look at Me 36

“Well, yeah: Umberto Eco Mysterious Flame 348

“You know what: John Daido Loori 8 Gates of Zen 59

If you care: David Thomson Have You Seen…? 25

“I don’t,” said: Charles Dickens Barnaby Rudge 10

“Who’s your favorite: Alice Munro The Progress of Love 55

“Karl Ove Knausgaard: Karl Ove Knausgaard My Struggle:

Book Two 496

Towards dark: Patrick White The Vivisector 448

I had been: Anita Brookner Look at Me 73

I of all: Umberto Eco Mysterious Flame 167

Loveless, landless: James Joyce Ulysses 43

Since this sensation: Geoff Dyer Out of Sheer Rage:

Wrestling with D. H. Lawrence 51

I Google it: Ellen Sussman Dirty Words 77

How quickly the: Louisa Perillo I’ve Heard the Vultures

Singing 13

I found myself: H. G. Wells The Time Machine 56

All I could: W. G. Sebald Rings of Saturn 5

That’s the ego: John Daido Loori 8 Gates of Zen 59

Convinced life is: Frederick Seidel Poems 1959-2009 493


An ambulance hurries: David Thomson Have You Seen…?


The crimes sparkle: Frederick Seidel Area Code 212 55

If only I: Susan Sontag I, etcetera: Stories 122

My intentions are: Max Ewing Going Somewhere 90

So much for: Sarah Bakewell How to Live 47

In this sense: James Wood The Broken Estate 256

“I’ll teach you: Sam Massey Return of the Greek 119

That’s a pledge: Max Ewing Going Somewhere 98

David laughed gleefully: Eleanor Porter Just David 94

He would love: James Joyce Dubliners 119

Such as…: Noel Coward Pomp and Circumstance 235

That indeed is: Harold Bloom Hamlet: Poem Unlimited 35

“There is happiness: Bertolt Brecht Galileo 42

Tilting his head: J. D. Salinger Nine Stories 47

“Please, do not: Alfred Chester Jamie Is My Heart’s Desire


We all live: Ivy Compton-Burnett A Family and a Fortune


Do you know: Andre Tellier Twilight Men 31

“Nothing is got: Harold Bloom Ruin the Sacred Truths 201

The writer does: Roland Barthes Critical Essays xii

Thus every writer’s: Roland Barthes Reader 405

I’d far rather: E. M. Forster A Passage to India 130

After all, it: Richard Rodriguez Brown 40

I was a: Charles Kaiser The Gay Metropolis 85

Punish me: James Joyce Ulysses 83

“You are quite: Thomas Hardy Jude the Obscure 152

“Things can always: Stephen Benatar Wish Her Safe at

Home 7

“Ah”: John Fowles The Magus 17

Longing for sweeter: John Daido Loori 8 Gates of Zen 62

“I don’t care: E. M. Forster A Passage to India 130

Very ingenious: George Orwell An Age Like This 20

And since, on: Lydie Salvayre Portrait of the Artist as a

Domesticated Animal 70

A moment later: Evan S. Connell Mrs. Bridge 123

When I was: Robert Bolaño By Night in Chile 127

There was no: Glen Baxter Returns to Normal (no page


It was fascinating: Jean Echenoz I’m Gone 13

I work better: Gioia Timpanelli Sometimes the Soul 36

I forbade myself: Thomas Bernhard My Prizes 72

Leafing through a: Philip Roth Professor of Desire 201


Eleanor “sprang from: Alison Weir Eleanor of Acquitaine:

A Life 7

“If you want: Paula Fox Poor George 102

“I’m always kind: Henry James Portrait of a Lady 490

No one’s supposed: Gore Vidal Palimpsest 129

I found it: Thomas Bernhard My Prizes 73

As a child: Gertrude Stein Selections ed., Retallack 17

Once she thought: AA Bronson Lana 151

At this point: E. F. Benson The Freaks of Mayfair 117

Flowering puberty: Aidan Higgins Scenes from a Receding

Past 81

A great deal: David Lodge Consciousness and the Novel 91

There were stormy: Vladimir Nabokov Laughter in the

Dark 192

And then, who: Jean Echenoz Piano 174

The struggle, if: Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter


Traits that we: Stephen Benatar Wish Her Safe at Home vi

She was under: Roland Barthes S/Z 229

Little is known: Polly Brooks Queen Eleanor 11

Eleanor took no: Ivy Compton-Burnett Parents and

Children 164

“To wrestle with: William James Talks to Teachers 133

The paradox is: David Lodge Consciousness and the Novel


She stood in: Vladimir Nabokov Laughter in the Dark 42

Beside her was: Sylvia Townsend Warner Summer Will

Show 95

He smiled wistfully: Ralph Sassone The Intimates 160

Eleanor loved the: Polly Brooks Queen Eleanor 12

Everything lay beneath: Robert Walser The Assistant 230

On such productive: Tony Judt Memory Chalet 9


I am sitting: Hans Keilson Death of the Adversary 37

Scared of the: Guy Hocquenghem Screwball Asses 38

Better take two: Michael Cunningham By Nightfall 5

The object in: Wayne Koestenbaum Moira Orfei in Aigues

Mortes 14

Novels seem like: Amanda Michalapoulo I’d Like 41

The novel is: Don Paterson Rain 4

The worse your: Adam Phillips On Balance 33

Originality is therefore: Roland Barthes Critical Essays xii

Miracles happen every: H. Jackson Brown Life’s Little

Instruction Book 43

Each is in: Gilbert Highet Poets in a Landscape 14

Introspection, however, is: Ronald Firbank Three More

Novels 55

Depression comes when: Roland Barthes Mourning Diary



David gave a: E. F. Benson David Blaize 46

“But where are: Jane Austen Northanger Abbey 161

At first, he: Gilbert Highet Poets in a Landscape 26

Suddenly their eyes: D. H. Lawrence Sons and Lovers 136

Now that this: Henry James The Europeans 48

Please, David, she: Rob Stephenson Passes Through 30

We only want: Philip Roth Professor of Desire 192

Now he’s really: David Thomson Have You Seen…? 37

The deeper you: David Lodge Consciousness and the

Novel 109

I was in: Victoria Redel Loverboy 21

I will not: James Joyce Dubliners 86

I remain a: Alfred Chester Looking for Genet 173

I returned to: J. M. Barrie The White Bird 98

“Oh, don’t be: E. F. Benson David Blaize 45

For now was: Sylvia Townsend Warner Summer Will Show


As soon as: Gustave Flaubert Sentimental Education 69

The sense of: Graham Greene The Heart of the Matter 225

But instead of: Jean Genet Querelle 181

His life has: Søren Kierkegaard Diary of a Seducer 11

Poor, ridiculous young: Gilbert Highet Poets in a

Landscape 25

“He has a: Aidan Higgins Scenes from a Receding Past 127

And David did: J. M. Barrie The White Bird 9

Everybody is feeling: Gertrude Stein Wars I Have Seen 75

They danced at: Aidan Higgins Scenes from a Receding

Past 181

They attacked one: E. M. Forster A Passage to India 122

“Do you think: D. H. Lawrence St. Mawr and the Man

Who Died 25

When it was: Nathanael West Miss Lonelyhearts 38

She hadn’t said: Patricia Highsmith Tremor of Forgery 43

“What the hell: Paula Fox The Coldest Winter 51

“Do not talk: Ivy Comtpon-Burnett Parents and Children


What if, for: Edith Wharton The Age of Innocence


She spoke amiably: Edith Wharton The Age of Innocence


“Do you know: John Fowles The Magus 20

Somehow she managed: Paula Fox The Coldest Winter 42

It left her: Rachel Ingalls Mrs. Caliban 12

He listened carefully: Mark Merlis American Studies 115

“In future we’ll: Gustave Flaubert Sentimental Education


The night was: Patrick White The Vivisector 445

They were young: Robert Bolaño By Night in Chile 83

One of the: W. Somerset Maugham The Razor’s Edge 188

She spoke of: Charles Warren Stoddard For the Pleasure of

His Company 181

Kindness personified: Glenway Wescott Continual Lessons


“The trouble is: Blair Niles Strange Brother 132

She really knows: Lydie Salvayre The Company of Ghosts


They agreed on: Charles Warren Stoddard For the Pleasure

of His Company 88

“And now you: Ivy Compton-Burnett Parents and Children 276

One of the: Michael Cunningham By Nightfall 11

“Just like a: Hans Keilson The Death of the Adversary 17

She is nothing: Ray Monk Ludwig Wittgenstein 21

He withdraws again: Ralph Sassone The Intimates 35

Then there was: Virginia Woolf Between the Acts 3

“That’s why I: Fyodor Dostoevsky The Gambler 158

“Amen,” sang David: E. F. Benson David Blaize 28

Not knowing what: Nathanael West Miss Lonleyhearts 126

He hadn’t meant: E. M. Forster A Passage to India 122

This scene was: Proust Sodom and Gomorrah (trans.

Sturrock) 7

The Beautiful is: Charles Baudelaire The Mirror of Art 195

“You seem a: Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange 114

You look good: Alfred Chester The Exquisite Corpse 34

Don’t insult me: Andre Gide The Counterfeiters 205

Throw me down: F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby 144

Do you prefer: Theodore Dreiser An American Tragedy


He refused, but: Conor Cruise O’Brien Camus 103

“It’s not out: Colette Pure and Impure 57

His contempt for: D. H. Lawrence Stories Vol. III 589

They thrill him: Michael Cunningham By Nightfall 5

She was so: Theodore Dreiser An American Tragedy 366

“But at the: Justin Spring Secret Historian 125

These are the: Adam Phillips On Balance 225

“I’m perfectly willing: Joseph P. Lash Eleanor and Franklin


“I wouldn’t be: Darcy O’Brien A Way of Life Like Any

Other 39

“It’s true I’m: Philip Roth Professor of Desire 82

O dear, o: W. H. Auden Forewords and Afterwords 453

Colette had it: Bruce Duffy The World As I Found It 297

Thus women are: Ray Monk Ludwig Wittgenstein 22

Returning to the: Gustave Flaubert Sentimental Education


He kicked the: Alfred Chester The Exquisite Corpse 30

“What did I: Jean Echenoz Piano 167

“Well, what a: Ivy Compton-Burnett Parents and Children


She herself was: D. H. Lawrence Sons and Lovers 39

“Young people are: Gustave Flaubert Sentimental

Education 74

“We are so: E. M. Forster A Passage to India 125

And his dark: Theodore Dreiser An American Tragedy 491

“Her voice is: F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby 127

She took it: J. M. Coetzee Diary of a Bad Year 83

She came forward: Denton Welch Maiden Voyage 35

“And you really: Vladimir Nabokov Laughter in the Dark


The voice was: Dr. Seuss Horton Hears a Who (no page


This no longer: Frederick and Steven Barthelme Double

Down 55

Once we have: Franz Kafka Zurau 28

Angry, and half: F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby 186

We have to: Stephen Benatar Wish Her Safe at Home vi

Though I concealed: Kenneth Burke Towards a Better Life


We love women: Charles Baudelaire Intimate Journals 37

I went out: Aidan Higgins Scenes from a Receding Past 142

“You won’t stay: Honoré de Balzac Lost Illusions 538

He spent the: Justin Spring Secret Historian 125

They need me: John Ashbery April Galleons 7


“What are you: E. F. Benson David Blaize 215

He means to: Michael Cunningham By Nightfall 167

“Why, David,” said: J. M. Barrie The White Bird 212

He’d spent half: Robert Walser The Assistant 285

The Magic Mountain: Michael Cunningham By Nightfall 7

He wished that: E. M. Forster A Passage to India 129

But it opens: Tony Judt Memory Chalet 90

The wish always: Adam Philips Missing Out 109

He had a: Carson McCullers Reflections in a Golden Eye 11

I gathered from: J. M. Barrie The White Bird 132

“Such missteps,” he: Heinrich Kleist Selected Prose 269

I don’t know: Tony Judt Memory Chalet 13

A kind of: Roland Barthes Mourning Diary 68

He wailed loudly: Sam Massey Return of the Greek 153

It was depressing: A. M. Homes Jack 134

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