An Unexpected Suitor (21 page)

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Authors: Anna Schmidt

BOOK: An Unexpected Suitor
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  1. What are your first impressions of Nola Burns? Of Harry Starbuck?
  2. What are their first impressions of each other?
  3. How do those first impressions (yours and theirs) change over the course of the story?
  4. In what ways are characters in the book guilty of stereotyping others? Which characters and how do they stereotype?
  5. Can you think of some examples of stereotyping that people engage in now?
  6. When you see or hear someone engaged in stereotyping how do you react?
  7. Nola has always had strong ties to the town of ’Sconset. What is the basis of those ties and how valid are they for her future happiness and ability to live a full life?
  8. Starbuck believes that theater can be used to reach people and lift their spirits in a positive way. What plays or films or television shows have you seen that you found spiritually uplifting?
  9. What are some of the ways that you reach out to others as you live your faith?
  10. In what ways were the parents and other townspeople responsible for the fact that the notes were sent and the vandalism followed?
  11. In what ways was Starbuck’s punishment of the culprits unique? And what impact do you think the punishment made on the culprits?
  12. In many ways this is a story about labeling others. We all do it to some degree. What would be three positive steps you might take to be more open to and appreciative of the value that comes in knowing people of different cultures, races, social groups, etc.?

ISBN: 9781408937662

An Unexpected Suitor

© Jo Horne Schmidt 2009

First Published in Great Britain in 2009
Harlequin (UK) Limited
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