Read An Unexpected Win Online

Authors: Jenna Byrnes

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

An Unexpected Win (9 page)

BOOK: An Unexpected Win
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“Trey, you motherfucker!” Carter slurred. “Where the fuck are you? Probably fucking, right? You fucking that big brown Indian, or is he fucking you? Don’t let him ruin you for me. Once your ass gets used to the size of him, I won’t want it anymore.” He screamed into the phone, “Trey, you bastard, are you there?” Spittle flew from his lips. Carter punched off the phone and tossed it aside, closing his eyes.


* * * *


Trey drew the brush through the long, silky black strands. Hawk had moved to a straight-backed chair so he’d have better access with the brush. He was amazed at how long and thick the hair was. Brushing it was almost a sensual experience. He leaned down and murmured, “I love brushing your hair. I hope you’ll let me do it every day, and teach me how to braid it.”

Hawk glanced at him with amusement. “Are you serious?”

“Fuck yeah! I’ve never felt hair like this. I’m hard just touching it.” He moved in front of Hawk. “See?” A bulge protruded from his tight jeans.

“Move closer,” Hawk demanded.

He obliged, and the man unzipped his jeans and reached in for his cock. “You are hard. Just from brushing my hair, you say? What a little slut.”

trey jutted himself toward his Master. “Only for you, Sir. You make me this way.”

Hawk set his jaw. “I’m sure your
Master wouldn’t be happy to hear you say that.”

His heart lurched. “You’re right, Sir. It was an inappropriate thing to say. I’ll understand if you need to punish me.”

“Punish you?” Hawk blinked.

trey kicked out of his jeans and quickly shed the rest of his clothes, tossing them aside. He handed over the hairbrush and assumed the position across his Master’s knees. Feet slightly spread, fingertips touching the floor, ass held high, cock—hard as a rock.

Hawk rubbed a hand over his ass. “You want me to spank you with the brush?”

“Only if you wish, Master.” He jerked his ass up a couple of times.

wish. Right. You’re such a slut, slave-trey. I’m going to enjoy paddling your flesh until it turns red.”

The first strike, conveyed with the smooth, plastic backside of the brush, sent trey into his happy place. The second, strategically placed to miss his balls by a whisper, caused him to groan. But when Sir flipped the brush and paddled him three times in succession with the rough bristles, trey cried out and came at the same time. He’d never experienced such a shocking combination of pleasure and pain, and he could barely catch his breath when he came down from his orgasmic high. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” he repeated over and over.

Hawk chuckled, rubbing the stinging ass with the palm of his hand. “So we see what uncontrollably trips your trigger. Good to know. That information will surely come in handy at some point later.”

trey tried to rise. “I need to clean this mess up. I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t move a muscle.” Hawk continued to massage the burning butt cheeks. “I want to play with these a little more, then I have plans for you. Not quite the same plans I had before you shot your wad, but that’s okay. I suspect you’ll be hard again by time I’m done playing.” He slapped the tortured flesh.

trey’s face cheeks burned as hot as his ass cheeks, and he smiled.

Chapter Five




Trey’s ass continued to burn like hot coals the next day, and having Hawk massage aloe gel into it didn’t help. Every time he rubbed the sores, they both got so horny they ended up fucking again. It had been a long night with very little sleep for either of them. Trey couldn’t remember being happier.

“What time are we going to St. Mark’s?” he asked after breakfast.

Hawk didn’t meet his gaze. “I’m going by myself today.”

“But why? I’ve gone with you all week. I’ve gotten used to seeing the kids, and I think they’re finally getting to like me.”

Still not looking at him, Hawk gathered his things and reached for his keys. “That’s why. It’s not a good idea for them to get used to you. You’ll disappear, and they’ll feel abandoned. It would be too hard on them.”

Trey clenched his teeth. “Too hard on the kids? I see.” He didn’t exactly see, but he had an idea.
Who is he really concerned is going to feel abandoned?
The thought made his heart hurt. “What if I continued visiting them? Then it wouldn’t be like I abandoned anyone.”

“It’s not going to happen. You’ve got the day off, Trey. Sleep, relax, raid the fridge. Do whatever you want to do.
Mi casa es su casa
. I’ll see you later.” He left abruptly without another word.

Fuming, Trey paced the floor.
“Mi casa es su casa,”
he mimicked angrily. “Jerk. I should trash your stinking
and get the hell out of here. That would show you.” Guilt pierced him. He wasn’t mad at Hawk, he just didn’t understand why he’d been left behind.

He glanced at his cell phone and for the first time noticed the notification light blinking. Trey picked it up and saw he had nine voicemails from Carter. Frantically he listened to them, the final one ending with, “Trey, you bastard, are you there?”

He clutched the phone to his chest. The man was obviously drunk, but there was something else in his voice. Carter was in trouble. He needed to go to him.

Trey called a cab and waited impatiently for it to arrive. He gave the driver his address and leaned back in the seat, fingers drumming the top of his knee nervously. This week had been a bad idea. He and Carter hadn’t been apart for ages. He should have realized that his lover was in a fragile state from his recent behavior. He said a silent prayer that when he arrived home, it wouldn’t be too late.

In his driveway, he paid the cabbie and hurried up the walk. Unlocking the door, a stench was the first thing to hit him. Vomit, piss and booze. Trey held a hand over his mouth and nose as he hurried to the couch where Carter had sprawled out.

Is he dead?
He lowered his face to the unwashed man’s and held his breath, listening.

Carter snorted and wheezed, then smacked his lips and grew silent again.

Trey rose in disgust. “Not dead,” he murmured to himself. “Just blotto drunk. Holy Christ, Carter. What’s gotten into you?” He glanced around the room. Pizza boxes and plates filled the coffee table. Half-full glasses, Chinese takeout boxes and bags of potato chips littered every other available spot. “What a pig!”

He poked his head into the kitchen and spotted the hole in the wall and the shattered glass, along with more smelly trash and food debris. Trey’s heart sank. He went to the cupboard and reached for a trash bag.

The kitchen alone took two hours to clean. He swept and mopped the floor then left it to dry, and headed down the hall. The bedroom and other rooms weren’t in as bad a shape. Carter had obviously not slept in the bed much. Trey did what needed to be done, including scrubbing a foul toilet, then made his way back to the front room.

He could only do so much there without waking Carter. He disposed of the trash and took care of the dishes, then sighed at the spotted, stained carpet. He didn’t want to know what the sofa looked like underneath his sleeping lover, but he guessed it was time to find out.

“Carter, wake up.” Trey shook his shoulder gently.

“Hmm, nmm, nmm…” He shifted, but his eyes remained closed.

“Carter,” he spoke directly in his ear. “I’m home. Time to wake up.”

The man’s eyes popped open. “Trey?”

“Yeah, baby. I’m home. What’s left of home, anyway.”

He scrubbed a hand over his face and struggled to sit up.

Trey helped him, and sat on the edge of the sofa next to him. “Been a bad week?”

“You don’t know the half of it. I called you. You never answered.”

“I’m sorry. We’ve been busy.”

Carter glanced at him and snorted. “I can imagine. Fucking twenty-four seven, I’ll bet.”

“Of course not. Hawk has a job, and I’ve been going with him. To a children’s hospital. It’s a pretty amazing place.”

He didn’t seem to hear, or, for that matter, care. “Hawk’s the bastard who stole my sub.”

“He didn’t ‘steal’ anything. You lost me in a card game, remember? He gave us the chance to back out. I didn’t have ten thousand dollars so I had to agree to the barter you’d made.”

He snorted. “Ten thousand dollars? Shit, we don’t seem to have one thousand dollars. Have one helluva stack of bills, though. They’re just piling right up, aren’t they?”

Trey sighed. Besides missing him, Carter had been looking into his finances. That was enough to drive anyone to drink. “Yeah, I’m afraid they are. I was going to talk to you about that when I got home.”

Carter stared at him with glassy eyes. “Is this still your home? Or are you moving in with those Indian bastards and their big dicks?”

“Kel is gone. It’s just been Hawk there all week.” For some reason he thought the comment would be reassuring. He instantly realized that it was not.

“His slave left? Oh, for flying fuck’s sake! No wonder he wanted you so badly. He needs a new submissive, and has set his sights on you.”

“That’s not true, Carter. Hawk is a good man. Give him some credit. He’s been very caring and loving this week.”

? Is that so?” Carter wiped drool from his chin. “I suppose you think you love him now? A few rolls in the hay with the man and his super-sized dick and you’re seeing stars, is that right?”

Trey’s heart lurched. There was no reasoning with him in this kind of mood. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Are you home to stay, then?”

He hesitated before answering. “I have three more nights with him, to fulfill the deal you made.” He tried to put the blame where it belonged. It didn’t assuage his guilt, though, for wanting every minute of those three nights that he had coming to him. Trey couldn’t imagine leaving Hawk. He didn’t even want to think about it.

Carter scowled. “Then what the fuck are you doing here now?”

“I got your voicemails. It sounded like you needed me. From the looks of the house, I was right.”

Carter stumbled to his feet. “I didn’t leave you any voicemail.” He wobbled down the hallway and as he mumbled “I don’t need you” he fell into the wall.

Trey rushed to his side. “No, I can see you don’t. Where are you going?”

“Take a piss.”

He helped Carter to the bathroom then stood back to give him some privacy. When he heard the toilet flush he said, “Why don’t we stick you in the shower? You’ll feel better once you’ve cleaned up.”

He tried to brush past Trey. “I need a drink.”

“I’m sure you do, but you’re not having one. Shower first, then some aspirin. I’ll make you something to eat.”

His eyes, red and bloodshot, blazed with fury. “Drink!” He shoved Trey against the door and stomped out.

Undeterred, Trey hurried after him. “No drink! Shower.” He reached for Carter’s arm.

The man spun around and punched Trey directly in the eye. “No shower! Drink.” He stumbled to the kitchen.

Trey held his face, and turned to look in the mirror. His cheek swelled instantly. He was going to have one hell of a shiner. “Fuck!” he swore, more concerned about Carter than himself. He needed to try a different tactic.

In the kitchen, Carter had found a new glass and was filling it with ice.

“Baby, I have something better in mind.” He moved behind the man and slipped his arms around him. Fighting back the urge to gag at his smell, he proceeded to grope his chest with one hand, his crotch with the other. “I’ve missed you,” he whispered into Carter’s ear. “Missed you bad. Let’s go into the other room and I can show you how much.”

Carter froze, his body stiffening at Trey’s touch. “You missed me?”

“Absolutely.” Trey kissed his neck.

“I figured you’d been fucked to hell and back already this week.”

“Not by you. You’re my number one guy, right?”

Carter sighed and his chest heaved. “Right.”

Trey quickly fabricated a story. “I didn’t have time to shower yet today, and I wouldn’t want you to touch me when I’m unclean. Can we shower together first? Then we’ll make love for as long as you want.”

“Mmm, yeah.” Carter thrust his groin into Trey’s hand. “I like the sounds of that. Let’s do it.”

Relieved, Trey got them to the bathroom and removed Carter’s soiled clothes. Helping him under the shower stream, he stripped and joined him. “Let me wash your hair for you.” He washed and conditioned Carter’s short brown tresses then lathered his body with their favorite sandalwood soap, paying special attention to his cock and balls.

Carter groaned, seemed to enjoy the attentiveness, but his cock was as limp as a dust rag.

Trey knelt and drew the freshly cleaned organ into his mouth, but it remained flaccid.

The hot water was going and Carter struggled to remain upright.

“Let’s move this party to the bedroom,” he suggested, hoping to think of a trick between here and there to arouse his hungover lover.

He turned off the shower spray and grabbed two towels. Carter wasn’t doing it for himself, so Trey dried him off then did himself quickly. He followed the man to their bedroom and turned back the comforter before Carter rolled onto his back.

Trey climbed between his legs, kissing and licking all the way up. He paid special attention to the area behind the knees, which always made his lover hard.
Almost always.
When Trey settled in front of Carter’s groin there was still no activity. He blew on the cock, tickled the balls, drew all of them into his mouth and did everything he could think of to arouse the man.


Trey exhaled a breath toward his eyebrows.
This requires some ingenuity.
Unfortunately, after nearly thirty minutes he was out of ideas and patience.

Carter, who had fallen asleep at least twice, finally pushed him away. “I don’t want this anymore.”

Trey crawled up his body and rested his head on Carter’s shoulder. “What’s wrong, baby? I thought you’d missed me.”

“I don’t know. I have a headache. Could you get some aspirin?”

“Sure.” He rose to look in the bathroom.

“Trey.” Carter rubbed his temples. “Bring the bottle.”

BOOK: An Unexpected Win
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