Anarchist Book 4: (An MC Serial Novel) Book 4

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Anarchist Book 4


Jordan Silver

Copyright©2014 Alison Jordan

All Rights Reserved


Chapter 1



“We got everything ready for tonight, no surprises right Clay?”

“Looks like it, but there’s one thing. The women heard about your nuptials and have decided they want to throw you and your misses a party.”

“No, no fucking party.” I kept moving because nothing was going as planned today.

I have a wife who seems to think that we’re an actual couple; a cousin who was about to marry someone else’s intended, and who knows what the fuck else was going to jump out at me today?

It was still a few hours before the sun went down, this bunch could get up to a whole lot of shit in the meantime.

There was still a fuck load of shit that needed doing and I was trying to do them one at a time so nothing was left undone.

Where the fuck did my life get derailed? For the past three years I’ve had one purpose, to end the fucker that murdered my family.

Now I seemed to be caught in the middle of a soap opera. When I was supposed to be concentrating on what laid ahead of me, my mind was on her.

She had this annoying way of creeping into my thoughts for no good damn reason at all. Like now, I know damn good and well that there’s no time for parties and shit like that, but I’m thinking of doing it for her.

I saw her hustling back from the storage room, but instead of heading to the house, she veered off to Kyle and Melissa’s place; that’s just what the fuck I need, the two of them together.

I love my sister in law, but she’s a nosy ass. I have no doubt she’s the one leading the party parade. Next thing I know she’d be in my business and putting Dana up to shit, and my life would be fucked.

“Lawton.” Ah shit, I was just about to make my escape. I only needed a half an hour downtime in the clubhouse to get my head straight.

“What is it?” I turned to glare at her, hoping that would hurry along whatever the fuck this was. She gave me one of her disapproving looks as she hurried over to me.

“Melissa told me about the party, isn’t it great?” Damn did she have to look so fucking innocent and sweet? And what the fuck was I supposed to do with her when this was all over and done with tonight? I’m thinking I maybe didn’t think this shit through all the way.

“Listen, about that...”

“I know I know, your men are busy and you can’t spare them, but that’s okay. Mel said there are more than enough women here and even more coming before long, so we should have it covered.”

“Do you understand what’s going on here Dana? Do you realize that in a few hours I’m going to be going after Royce Davis and this shit could turn ugly? Does that sound like the right environment for a party to you? Don’t do that shit.” I pointed my finger at her.

Her lip was doing that trembling shit women do to get their own way. She looked up at me with those big watery eyes like I’d kicked her puppy or some fuck.

“But I don’t see why we can’t have a party, it’s not going to hurt anything.”

“Dana Sue, I do not have time for a party right now...” What the fuck? I took a deep breath and prayed for patience. She hasn’t been here a full day yet and already she’s up my ass.

And what happened to the scared little mouse that crawled in here this morning? She wasn’t acting very scared anymore, a little timid maybe, but she wasn’t ducking and hiding like before.

“You don’t have to do anything Lawton, we’ll take care of everything.” I watched the gate open to receive more of the families that were going to be staying here for the next few days at least.

I wasn’t sure what Davis was gonna throw at me and now with Travis snagging his soon to be daughter in law out from under his son’s nose, who knew what the fuck?

I looked down at the infuriating female that was now clinging to my arm with a stupid ass smile on her face.

“Dana if I were you I wouldn’t follow Melissa, just do what I tell you and we’ll be good. Now let me go so that I can go do what the hell I have to do.”

She pouted and flounced off. Damn, not married even one day and she was starting her shit already.

I’m going to ring Melissa’s neck first fucking chance I get. She knows I don’t do parties, now I’m sure my wife is going to think I’m some kind of ogre. My wife, well fuck!

Chapter 2




“Clay your girl Ginger’s here.” Chaz grinned at me and I wondered what the hell she’d been up to now.

“Thanks Chaz, where’d she go?”

“The clubhouse where else?”

“Cool, everybody in yet? It’s getting late.”

“No there’s still a few left, probably at work.”

Damn. I checked my watch again. It was getting late and Law wanted everyone safe and accounted for before the sun went down.

“If Law comes looking for me tell him where I went.”

“No problem, and if you see him before I do, tell him his prisoner is awake.”

I waved my hand over my shoulder as I headed to the clubhouse and my room there to see my girl. See what kind of mood she’s in. It’s three days since I went anywhere near her.

It was ‘that time’ of the month, or at least that’s the excuse she uses every month around this time when she loses her fucking mind.

The first time she tried to brain me was the last time I messed with her ass and that PMS shit. Now I steer clear unless she’s sick, then I run to the pharmacy and buy out the female aisle.

Ginger Lee, that’s my hot little number. She’s a big girl and she makes no bones about it. She’s all tits and ass and a sassy mouth.

We met purely by accident and set off a chain of events that turned my life upside down, but you know what, I wouldn’t change it for anything, as fucked up as our beginning had been.

Before I met Ginger Lee I was in hot pursuit of someone else for damn near my whole adult life. Since high school I’d been after her, but for one reason or another we could never get it together.

Cindy was my little reserved banker, she’s not exactly uptight, that’s not my style, but she’s more the shy retiring type. She needs to be handled with kid gloves and lots of TLC.

She reminds me of the young women in those old black and white movies, so demure and genteel like, which for some reason I was highly attracted to.

Now Ginger Lee on the other hand would fuck ninety-five percent of the time and make love the other five. She says what she likes and don’t like no matter who you are.

She doesn’t have a shy bone in her body and she doesn’t suffer fools lightly. Half the time I’m the one talking her down from doing someone bodily harm for saying or doing the wrong fucking thing.

I call her my wild child. She’s the sort of girl who would let me fuck her in the ass and then suck my dick; a man needs that shit every once in a while.

As with every other fucked up thing in my life, the story of how we came to be sounds like something out of a fucked up TV show.

I’d actually gone out on a date with Cindy the night before I met Ginger Lee for the first time.

But the thing is, though it was just the one date, like I said, Cindy and I had been doing the dance for a while before she finally agreed to go out with me.

After a great night out with the woman I’d been trying to land since freaking high school, I was out on patrol the next day doing my job as a deputy in the sheriff’s office.

The date had gone pretty good and I was halfway to the moon. I hadn’t been sitting on my hands waiting for Cindy to come around, one of those things that had kept us apart was the fact that we both seemed to be always involved with someone else. But I was glad that we had finally got it right.

That night was like the beginning of something, or maybe I’d built it up so much in my head by that time that it seemed that way. I’m no bitch so I wouldn’t dwell on that shit too much.

Anyway I was feeling good about the whole thing and pretty much looking forward to next time. I was thinking that on my break I had to remember to send her some flowers.

That’s when I clocked this little beamer doing ninety in a thirty-five. After I’d gotten over the shock of a speeder in our little town, I’d given chase.

Imagine my surprise when I found this beauty behind the wheel. She gave me the fluttering eyelash routine, and I could see it was all a big joke to her.

Her license said she was from the east coast, yeah, one of those. “Excuse me officer, but what seems to be the problem?” Damn, what a voice, she had to be making that shit up.

I would’ve answered her if I hadn’t noticed that her eyes were on my dick and she wasn’t even trying to hide that shit. I was almost tempted to cover my shit from the look of hunger in her eyes.

I read her the usual riot act for speeding and gave her a ticket, which she threw in the glove box with what looked like even more tickets.

“So, when are you taking me out to dinner big boy?” She looked me dead in the eye to let me know she meant business.

“Excuse me?” Are all east coast women this bold? I grew up in the Midwest, went to school in the Midwest, and don’t really know much else about the outside world except what I see on TV. I’m not as much of a dud as that sounds; it’s just the truth.

I’m not green by any stretch of the imagination, but I’m not use to such brashness in my neck of the woods. The women around here save their true colors for behind closed doors.

When I looked back expecting a blush or at the very least a look of shyness, all I saw was trouble.

I thought of Cindy and how hard I’d tried to win her. I can’t say that I was at all surprised that this was happening now.

Of course I would meet her one-day after taking Cindy out on our first date, it’s the story of my fucking life.

“You heard me, or are you one of those guys who likes to do the chasing? The problem with that is that I don’t have time.

I’m passing through on my way to a conference and won’t be back this way for a while. And since I don’t believe in letting opportunities pass me by, when I see something I want I go after it, so what do you say?”

What I should’ve said was no thanks and gone on my merry way. But did I mention that Ginger Lee has a rack that only the hands of the creator could’ve fashioned? Not to mention the most amazing cornflower blue eyes?

Instead of giving her the company line about being involved, I decided to play along. “You married?”

“If I was would I be sitting here hitting on you, what kind of girl do you take me for?” She got out of the car, which I should’ve told her not to had I been thinking.

I was trying to do the right thing. The thing with Cindy was still new, but we’d been working our way there for a long fucking time. Did I really want to mess that up for a one-night stand?

I was fighting the good fight there until she got out of the car and I saw that ass of hers. Now don’t judge me too harshly, but you’ve got to understand the package that is Ginger Lee.

How many ‘big girls’ do you know with the confidence of ten super models and the fucking balls to back that shit up? It’s not something you see everyday.

I’ve heard the stories, seen the ads. Usually women who were anything bigger than a size eight were a little less...everything.

Not Ginger Lee, she was in your face, what you see is what you get. And what you got was a size sixteen compact body on a five foot four frame, with a mountain of jet-black curls, and an attitude to rival any Diva’s.

Long story short, I took her out that night, but I did tell her about Cindy. We ended up back at the hotel she was staying at, and for the next eight hours she put me through my paces.

By the next morning I was hooked but she was leaving. Imagine my surprise when she made the off the cuff remark that the town seemed like a nice place to live.

I was like a dog with a fucking bone; it was pathetic. She knew what she’d been doing the night before when she put that pussy on me. She knew her shit was addictive and she put it on this good old farm boy to make me stupid.

I didn’t put too much stock in her talk, but I let her think I believed her. She was driving to the next state over for some kind of book conference, and that’s when I learned that she was a writer.

It was only when I heard her on the phone that I realized she was serious. And when she turned those eyes on me and asked me in that Yankee way of hers, ‘so, am I uprooting my life for you or not? What was I supposed to do?

There was still Cindy to consider though, and I felt like a first class heel. I’d all but forgotten her last night into the early morning while I’d been fucking the shit out of Ginger Lee.

Now in the cold light of day I saw myself for what I was, an unconscionable dog. Ginger Lee saw my turmoil and for some fucked up reason that made her trust me more, or so she’s always said.

After telling her to give me some time to talk to Cindy, we exchanged numbers and I drove behind her to the town limits, before getting out and kissing her for what I thought was the last time.

I didn’t even go home, but called Cindy and told her we needed to talk. I don’t know why I felt that guilty back then, I mean it wasn’t like we were in a committed relationship. But the truth was, I really liked Cindy, just goes to show how fucked up love can be.

I expected the anger and disappointment that I got from her when we sat down to breakfast at the local diner. But what I did not expect, and to this day could not explain, was the sense of ownership she seemed to have.

In her mind as she explained it to me, the little dance we did was foreplay; the date was to seal the deal.

I was as honest as possible with her then or as honest as I could be, when I didn’t know what the fuck.

She had to go to work but she did leave me with one last parting shot, to think about she said, while I was making my decision.

She reminded me that I had been the one to pursue her and that it would be beyond cruel to ditch her just when she gave in.

I didn’t know what the fuck I was supposed to do and the being honest thing wasn’t working.

By that afternoon when Ginger Lee had called, I was ready to pack up and move, that’s how fucked my head was.

A few days later, after seeing Cindy each night, Ginger Lee rolled back into town, only this time she was here to stay. I was so fucked.

The good thing was, no one knew about my little three ring circus, but how long was that gonna last with both women vying for my attention?

I would be at the diner with Cindy and Ginger Lee would show up. She wasn’t intrusive or anything and I wasn’t sure that she even knew we were there at that particular time, but there you have it.

“Is that her?” that was the question Cindy asked me the day my life changed. We’d been sitting in a corner booth in the back when Ginger Lee walked in.

It was a little over a week since we’d first met and yes I had been in her bed since she came back. She didn’t seem to mind that I had something going with Cindy, as long as I didn’t leave her out.

In fact, her exact words were ‘ you sampled the goods big boy, now you gots to pay the piper’ whatever the fuck that meant.

I looked over my shoulder to where Cindy had been looking. “Yeah that’s Ginger.” I felt like smiling just seeing her sitting there.

Cindy was watching me very closely and didn’t miss that, and I can’t say she was too pleased.

“Look, Cindy, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do here. I know both of you want me to choose, but I just, I can’t do it. The truth is...what are you doing?” She was calling someone over and I think I had a pretty good idea who that was.

I wasn’t expecting anything good to come of this. By now everyone’s attention was on us, partly because Ginger Lee was new here and they were all probably wondering how we knew her I guess.

“Hello, you must be Cindy, Clayton has told me so much about you.” She took a seat right next to me and wasn’t shy about crowding my space.

I wouldn’t say it was the worse experience of my life, but it was close. I don’t remember most of what was said there at that table, but I do recall some kind of negotiation going on between them two.

I did tune back in when Ginger Lee accused Cindy of holding her pussy for ransom; I think those were her exact words.

According to her, Cindy had played hard to get to reel me in and she Ginger had come along and given me what I was missing and it was so good that now there’s no way I could ever live without her passion flower. That’s seriously what she calls her pussy.

I was sincerely hoping that no one at any of the nearby tables could hear what they were talking about.

Cindy, my little prim and proper lady was no match for Ginger Lee that day, but she held her own. I was the bone they were fighting over and as such had no real say in the matter on the table, or so they both saw it.

For the first time in my life I was more than happy to let someone else take the reins. Getting mixed up between two women is for a better man than me.

That’s how I ended up with two women after me. Don’t ask me what the fuck happened there. I think they both thought the other would eventually give in.

The only hiccup I could see is that the two of them tried to outdo each other, and I paid the fucking price.

If I did anything special with Ginger Lee today I better be ready for Cindy tomorrow.

I don’t know how men do this shit, but having two women, especially two who hate like fuck to share, was a pain in my ass.

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