Anastasia and Her Sisters (32 page)

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Authors: Carolyn Meyer

BOOK: Anastasia and Her Sisters
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This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events

are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Text copyright © 2015 by Carolyn Meyer

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Jacket photograph copyright © 2015 by Natalia Drepina

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Meyer, Carolyn, 1935–

Anastasia and her sisters / Carolyn Meyer. — First edition.

pages cm

Summary: A novel in diary form in which the youngest daughter of Tzar Nicholas II describes the privileged life her family led up until the time of World War I and the tragic events that befell them. Includes bibliographical references.

ISBN 978-1-4814-0326-9 (hardcover) — ISBN 978-1-4814-0328-3 (eBook)

1. Anastasia, Grand Duchess, daughter of Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia, 1901–1918—Juvenile fiction. [1. Anastasia, Grand Duchess, daughter of Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia, 1901–1918—Fiction. 2. Princesses—Fiction. 3. Sisters—Fiction. 4. Diaries—Fiction. 5. Russia—History—Nicholas II, 1894–1917—Fiction. 6. Soviet Union—History—Revolution, 1917–1921—Fiction.]  I. Title.

PZ7.M5685Am 2015





Family Tree

Siberia, April 1918

Part I: Otma: The Grand Duchesses, 1911

Chapter 1: Olga’s Secret

Chapter 2: Family Secret

Chapter 3: Our Social Life

Chapter 4: Lieutenant Voronov

Chapter 5: On the Sea and in the Forest

Chapter 6: Celebration

Chapter 7: Olga in Love

Chapter 8: Out in Society

Chapter 9: Visitors and Visits

Part II: War, 1914

Chapter 10: Things Go Badly

Chapter 11: War Fever

Chapter 12: Changed Lives

Chapter 13: A Year of War

Chapter 14: A World Turned Upside Down

Chapter 15: After the Murder

Part III: Revolution, 1917

Chapter 16: Abdication

Chapter 17: A “Normal Routine”

Chapter 18: House Arrest

Chapter 19: Good-bye to Tsarskoe Selo

Part IV: Exile, 1917

Chapter 20: The Governor’s Mansion

Chapter 21: Making the Best of Things

Chapter 22: Prisoners

Part V: Fate, 1918

Chapter 23: Love and Fear

Chapter 24: The House of Special Purpose


Suggested Reading

About Carolyn Meyer

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