Anatomies: A Cultural History of the Human Body (36 page)

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Carroll, Lewis (C. L. Dodgson)

Alice in Wonderland

Through the Looking-glass

Carter, Henry Vandyke 78–80

Catherine the Great 81

Catts, Oron 164

Cervantes, Miguel de 93

Charles II 72

Chicago Sun Times 206

chloroform 79

choice, and the brain 123–4

cholerics 151

Christianity 142–3

chromosomes 209–10

Clark, Kenneth 229–30

Clarke, Alex 109

Cleopatra 99

clitoris 81–2

Clown Egg Register, Holy Trinity, Dalston 83

coccyx 53

cochlea 157

Cohen, Ben 155

Colette (Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette): Sido 226

Colombo, Realdo 71–2, 81

Colossus of Constantine 224–5

Combe, George 116

competitive eating 185–6

composite photography 97–9, 100

computer images 100, 101–2, 104

consciousness 83, 85, 107–8, 229

Cope, Edward Drinker 34

coprolites 178

Coren, Stanley 199–200

cosmetic surgery 46, 110–11, 163, 239

Cossey, Barry, later Carolyn 210

counting systems 194

cranioscopy 114–15

creativity, and the brain 123, 124–5

Cromwell, Oliver 155

head 84–5

Crooke, Helkiah: Microcosmographia 80, 127, 190

Cross-Modal Research Laboratory, Oxford 172

Cruikshank, George 117, 204

Cuisse de Nymphe/Cuisse de Nymphe Emue 226

Cundy, Jody 244–7

cupping 142

Cursor Mundi 39

cycling 244–8

Cyrano de Bergerac, Savinien 90


dance 220–23

danse macabre 51

d’Arconville, Marie-Geneviève-Charlotte Thiroux 81

Darwin, Charles 32, 96–7, 228–9

Davis, Natalie Zemon 107

de Grey, Aubrey 256–60, 261

dead bodies see cadavers

death 256, 258

and life expectancy 255–61

Defoe, Daniel: Robinson Crusoe 215, 216, 217

Delacroix, Eugène: Liberty Leading the People 236

denary counting 194

dentistry 76

Descartes, René 21, 73, 119, 165, 168–9, 189

Cartesian body-as-machine 73, 263


the eye 165–7,
, 168–9

the soul 168

Diamond, Marian 113

Dickens, Charles

Bleak House

A Christmas Carol

diet 178–86

digestion 180–81

digitus annularis 195

digitus auricularis 195

digitus impudicus/medicus 195

Dinoire, Isabelle 108

Dionysus 55

DNA 201, 257

Dolet, Etienne 127

Don Juan legend 243–4

Donne, John xxiv, 6, 23, 149, 207


animal ‘donors’ 252–3

blood 145–9

body/organ 9, 109–10, 136, 138–9

face 109–10

dopamine 152

Doryphoros (Polykleitos) 24

Douglas, Mary 143–4

dress 213

du Camp, Maxime 23

Dürer, Albrecht 153


Ear on Arm 164

ears 103, 153–64, 235

and ability to distinguish pitch 157–8

in art 153–7, 159, 161–2, 164

cochlea 157

Darwin’s point 163

grafted 163, 164

iconicity of 163

severed 159–61, 162

War of Jenkins’ Ear 159–60

eating 178–86

Ecker, Alexander 196

Eco, Umberto 215

Edison, Thomas 50, 118, 122

Edwards, Rachel 101–2

Efit system 104

eggs 209–10, 259

Egyptian hieroglyphics 132

Eiberg, Hans 171

Einstein, Albert 112, 228

electron spin 201–2

Elias, Norbert 41, 235

Eliot, George: Daniel Deronda 101

Elizabeth I xxii, 42, 102

embryonic development 200–201, 210

en pointe position 221

endocrinology 152

endorphins 152

Éon de Beaumont, Charles, Chevalier d’ 213–14

Epictetus 20

eroticism 50, 207, 220, 235–6

Essay Concerning the Infinite Wisdom of God, Manifested in the Contrivance and Structure of the Skin 236–7

ethnicity 237

eugenics 97–9

eunuchs 253–4

Eustachi, Bartolomeo 20

Eustachian tube 20

Eve (biblical) 55–6, 90, 156, 203, 236

Eve (Visible Human Project) 36

Evo-fit system 104

Extra Ear ¼ Scale 164

eyes 102–3, 165–77

colour 170–72

Descartes 165–77,

and facial recognition 103, 233

and identity 170

iris 170

and optical refraction 167

pupils 167

and sight 167–9, 172–4

and the soul 170


face 96–111

donors 109–10

facial recognition 102–8, 233

transplants 109–11

Faint, Mattie 83

Fallopian tubes 20

Falloppio, Gabriele 20, 70, 81

Fame 243

Fantastic Voyage xxiii

fat 11, 44–8, 231

fatty acids 46

feet 215–25

and ballet 220–23

foot binding 219

footprints 215–19

and sport 220

taboos concerning 219

Ferreri, Marco: La Grande Bouffe 185, 186

fig leaves 203, 204, 207

Filarete (Antonio di Pietro Averlino) 21

fingerprinting 32

fingers 187–8, 194–5, 196–7

index to ring finger ratio 196–7

signs 190–91, 192–4

Fischer, Otto 57

Flavel, John 128

quotation 127

flesh 38–48

art, skin tone and 226–7

eating human flesh 181–3

mortification 239

flexor digitorum profundis 189

flexor digitorum superficialis 188

fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) 123–6

food 178–86

footprints 215–19

For Your Eyes Only 210

Fore people, Papua New Guinea 181–2

fossils 178

footprints 217–19

Frankenstein syndrome 138

French Assembly 198

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) 123–6


‘G spot’ 82

Gachet, Paul 161

Gaia theory 20

gait 57–8

Galen of Pergamon 45, 69, 80, 119, 128, 150

Galileo Galilei 165

Gall, Franz Joseph 114–16

twenty-seven brain ‘organs’ 115,

Galton, Francis 31–3, 96–9, 98, 102–3, 170–71

gastronomy 178–86

Gates, Stefan 47

Gauguin, Paul 161

gays 145, 212

Geminoid robots 250


and cultural self-definition 212–13

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