Read Ancient DNA: Methods and Protocols Online
Authors: Beth Shapiro
cause them to miss alignments when the number of allowed
edits is set too low. Green
et al.
( 8 )
presented an aligner with sensitivity comparable to MegaBLAST ( 79, 80 ) that incorporates base misincorporation patterns typical of aDNA extracts.
12. If nonidentical sequences originating from different DNA molecules are clustered together, a consensus approach will average these. This may result in incorrect haplotype calls and low quality scores for sites where variation is present. Thus, a consensus approach should only be applied if it is very unlikely that two different template molecules may be clustered. For aDNA samples with a few million endogenous molecules, large megabase-sized genomes, and random fragment ends, the
assumption of PCR duplicates as the only source is probably valid. Large amounts of endogenous DNA, small genomes, or
protocols that generate nonrandom fragment ends (such as the use of restriction enzymes or multiplex PCR) may, however, confl ict with this assumption.
I thank all current and previous members of the Department of Evolutionary Genetics at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, and particularly members of the aDNA and 226
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sequencing group, for interesting discussions and useful insights as well as for providing their sequencing data for analysis (especially Knut Finstermeier for providing the example data set). I also thank Knut Finstermeier and Beth Shapiro for critical reading and revisions. This work was supported by a grant from the Max Planck Society.
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