Andrews Brothers 02 - The Rescue (27 page)

BOOK: Andrews Brothers 02 - The Rescue
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Kingsley lifted his head and studied him. “I believe you.”

“You do? So you will let me finish before you oust me?”

“It is not my place to oust you, my lord.”

“Don’t call me that Kingsley. I’m no better than you. In fact I’m worth less than you.”

Kingsley approached and patted his shoulder. “I take umbrage at that opinion, my lord. You are the son of Rowena Ravenlowe, Countess of Ravenwood.”


“Forgive me for speaking freely, but since you’ve arrived her ladyship’s health has greatly improved. Why Doctor Pennyworth could almost go home!”

“Truthfully?” The thought that he’d helped someone brought a sense of accomplishment he’d never felt before.

“Truthfully, your lordship. Now no more of this nonsense about not belonging. When or if the time arises to confront your brother, I will stand by your side.”

Tears formed in Chadwick’s eyes.

“Now, we have land to win back, and I have a surprise for you.” Kingsley exited the room, and Chadwick followed.


Sweat beaded on Devlin’s brow. His hand was pitiful! This was the worst he’d played since he’d met Vonda years ago. He sensed her disappointment as he placed his cards on the table and the small purse was scooped into another’s hands.

The vast amount of gamers in the room was daunting. He’d played talented gamblers in his day but none so great as those before him. Rising from the table, he secured his purse. His cane toppled to the ground and he bent to retrieve it. The sight of Vonda’s bosom took his breath away.

“Come with me.” She sauntered from the room and he hurried to follow. The thin material of her gown weaved around her legs and the candlelight struck straight through giving him a vision of loveliness.

Vonda didn’t stop until they stood outside the ballroom. Evergreen bushes were coated in layers of snow. Flurries fell and pooled around them. Vonda stuck out her tongue and caught one making tiny noises of pleasure as she savored the taste. Heat rose in his middle.

She lowered her chin and glared at him. “What are you doing in there?”

The assault took him by surprise. “I-I—”

“I know I taught you better than that. You are giving away coin like you have it to throw away. Just because you acquired a spot of land doesn’t mean it will last forever. Trust me, I know. Now stop fooling around and play seriously. I want to walk out of here with every coin in the house.”

She turned on her heel and stomped inside. Devlin closed his gaping mouth and rushed after her.


Brigitta and Luke found a table and took a seat. They stared at each other longingly across the tabletop, leaving Farrah feeling embarrassed and lonely. She shifted her gaze to the dancers and then to the crowd.

Leaving the lovers, she stood on her tiptoes and studied the tops of heads. Where was Andrew? He should be here. He was one of the hosts. The greeting by Rowena hadn’t been very satisfying. Since their escapade in the kitchen, her lips still tingling from their kiss, he had been all she could think about.

Kingsley scurried past with a gentleman behind him. Farrah narrowed her eyes and her heart skipped a beat. Andrew looked amazing in his new costume. The golden greatcoat complemented his dark hair. A white shirt was highlighted by a red vest which matched the color of his mask.

She ignored her companions and rushed after him. Kingsley and Andrew stopped in an alcove. A young man stepped from the shadows. Whispered words traveled between them. A pouch was handed over. Farrah struggled to see the contents. A bill fluttered to the floor and she covered a gasp.

What was going on?


Chadwick’s heart felt as if it sat in his throat as his cohort entered the gaming room. Kingsley had convinced him this was the best course of action and on the surface Chadwick had agreed. With the fact that he was a terrible gambler stacking the odds against him, they needed another player to assist in their game and subsequent rescue.

The young man entered the room and selected a table far from Lady Vonda and Lord Greywold. Chadwick remained in the shadows.

Game after game the table filled with coin and the young man’s purse grew. Men and women left the room or headed for a friendly game of whist where bets weren’t required. Soon only a few people remained.

They congregated at the middle table. Lady Vonda said, “It appears the game is down to the three of us.”

Devlin scooted his chair closer. Lady Vonda spoke to one of the lingering guests and asked if they would deal.

“Why don’t we play a game of Brag?”

Everyone agreed, the ante was set, and the cards dealt. Chadwick tugged his cravat away from his neck as his player lost the first hand.

“Exciting, isn’t it?” The sound of Farrah’s sweet voice caused his throat to tighten. “But I thought you were going to play Devlin and win back my land.” The accusation stung as she whipped around and flew from the room.

Chadwick cast a quick glance in her direction, but he was unable to leave his post. He had to see if his plan succeeded.

Game after game was played with low ante, and Lady Vonda grew increasingly frustrated. Her face flushed red and she called for her wine cup to be filled multiple times. Devlin eyed her, but didn’t comment.

Chadwick didn’t know how much more he could take. Before long he would jump in and up the ante himself.

“This is a complete bore. Why don’t we up the stakes a bit and get this ball rolling?” Devlin squirmed in his seat and Lady Vonda sent him a wink.

Three games later his cohort’s entire stash lay on the table along with the deed to Flannigan land. The odor of sweat and fear filtered through the room. Chadwick couldn’t breathe.

Lady Vonda laid down her hand first, showcasing a pair of queens. She reached forward to draw in the winnings, and Lord Greywold cleared his throat.

“Just a moment.” He lay down a run. Onlookers gasped. A smile widened his face and Chadwick almost sobbed aloud.

“Wait just a minute, I haven’t had my turn,” said Niles.

“But surely you can’t have a better hand than Lord Greywold!”

“I beg to differ.” The young man laid down a prial consisting of three fives. A woman swooned and her companion caught her.

Lady Vonda jumped to her feet. “He cheated!”

Niles leaned back in his chair and lifted his mask a fraction. A look of fear crossed Lady Vonda’s face as she recognized her own spy.

“Thank you very much for the winnings. I promise they will go to good use.” Niles gathered the coin and paper from the table and skipped from the room. Chadwick hurried to catch up.


It wasn’t possible. Andrew couldn’t have let her down. He just wouldn’t. Not a second time.

Outside on the patio she paced and pondered. Brigitta and Luke had failed to notice her absence. Maybe her cousin had to smooth ruffled feathers over the fact that she arrived and was unneeded. Farrah hadn’t meant to cause trouble between Brigitta and her husband.

Snow melted and seeped into her thin pelisse. Inside the crowd in the gaming room dispersed and filed past the garden’s door.

“That was the most expert game I’ve ever seen! I can’t believe Lord Greywold just placed the deed to his land on the table like that.”

“Might as well believe it. That was the way he won the land in the first place.”

The men trailed away, and Farrah was forced to recognize that her land had just switched hands again, and not to Andrew as she had hoped.

The back of Andrew’s head peeped through the open door. Farrah hitched up her skirts and hurried to follow him. He stood in the library and laughed with the young man from the gaming table. He removed his mask and laid it on the desk. “You were amazing!”

The boy blushed. “Just doing my duty. Now I believe I can go home and lift my head high knowing for all my scheming I finally did someone some good.”

“Yes, you did at that.” Andrew patted the young man on the back and offered him a glass of sherry. “To a job well done.”

“And to your new life.”

They toasted and Farrah’s heart plummeted. What did Andrew mean? Did he intend to take her land? She couldn’t take it anymore. She stepped into the doorway. “I demand to know the meaning of this?”

Andrew’s eyes widened and he set his glass down. A gasp echoed behind her and she turned to find Brigitta and Luke.

“Arrest that man!” yelled Luke.

Andrew paled and Farrah stepped in front of him. “What is going on?”

“Farrah move out of the way. You don’t know who you are protecting,” said Brigitta.

“Of course I know who I’m protecting. This is Andrew Ravenlowe, son of Rowena Ravenlowe, Countess of Ravenwood.” Her voice trembled as she said the words.

Luke placed a steady hand on her forearm even as he sent a scathing look over her head. “No, it is not.” He removed his own mask and Farrah swayed. It couldn’t be. “This is my half-brother, Chadwick Andrews, and he is under arrest for thievery.”


Chapter Thirty

Authorities were summoned. Chadwick ordered Kingsley to keep Rowena at bay; he didn’t want her upset by the subject at hand. But Kingsley had been unable to keep his request. Rowena sat beside him on the sofa and cradled his hands to her cheek.

“I won’t let them take you. You’re my son. Why do they always want what is dear to me?”

Several times he’d tried to reason with her but it had fallen on deaf ears. Was it better to let the woman believe she was losing a son or that she’d never had one to begin with, he didn’t feel qualified to answer that question.

Farrah rested on the opposite sofa. Her glazed eyes stared at him. Brigitta tried to soothe her, but it seemed hopeless. He’d tried to approach and even went so far as to kneel before her but Luke growled and sent him away. It seemed there was no way to explain what he’d done.

The sound of stomping echoed in the hallway. Gaston Gouge entered with the constable. He pushed his spectacles into place and took a seat behind the desk.

“What are you doing here, Mr. Gouge?” asked Chadwick struggling to keep the defeated tone from his voice.

“I’ve come at the behest of the magistrate. He seems to think this is an unusual case and that I might be of some assistance. So…” He leaned back in the chair. “…who is going to tell their story first?”

Luke raised his hand. “I’ll go first. This man is a charlatan and a liar.”

“And your half-brother,” said Chadwick crossing his legs and fighting a smirk of satisfaction.

Luke trembled from head to toe and pointed a shaky finger in Chadwick’s direction. “You are not allowed to speak. The mess you left with me was—was barbarous! Brigitta and I have had to give tours of the estate just to feed the staff. And you’ve been out pretending to be the son of a lady.”

“I was the son of a lady.”

Luke sighed. “Do take me seriously. You know what you’ve done. Now confess and let them cart you off to the gaol.”

Chadwick opened his mouth, but Rowena interrupted, “I’ll pay his debt.”

“What?” Chadwick and Luke said in tandem.

“I’ll pay it. Whatever the cost, I’ll pay.”

Chadwick grabbed Rowena’s hands. “No, you can’t. I won’t let you.”

“But, I must, you’re my son.”

Chadwick closed his eyes and prayed for wisdom. When he faced Rowena he saw an outpouring of love. “Rowena, please. I know you realize I’m not your son.”

“I do no such thing.”

“Rowena, thank you for your acts of kindness toward me, but this is my debt, and no one can pay it but me.”

“But, I must pay. They can’t take you away from me, they can’t.” Silent tears trailed along her wrinkled face and he wiped them away and kissed their path.

The word tumbled from his trembling lip. “Mother.” Her tears flowed more freely. “Please don’t make this any harder than it has to be. You are the only person who has ever believed in me. From the time of my birth I’ve longed for someone like you and being with you, if even for a brief time, will last me forever.” He stood and held out his wrists. “But I must do as Luke asks.”

The constable placed him in heavy, cold manacles, and his arms drooped. No one said a word as he was escorted from the room. He shouted over his shoulder. “Farrah, Niles will sign the deed to your land and Flannigan land over to you. Don’t forget. Also the coin that Niles collected is for your father’s debts.”

The door to the library closed and blocked out Rowena’s wails.


Lady Vonda’s mouth dropped as Chadwick’s identity was revealed. She pushed Devlin into a shadowy corner and whispered harshly, “How did you let this happen?”

“Me! It was your spy who betrayed you.”

“No, it was you who betrayed me. I gave you one simple task, win Flannigan’s land for me. And what do you do, you place it on the table and piss it away like it was nothing.”

“I did what you told me to!”

She waved away his words and stalked angrily onto the front patio. She waved to her driver and her carriage jerked forward. “Come. We must make new arrangements. We may have lost this round but there are others who are witless and not sly to our methods. Let’s away to London and check on the Elis situation. If your brother has failed maybe you can take his place.”

Devlin felt light headed as he followed his lady love to her carriage and climbed inside.


Farrah wrung her hands as Chadwick was escorted from the room. She shouted, “Wait!” The door closed on Lord Greywold and his lady cohort just as the constable, his men, and the shackled Chadwick reached the door.

Brigitta grabbed her hand. “What are you doing?”

She faced her cousin. “Brigitta, I remember your letters. I remember what happened to you and the duplicity you were involved in. I know the type of man you say he is but, Andrew, I mean, Chadwick, the man I know isn’t like that. He is kind and generous, considerate, and funny. He has expressed love for an old woman when everyone else shunned her. And when I thought all was lost he gave me hope.”

“Farrah please, just listen.”

Farrah shrugged off her cousin’s arm and ran to Chadwick’s side. She lifted her face to his. “I’m sorry I doubted you.”

“Don’t be, I deserve your censure and much more.”

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