Andromeda Day and the Black Hole (18 page)

BOOK: Andromeda Day and the Black Hole
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“Do you know, love, I’m beginning to realize
that you might just be right.” He yawned. “I’m going to get drunk and sleep for
a fortnight.”

Laughing, she left his rooms and went up to
her own quarters. Going into her bedroom, she flopped down onto the bed, fully
clothed, and turned tiredly to look out of the window. She could see the stars
wheeling in the sky as the ship turned, and then there was Thoume, the clouds
white against its light blue-purple atmosphere.

An image of Clios flashed into her mind. She
had been puzzling about why the Ruvalian girl hadn’t told them that the Golden
Star was actually a baby rather than an artifact. But as she lay there, she
thought that she knew the answer. Deneb had told Clios that he was a collector,
and Clio must have thought that the idea of a lost artifact would prove a
stronger drive to him, and perhaps an easier goal than the retrieval of a
person from the prison. She had manipulated them, Andi realized, but she didn’t
blame her for it. Clios had been desperate, and she must have seen in Deneb and
Andi a chance to finally free her people.

A lump came into her throat as she thought
about her friend falling over the barrier into the depths of the mine, buried
forever in a watery grave. For the first time she let a tear fall and run down
her cheek onto the pillow. But then she shook her head. She wouldn’t think
about her like that. Clios wasn’t there now, anyway. She was somewhere else,
not sick any more, but strong and beautiful, perhaps having discussions with
Sagitta Day about Andi and Deneb, and the Golden Star.

Her hand closed around the Indigo Quartz
pendant, still lying within her clothes, that Jarl had said she could keep. Perhaps
one day, she would be able to develop her psychic talents enough to talk to her


Andi closed her eyes, and slept.


~ The End ~

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