Angel in Chains (5 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Eden

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Paranormal, #General

BOOK: Angel in Chains
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Sam was right. Damn him. The feelings and needs and wants were pressing on him all the time. Constantly tempting him.
No wonder humans were so drawn to sin. If Sam hadn’t interrupted, Az would have taken Jade
right there.
“She’s gone, you know,” Sam said as his laughter slowly faded, and he rose to his feet. “Ran away like a frightened rabbit.” He frowned. “You know, on second thought, perhaps you should go in easy. A human truly isn’t the best choice for your first lover.”
First. Because angels didn’t need sex. They didn’t hunger for the pleasure and the—
I hunger for her.
“We can get a bit . . . rough.” Sam continued as he shrugged his shoulders. “You’d better start off with a shifter, or maybe a vamp. Someone who can handle our excess power. Once you get more control, then you can work up to bedding a human.”
Az ground his back together. “I don’t want another.” That was part of the problem. Other women had come to tempt him, trying to sway him, but his body had never burned with hunger as it did for Jade. One kiss—and he craved her.
Must. Have. More.
He wanted to see why humans were willing to die for their pleasure. Was the sex truly that good?
It couldn’t be.
Could it?
Sam’s brows shot up. “If you don’t want anyone else, then why’d you let her rush out of here?” His gaze swept to the dead demon in the corner. “They’re hitters, you know. Pay ’em enough money, they kill whoever you want.”
“He’s put a price on your pretty head . . .”
The demon’s words drifted through Az’s mind and his hands fisted. “You know that they do—yet you still allowed them in your bar?”
“Well, I
planning to kill them all tonight.” Sam seemed completely unconcerned. “But then you just had to jump in and play hero before I could take out the trash.”
Az’s eyes narrowed to a slit at that.
“Now the other assholes are out running loose.” Sam tapped his chin. “And the little human you were so intent on guarding is out there all alone.”
Snarling, Az shoved past his brother.
“Careful,” Sam’s voice hardened, and Az glanced back at him. “They really aren’t as weak as you might think,” Sam warned.
But Sam was wrong.
Nothing was weaker than a human.
Az headed after Jade.
“You’ll learn.” Sam’s taunt followed him. “Soon enough.”
The demons had run, fast. They’d hauled ass and gotten out of the bar at near light speed.
Jade stood outside of Sunrise, ignoring the crowd. Her gaze searched the street. If she had a shifter’s nose, she’d just be able to smell the demons and follow their scent.
She didn’t have that talent.
She didn’t have claws. No magic. No super strength.
But she was smart, dammit. She could figure this out without any paranormal mumbo jumbo.
Her gaze followed the dips and turns of the street. If she were running, she would have kept to the shadows. She would have gone away from the crowd. Tried to disappear into the darkness.
Jade marched for that darkness. Her fingers still curled around the knife, but she had the weapon lowered and hidden near the side of her hip. Its weight reassured her as she walked through the night.
One step. Another.
The bar faded away behind her. Her steps came faster. Faster. More running than walking.
She heard the whisper of laughter on the wind. The growl of an engine.
Jade rounded the corner. Oh, hell,
She recognized the demon currently shoving
cash into the saddlebag on a black motorcycle.
Pushing herself as hard as she could, Jade lunged forward. She whipped up the knife and wrapped her arm around the demon. Her stomach pressed into his back and the tip of the blade slipped over his throat. “You’ve got something of mine.”
He stilled.
Then he laughed. “Figured you’d be coming after me.”
“You figured right.” Did he want some kind of bonus points? “Now
give me back my money
!” A girl had to live. and she had to possess enough money to keep the devil off her back.
He yanked up the saddlebag and tossed it to her. She let the blade of the knife slide deeper into his skin.
“You’re gonna die,” he told her, his voice a snarl.
Now it was her turn to laugh. Like a little death threat would bother her. It wasn’t the first time she’d gotten one—or even the fifth time. “You’ll be the one to see hell first. How do you think Brandt’s going to react when he finds out that you had me, but you just let me walk away?”
Brandt didn’t exactly take well to failure.
She felt the sudden tension in the demon’s body. She brought her mouth close to his ear. “Get ready to have some of that skin clawed right off your body. Brandt enjoys taking his pound of flesh.” Very true.
But she didn’t. Jade jumped back, taking the knife and saddlebag. The demon could use that bike and get the hell out of town. If he was smart, that was exactly what he’d do.
The motorcycle growled behind her.
“Fucking bitch . . .”
And she knew the demon wasn’t going to be playing it smart. Pity. That would have made things easier. She’d tried to give him an out. No dice.
Jade started to run.
The motorcycle’s engine stopped growling and started to roar. Sparing a fast look over her shoulder, she saw that the demon had spun his bike around. He was coming right at her.
Some guys just had a death wish.
She zagged to the left. Felt the breath of the bike behind her.
So close now.
So close
She dove over a pile of garbage. Slammed into the cement. The motorcycle missed her right foot by about two inches.
Then the demon circled back around.
The beam from the headlight cut through the darkness. “No human bitch is getting away from me!” the demon yelled.
Jade rose to her feet. The motorcycle had braked about ten feet away. She walked forward, dodged the garbage, and stood in the middle of the street.
She’d left the saddlebag full of money behind the garbage. Her hands were down, half hidden behind her jeans. She lowered her head, offering a pose of submission.
knew just how weak humans were.
Wait for him. Wait . . .
The motorcycle roared once more. He came racing toward her.
Jade tilted back her head and met his stare. She smiled. In that instant before impact, she leapt to the side, then struck out with her knife. His scream filled her ears even as metal screeched and the motorcycle slammed into the road.
Her shoulders hunched as she stared down at the body. The knife was in his chest. The back of his head had smacked right into the pavement, and his leg was twisted beneath him.
The motorcycle had rolled twice. Now it lay in a wreck just a few feet away.
“Bitch . . .”
Not a snarl this time. Only a whisper.
Jade licked her lips. “You should have just walked away.” Didn’t he understand? Brandt wanted her back for a reason.
Because I’m as screwed up as he is.
Killing had come too easily for her. All she’d needed was a little guidance. Brandt had been so willing to guide her.
As she turned away from the demon, Jade could have almost sworn that the light scent of flowers teased her nose. She paused and glanced back. The demon’s eyes were still open. Still on her.
“I didn’t want to kill you,” she said and sadness made her words heavy, “but I’m not ready to die.”
The flowery scent seemed to deepen. She grabbed the money. Left the knife in his chest.
And walked away.
Brandt found the demon’s body. Tossed like garbage in the street. He bent and studied the knife that was still buried hilt-deep in the demon’s chest.
Jade had been shopping. The woman always liked her silver. He touched the handle, being careful to keep his hands away from that burning silver blade.
The demon gasped.
Still alive.
Brandt smiled. “You called. You told me that you had my Jade.” He made a point of glancing around the empty street. No partying here. No celebrating. Just death. “But I don’t see her.”
The demon tried to talk. Blood gurgled from his lips.
“Why don’t I see her?” Brandt asked and gave a little shake of his head. “I paid you money—very good money at that—to keep her for me.” He didn’t trust his pack anymore. Not with her. They kept screwing up, every damn time. So he’d branched out. Hired muscle.
And Jade had driven a silver knife into the guy’s chest.
Oh, but he fucking loved her.
“Now where the hell is William?” He demanded. William was the demon in charge of this group of killers. The big boss demon. “If he doesn’t have her . . .”
But he’d seen the demon’s lashes twitch. Brandt stilled.
“Where’s William.”
Not a question. A demand this time.
“D-dead . . .” A gurgle of sound.
“By Jade’s hand?” Impressive. She was gaining new skills. He’d suspected she always liked the blood, but two demon kills in one night was just taking her game up to a whole new level.
“B-bastard . . . with . . . her . . .”
No, no, that was damn well
what he wanted to hear. Brandt drove that knife down as hard as he could. It ripped past bone and flesh and sank into the pavement beneath the demon’s body.
No more gurgles. No more whispers. Just wide open eyes and a demon that was looking at hell. Brandt sure hoped the guy enjoyed the view.
Riley paced behind him. “You think it’s the same man?”
Brandt surged to his feet.
Fuck yes.
And was the man screwing her? He was sure killing for her. Twice now. And why else would he kill, why else would he get involved? The unknown asshole
to be fucking her. “Find him,” it was hard to speak as a man when the beast inside was snarling so loudly. “Get every hunter we have in this city—and
find him
“You want him dead or alive?” Riley asked quietly as he backed up a space.
Dead or alive—the same question that had been asked about Jade.
“Alive.” Because he’d be the one to kill the bastard. Jade would watch.
Just as she’d watched before.
She likes the blood, too.
Revelers still packed the streets of New Orleans. The parades had ended hours ago, but as Jade shoved her way through the streets, she knew the folks celebrating on Bourbon Street didn’t really care that the beads weren’t flying anymore.
Laughter floated in the air on an alcohol breeze. Women hung off balconies, flashing for the crowd below.
She hadn’t gone back to her place. At this point, Jade just wasn’t sure if the small apartment was still safe. First the pack had come for her, and then she’d learned about the demons.
Her temporary anonymity in this city had definitely been blown to hell.
Jade was afraid that if she went back to that apartment, she’d find another hunter waiting for her.
The city wasn’t a haven for her. Not anymore.
“Hey, baby.” A big, smiling guy jostled into her. “Can I buy you a drink?”
“No, thanks.” She pushed away from him. The last thing she wanted was to get chummy with some frat boy looking for a good time.
“But, baby!” Now he sounded hurt. “I’ve got—”
The crowd around her cheered. The women on the balcony to the right had flashed. Again.
“You’ve got the wrong woman,” she told him. “Go try your luck with someone else.” Maybe one of the Ms. Flashies.
His eyes narrowed on her, and she realized that, unfortunately, he wasn’t as drunk as she’d thought. “Holy shit, is that blood on you?” frat guy demanded, now with a note of shock in his voice.
And, yes, yes, it was. Demon blood could be a bitch to get out of a girl’s shirt, too. No matter how many washes, that thick stuff just stayed.
This time when she yanked away from the frat boy, he let her go. Actually, he all but shoved her in his haste to get away. Hmm. Future reference note.
Show a little blood and the guys will vanish fast
She pushed through the crowds as she wound her way up to the nearest open apartment that she could find. Lucky for her, some folks invited the world in to their homes for a Mardi Gras party.

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