Angel Magic (15 page)

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Authors: Brooklyn O'Bannon

BOOK: Angel Magic
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He bent and kissed her, and her arms went tight around his neck. She buried her hands in the soft feathers of his wings.

In a swift move, they were on the bed, Rahmiel half on top of her.

“Are you still sore, sweet Kari?”

“I don’t think so…but you can make my soreness go away if there is any. So there’s only pleasure, right?”

“Only if you wish it. I do not want to make things hazy. I want you right here with me.”

His kiss was firm this time, tongue thrusting hard and fast. He pulled away and moved his mouth to her neck, where his caress was just as strong and passionate, as though he was devouring her. She felt herself melting with moisture.

He moved to her breasts and flicked his tongue across one nipple. “I can’t get enough of you.” His lips closed over one nipple and she moved restlessly against him at the sweet torture.

“Is it the bond? Is that why you desire me?” she asked.

He chuckled, a rumble against her breast. “Oh, I would desire you, with or without the bond. But it does make it more exciting for me. Sparks of pleasure run through my body when I touch you.”

“Yes, I feel that, too.”

“I want you to feel more than sparks of pleasure.” His fingers trailed down her stomach.

Kari sucked in a breath and swallowed hard. She threaded her fingers through his hair and made herself relax until his wet tongue gave slow licks to her nipple. Her body jerked in reaction.

“This huge room…you can probably do the flying sex thing. Is that your favorite way?”

She ran her hands through his hair as he feasted on her nipple.

He stopped and looked up at her. “I do like it in flight. But there are other ways.”

He returned to her nipples and licked one hard. She drew in a breath and wondered if he knew how crazy she was about him. One touch and she was wet and eager.

“What about two Angels, do they fly together?”

He looked up and raised his eyebrows. “You want to
about Angel sex? You could be
Angel sex. Wouldn’t that be better?”

“Maybe I just want to have plain old human sex.” She wiggled away from him toward the middle of the bed.

He crawled after her. “Does that mean I get to be on top?”

“Sure.“ She made herself speak casually, but her heart pounded. “We can take turns.”

“So it is my turn on top, right?” He crawled over her, imprisoning her between his arms and legs. She could feel the tip of his penis graze her stomach.

He shifted so his hips were heavy on her pelvis, and now she could feel the tip of his cock barely touching her lips.

“Being on top is important to you?” her breathless voice ruined her teasing tone.

“You’re wet,” he rumbled against her throat. “So warm and wet. And you smell good. Did you know that?”

“Well, I did take a bath in the Ether. After you left.”

“You want me.” He scooted down and licked a nipple again, his eyes not leaving her.

“I admit I do like this.” She swallowed.

“It is not just the bond? There are other qualities about me that you enjoy?”

She was surprised that he asked. Perhaps he wanted more than just a sexual relationship?

“There are other attractive things about you,” she whispered. “I like that you listen to me. I like that you are willing to face that demon so others won’t die.”

“It is my duty,” he said, but he looked pleased.

“You could refuse to do it. It looks like the other Guardian Angels have refused to fight it.”

She paused, and then drew a breath. “Do you like things about me, besides the sex?” She ducked her head so he couldn’t see her face. If he
all about the sex, it would hurt. She didn’t want him to see how vulnerable she was about him.

He smoothed her hair. “Yes, Kari. I like many things about you. You are true to your friends. That is important, because who could trust someone who is not a good friend?” He pressed a kiss on her forehead. “In the past, human women often seemed afraid of me, which made me uncomfortable. I did not know what to do to make them relax around me. But you are not afraid of me…”

He paused and Kari peeked at him. His serious expression made her smile. Perhaps he was finding this binding as confusing as she was. She threaded her hands through his hair and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. That led to other kisses.

“I haven’t bathed since we were flooded back in the Ether,” Rahmiel said when their mouths parted.

“Do they have a bath here?”

“Yes, but I don’t know what type. And if it is tiny then I can’t be on top.” He stuck out his lower lip in the pout that sent shivers running through her.

“What if I promise you can have a turn on top as soon as possible?”

He grinned. “Are you saying I smell bad?”

She giggled. “No. But you do have dried blood on your arm and chest.”

Suddenly he clenched his arms around her and they were air born. “The bath is through here.”

The bath sparkled with cut crystal, awash in star shine, bright enough that she could see Rahmiel clearly, even the pale gold down on his chest, arms and legs. His cock was erect, grazing his belly, and she could see the blue veins that ran its length in the amplified starlight. His eyes seemed to catch the light that rained down upon them and shined bright blue.

“Can people—Angels—see us?”

“No, don’t worry about that. It is made for privacy.” Rahmiel put her down in a shallow area of a pool of warm water.

There were small waterfalls cascading from great heights into pools surrounded by greenery and flowers, their bright colors muted by the light. Mist formed in the pools and the air was warm and fragrant.

Rahmiel poured the contents of a small decanter into the warm water under the fall and it soon filled with fragrant bubbles.

“Come,” he said, and lowered himself into the pool, which slanted at an angle to make stretching out easier.

The water felt silky, almost as if it had oil in it, though she could feel no oily residue on her skin. Rahmiel slid down behind her. His hands found her breasts and the soft bubbles made his fingers slippery as he caressed her. Lips and teeth licked and nibbled her neck until she squirmed, wiggling her buttocks against his rigid cock. She slid her hand behind her back and teasingly caressed the tip of his shaft, enjoying the slick smooth feel.

“The bubbles taste sweet,” he said, and slid a finger into her mouth.

It was true. His finger had a slight fruity flavor. She pulled his finger deeper into her mouth and licked it with her tongue, while his finger gently chased and caressed her tongue.

“I’ve changed my mind about being on top,” he whispered. He lifted her by her hips and gently eased her down onto his cock. “Am I hurting you?”

“No. Feels good,” she moaned and wiggled a little.

“Very nice,” he whispered into her hair. “Now let’s see what kind of sprayer this bathroom has.” He clutched her across the chest, with one arm, and leaned to one side, where he investigated the shelf of plants that encircled the bath.

“Here we are.” He placed a slender flexible tube in the water.

“What’s that?”

“You’ll see. You’ll like it.”

He held the tip between two fingers, and moved it right onto her clit, where he circled it round and round in the silky water.

“Now,” he whispered, and water began to pulse out onto her clit from the tube. He continued to circle her clit with the tube between his fingers.

The pleasure was intense, but she knew that just a tiny bit more pressure and it would become painful. Her legs, floating in the water, jerked spasmodically. She could barely breathe.

Then he pulled it away, and her clit throbbed. She squirmed in frustration. “Don’t stop,“ she whispered. She didn’t have enough air to speak louder.

Deep inside, Rahmiel made tiny, hard bumps into her core, more of a rocking motion. “You’re going to come so hard,” he whispered, his voice raw and hoarse.

“When you do, when I can feel your pussy tightening around me, I’m putting you over that shelf and I’m going to do it hard.” He placed the spurting water back on her clit, circling it around.

His words inflamed her further, and she groaned.

Somehow he turned up the pressure on the tube, but it didn’t hurt like she thought it would. Instead she felt frozen, held tightly in place by the power of the slender stream of water. Her voice came in harsh gasps. She gripped his muscled thighs so tight her fingernails dug into his flesh. She could feel her orgasm building within her, and knew it was going to be tremendous. She held her breath, and it happened. She shattered, her pussy clenching hard around
as the pattern of sparkles behind her eyelids seemed to explode.

Rahmiel pressed her onto the cool tile so quickly it made her dizzy. Rahmiel rammed into her from behind, and her pussy clenched again, tighter this time, the pleasure so intense she nearly passed out as her body careened into another orgasm.


* * * *

Later, when he could move, Rahmiel lifted her limp body into his arms and cradled her against his chest. She was so lovely, her eyes dark and soft, lips a little swollen.

“I don’t think I can move,” she whispered, threading her arms around his neck.

He bathed her clean from their fluids, and flew her to the big bed because she declared her legs were unable to hold her up, she was so tired. She fell asleep as soon as he pulled the covers up, and he stroked her hair while she slept. He held her close for a long time, unable to sleep. His feelings for her were strong. Stronger than he’d ever had for a woman before.


Was this love? Or was it the bond? He wasn’t sure. He knew he didn’t want her out of his sight. He was frightened that something would happen to her, between Kaphawn and the idiot
She is precious to me. If Lemuel throws me in ice, I can get to Ether.

I might not be able to be with her, but I can watch her, maybe be with her now and then.
But shedeserves more.

Their future together seemed blocked by many obstacles. If only there was a way he could make it easier for them to be together. He was tired, too. He rested his head on her breasts and drifted off.


Chapter Eleven


Kari woke in the night. Rahmiel’s head was on her stomach and he was sound asleep. She stroked his hair and marveled at the length of his lashes.

Will we still be together when the demon is beaten? How can we? He can’t live on Earth. Itdoesn’t sound like the Overworld is a very welcoming place for him, either. Maybe he doesn’teven care about a future with me when the demon is gone.
Kari tried to convince herself it was just the sex and the bond with Rahmiel she felt. But she knew she was in love with him even though it had only been a short while. It was going to hurt when this was all over.

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