Angel on Fire (35 page)

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Authors: Jacquie Johnson

BOOK: Angel on Fire
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Chase leaned against the railing and motioned toward the door.


“Come on.  Live a little,” Angela teased swinging back and forth.  “I love watching the storm roll in.”


Chase remained where he was and she rolled her eyes, patting the spot next to her.  “Sit and watch with me.  It’s perfectly safe.  Please.”


Chase glanced over his shoulder at the darkening sky but sat down.  “I disagree with your assessment.”  His tone was bland but Angela had a feeling he was spoiling for a fight.


  You think the storm’s going to hurt me?’


“No, I think whoever is after you is going to hurt you,” he retorted. 


“Not with a big, strong man like you to protect me.”  She planted a smacking kiss on his cheek. 


“I can’t protect you if you don’t listen.”  Chase stood and walked over to the railing as he looked out at the roiling water. 


“Fine,” Angela grumbled, standing.  “I’ll go in.”  She stomped to the door as lightning struck a tree in the forest.  She jumped and then laughed as she stepped inside.




“Good walk?” Sean asked from his spot near the door.


“How’d she get by you?”  Chase leveled his friend with an angry look.


Sean raised an eyebrow.  “She’s sneaky.  Besides, I didn’t realize I was going to have trouble keeping her in.  I was concentrating on keeping others out.” 


The lights flickered, and the three women laughed.  “Got candles, Maddie?” Cat laughed.  “We could have ourselves an old fashioned séance.” 


Chase and Sean tensed when the lights went out again. 
Chase barked when the room remained dark. 


“One or two.”
  Maddie rifled through a desk drawer.  A dim beam turned on and she pointed it toward the two men who stood near the front door.  “
”  She handed Sean another flashlight and headed for the stairs.  “Cat, Angela, grab some candles from the pantry shelf.  I think I have another light in my bedroom.” 


The girls lit several candles and set them out in the family room and kitchen.  “Come sit down,” Angela urged. 


“It’s just a power outage from the storm,” Maddie offered as she joined the group.  She passed a flashlight to Chase and seated herself at Cat’s feet.  “It happens a lot out here.” 


Chase walked to the window, pulled the drapes and peered out through a crack.  He and Sean exchanged looks and Sean wandered out of the room.  “Where’s your gun, Angela?”


“Upstairs.”  She jumped out. 


“Go get it,” Chase ordered.  As Angela climbed the stairs, she heard Chase bark, “Maddie, where’s your gun?” 


“In the safe.”


“What do you have?” Chase followed her as she hurried to the safe and unlocked it. 




Angela hurried up the stairs to retrieve her own gun.  She wasn’t sure what Chase was so worried about.  Power outages were common in the area, especially during storms.  Thunder boomed and she jumped, dropping the flashlight Chase had handed her.  She dropped to the floor to find the light.  She reached her hand forward into the darkness and it hit a hard object.  It felt like leather.  She looked up and a flash of lightning illuminated Derrick Blakely’s face. 


Angela screamed. 


Derrick loomed over her, his boot trapping her hand.  “Get up,” he hissed.  Angela could hear Chase’s feet on the stairs behind her. 


“Let her go,” Chase demanded. 


Derrick yanked Angela’s head back, tangling his fingers in her hair.  She winced but froze when he placed the barrel of his gun next to her temple. 


“No,” Derrick snarled.  “Angela’s coming with me, aren’t you, sweetheart?”  He jerked her hair and Angela cried out. 


Chase held his weapon on Derrick who merely tightened his grip on Angela.  She took a moment to appreciate how steady Chase’s hand was before lifting her eyes to his and pleading with him to shoot.  Her chances were better in the house than they were in Derrick’s custody. 


  “Let her go,” Chase repeated.  He swallowed hard. 


“No,” Derrick laughed.  “Oh, you might as well put the gun down, boy.  I know you won’t shoot me because I’ll shoot her before the bullet hits me.  You don’t want to be responsible for her death, do you? 
A man like you?
A savior?
A hero?
  How would it feel to know you killed an innocent woman?”


Angela cringed at Derrick’s words.  It wouldn’t be Chase’s fault, if she died.  “I love you,” she mouthed.  Chase didn’t respond, but his eyes lightened and she knew he understood. 


Another pair of footsteps sounded behind them and Chase spun around to greet the new threat.  A burly man pointed his gun at Chase.  “Put the weapon down, Chase,” the new man advised.  “It’s not worth dying over.  The others are downstairs,” the man informed Derrick. 


“Excellent.”  Angela had the feeling Derrick would have rubbed his hands together with joy if he hadn’t been holding a gun to her head.  “Downstairs, Angela.  Then we’re going for a ride.”


Derrick yanked her to her feet, using her hair and she bit back another cry.  Chase stood with his weapon out, his back to the wall.  The second man motioned for Chase to lead but he shook his head.  Derrick chuckled and shook his head before shoving Angela toward the stairs, the gun still sitting next to her temple. 


“Why?” Angela heard Chase demand as Derrick forced her down the stairs.


“Money, of course,” the second man replied. 


Derrick shoved Angela and she fell forward, landing on her knees.  He tapped her on the top of the head with the butt of the gun.  “You deserve that and more for all the trouble you caused me, Angela,” he declared. 


Angela whimpered but struggled to her feet despite the stabbing pain in her head.  Forcing one foot in front of the other, she made her way down the rest of the stairs as slowly as a prisoner walking to his execution.  Maddie, Cat and Griffin sat in a line on the couch.  They were so still they could have been a painting.  Cat mouthed, “Are you okay?” while Griffin stared at Angela with his mouth open and his eyes wide with fear. 


Derrick jerked her to a halt, and Angela stopped so abruptly that she stumbled back against him.  Derrick kissed her on the temple.  “Sorry, sweetheart.”  His touch made Angela sick.  To think, this man had acted like a second father to her for years.  Now, he was holding a gun to her head. 
And for what?


“Why, Derrick?’ she demanded.


“Why?” he roared, waving the gun in front of her face.  “Why? 
Because of your fucking father, of course.
Couldn’t stay out of my business.
  You shouldn’t do that, Derrick.  It’s not right.  Well, who the hell cares?”  Derrick threw his head back and laughed.  “He told me I couldn’t sell the software.  Can you believe that?  The almighty, righteous Nicholas McKenzie told me I couldn’t do it.  Well, he was wrong.  I can and I will.  And you, Angela, my dear, are going to help me.”  He ran the barrel of the gun alongside her face.  “Where did Daddy hide the software?” 


Angela flinched.  “I don’t know,” she lied. 


Derrick shook his head.  “You’re lying.  But it doesn’t matter.  Hello, Griffin.” 


Griffin paled as the man behind the couch grabbed him under the arms and lifted him up, holding him as if he were a rag doll.  Griffin sent Angela a pleading look. 
Don’t look at me
, she thought. 
I’m not exactly in a great position myself.


“Where’s Chase?” Angela demanded when the man from upstairs joined them.


“He decided to take a nap,” the man replied with a smile.  “He’ll be fine, Ms. McKenzie.” 


With those words, Angela’s hope for rescue plummeted.  


“Chase!” Sean hissed in his ear.  “Wake up, man.”


“What?”  Chase rolled over and realized his hands were tied behind his back.  Sean sliced through the ropes.  “What happened?”


“Blakely got the drop on us.  Tyler’s with him. 


Chase jerked upright, remembering Blakely’s wild eyes as he held the gun at Angela’s temple.  “Angela?” he demanded. 


“Blakely’s got her and Griffin.  They tied up Maddie and Cat and left a few minutes ago.” 


“How many men does he have?  And where did they go?”  Chase ignored the pain in his head.  He needed to find Angela.  Blakely looked like a man on the edge, and he didn’t want Angela near him when he went over.


“Three men, including Blakely.
  If he hadn’t gotten to Angela first, we would have been okay, but he immobilized you by threatening Angela.”  Chase could hear the reprimand in Sean’s voice.  His feelings for Angela interfered with his ability to protect her.  If he hadn’t cared so much, he would have taken the shot and possibly rescued her.  But he hadn’t been able to force himself to risk her life. 


“How’d you get away?”  Chase raced down the stairs.  Maddie and Cat lay on the floor, rolling around with their hands behind their backs. 


Maddie demanded, struggling to sit up with her back toward Cat.


“Looks like you ladies had the right idea,” Sean announced, using his knife to cut through the rope binding
hands first.  He moved on to


“They took Angela.”  Maddie grabbed Chase’s arm.


“And Griffin,” Cat added as an afterthought.


“I know,” Chase admitted.  “Which way did they do?”


“Out to the lake,” Maddie warned him.  She rifled through the junk drawer in the kitchen.  “We’ll take the boat.”  She pulled out a set of keys connected to an old fishing bobber and started for the door.


Sean grabbed them from her fingers.  “Go to town and get help,” he ordered as Chase followed him out the door. 


Cat and Maddie stood in the doorway, their expressions mutinous.  “Do it,” Chase demanded.  “I’ll get Angela.  Or die trying,” he added to himself as he walked away. 


Sean started the engine and pushed the throttle forward to maximum power.  The speedboat accelerated down the canal.  Binoculars in hand, Chase scanned the horizon for signs of the other boat.  Through the lashing rain, he caught a glimpse of something in the distance.  “There!” he yelled to Sean, pointing.  Sean nodded and spun the wheel. 


As they closed the gap, they caught sight of several figures fighting near the back of the boat.  A shrill scream drifted toward them, and Chase’s heart stopped when a body fell overboard but started again when he saw a bald head bob above the surface. 

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