ANGEL: When Angels Cry (5 page)

Read ANGEL: When Angels Cry Online

Authors: CJ Bishop

Tags: #cj bishop, #phoenix club

BOOK: ANGEL: When Angels Cry
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be volunteering my services.” Dane ground out
tightly. “To
Especially not—” His mouth clamped shut
abruptly when Angel and Ricky appeared at the far end of the
corridor that ran down in front of the dressing rooms. They were
engaged in light conversation, laughing now and then. Dane’s
hairline sizzled hotly when Ricky took hold of Angel’s hips and
commenced to show him a sexy move that required their crotches to
rub and grind.

Turning slowly, Cole followed his hard

His breath shoving forcefully through his
nostrils, Dane muttered, “I think Ricky’s got it covered.” Before
he could turn his back to them, Angel glanced past Ricky and caught
Dane’s stare, sending his heart rate through the roof. What was it
about this kid that seemed to turn his world upside down?

Cole was watching him, an amused quirk to his

He tore his eyes from Angel. “What?” he asked

“Nothing.” Cole held up his hands
defensively, grinning. “But it kind of looks to me that maybe Angel
might be interested in some of your…

“Forget it.” Dane’s nerves were riding the
surface of his skin, making him jumpy, shaky. Sudden images
exploded through his head of him and Angel touching and rubbing,
their bodies pressed close, rocking in perfect rhythm. A shuddered
breath escaped him before he could suppress it and he cleared his
throat, raking anxious fingers through his hair. “I’m not a dance
instructor. Why is he even here if he can’t fucking dance?”

Losing a smidge of his humor, Cole looked at
him more seriously. “And why are you being such a dick to the kid?
He’s sweet, and beautiful, and amazing. You might see that if you
weren’t so fucking determined
to fall for him. So get off your
fucking high horse and help the boy out.”

At a loss for words, Dane just stared at him.
It wasn’t often that Cole got truly serious with his friends, but
when he did–it was wise to listen up. Still, Dane wasn’t ready for
this. In truth, he was afraid to touch Angel the way Ricky was
doing. He liked to tell himself he wasn’t out of his mind for the
guy, but he was nevertheless aware that one intimate touch and he
would be gone, falling fast and hard over that ledge with no idea
how close the bottom lay.
It isn’t the fall that’ll kill you, baby–it’s the sudden

Shaking his head slowly, Dane whispered, “I
can’t. Sorry.” His throat was closing and he didn’t know why. He
only knew he had to get out of sight of Angel and the effect those
pure eyes were having on him.




The stinky bastard that Cole and Trevor had
kicked out of the club–was sitting in the small dank kitchen of
Angel’s apartment when he got home sometime past midnight. He froze
in place, the door half open. Wade and Axel sat around the table
with him, drinking, their voices rising in laughter. It wasn’t even
so much the unexpected presence of the filthy customer that made
Angel want to puke–but Maddy in the midst of them. And that
fucker’s hands on him.

“Hey!” Angel slammed the door loud and hard,
demanding their attention in an instant. “Get your fucking hands
off him!” He rushed into the kitchen and grabbed Maddy, pulling him
away from the men. There was a tremor in the boy’s body though he
said nothing. “Go to your room, Maddy.” He said anxiously, knowing
exactly why this bastard was here. When the kid hurried away, Angel
turned enraged eyes on Wade. “We had a deal. No one touches Maddy.”
He choked.

“Calm down.” Wade smirked and downed a gulp
of beer. “We didn’t hurt the little fucker. Our friend here was
just having a look-see.”

“Keep Maddy out of it.” Angel said thickly,

“Or what?” Axel snorted. “You gonna blast us
with fairy dust?” He looked at the other guy and they both

“You said you would leave Maddy alone.” Angel
told Wade.

“We are.” Wade assured with a crooked grin.
“The boy don’t go on the market unless you come off.”

Angel swallowed hard, flicking a quick look
at the thick man sizing him up. “Why is he here?” he spoke low,
unsteady. “How did you even meet…?”

“You think I don’t keep tabs on you?” Wade
smiled dryly. “The front doors were wide open, I saw your faggot
friends kick this poor guy out, when all he wanted was a little fun
like everyone else.” He scooted up in his chair. “So I offered him
a discount off your
five hundred dollar

“Fuck.” Axel chuffed and shook his head.
“Five hundred bucks. No one’s gonna pay that for your skinny

Whenever possible, Angel ignored the moron
and focused on Wade. “You said if I landed a job at the Phoenix,
then…” He glanced quick at the other man. “Then I didn’t have to do
this anymore.”

“Well I kind of thought you would actually be
bringing in more cash.” Wade pointed out. “But so far…we ain’t
seein’ much.”

“I told you.” Angel said tightly, quietly,
“This weekend should bring in a lot of high paying customers. I’ll
get some money then.”

Axel slapped the table and Angel jumped. “We
need it now.
.” He swept his hand over the table. “We need
beer. And weed. We can’t wait till this weekend, dumb shit.”

“He’s right.” Wade said. “We’re out of stuff
right now. So unless you got a wad of cash stuffed in that crotch,
‘fraid you’re gonna have to get it for us other ways.” He arched an
eyebrow. “You got cash on you now?”

Angel trembled. “No.” he whispered.

Glancing at their
, Wade held out his hand. The
man snorted and dug out a small bundle of stained bills and slapped
them into Wade’s palm. “Two hundred?” Wade inquired.

“Ayuh.” The guy grunted then stood up. Angel
backed away instinctively, though he knew it was futile to retreat.
“So go get dressed for the occasion, baby.” The man told him. “And
turn on the music.” He grabbed his crotch through his baggy pants.
“Wanna be good and hard when I tap that ass.”

His breath quick and stomach churning, Angel
nodded silently and left the kitchen to dress down, wondering if
could possibly be any worse than his private hell right here in
this apartment.


Chapter Six

Demons in My Mind


The club owner was fat and sweaty, his hair shoulder
length and stringy. He shoved some leather garb at the boy. “Put
this on.” He smirked around the butt of a cigar. “We got a special
show tonight, see what you’re made of.” He turned away, pulled out
his wallet and began stacking bills in the hand of a third man.
“Half now, half after the show. If the boy don’t perform, you don’t
get the rest.”

He’ll perform.” The guy assured then looked hard
at the boy. “Won’t you?”

The boy nodded silently, eyes filled with tears. He
struggled to pull them back but they refused to recede. He wasn’t
stupid; he knew what was going to happen tonight.

When the two men left, he broke and cried as he
slowly undressed and tried to figure out how the leather outfit was
supposed to go on. It mainly consisted of a black leather G-string,
leather choker with silver studs and matching bracelets. The choker
and bracelets had metal half rings. To complete the outfit was a
black leather mask that covered his eyes.

Less than twenty minutes later, he was ushered to
the rear entrance of the small stage and shoved through the
curtain. The dingy club was packed with sweaty, horny men–some old
enough to be his grandfathers, most old enough to be his fathers.
When they saw him, whistles and catcalls exploded through the
confined area, vile remarks were slung at him. He tried to close
his ears but there was just no way to block them out. He struggled
to swallow the sobs piling in his throat.

Standing near the pole in the center of the stage
were two other performers. Both dressed much like the boy, one
gripping a leather whip in his right hand. Their faces were covered
with a black leather mask, giving them an ominous look. They were
both lean and muscular, bodies glistening with oil and sweat. As
the boy approached hesitantly, the guy with the whip stepped back
as the second man took hold of his wrists and raised his hands
above his head, up the pole. Straps hung down from above with clips
on the ends. The man snapped the clips onto the half rings of the
leather bracelets, securing the boy’s hands in place.

Tremors rushed through him and the tears broke
loose, seeping out around the mask and down his cheeks. The guy
holding the whip pressed up close behind him, a prominent bulge to
his crotch as it pushed snug against his bare ass. He squeezed his
eyes shut tight and choked on a swell of sobs. The tail of the
leather whip slithered around his body slowly as the guy’s
concealed face pressed close to his ear. A hard sob escaped the boy
and he pushed his forehead against the cool metal pole,




“Angel?” Maddy whispered, fear in his quiet

Huddled up against the cold wall, Angel
curled into a ball, shaking, trying to keep his cries as silent as
possible, not wanting Maddy to hear. But the boy crawled from his
mattress to Angel’s bed and touched his shoulder tentatively.

“Angel?” Tears thickened Maddy’s voice. Angel
was all he had and he knew it scared the boy when he cried, showed

Angel pressed up closer to the wall, his body
hurting from the sleazy man’s forceful fucking from earlier. “I’m
okay, Maddy.” He choked softly. “Go back to bed.”

The boy didn’t move. “Why do you let

“I have to, Maddy.” He whispered thickly.

“Why?” Maddy cried quietly.

He had never told his little brother all the
details, but he was getting older and beginning to demand answers.
“I just
Angel trembled. “Go to bed.”

The mattress springs popped as Maddy
retreated and crawled back onto his own bed. “I hate them.” Angel
didn’t know if he was talking to him, or just thinking out loud,
but the whispered words hung heavy in the dark bedroom. “I wish
they would all die.”

Angel stared at the wall, paint chipped and
cracked, behind which rats scuttled and squeaked, scuffling
breaking out now and then. Warm tears dripped onto his case-less
pillow that didn’t smell very good.

So do I, Maddy…so do I.




“Do you really think Dane’s aversion to Angel
stems from the whole thing with Caleb?” Gabe lay stretched out on
the bed, without a stitch of clothes on, strong legs loosely open
and advertising his stiff erection. With his fingertips, he
absently petted the underside of his thick cock as he watched Cole
shed his clothes and, lastly, unfasten his wrist watch.

“I thought it was.” Cole dropped the watch
onto the night stand then crawled onto the bed and straddled Gabe.
He rubbed his hands over the man’s hard, rippled stomach then on up
his chest. “But I’m beginning to wonder if there isn’t more to it.
He really cared about Caleb, but he pretty much knew right from the
start that Caleb wasn’t available to him.”

A soft groan squeezed tight inside Gabe’s
throat as Cole pushed his ass down against his hard cock. He
reached over and fumbled in the night stand drawer then brought
back a small bottle of lube.

“In a hurry?” Cole grinned.

“Fuck.” Gabe groaned again and squirted a
glob of the clear gel into his palm.

Cole chuckled and scooted off him as the man
coated his member, wiped his hand on the sheet then grabbed Cole’s
hips and pulled him back up over the top of him. “
.” Cole gasped when he was
penetrated by Gabe’s thick, solid rod.

“Oh shit.” Gabe exhaled hard and pushed his
hips up, burying himself deeper inside Cole’s tight cave.

Cole squeezed Gabe’s chest fiercely, fingers
gouging into the thick muscle, back arched as his breath panted out
of him. “Fuck, man…what’s got you so fucking hard tonight?”

“Is that a complaint I hear?” A strained
smile curved Gabe’s lips, his face tight with tension as he
administered a few short
, working himself all the way in and causing
Cole yell a little.

“No…not…complaining.” Cole groaned between
clenched teeth. “Just wondering…so I’ll know…what to do every night
to get you like this.”

Grinning, Gabe pushed Cole’s hands off his
chest and sat forward, wrapping his arms around the man’s waist.
“Just get naked for me,” he kissed him hard. “And I’m good to

Cole chuckled, nodded and kissed him back
with as much ferocity, moving his hips, rocking and swirling with a
quickened rhythm until Gabe’s fingers were gouging into his back
and he panted into his mouth. Their kiss burst apart with loud
gasps from them both. The bed shuddered and bounced as Gabe got
into rhythm as well and fucked Cole with vigor.

!” Cole shouted then landed on his back as Gabe
shoved them over onto the foot of the bed and fucked him urgently.
“Yes! God! Fuck me, baby!

Pushing up on his arms, Gabe drove his cock
into him, using all the strength of his hips and lower abdomen to
deliver the thrusts. Cole grabbed his hard ass and squeezed as the
man’s cheeks flexed in his hands with each slam of his body.

“Holy fuck!” Gabe grunted, sweat beading up
all across the surface of his skin, breath puffing and panting as
he pounded Cole relentlessly.

Cole’s head dropped back over the end of
the bed, legs bent and heels grinding into the mattress as he
thrust himself onto Gabe’s cock. His fingers dug into the man’s
ass, gripping desperately, pulling the guy into him hard.
“Fuck! I’m gonna
fucking come!”
His cock throbbed and leaked, sandwiched
between his and Gabe’s hard stomachs, the friction of their
forceful fucking propelling him towards a mind shattering

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