Angelic Pathways (8 page)

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Authors: Chantel Lysette

Tags: #Angel, #angelic communication, #Spirituality, #intuition, #Angels, #archangel, #spirt guides

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Okay, it’s not that bad, but it’s pretty darn close. From a radio-show host angrily expressing that there was no way in hell he could have written, much less approved, his less-than-stellar life, to frustrated e-mails and even more angst-laden book reviews, I have faced the same amount of ire that I basically dished out to Archangel Gabriel when he first gave me the revelation. And I wasn’t even as eloquent as the people confronting me. When Gabriel said that the misery in my life was of my own doing, I came back with one simple word: “Bullshit.”

But not only did the angel show me the very moment that I consulted him about the current life I’m living, he also showed me the moment when he actually tried to
stop me
. Talk about adding insult to injury!

The reason we script these dramatic lives that are worthy of pay-per-view is because we know that none of it is real. Sure, if I stub my toe on the edge of the bed, it sure as hell will feel real. My anger and frustration over my illness and everything that ensued felt real. The depression from solitude and constant struggle with thoughts of suicide were painfully real. Still, in the end, it’s all merely a learning experience. It’s our thirst to discover more about ourselves—and God’s willingness to allow us to go through it—that keeps us forever returning to these existences.

When Gabriel gave me the vision of the two of us sitting on a lawn discussing what is now my current life’s script, I didn’t want to believe it. I wanted to think that if I truly had a say in how my life went, I would create one of supreme happiness and comfort. You know, something pretty darn close to Heaven, which then of course begs the question of why I even bothered leaving Heaven to begin with.

“I’m not coming this way again. It’s too difficult,” I grumbled as I shook my head incredulously.

“You said that last time,” Gabriel quipped.

And here, years after that revelation, I catch myself daydreaming about my next lifetime. Oh yeah, I’ve got it all planned out, right down to the painful lessons I’ll need to learn as a child to forge me into the adult I want to be. Sometimes I’ll catch and berate myself for plotting out my next life as if I were writing a book of fiction. Then I’ll sit and wonder if I included the challenges because my higher self recognizes that they serve as valuable life lessons that help to forge one’s personality. Or maybe I’m just a sick, sadistic old biddy. A lot of days I opt for the latter, but in the end one thing is for certain: the Source would never allow us to write anything into our scripts that we couldn’t handle. No matter what, we must always remember that we are only here for two reasons: because we want to be and because the Source allows us to be. So if your soul is incapable of dealing with the fast-paced, controversial life of Jim Morrison, forget about coming back as the iconic rock star.

I bet you didn’t see that coming.

A few years ago, the surviving members of the Doors were guests on the popular paranormal radio show
Coast to Coast AM
. As the discussion progressed, the members began relating stories of how so many kids today are still vying to stand in the spot that was once held by Jim Morrison. One of the members scoffed that too often guys would say to him that they were Morrison reincarnated. The general sentiment was, “You and everyone else I talk to, kid.” After that comment, I turned off the radio. He was scoffing at a notion that was very much close to the truth.

One of the reasons the general public mocks and ridicules people who claim they were Cleopatra or Christopher Columbus in a past life is because so many people make the same claim. After all, there can only be one Joan of Arc and only one Genghis Khan, right? Wrong. If you have the spiritual fortitude and constitution to endure the life you chose, have fun. Just remember that whatever “notable” life you choose is already plotted out. If you really want to experience what it’s like to be the Lizard King, then you’ll have to take all the bad with the good. Could you alter a few aspects? Sure, why not? But the point is to experience that life as it originally happened.

After all, this reality only knows one Jim Morrison, as it were. I would be foolish not to entertain the notion that there are other realities with other, perhaps happier outcomes for his life. The possibilities are infinite and the only limitation is you. Much like levels in a video game, you can only unlock or engage an existing life script once you’ve achieved a certain degree of mastery. And to do that takes experience and practice.

For the record, no human has gained enough mastery to return as Jesus. As of the writing of this book, he’s still holding the high score for that life experience. Same goes for Buddha. There are quite a few figures we are familiar with that haven’t had repeat performances, either because no one is proficient enough or because no one desires to experience that life script. Judas and Hitler are two lives that humans tend to avoid for obvious reasons. When we return home to the Realm of Spirit, we bring with us the memories and feelings of the life we just lived, and no one wants to carry in their soul such harrowing experiences. For a better understanding of how this works, please read Gabriel’s recounting of Jesus’s story in appendix B.

In fact, those two scripts of Judas and Hitler, to name a few, were never meant to be carried out by human souls anyhow. Much of the darkness we see in this world in particular isn’t driven by humans. Instead, such tasks are delegated to other entities created specifically for that purpose. I’ll venture more into that later. Until then, there’s a lot more ground to cover. After all, you’re just standing here with a script and a parent angel who has made a vow to watch over you for however long you’ve chosen to live.

So while your mother is uttering foul curses at your dad, who’s trying to document your birth with his video camera, what exactly is going on with you—aside from all the physiological chaos that you’ve just been thrown into? Well, based on the opinion of clients and those I’ve spoken to in passing regarding the subject of human souls, the majority seem to believe that our souls descend from Heaven or are created either at the time of conception or at the time of birth.

Well, the angels have already shown us that our souls are alive and well long before we decide to venture into the human experience. What I found surprising, however, is that our souls don’t really
from anywhere. All my life, I was of the thought that we “come down” from Heaven to live on Earth. But I now understand that to be a very archaic way of thinking.

In our universe, there is no up or down, no here or there, no past or future. Everything takes place on the same plane, just at different vibrations or frequencies. In fact, the use of terms such as “the other side” or “Realm of Spirit” is just a way of expressing what our human minds have difficulty grasping. People tend to think of God, the angels, and human souls as “over there” or “up there” because they can’t see them, hear them, or touch them.

But according to what Archangel Gabriel revealed to me, we are all coexisting in the same space at the same time. The reason we humans can’t see the spiritual world is much the same reason we can’t see the flickering of an incandescent light bulb. We simply don’t possess the ability to detect things that operate at much higher frequencies than we do.

Go ahead, look at that forty-watt bulb in your desk lamp. It doesn’t appear to be flickering, does it? But if you were to film the light bulb in slow motion, you would see that its light is indeed pulsing. This is due to the bulb being powered by an alternating current (AC). And the hertz, or what is considered a unit of frequency defined as the number of cycles per second, is moving so rapidly that the human eye is unable to detect it. It is the same for the spirit world; humans are generally unable to detect it because it exists at a much higher frequency than we do.

I have often likened intuition to hyper awareness of the environment in which one lives. But we humans can only go so far. The reason that highly intuitive people can connect with beings on the other side is because those beings lower their frequencies to make communication possible. I was once on a radio show where a “seasoned” psychic claimed that it was difficult for angels to lower their frequencies to connect with humans. I just shook my head and sighed. The angels aren’t the ones who are limited,
we are

And we’re fully aware of such limitations when we decide to live in this reality.

So, if we don’t descend from Heaven and we don’t walk through some proverbial tunnel, how do we get here? Well, how do you enter your dreams at night? You put your head on a pillow, cuddle up in your blanket, and go to sleep.

And that’s how we come to be here. What we have considered to be the human soul is actually our human consciousness. Our soul is very safe and comfortable at home in Heaven. What is engaged in the human experience is our avatar. Now, this concept was explored long before James Cameron’s movie of the same name or films like
The Matrix

The word avatar is derived from Sanskrit’s
, which literally means “descent.” It comes from
avatarati: ava,
meaning “away,” plus
which means “he crosses over.” The word avatar is often used in Hinduism to illustrate a god’s manifestation in the human world. But in the computer age, it has come to describe “an electronic image that represents and is manipulated by a computer user (as in a computer game),” according to the dictionary. Gods, human souls, or your level eighty-five Blood Elf mage in
World of Warcraft
… it’s all relative.

When Gabriel first explained this to me, I became giddy and started to imagine that I was somewhere in a pod and connected to some large computer, like Neo in
The Matrix
. What the angel showed me, however, blew that notion out of the water.

“Look up,” the archangel instructed during one of my visitations to the Realm of Spirit through meditation. “What do you see?”

“The stars,” I said, gazing up into the darkness of space. But I knew there was something very different about the sky in the Realm of Spirit from the sky I was so used to gazing at in my waking hours. Unlike in the human world, the stars weren’t sparse against a sea of black. Instead, there were many clustered together in a grid-like formation.

Gabriel took my hand and led me upward to get a closer look. The closer we came to the grid, the more I realized what I was seeing: human souls, countless human souls. They were all orbs of various colors—white, blue, purple, green, gold—and they were all connected by what looked like a colorful stream of plasma. It seemed that this grid went on into eternity.

“Everyone is sleeping,” the angel whispered. What was more beautiful than the sight I beheld were all the angels weaving between the souls. Some angels were leading souls to the place where they would be resting during their stay in the human world. Other angels were escorting souls (that had just awoken from their experience) out of the grid and back to the bustling metropolis of Heaven that I had previously visited during another meditation.

And here I ask myself again,
Why did I leave? Why did I leave there to come here?
Uriel says we’re slow. Michael says we’re brave.

I say we’re gluttons for punishment.

So after you connect with your angels, write your script, get it approved, and tuck yourself into bed with your favorite teddy bear. You’re ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime—literally.

Good luck.


chapter three


“You are a walking miracle,” Archangel Michael said to me one afternoon as I sat in the confines of a small, dark, and stifling hot room. It was going on a decade, and that one single room had been my hell. My prison. In the beginning, when I took ill, that upstairs room had been a blessing. After all, had it not been for the landlord’s willingness to allow me to live there for nothing more than what I offered in gratitude for the shelter, I’d have been on the streets.

There were some days, however, when I wondered if begging on a corner was a bad thing when compared with those circumstances. With a broken body and more progressive illnesses than I could count, walking up and down stairs became more and more difficult. My favorite pastime, cooking, became less of an occurrence because I wasn’t able to stand very long in a kitchen. And because it was not my kitchen and rather that of someone who had no respect for the art of cooking or the basic sanitary housekeeping that was necessary with my compromised immune system, I spent more time cleaning it than cooking in it.

After a while, cooking ceased altogether and my meals quickly went from hot but inexpensive and nutritionally empty dinners every night to canned goods that were barely warmed on a sixty-watt light bulb. Depending on the density of the canned food, cooking on a light bulb took hours, and hence, I often ate canned pasta and soups cold. It was just as much of a risk to my health, with the way food is recalled these days, but I could no longer physically clean and cook, nor could I psychologically endure the hell of disdainful gazes or culturally ignorant tirades. Not to mention, being downstairs meant having to listen to consistently loud and grating verbal bashing by those who seemed to think themselves far better than any and everyone who flickered across a television screen. It was the endless, mindless chatter of those who could barely read the newspaper, much less pick up a book.

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