Read Angels & Sinners: The Motor City Edition Online

Authors: Ashley Suzanne,Bethany Lopez,Bethany Shaw,Breigh Forstner,Cori Williams,D.M. Earl,Jennifer Fisch-Ferguson,Melanie Harlow,Sara Mack,Shayne McClendon

Tags: #General Fiction

Angels & Sinners: The Motor City Edition (11 page)

BOOK: Angels & Sinners: The Motor City Edition
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“No. We’re good for the night. Killian won’t notice him missing right away. Guys like him work alone. They are lone wolves, eager to please an alpha to gain acceptance into a pack. We should move in the morning though,” Kendrick told her.

Astrid bit her lip, studying Kendrick.
I believe him.

“Why don’t you come inside and I’ll help you get the bullet out,” Astrid offered, she could only imagine the work it would take for him to try to dig the bullet out of his side. It was the least she could do, he had saved her life after all.

“So it takes a bullet in the side to get an invitation inside,” Kendrick teased. He reached up to close the trunk cringing and curling into himself at the motion.

Astrid flinched at his obvious pain and debated whether to reach out and physically help him or not, but he started moving on his own. Hurriedly she rushed toward the door and opened it letting him in.

“Thank you,” Astrid said looking at him as she led him to her couch and motioned for him to have a seat as she went to collect things from her bathroom. “Take your shirt off.” Astrid called over her shoulder.


Kendrick chuckled to himself. “I knew you wanted to see me without a shirt on.” He knew that she had only said it because it needed to come off, but that didn’t mean he was above teasing the beautiful brunette.

Astrid sighed, shaking her head as she came back in carrying a small basket of things. He started to take off his shirt and flinched as the action pulled at his gnarled flesh.

“Let me help you,” she gasped setting the basket down and helping him remove his shirt. Her warm hands glided across his skin as she tried to take it off as carefully as possible.

“You know I’m a werewolf, darling, I won’t break,” he jested. He glanced around the lavish apartment, desperate to take his mind off the burning sensation coursing over his body.
I hate getting shot.

“Sorry, I just didn’t want to hurt you,” Astrid apologized as she moved to his side her fingers gingerly touched the spot where the bullet had entered. “It’s
, already started to close up a little,” Astrid commented her warm hands rubbing soft tantalizing circles around his injury.

Kendrick sighed, he had been afraid of that. “Well I’m sure you’ll enjoy inflicting pain on me as you dig it out,” he said quietly.

“I’m not the type of person who gets pleasure out of other peoples pain,” Astrid quipped. She sighed and began to chew on her lower lip as she studied his wound.

“No you seem very nice, other than threatening me, though I suppose it was warranted,” he conceded. Unfortunately, he could see why she would automatically assume he was responsible for the earlier events, though he hoped that his recent actions acquitted him.

“I’m sorry I accused you of following me, I was wrong,” Astrid whispered as she got out a small but sharp looking knife. “This is probably going to hurt.”

“Just make it quick, it’s nothing I haven’t felt before,” Kendrick admitted gripping the edge of the couch and gritting his teeth.
He’d been tortured and beat a time or two in his long life.
Killian was an angry man.
Don’t think about your troubled brother.
It will only make it worse.

“Are you ready?” Astrid asked. The cool metal pressed against his flesh.

Kendrick closed his eyes and nodded. White dotted his vision as the blade dug into his side.
Good God that hurts
. Focus on something else.

Astrid’s warm breath ghosted across his back as she worked to get the bullet out. Her fingers whispered across his flesh as she treated his injury. Her touch was like heaven and it dulled the pain, making it bearable.

“Got it,” Astrid sighed heavily. Metal clanked against metal and he opened his eyes. A bloodied bullet set in the aluminum bowl to his right.

Her soft, warm fingers grazed over his flesh and he let out a long breath as the skin tugged and began to knit itself back together. Werewolf healing did have its advantages.

Astrid’s digits roamed over the plains of his chest. Does she know what she is doing? Probably not. He closed his eyes, relishing in the feel of her dainty hands on his body.
I wish she would touch me like this in bed.

“When you’re done checking me out, we can go through his things,” Kendrick smirked bringing her out of her stupor.

Astrid blinked, recoiling away from him. A frown marred her beautiful face. “What did you find?” she asked clearing her throat.

Kendrick picked up the man’s things from the coffee table. He shuffled through the recent texts and pictures on the black cell phone, letting out a low growl when he found several pictures of Astrid.

“He’s obviously been following you for a while,” Kendrick stated as he showed her a series of pictures.
“Your work, home, oh and look your date from tonight.”

Kendrick shifted through the other pictures. Crap. There was one of him too. Grumbling under his breath, he opened up the text history. Crud, the guy was working for Killian.

“I thought someone was following me the other day,” Astrid commented, chewing on her fingernail. “I thought it was you. Do you know what he wanted?” She wrapped her arms around herself and peered over at the large open window.

What was he doing here? Good question Astrid. “Well, at least you weren’t being paranoid, you just blamed the wrong person,” he started addressing one of her concerns.

“I already said I was sorry. I mean you have to understand why I thought that,” Astrid stuttered. “It didn’t start until after you showed up. And after everything with Killian, I just . . .

she trailed off and shook her head.

“He was definitely working with Killian. Here’s some communicate between the two of them.

Kendrick gripped the phone tighter, not wanting to turn it over to Astrid. She shouldn’t read what Killian had
. It would frighten her. Hell he was terrified for her now.

“Why? What does it say?” Astrid’s voice shook with uncertainty.

Kendrick exited out of the messages. “I think it’s best if you leave Tuscany.”

Astrid’s eyes widened, and she visible shuddered. “I’ll pack my things. Killian can’t find me. I… I won’t go back to him. I can’t live as a submissive,” she trailed off and shook her head.

Kendrick nodded in understanding. Killian was an alpha that thrived on power. He would beat the light out of Astrid and force her to submit and be his mate. If she returned to Killian Astrid would forever be a prisoner. Killian would rape and beat her as often as he saw fit.

“I’m not going to let Killian find you,” he vowed. “Pack your bags. We’ll leave tonight.”

“We?” she whispered, meeting his gaze.

“I know Killian. How he thinks, where he’ll send his men. I can help you,” he urged.

“Why are you so willing to help me?”
Astrid asked quietly. “Why would you risk Killian’s wrath?”

Kendrick licked his dry lips and stared at the wooden floorboards. “About eighty years ago, I was in love with a woman. When Killian found out, he had to have her for himself. He wooed her away from me, using his alpha charm. When he was finished with her… with Kayla, she was a shell of the woman I knew. I promised myself I wouldn’t let that happen to anyone else. Please pack your bags. We need to go.”

“We?” Astrid asked, quirking her brow at him.

“I know how Killian thinks. I know where we can go,” Kendrick offered.
I don’t want her to leave. If we part now, I may never see her again.
He held his breath, waiting for her answer.

Astrid regarded him for a long moment. “Okay,” she whispered.


“I don’t understand why we are going back to Oregon?” Astrid voiced her concerns as she reluctantly settled into her first class seat. Why were they going back to the state their pack lived in?

“Killian is less likely to look close to home. Only a fool would come so close to the pack they’re running from,” Kendrick explained.

Astrid swallowed hard, fighting the urge to rip her seat belt off and bolt off the plane before it took flight. What if he was playing her?
What if this was all a game?

Kendrick laid his hand over top hers. “I promise, I won’t let him find you . . . us. He’s hurt me too.”

Honesty swirled in his brown gaze.
I believe him.
She couldn’t explain why—she just did.

“Besides, we’re not staying in Oregon. We’ll be renting a car and hightailing it out of there,” he grinned at her.

Astrid nodded. Good. She didn’t want to stay in that state any longer than necessary.
In a way, she could see what he said made sense.
Killian would never suspect they’d fly right onto his doorstep.

“I was thinking we’d check out the east coast. It’d be a good place to put down roots for a few years. What do you think?” he asked, leaning back into his seat.

Marcia’s in New York. But I can’t put her in danger. Not until I know Killian isn’t following me anymore. Wait? Did he say we? When did they become a we? I kind of like having him around.

She bit her lip as she realized that she didn’t want to lose contact with him. There was something sweet about Kendrick. He was different than the other men she’d dated, and damn it he was attractive.
I want him.

“What do you think about New York city?
I know its big, but there are still places on the outskirts of the city where we can shift,” Kendrick continued when she didn’t respond.

Astrid sucked in a deep breath. “I’d rather somewhere else. Marcia’s in New York. I don’t want her in danger.”

“Maine? They have great seafood,” Kendrick offered. “I know a great little restaurant,” he paused, meeting her gaze. “I could take you there.”

On a date? She trembled.
Say yes
, her wolf urged. “Okay,” she agreed.

“Fantastic,” Kendrick smirked. “You’re going to enjoy this I promise.”


Astrid gave herself a final once over before she exited her bathroom. It was silly that she was putting so much effort into this.
Kendrick would always be her enemy. The more she thought about her date, the more she realized how wrong she was about him.

He’d been nothing but a gentleman the past week. She had an apartment and a job lead, all thanks to him.
Kendrick was going out of his way to make her feel at home in the quaint little town of Brunswick, Maine.

The city was beautiful. It was on the coast and full of fresh air and places to run.
Tonight, she would get to see more of the town.
Kendrick was taking her on a date to the restaurant he’d mentioned on the plane. Anticipation rolled over her. I can’t remember the last time I was excited about a date.

Giving herself a mental shake and steeling herself for the events of the evening she headed to the front room just as her doorbell rang. A quick glance at her wall clock told her Kendrick was ten minutes early.
Points for punctuality.

Astrid inhaled sharply and then opened the door.
He looks good.
She bit her lip, in an effort to keep her wayward thoughts at bay. His brown hair was perfectly mussed. The blue button down shirt and dark wash jeans fit his sculpted body perfectly.
I can see the muscles rippling beneath his shirt. I want to rip it off of him and… God Astrid, get a grip.

“You look lovely, darling,” Kendrick smirked taking her hand and kissing it.

Heat crept up her hand from the searing touch.
If he can do that to my hand, what can he do to my body?

Blinking the indecent thoughts away, she smiled at him. “Thank you, you look nice as well.”

“I thought we’d start out at the restaurant and then we could take a stroll along the beach,

Kendrick offered.

Astrid slipped her arm into his and pulled her front door shut with the other. “Sounds fun.”
And romantic.

“I aim to please,” Kendrick replied, leading her down the stairs.

A chill zipped down her spine.
I bet you can please.
I need to get my head out of the gutter.
He opened the door and motioned to his new car. Another BMW. The cool night air helped to cool her heated skin.

Focus on something else.
“You seem to know your way around places,” Astrid spoke up.
He had a vineyard in Tuscany and was familiar with Brunswick. Where all had he

“I’ve spent a lot of time by myself. When Killian took over the pack, I knew it wasn’t the place for me anymore. I’ve never believed in forcing a mate to submit, or taking more than one woman at a time,” Kendrick replied as he opened the car door for her. “I wouldn’t wish that life on anyone.
Too bad there isn’t more I can do to help other members of our pack.”

Good. She didn’t want to be forced into a relationship—obligated to get pregnant. She didn’t want to share her wolf with anyone, and she needed control over her own body.

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