Read Angels & Sinners: The Motor City Edition Online

Authors: Ashley Suzanne,Bethany Lopez,Bethany Shaw,Breigh Forstner,Cori Williams,D.M. Earl,Jennifer Fisch-Ferguson,Melanie Harlow,Sara Mack,Shayne McClendon

Tags: #General Fiction

Angels & Sinners: The Motor City Edition (40 page)

BOOK: Angels & Sinners: The Motor City Edition
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There was a soft tap on her door but she felt nauseous and didn’t answer. The scent of them reached her before a sound. She kept her eyes closed and focused on her breathing. With her elbows on her knees, she tried to ignore the way the room spun.

“What is it, Marcy?” Fahad asked softly as he sat beside her. Nuri knelt between her feet.

“H-headache. It came out of nowhere.”

Warm hands settled along her neck. Gentle pressure that steadily increased was applied to an ache she hadn’t noticed at the back. One of them removed the pins that held her hair in a snug chignon and fingers worked along her scalp, massaging deeply from her temples to the base of her skull.

“When is the last time you scheduled a massage?”

“I’ve never gotten one unless I was with Victoria. She insists. They don’t help.”

“Considering the company while you received it, this does not surprise me.” Nuri took his cell phone from an inner pocket of his jacket and spoke to someone on the other end in his native tongue. “Keep your eyes closed and focus on each muscle in your body. Allow each one to loosen and relax. Start in your feet and each toe . . . ”

For several minutes, he talked her through meditation as he returned to applying pressure to her temples. Fahad maintained his attention at her neck and before long, she felt the worst of the pain ease away.

Opening her eyes, she gave them a small smile. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome, Marcy.”

She leaned back on the couch and Nuri sat on her other side. There was a possibility she dozed off. When she opened her eyes, a young woman was setting up a portable massage table.

Turning to the three of them, she gave a small bow. “Hello, Miss Canfield. My name is Laura. Please allow me to assist you.” Holding out her hands, she helped Marcy to her feet. She led her to the full bathroom in her office and handed her a fine silk robe.

“Take your time. This is about your comfort and wellness.”

Stepping out of her shoes, she undressed and slipped on the robe. Raking her fingers through her hair, Marcy returned to her office. Laura smiled and gestured her closer.

The cousins stood and Nuri lifted her chin with the side of his finger. “We will return. Allow her to work the knots from your body and sleep if you are able.”

“It’s the middle of the day . . . ”

“There is nothing so urgent that your health should suffer, Marcy,” Fahad said. “Take an hour or two to rest and recuperate so you can keep going.”

In her bare feet, she was shorter by a few inches and they bent in sync to press their lips to the corners of her mouth. A second was delivered to her jaw and a third to the skin just beneath her ear. Hands that were warm through the thin silk stroked from her shoulder to her low back.

The simple touches caused a full body shiver. Straightening, they smiled. “Until later, Marcy.”

Then they walked away. She stared after them until the door of her office clicked into place. Exhaling slowly, she looked at Laura with a half-smile.

“Let’s give you a fresh start, Miss Canfield. You’ll feel like a brand new woman when I’m done.” She patted the top of the table. “I promise.”

A deep tissue massage and an unexpected nap did exactly as promised. When she was dressed again, she tried to give the massage therapist back the robe.

“No, ma’am. It was given to me downstairs by one of their security staff. It’s a gift for you.” She packed up her table and supplies and refused a tip. “I’ve been well compensated and will see you in two days.” At the look of surprise on her face, the young woman grinned. “The Ghonims scheduled you for an hour three days a week. I’m to coordinate the times with your assistant.”

“That’s a lot, isn’t it?”

“Considering the tension you were carrying in the muscles of your neck and shoulders, I say let them pamper you and you’ll have more energy than you ever dreamed.” Pulling the thick straps over her shoulder, she added, “Have a beautiful rest of your day, Miss Canfield.”

“Thank you,” she managed to answer.

Daria appeared at the door to her office. “I suggest we knock down the wall between your office and the empty one next door. It can be a permanent spa space for you.”

“I don’t . . . ”

“Consider it done. You do nothing for yourself and this can happen even while your insane workload carries on. Don’t be stubborn.”

Alone again, Marcy took her phone from her pocket and dialed Fahad.

“Marcy. How do you feel?”

“Better, thank you.”

“Shall I ask you if you’re free for dinner or just harass Daria?”

She laughed. “I’ll make time.”

“Excellent. We will see you in a few hours.”

They hung up and she dived back into the stack of papers on her desk. She hadn’t felt so energized in months. When they picked her up for dinner, she greeted them with light kisses on their lips and got into their limo with a wink.

Day by day, they became part of a life she never imagined would truly fit one man, much less two. They were brilliant, funny, and kind.


January 2015

When she told them she needed to make time to have lunch with her new friends, they arranged a private room at an exclusive restaurant in Manhattan. The four women arrived moments after she did and they stood staring at the stunning space.

At the end of the meal, they were informed by the manager that a limo was waiting to take their group to the spa. He handed her a card and bowed before leaving the room.

On heavy linen stationary was written, “Try a spa day with better company. Enjoy and we’ll see you tomorrow.” Their names were signed at the bottom.

Tawny glanced over her shoulder. “Those two understand how to get to you. Giving your busy ass plenty of space and freedom while pampering you like nothing I’ve ever seen.” She shrugged. “They’re good.”

Meeting her eyes, Marcy smiled. “They really are.”

It was the first time she’d spent a day with other women that didn’t feel like some sort of test. They drank too much and laughed too loud. A combination practically insisted on by the redhead.

Brie moaned when they were lined up on massage tables. “Please give my sincere thanks to your gentleman callers, Marcy. Damn.”

“Gentleman callers . . . ” Tawny snickered.

Going up on her elbows, Natalia said quietly, “Hudson has run every possible check on both of them. You know how he can be.” Marcy nodded. “He can find nothing derogatory and with
contacts, that means quite a lot.”

With a heavy sigh, Riya mumbled, “I made some inquiries with a couple of the members in Switzerland.”

Her best friend snorted. “Your
club . . . ”

“Shut up, bitch. I’m far too relaxed to beat your ass.” Another sigh. “Where was I? Oh, the cousins are well liked. Apparently, there was speculation that they weren’t actively searching for a woman there.” She wiggled her brows. “They became members to understand the ménage lifestyle.”

Turning her head, she added in a dramatic whisper, “It seems they already
who they wanted, you know,

“They better not be virgins,” Tawny hissed.

“They aren’t,” Marcy assured them. The others all looked at her. “I asked and they gave me references.” She stared at the intricate design on the ceiling. “The women are all over the world. It was made clear that the relationships were purely physical. There hasn’t been anyone for a year.”

The silence drew out for more than a minute when Tawny said loudly, “Holy shit! They’re going to fuck your
out for a solid month once they finally get you buck ass naked!”

Her declaration set off a round of hysterics from all of them that lasted for way too long.

When they were all dressed and back in the limo, Marcy allowed her thoughts to wander. She hoped her friends were right because she was ready to crawl out of her skin with need.

It wasn’t a state of being with which she was familiar.


February 2015

Regular gifts arrived that ranged from simple and useful to extravagant. For her thirtieth birthday, they worked with Daria and Marcy’s friends to create a spectacular party at

The men took turns taking her out on the dance floor and she didn’t do more than use it as an excuse to hold them and sway gently to the music. Of all the gifts she received, the prototype of a brand new tablet one of their companies had developed—loaded with several thousand books—was her favorite.

In a small alcove on the second floor, they held her against a wall and traded her mouth back and forth between them. Even being near them—separately or together—made her wet, caused her nipples to pebble tightly, and stole her ability to think clearly.

She thought it would be the night they pushed for more but they satisfied themselves with stroking their hands over her body as they drove her home.

That both men wanted her was undeniable. The outlines of their cocks behind their slacks attested to their level of control.

After providing the first orgasm she’d ever experienced fully clothed, Marcy reclined limply between them. Strong hands moved on her, from neck to knees, and she murmured, “Come home with me.”

With gentle kisses and words, they brought her down.

Fahad delivered a scorching kiss and rested his forehead against hers when he broke it. “Soon you will be able to take much needed time from work to relax. We will not add to your stress or worry.”

“We will not
from you, Marcy.” Nuri kissed her for a long minute and added, “We wish only to give, to add to your joy and happiness. It is our sole motive where you are concerned.”

She worked her arms around them and whispered, “You give me so much. I’m sorry the timing is so bad.” Kissing each of them deeply, she relished the way they held her.

“You are worth the wait, Marcy.”

“Focus on what you must. We are not going anywhere.”

The thought made her heart pound in anticipation and need. She reminded herself that
were also worth the wait.


March 2015

Six months after the cousins appeared at
, Marcy was scheduled to attend a formal benefit and asked them to escort her. She was trying to find one of the foundation reports when Carlo let them up. Answering the door, she begged for five minutes.

“I’m ready. I’m trying to find a document Daria sent over that the head of the foundation asked me to notate. I’m sorry to keep you waiting.”

She turned to rush back to her office when they stopped her by taking their hands, holding them out from her body. Every thought in her mind disintegrated as she came to a true halt and took in their appearance.

As she absorbed their tuxedos and swept back black hair, the cousins dropped their hands to her waist and began to circle her. The warmth of their palms sank through the silk of the custom gown in the same shade as her eyes.

“You are stunning, Marcella.”

“Beyond compare.”

At her back, Nuri kissed her bare shoulder. Fahad’s palm cupped the side of her neck and dropped his lips over hers. The kiss was so different from every other she’d received that she whimpered into his mouth.

He lifted to look at her and Marcy realized that she was hugging his waist and gripping Nuri’s forearm across her stomach. He nuzzled his cheek against hers. Then they traded places and Nuri inspired the same response.

More than any other time, they
her. She let them because it was all she wanted.

Pressed to her back and front, their voices at her ears were a seduction in their own right. “Do not rush. How beautiful you are tonight and every night. I dream of your touch. I could kiss you forever.”

Eyes closed, she rested her head against Fahad’s shoulder. “I wish I didn’t have to go.”

“Will you allow us to take you to our home after the event?” She didn’t know which of them asked the question but she nodded. “No pressure. No expectations. A bit of uninterrupted time with you is all we wish to experience.”

“I want that, too.”

“Arrange for your security to coordinate with ours. They can bunk at the estate.”

“They can clear the house prior to our arrival. We wish no delays when it is time to take you home.”

“We will wait here to avoid distracting you further.”

“You were such a vision that we could not resist.”

They stepped back after kissing her temples and she made her way to her office slowly. Her hands were shaking as she sorted through her “urgent” pile and located the document she needed. She found them standing in front of her floor to ceiling window, staring out at the skyline.

“I found it.” They turned and smiled. “Damn,” she said shakily. “You’re truly beautiful.”

Walking to her sides, they settled her wrap across her shoulders and held out their arms. She took them and they were in the limousine minutes later.

Throughout the gala, the cousins stayed close and she appreciated their patience with some of the other guests who were awed to see the reclusive pair in public.

BOOK: Angels & Sinners: The Motor City Edition
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