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“Angel!” Nikki’s whisper was meant to scold him for talking like that in front of A.J., but she couldn’t stop the grin that pulled at her lips.

Angel chuckled and placed the tray over her lap. “To answer your question, yes. A.J. and I cooked breakfast ourselves, didn’t we champ?”

Seeing his father nod, A.J. did the same. Nikki blinked rapidly as her eyes began to water. She’d missed this so much. She knew Angel had as well. She was never letting anything come between them again. When Angel leaned down to softly kiss her, she raised her lips to his to receive the gesture. What was meant to be a loving peck, instantly turned into a sensual, full out kiss.

Angel finally lifted his head and stared into her eyes. “I missed you.”

“I missed you, too.”

Neither looked away until Angel noticed A.J.’s mouth working overtime as he chewed on a strip of bacon. He couldn’t stop the laugh that burst out. “Hey! We’ve eaten already. That’s Mommy’s food.”

A.J. looked up at his father and grinned an identical smile before quickly shoving the rest of the bacon in his mouth. Shaking his head, Angel reached over and picked his son up, causing him to giggle uncontrollably and kick his legs. Angel playfully swatted him on the backside before looking at his wife.

“I'm taking the bacon snatcher with me to get a haircut so that you can have a little alone time. We’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

“Okay, baby. Be careful.”

Angel winked. “Of course.” He pulled A.J. off his shoulder and held him towards Nikki. “Tell your mama goodbye.”

Nikki leaned forward as A.J. held out his arms and gave her a big kiss. “Bye, baby. I’ll see you when you get back. I love you.” Nikki looked at Angel. “And I love you, husband.”

Angel’s eyes flashed as he growled quietly. “I love you too, wife. Don’t ever doubt that.”

“I don’t. I never have.”

“Good. See you when we get back.”

Nikki watched them leave with a smile on her face then picked up her fork. Angel was right, she was ravenous after the demands he’d put on her body last night. She didn’t think he’d ever get enough. Finally, she’d pled for them to take a break. He’d looked down at her with an expression of masculine arrogance before having mercy on her and letting her fall asleep.

Yawning, Nikki took one more bite before placing the tray on the nightstand and burrowing under the covers. She hadn’t nearly gotten enough rest and intended to take advantage of the next few precious hours before Angel and her son came back home.

She’d just begun to doze off when she heard the insistent ring of her cell phone. Angel must have placed it on the nightstand before he left to pick up A.J. She started to ignore it, but just in case it happened to be him calling her she turned over and felt blindly for the phone. Not looking at the caller ID, she connected the call and asked in a sleepy voice.


There was a pause on the other end before he spoke. “Nicole?”

Nikki’s eyes popped open. It had been over a year since she’d spoken to or even thought about him, but she instantly recognized his voice.


Chapter 34


“Yes. How are you?”

Nikki’s answer was slow in coming. She knew he heard the confusion in her tone. “I’m…fine. Jax, why are you calling me?”

“I need to speak to you, Nicole. Can we meet?”

Nikki slowly sat up in the bed. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” What possible reason would they have to see one another?

“Nicole, please. I think you’ll be very interested in what I have to say. I can meet you at your house, say, forty-five minutes?”

“No! Jax, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to come here.” Angel would be back soon and Nikki shuddered to think what he’d do if he saw Jaxon.

“I don’t mean yours and Angel’s house. I’m talking about the house you’ve been leasing.”

Nikki’s eyes narrowed. “How do you know I’m leasing a house? And how do you know where I live?”

“I know more than you think I do, Nicole. For instance, I know that you and Angel have been having problems for a while. Nicole, you’re both from two completely different worlds. You‘re too good for him.”

“You don’t know anything about my husband, Jaxon, and I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t presume to act like you know anything about my marriage.” Nikki’s voice was cool and sharp.

“I know that you, and your son, deserve more than having to live a life of constant danger. Nikki, he’s a thug wrapped up in a polished package. Take away the money, the glamour, and the sophistication he’s taught himself over the years and you have a common, street criminal.”

“That’s enough! Jax, I’m going to forget we ever had this conversation. Don’t call me again and don’t try to see me or…”

“Did you know he had a man killed a couple of days ago?”

Nikki was rendered speechless by Jaxon's proclamation. “I don’t believe you,” she whispered. “You’ll say anything to turn me against him and that’s not going to happen.”

“I have proof. His name was Nelson Taylor. He’s dead.”

Nikki gasped. “You’re lying.”

“Ask him. Ask him, Nicole. Angel ordered his murder and barely batted an eye.”

“Stop it!”

“The man had a wife…”

“I mean it, Jax!”

“Two kids.”

“Shut up!”

“Kids who’ll have to grow up without a father now because of the man you claim to love so much. He’s a monster, Nicole. Meet me at your house and I’ll show you the proof.” When Nikki was silent, Jax pressed his advantage. “He’s a cold, dangerous, drug dealing murderer.” Then he used his winning card. “Do you really want your son, my nephew, around that?”

“Don’t.” Nikki’s voice was barely audible as a tear ran down her face.

Jaxon's voice softened. “Nicole, please. Thirty minutes. That’s all I ask.”

Nikki sniffed and wiped her face. “Thirty minutes, Jax. Then I never want to hear from you again. Do you understand?”

“Yes. But I think you’ll change your mind once you hear what I have to say.”

Nikki hung up without another word. She sat in the bed, stunned by what Jax just told her. He had to be lying. She threw the covers back and walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Then, she would meet with Jaxon, if only to disprove his vile accusations.

But what if he's telling the truth?

Nikki shook her head as she stepped into the shower stall and closed the glass partition. If what Jax said was true, what would it mean for her and Angel? Had they taken the steps to put their family and relationship back together only to have it torn apart, piece by agonizing piece?

Life couldn’t possibly be that cruel.



A pair of arms hugged Jaxon from behind. “What did she say?”

“She doesn’t believe me, but once she sees the pictures, she won’t be able to deny it. She’ll help us take him down because she loves her son.” Jax brought the woman's hand to his lips and kissed her palm. “Don’t worry. By the time we finish, we'll both get what we want.”

As Jaxon stared out the window, the woman rested her cheek on his back and thought about the plan they'd decided on. She kissed Jaxon's muscular back and caressed his tight stomach. He was such an attractive man. Dark hair, green eyes, and a body he kept in tip top shape. She wanted him again.

"Come to bed,

Jaxon could tell she was aroused. Her accent thickened when she wanted to fuck. "It'll have to wait until I come back. I need to take a shower then I'll be leaving to meet her."

Even though she pouted, the woman crawled back in the bed, and minutes later, was asleep. As Jaxon walked to the bathroom, he let himself remember the last time he’d seen Angel. He'd ended up looking like a fool. But things had changed since then. Jaxon was back for what was rightfully his...and he wouldn't stop until he got it.



“It’s good to see you again, Nikki. You look great. How've you been.”

“Let’s cut the pleasantries, Jax. We both know this isn’t a social call.” Jaxon had just gotten to Nikki’s house and she planned on making this short and sweet. “Whatever you want to say, say it. I want to be home when my husband and son get there."

Jaxon's eyes followed Nikki’s frame as she walked past him. His nostril’s flared at the scent that wafted behind her. Damn. Intoxicating. He’d never smelled anything like it. Sweet. Seductive. Sexy. Like Nikki herself.

And now his half-brother was the one enjoying her flavorful fruit.

Nikki cleared her throat. “Excuse me. If you’re just going to sit there and stare at me, then we’re through.”

A quiet laugh escaped Jaxon. Without a word, Jax placed the large manila envelope he’d brought in with him on the table between them. He tapped it twice and sat back and waited.

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