Angus (5 page)

Read Angus Online

Authors: Melissa Schroeder

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Mythology & Folk Tales, #Witches & Wizards, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Fairy Tales

BOOK: Angus
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She shook off the feeling as she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and gather the rest of her belongings. When she turned on the light, she saw herself in the mirror and froze.

“Goddess be.”

Threading her fingers through her hair, she stepped closer, looking at her reflection. Then, she pulled it in front of her face. Lennon was right, there were tiny streaks of red among the dark dull brown of her hair. She leaned forward and studied her eyes. Flashes of green and blue were easy to be seen within the deep brown.

“What the bloody hell?”

Widening her eyes, she leaned so close to the mirror that her breath fogged it up.

“That can’t be happening,” she mumbled.

The Magick. She hadn’t used it in so long, maybe her body had freaked when she did. In any other circumstance, she would have been thrilled that her powers seemed to be coming back. Right now, though, she didn’t have time to practice, to get it back to where she could use it and not hurt people.

She closed her eyes trying to calm herself. When she opened them again, she looked at herself in the mirror and nodded.

“You’ve never depended on anyone else other than yourself, Maggie O’Conner and you always find a way.”

With that, she grabbed her brush and got to work. Right now, she didn’t have time to contemplate. Right now, she just had to discover a way to keep Jack and herself safe.

She’d worry about her Magick later.

Chapter Six


Angus sped through the streets of New York amazed at the number of people who were out. Big cities like this always seemed to buzz with people. Edinburgh did that to a point, but not like New York. Here people were just stumbling their way home among those heading to work.

“So, what is your plan, Mr. Lennon?”

“Are you going to tell me how you found me? I’ve been in hiding at this location for over a year.”

He said nothing as he sped around a slow van. They were at fault and he knew it. Callum had thought she might be hiding from charges, but there seemed to be something else she was hiding from…or someone else. And that person was ready to kill her and the boy if tonight was any indication.


“Mum, you mustn’t be cross with Sir Angus. They would have found us sometime in the near future.”

She sighed. “Jack, please let Mr. Lennon and I chat.”


The boy was abnormally calm. He guessed he was close to five years old, but the boy spoke as if he were years older. The fact that he didn’t seem any more rattled than his mother was a little odd.

“So, Mr. Lennon?”

He shrugged as he turned into the hotel’s parking garage. “I’ve no idea. You’ll have to ask my cousin Callum and his wife. They’re the ones who found you.”

“Brilliant. Because, thanks to them, I’m now going to have to buy a new identity.”

He didn’t say anything as he punched in the code for the hotel guests.

“What my cousin is willing to pay you will make that easy.”

“You have no objection to it? I mean, you
one of the richest families in Scotland and the UK. If not the whole world.”

He found a spot near the elevator and zipped into it.

“Why don’t we talk about this in my room?”

“Because I am not bloody crazy, that’s why,” she said, Irish coloring her voice. So much for being an American.

She crossed her arms and looked out the window. Stubborn women. He never liked a woman who couldn’t see the right of the situation and Maggie was definitely a woman like that.  She would fight him every step of the way and he was too damned tired to deal with her attitude.

“We don’t care what you do with the bloody money, as long as you get us what we want.”

It was true for the majority of the clan. He knew Callum was ruthless about breaking the curse, especially now that he had Phoebe. But, for Angus, it didn't sit well. He hated the idea of Maggie and Jack running from the creature he met tonight. He was a man, but not, and Angus knew it would just get worse.

"Who was that man?"

She shrugged and looked out the window. "I've no idea."

"Magdalene O'Conner, you shouldn't lie."

Jack giggled from the back seat. "He used your full first name. You always say someone is in trouble when that happens."

She looked to the backseat and smiled. Her features softened, the love she felt for her son easy to see. "Tis the truth and you know it, but only for little boys who have been naughty."

"We really don't know who he was, Mr. Lennon. God's honest truth. I do have an idea who sent him but I don't want to talk about it at the moment."

She leaned her head in Jack's direction. He nodded. He couldn’t fault the fact she wanted to protect her son. It was something that had been ingrained in him by his parents, and later, by Callum. Since he knew without a doubt his looking for them caused this, he also knew Callum would make right by them.

"Not very bright sitting in the car like this, so let's get my stuff out of my room, and we'll head to the airport."

"We can't get through without passports. If we do that, whoever is after us will know where we are and where we are headed."

He shook his head. "We have a Lennon jet. Being private, it is easier. But just know once we get on the jet you will explain."

"Of course."

And he knew right then she planned on lying about it. The smile she offered him was laced with a grifter's intent, and she knew how to play the game. But little did she know she was dealing with a man who wasn't born in the last century.

"Let's go."

*  *  *  *

When they were finally settled on the jet, Angus studied his new friends. Jack had passed out just moments earlier, the excitement of the night too much for him to take. His mother was another story.

While there were bruises darkening the skin beneath her eyes, she stayed alert. It was very easy to see she didn’t trust him. He didn’t really blame her. He had stalked her, leading whoever was after her to find her. The fact that she was keeping herself so calm—which he was sure was for the boy—spoke to a will of iron. It was something he needed to remember. He waited for the pilot to tell them they were about to take off, so he buckled his belt and drew in a deep breath. It was time he got a few answers from the witch.

*  *  *  *

It had been close to an hour since they took off. Maggie relaxed against the leather seat and sighed. She was exhausted but she hadn't been able to relax until they cleared United States air. She glanced back at Jack who was lying across two seats with a blanket covering him. He had fallen asleep

"So, you want to tell me who is after you? Who was the man?”

She turned her head to look at Mr. Lennon. At first, she was sure many people underestimated his strength. He was long and lean, not brutish, so it was understandable. Of course, she knew better. The man was dangerous—possibly more than the man who had entered her apartment.

“I told you. I’ve no idea.”

His mouth twisted into a sarcastic smile. “Indeed? I would say he wanted to get to know you better.”

She looked out the window trying to keep her worries locked deep. If she really started to think about how fast the bastard had been able to find her after Lennon contacted her, she might just have a mental breakdown.

“He wanted to get paid.”

“And who would be paying him?” he asked in a tone that was placating and irritating. She hated professors.

"My husband's brother, Dylan O'Conner."

He mulled that over for a few seconds. "He's after the boy. A child born of Magickal parents would be worth a lot."

She nodded, letting him believe that was the true reason. "He's not happy with me disappearing after Ian died. It was enough to drive him batty, truth be known."

"And his brother's don't think he should have a connection to his uncle?"

The thought turned her blood to ice. "He's into black Magick."

"And how is that different?"

She studied him for a moment or two. "I thought you understood all this. You are the one who came looking for a witch.

"I never much paid attention to the different Magicks. I studied science myself."

The note of condescension in his voice didn't surprise her. So many people didn't want to believe in her abilities. Well, the abilities she had at one time. Of course, that never stopped them from coming to her when they needed her.

"There is a lot of bloody difference."

"Explain it to me."

It wasn't a question but an order. She could refuse and tell him to look it up on the damned computer, but she knew he wouldn't like that. And, there was so much information out there that was just wrong. Maggie also knew she needed him. For right now, she could play the teacher.

"I do—did—what many people call White Magick." Even saying the words sparked the fire inside her.

Angus frowned as he mulled over what she said. "But you stole things."

"The intent of the user isn't to be judged, but the forces one calls upon. I never went into the dark arts as many of my kind did. Of course, I understand in some cases."

"You understand why someone would sell their soul to have Magick?"

No she didn't. She could have done it easily when she had been left alone in Edinburgh, unable to cast even the simplest spell. Instead, for her soul and the soul of the child she was carrying, she had given her Magick up.

"What I meant is that for centuries we have been perceived as evil, as concubines for Satan. I know that some of my ancestors probably just gave up the winning of hearts and minds. If you are going to live your life being hunted for being something, you might as well enjoy the rewards."

"But you didn't. You stole yours."

"And thanks to that ability, you have come calling on me. Don't act like you are holier than thou, Mr. Lennon. You came to me."

He nodded in acknowledgement but didn’t apologize. "So, tell me how someone who dabbles in the darker side is different from someone like you."

"They are much more powerful, for one thing. Well, in the ability to conjure, they can definitely beat most white witches easily.  Most.”

“But not you?”

“Some can. Or I should say could.”

“You had something tonight. Something that helped you push that man out the window.”

She shrugged, still not sure what the stirring of power was within her. “I’ve no idea what that means.”

“Could you have saved your abilities if you had gone into the dark arts?”

“Yes, but there’s a price to be paid."

"And that would be?"

"Eternal damnation."

"Ah, and that is something you don't want."

She shook her head. She might have ruined her abilities years ago, but she would never accept Black Magick as a way to survive. She would rather be a boring human with no abilities than that.

"So, Dylan was into that. And he wants the boy."

Not completely true but she nodded. “Well, he wasn’t on the side of the Black Magick until right around the time of Ian’s death.”

“Could he have had something to do with it?”

She shook her head. “The O’Conners have a real sense of family. He would have never killed his brother.” For him…but he wouldn’t have killed Ian.

"And now he is after Jack. More to the point, Dylan would probably do anything to get him. Okay, we will get Fletcher on the issue."


"My cousin. He's head of our security and I am sure he can find something on Dylan."

"Be careful."

"Something you need to learn early on in this adventure is that it isn't easy to kill a Lennon."

Maggie hoped so because it was one thing she was counting on.


Chapter Seven


Callum turned off his mobile. He knew before turning around that Phoebe was awake.  The first rays of the sun were just peeking over Edinburgh, and there was barely a hum of activity in the house. Two years ago, he would have already been in the bath, shaving before his day of meetings and work.  He used to be a man who ran on schedules. Of course, that was before he met Phoebe.

He knew she was awake. They had been connected from the first moment he touched her. He turned to face her and felt his heart warm. She was mussed, sleepy and in his bed. He couldn’t think of any other way he wanted her.

“So, what did he say?” Phoebe asked as she slipped her glasses on. Lord, the woman was trying her best to turn his brain to mush. “Callum?”

He shook his head trying to clear it enough so he could tell her about Angus and his witch.

“Yes. Apparently there was a little problem. She had an intruder but I think there is more to it than that.”

She blinked. “You think that Angus killed someone?”

“Oh, no, but I believe this woman is coming with a little baggage from her past. Not to mention, she has a son.”

“From her husband?”

Callum nodded. “And they were both Magickal. You know it isn’t that often that two Magickal parents have children together.”

“Bloody hell, she must be so frightened.”

He sat on the bed beside her. “From the way Angus spoke of her, I doubt that.”

“Just because she doesn’t show it, doesn’t mean she’s not afraid, especially for her son.”

There was something in her tone that caught his attention. “What?”

She shook her head. “There’s a lot of lore about children like that. Sometimes, having two parents like that causes a sort of positive/negative effect.”

“Their powers cancel each other out?”

“Yes. But, then, there are the ones who do have powers and they can be…well…a little scary.” She pursed her lips and Callum could think of nothing else other than kissing her. “I think I will look some of that up today before they arrive.”

Callum wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. No matter how long he lived—and it could be a long time—he would never become accustomed to the fact that she was his.  “I think it can wait for a time, love.”

She sighed as she moved into his arms easily. He would worry about what was bothering her later.

*  *  *  *

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