Ann H (14 page)

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Authors: Unknown

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“I can’t move,” he panted against her

Diana couldn’t speak. She lay there, with
him lying on her backside, working to get her breathing under control.

“You get forty minutes,” Charlie said.
“Then go again.”

Brandon groaned and rolled off her, she
stayed put. “You okay?”

“I don’t want to do this in front of him,”
she whispered.

He touched her back and instantly she felt
a bit at ease. “I’m sorry if I was rough with you. This isn’t how a girl should
have her first time.”

Diana turned her head to look at him,
“How’d you know it was my first?”

Brandon got closer and she widened her
eyes, not
knowing what he might do.
“Just because it isn’t there doesn’t mean the body won’t tell.”

She lowered her eyes, “He had a doctor
break it,” she said low. “Said it would be in the way.”

“This Charlie guy is really fucked up,” he
sighed, lying back again. “He has one twisted idea of what pleasure is.”

“I heard my father say a few days before
Charlie showed up that he couldn’t get it up on the full moon and no one could
explain why. That the only way he could get any kind of relief was by watching

“Like I said—fucked up.”

“I don’t want to do it again for him.”
Once more she whispered, shivering with disgust.

He looked up. “I don’t think we will have
to.” She also looked up. The red moon was starting to disappear. “My heat is
over. Doubt any drug of his could make it come back.”

Diana jumped when the door flew open and
four men came inside. Two grabbed her and two took hold of him as well, jerking
them from the bed and out of the room. They went through a hallway and into a
bathroom where they were pushed inside and the door closed.

“Guess we are to clean up,” Brandon said,
looking around.

Diana hugged herself, also looking around.
She could feel Charlie’s eyes on them, but couldn’t pinpoint the where of them.

“You go first,” he said.

Diana quickly looked at him. Strangely enough,
she didn’t feel that comfortable at the moment stripping to nothing before him,
even though they just had sex.

“Together!” Charlie bellowed.

She jumped again, closing her eyes.

Brandon moved around her, turned the
shower on, and turned her toward it by guiding her with his hands on her
shoulders. “Relax,” he said low in her ear. “One more show and he’ll leave us
alone. Then I can work on getting us out of here.”

She shook her head, turning it slightly
towards him. “You don’t understand. There’s going to be another red moon.
You’ll be in heat again.”

“Not for him I won’t.” He took hold of her
thin nightie and pulled it up over her head. “Get in and I’ll make you forget
we’re being watched.”

She stepped in, hot water beat upon her
body, taking away stress and some of the knowledge that they were once more
being watched. She felt Brandon join her, stepping behind her.

“Close your eyes,” he said low in her ear.
“Close them and concentrate only on me.”

Brandon took the soap in hand, made up a
nice amount of lather, and began to rub his hands on her back, rubbing to ease
the tense muscles and to get rid of that nagging sensation of being watched.
Like her, he didn’t like being watched, but for the moment, he didn’t have much
of a choice.

“Just relax,” he told her again. “I’ll
take care of it all.”

* * * *

Charlie was just about to get off once
more with them in the shower, when his phone went off. Normally he wouldn’t
answer the damn thing, only this call and the number was his new business
partner, if one could call that cold-blooded fuck that.

He shut the monitor off, sighed, and fixed
his pants before picking up the phone. “This is an unexpected call.”

“The name you gave me is fake.” Charlie
thought he was going to be sick. Screwing around with this guy wasn’t something
he ever planned or wanted to do.

“I—I assure you that is the name he gave
me when we met.”

“I wasted time on this one, time that I
don’t have to waste. Payment is due and you will be the one to pay it.” The
phone went dead and Charlie began to sweat. This wasn’t good, not by a long
shot. Wiping his face, looking around his room he thought and thought fast.
Picking the phone back up, he dialed it. “I need help to get lost right now,
and I have pets.”












Brandon sat in the back of a van, his
wrists cuffed together in front of him, chains going from around his neck all
the way to his ankles. He looked and felt like one of those criminals you see
on TV with shackles and shit. Across from him, Diana, without any kind of chains,
since she wasn’t a threat like him and two men also joined them with guns in

Charlie moved them. Right after the
shower, towels were wrapped around their bodies and they were taken from the
bathroom. Clothes were tossed to them both, thin loose pajama pants for him and
a long nightgown for her. Nothing was said. They dressed fast, he got suited
with the chains, and both were shoved into the van. Where they were headed, he
had no clue.

Taking a glance out the back windows, he
saw the sun slowly rise. That gave him a full day before the next red moon, the
next show. He needed to think, needed to figure out a way they could get out of
this shit before the moon rose and changed again. He really didn’t want to do
another show for that sick fuck.

Hanging his head down and looking away
from the back window, Brandon looked back at Diana. Her face was white, the
fear he could smell. It filled up the van quickly, making him itchy to do
something to ease it.

Something black caught his eye. Brandon
turned again to the back doors, watching as a black truck quickly advanced
towards them. He sat up straighter, watched closely and when he saw a fast
glimpse of hair in the back, Brandon knew something major was about to happen.

Like watching a slow motion movie, someone
stood up from the back of the truck with a very large gun. Brandon moved fast.
He lunged at Diana, grabbed her, and protected her as best as he could. A shot
rang out; it landed right under the van, rocking it back and forth so damn hard
it tipped. Diana screamed right as it went over, flipping several times. He did
his best to take the blunt of the tumbling from her, but in the end, he was
thrown to the other side when it stopped.

He could hear the steal from the van, a
wheel still spinning and the groaning of the men inside with them. Brandon
didn’t think anything on him was broken, but he sure as shit hurt

Steal grinding against steal followed by
bright light blinding him. The back doors were pried open and heavy booted feet
came inside.

“Find the keys,” he heard a male say.

“Got-em,” another male said.

He heard the keys fly in the air, but
couldn’t see shit. Everything started to blurry.

Brandon groaned when a hand grabbed hold
of the chain, pulled his wrists up, and started to unlock them. “Get the girl,”
the same one who ordered the keys said. Brandon wanted to growl to not touch
her, but couldn’t. “Easy there Brandon. Everything’s going to be alright.”

He knew that voice and frowned, fighting
to keep his eyes open. “Thorn?”

“Yeah, that’s right.” The one around his
neck came off. “It’s me; now let’s get the hell out of here.”

He lost consciousness when Thorn picked
him up, slinging Brandon right over his wide shoulders.

* * * *

Thorn paced the small living room where he
was hiding out for the moment in a small town called Ponca. Very small, shifter
only town where in the old days males all around came for a Gathering in the
old ways. Now it held less than a thousand and the town people kept to

The bedroom door opened and out came the
local doctor, an old shifter that had seen many things and kept all the secrets
close to his heart.

“He okay?” Thorn asked him.

“Bruised mostly. Nothing broken.”

“And the girl?” Justice Vanderburg asked,
one of the few friends Thorn had and the man who helped Thorn to get Brandon

“The same,” the old doctor answered with a
nod. Slowly the old man went over to the sofa, taking a seat with a loud sigh.

“What do you know?” Thorn asked.

The old man’s face wrinkled, more than
ever. He frowned, looking down at the ground. “The rumors are true. A new Council
is being formed with many old families. They want things back the way they
were. Where they are doing this I haven’t heard.”

“What about the slave thing?” Justice

Justice’s family was one of the many old
families the doctor was talking about. Vanderburg had been around for a very
long time His grandfather was there, along with his father when the first
change to the Gathering happened, and just like many grandfathers, the man
didn’t like the change.

“I’ve heard many things,” the old man
said. “Things that have me locking my door for the first time in my old life. A
man has appeared and he is bent on destroying us all. Watch your back…” He
wiggled his finger at Thorn. “This man has come with death on his side.”

Thorn glanced at Justice who met his eye.
They said nothing. The doctor opened his bag and brought out two syringes.

“I brought what you asked for,” he said,
handing them to Thorn.

“Only two?” Thorn asked one eyebrow going
up as he took them.

“That boy in there won’t need it. He’s
mated, so it won’t work for him, not when she’s close.” He stood back up,
taking his bag with him. “It might not even help you either. I can smell it,
even if you can’t.” He turned and walked right out the front door.

“What’s he mean by that?” Justice asked.

“You don’t want to know.” Thorn turned
from Justice and headed for the bedroom.

Brandon laid on one side, the girl on the
other, both sleeping deeply. Closing the door, Thorn walked slowly up to the
bed, stopped next to it and looked down.

“Don’t stare, it’s rude,” Brandon said.

Thorn smiled. “Welcome back.”

Brandon opened his eyes and took a deep
breath. “What took you so damn long?”

“Had to wait for him to move you.”

“How’d you know he would?”

“Because the guy he’s working for just got
very bad information.”

Brandon looked at the girl, turned slowly
in the bed, and touched her face. “She’ll be sleeping for some time. Get
dressed and come into the other room. We have to talk.” He left him with some
clothes, went back to the front room, and took out some beer from the fridge. A
few minutes went by and then the door opened and out came Brandon in jeans,
shirt, no shoes looking like he got the shit beat out of him. “Brandon, this is
Justice Vanderburg,” Thorn said once they all sat down at the small table, beer
in hand. “You can trust him.”

Brandon gave Justice a quick nod before
giving his full attention to Thorn. “What happened to you?”

Thorn didn’t reply at first, but thought
about his own peril.


rode in the backseat of the car, he could smell another sitting next to him,
two more in the front and her scent still lingered all over him. Fuck him if he
couldn’t still feel her pussy tighten around his cock when she came. Damn her
to hell for not getting him off as well. His damn dick hurt like shit, needing
the release and getting none. That just plain and simple pissed him off.

where we taking this one?” one of the men in the front seat asked.

owner,” the one driving answered. “She said he did his thing, now time to make
some cash from him.”

next to him snickered. “I could have popped her daughter for her with no
trouble. She didn’t have to get a damn animal to do it.”

opened his eyes, a growl left his throat right before he head butted the one
next to him so hard the poor bastard ended up smashing the side of his face
into the window, busting it out.

the fuck!”The passenger turned and Thorn acted.

cuffed wrists, he wrapped his hands around his neck and twisted so fast the neck
snapped. Reaching over him, he grabbed the steering wheel, turned, and had the
car flipping out of control. The one and only guy left screamed like a girl.
Thorn used him to brace the tumble and cushion not only the fall but also the
crash. When the car finally stopped, he had to simply not move and make sure
everything was okay. All three of the men he was with weren’t so damn lucky.
All three were dead.

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