Anne Morrow Lindbergh: Her Life (91 page)

BOOK: Anne Morrow Lindbergh: Her Life
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AML, “Bare Tree,” in
The Unicorn and Other Poems
, p. 86.

Interview with Ernestine Stodell Chamberlain.

Reeve Lindbergh,
Under a Wing



Many thanks to the sources who generously granted the author permission to print unpublished material. An excerpt from a letter by Dwight Morrow Charles A. Lindbergh, 4 October 1927, in Dwight W. Morrow Papers (Series 1, Box 31, Folder 47), is published by permission of Archives and Special Collections, Amherst College Library. Excerpt from Alexis Carrel’s speech at Dartmouth on 10/11/37, “The Making of Civilized Men,” excerpts from a draft entitled “Memorandum as to a Proposed Center of Integrated Scientific Research,” and an excerpt from a letter by Alexis Carrel to Jim Newton, 10/24/39, are all printed by permission of the Georgetown University Library Special Collections Division. An excerpt from Alexis Carrel’s letter to Simon Flexner, 1/1/38, an excerpt from Thomas Debevoise’s letter to Alexis Carrel, 5/12/38, excerpt from E. B. Smith’s undated note, excerpts from Katherine Crutcher’s letter to R. B. Wolf, 9/11/44, and excerpts from a letter from Brigadier General T. Bentley Mott to Mr. Frederic Coudert, Sr., 12/10/44, all appear by permission of the Rockefeller Archive Center. Harold Nicolson’s letter to Vita Sackville-West, 2/14/35, appears by permission of Nigel Nicolson and the Lilly Library, Indiana University.

Permission to quote 247 words from Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s
Gift from the Sea
, Copyright © 1955, 1975, and 225 lines of poetry from
The Unicorn and Other Poems, 1935–1955
, Copyright © 1956, renewed 1984 by Anne Morrow Lindbergh, granted by Pantheon Books, A Division of Random House, Inc.

Photo Credits


Picture Research & Editing: Alexandra Truitt & Jerry Marshall Cover: UPI/Corbis-Bettmann


Leonard McCombe/
magazine © Time Inc.

Photographed by the author

Amherst College Archives and Special Collections, Amherst College Library

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Amherst College Archives and Special Collections, Amherst College Library

Brown Brothers

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

AP/Wide World Photos


Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library


Amherst College Archives and Special Collections, Amherst College Library

AP/Wide World Photos



Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Courtesy of the New Jersey State Police Museum and Learning Center Archives

AP/Wide World Photos

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library


Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Culver Pictures



Brown Brothers

Charles Despiau,
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
(1939), Bronze, 15

x 9” (39.4 x 20.4 x 22.9 cm), The Museum of Modern Art, New York, Gift of Colonel and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh. Photograph © 1999 The Museum of Modern Art, New York.


Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Photographed by the author

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

© Richard W. Brown

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Photo by Harry Webb, Minnesota Historical Society



Amherst College Archives and Special Collections, Amherst College Library

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Photo by David B. Edmonston, Minnesota Historical Society

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Corbis/Underwood & Underwood


Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Rinhart; George/Corbis-Bettmann

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library


Amherst College Archives and Special Collections, Amherst College Library

Culver Pictures

New York Times Co./Archive Photos

AP/Wide World Photos

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library


Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Roger-Viollet/Liaison Agency

Underwood & Underwood/Corbis-Bettmann

AP/Wide World Photos


Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Corbis/Underwood & Underwood

Culver Pictures

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library


AP/Wide World Photos






AP/Wide World Photos

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Ullstein Bilderdienst



Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library




Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library


Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

Photographed by the author

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

New York Times Pictures

U.S. Air Force Photo

Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library

© Richard W. Brown

Alden Whitman Papers, 1935–1986, Manuscripts and Archives Division, The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations

Alden Whitman Papers, 1935–1986. Manuscripts and Archives Division, The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations

Alden Whitman Papers, 1935–1986. Manuscripts and Archives Division, The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations

© Richard W. Brown

Photo by Robert E. Paulson, Used with the permission of the Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation

AP/Wide World Photos

AP/Wide World Photos


Dwight and Elizabeth Morrow, married twelve years and well ensconced in the New York and Englewood financial and social communities, posing with their children on the back lawn of their Palisades Avenue home, 1915. (Amherst College Archives and Special Collections, Amherst College Library)



Anne, unsmiling, dressed in ribbons and bows, possibly on her first birthday, with her grandmother, circa 1907. (Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library)



Charles Lindbergh with his father, Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr., a real estate lawyer elected as a Congressman to the 6th District of Minnesota in 1906, serving for ten years, circa 1912. (Photo by David B. Edmonston, Minnesota Historical Society)



A lighthearted Anne, age ten, smiles jauntily at the camera in a rare show of her mischievous side, Englewood, New Jersey, circa 1916. (Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library)



Anne as a teenager, serious and contemplative, too old to be carefree, too young to be adventurous. Recognized as a poet and an essayist at the Chapin School in New York City, Anne has a nuanced and penetrating eye, circa 1920. (Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library)



Anne spends a quiet summer afternoon reading on the back porch swing of the Morrows’ Palisades Avenue home in Englewood, circa 1916. (Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library)



The Morrow children – Elisabeth, Anne, Dwight Jr., and Constance – perfectly composed and lined in a row, circa 1920. (Corbis/Underwood & Underwood)



Elizabeth Morrow escorting her daughter Elisabeth to England on a passenger ship, circa 1926. Elisabeth has a flair for fashion and charade, easily hiding the painful effects of her heart disease from her family and friends



Anne Morrow, fall 1927, clowns with her friends in the first row as they pose for a class picture, soon to graduate from Smith College. (Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library)



Charles Lindbergh with his mother, Evangeline Lodge Land Lindbergh, posing for the press before takeoff for his transatlantic flight, May 1927. (Rinhart; George/Corbis-Bettmann)



Charles Lindbergh, after completing his second record-breaking flight, 2200 miles from Washington, D.C., strikes a sophisticated pose for the Morrow sisters, Elisabeth and Anne, on the grounds of the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City, December 1927. (Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library)

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