Another Chance (26 page)

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Authors: Sandra Cuppett

BOOK: Another Chance
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If they just
placed today, she’d be on cloud nine.  They wouldn’t have to work so hard
to create a market for their horses.  She smiled at Wolf and reached down
to touch his shoulder.  She just needed to touch him, to assure herself
that he was really there, that this wasn’t all a dream.  Then she sat up
and turned her attention back to the ring and the horse working the pattern
there.  When this class was over, she could tell him.  She was so
excited she could hardly believe it herself.  Just last night, while he
took care of Pride at the arena, she had slipped off to a pharmacy and
purchased a pregnancy test kit.  She’d missed one period completely and
was late for the second one.  Stopping by the motel, she’d gone into the
bathroom and performed the test and it had tested positive.  It took the
better part of an hour before she could control herself well enough to go back
to the show grounds.

The horse in
the arena ran a beautiful pattern, but coming out of the final spin, he’d
shifted his feet after he should have stopped.  That wasn’t good. 
Now there were just four more horses before her turn.  Leaning over to get
his attention, she mouthed, “I’m going into the warm up pen.”

nodded.  “I’ll come get you when the horse ahead of you enters the ring.”

Her head
bobbed.  She had warmed Pride up earlier, but she knew just jogging a bit
would help both of them relax.  The waiting to go in the arena was the
worst part.  Once they were there, they both knew their jobs and the
nerves would settle.  Jordan was so proud of Pride.  The mare was one
of the most willing horses she’d ever mounted.  She knew some of that was
due to Wolf’s gift.  Even when it was Jordan riding, he had been able to
help the mare understand what was necessary and the mare had given her very
best efforts to accomplish it.

When they
hauled the beautiful grullo mare to her first show, Jordan had been surprised
when Wolf pulled out a MP3 player, stuck it in his pocket and placed ear buds
in his ears.  He had grinned at her and shrugged.  “This will
interfere with any communication that might take place between me and the four
legged ones.”

He knew no one
but Jordan would ever know if he did communicate with Pride or any of the other
horses, but his sense of honor wouldn’t allow for even the possibility of
cheating.  She was so proud of him.

There was one
more rider in the warm up ring and they exchanged smiles as they passed. 
Jordan was content with a slow jog around the pen, keeping her eyes on the gate
so she didn’t miss Wolf when he came for her.

“Just do your
best, Girl,” she whispered to Pride when she finally spotted him and turned the
mare toward the gate.  Yes, she admitted to herself, she truly did want to
win, but placing would be wonderful.  They had already booked Pride’s
breeding to a stallion that had sired some of the best reining horses in the
country, and when this show was over, they would drop her off at the farm for
breeding on their way home to Florida.

It was a good
time for them both to carry their babies.

Wolf walked
beside them as they approached the gate through which they would enter the

concentrated on him and leaned over to get his attention.  “I love you,”
she mouthed to him.

He nodded and
smiled at her.  “And I you.  I can’t wait to get back home.”

“Me too,” she
sighed.  A loud clapping announced that the other horse was leaving the
arena and she sat up and drew in a deep breath.

His hand
squeezed her leg.  “It’s no big deal, just relax and enjoy it.”  He
gave Bhrandii a hand signal to stay seated.  If allowed, the big dog would
follow Jordan into the arena and through the entire reining pattern.

She nodded and
pasted a smile on her face as the ring steward opened the gate for her. 
Jordan turned her horse toward the opening and lifted one hand, one finger
pointing up toward Heaven.  “In Your name, Thy will be done,” she
whispered as Pride walked with relaxed confidence into the arena.


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